
[Caml-list] Call for Papers: FORMALISE 2025

Call for Papers: FORMALISE 2025
13th International Conference on Formal Methods in Software Engineering

27 and 28 April, 2025

  co-located withICSE2025 (April 27-May 3, 2025), Ottawa, Canada



Historically, formal methods academic research and practical software development have had limited mutual interactions — except possibly in specialized domains such as safety-critical software. In recent times, the outlook has considerably improved: on the one hand, formal methods research has delivered more flexible techniques and tools that can support various aspects of the software development process: from user requirements elicitation, to design, implementation, verification and validation, as well as the creation of documentation. On the other hand, software engineering has developed a growing interest in rigorous techniques applied at scale.

The FormaliSE conference series promotes work at the intersection of the formal methods and software engineering communities, providing a venue to exchange ideas, experiences, techniques, and results. We believe more collaboration between these two communities can be mutually beneficial by fostering the creation of formal methods that are practically useful and by helping develop higher-quality software.

Originally a workshop event, since 2018 FormaliSE has been organized as a conference co-located with ICSE. The 13th edition of FormaliSE will also take place as a co-located conference of ICSE 2025.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • requirements formalization and formal specification;

  • approaches, methods and tools for verification and validation;

  • formal approaches to safety and security related issues;

  • analysis of performance and other non-functional properties based on formal approaches;

  • scalability of formal method applications

  • integration of formal methods within the software development lifecycle (e.g., change management, continuous integration, regression testing, and deployment)

  • model-based engineering approaches;

  • correctness-by-construction approaches for software and systems engineering;

  • application of formal methods to specific domains, e.g., autonomous, cyber-physical, intelligent, and IoT systems;

  • formal methods for AI-based systems (FM4AI), and AI applied in formal method approaches (AI4FM);

  • formal methods in a certification context

  • case studies developed/analyzed with formal approaches

  • experience reports on the application of formal methods to real-world problems;

  • guidelines to use formal methods in practice;

  • usability of formal methods.

Important dates:

  • Abstracts due: 11 November 2024

  • Submissions: 18 November 2024

  • Notifications: 13 January 2025

  • Camera ready copies: 5 February 2025

  • FormaliSE conference: 27-28 April 2025

Paper submission guidelines
We accept papers in three categories:

  • Full research papers describing original research work and results. We encourage authors to include validation of their contributions by means of a case study or experiments.  We also welcome research papers focusing on tools and tool development.

  • Case study papers discussing a significant application that suggests general lessons learned and motivates further research, or empirically validates theoretical results (such as a technique's scalability).

  • Research ideas papers describing new ideas in preliminary form, in a way that can stimulate interesting discussions at the conference, and suggest future work.

All papers submitted to the FormaliSE 2025 conference must be written in English, must be unpublished original work, and must not be under review or submitted elsewhere at the time of submission. Submissions must comply with the FormaliSE's lightweight double-anonymous review process (see below).

Full research papers and case study papers can take up to 10 pages including all text, figures, tables and appendices, but excluding references. Research ideas papers can take up to 4 pages, plus up to 1 additional page solely for references.

To avoid that authors waste time fitting their papers into the stated limit at the expense of presentation clarity, paper lengths slightly exceeding the stated limit will still be considered, provided that the reviewers find that the presentation is of high quality.

All submissions must be in PDF format and must conform to the IEEE conference proceedings template, specified in the IEEE Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (i.e., title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type): https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html 

In LaTeX, use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf options. 

To submit a paper to FormaliSE 2025 use thisHotCRP link: https://formalise25.hotcrp.com/

Lightweight Double-Blind Review Process for Papers
As in recent editions, FormaliSE 2025 will use a lightweight double-anonymous process. Authors must omit their names and institutions from the title page, cite their own work in the third person, and omit acknowledgments that may reveal their identity or affiliation. The purpose is reducing chances of reviewer bias influenced by the authors' identities. The double-anonymous process is, however, lightweight, which means that it should not pose a heavy burden for authors, nor should make a paper's presentation weaker or more difficult to review. Also, advertising the paper as part of your usual research activities (for example, on your personal web-page, in a pre-print archive, by email, in talks or discussions with colleagues) is permitted without penalties.

Paper selection
Each paper will be reviewed by at least three program committee members that will judge its overall quality in terms of its soundness, significance, novelty, verifiability, and presentation clarity.

FormaliSE 2025 will adopt a lightweight response process: if all the reviewers of a given paper agree that a clarification from the authors regarding a specific question could move the paper from "borderline" to "accept", the chairs will relay the reviewers' questions to the authors by email, and then share their reply with the reviewers in HotCRP. The goal of lightweight responses is reducing the chance of  random decisions on  borderline papers. Hence, they will only be used for a minority of submissions; most papers will not require such an author response. Nevertheless, we would ask the corresponding authors of all submissions to make sure that they are available to answer questions by email upon request.

Artifact Evaluation
Reproducibility of experimental results is crucial to foster an atmosphere of trustworthy, open, and reusable research. To improve and reward reproducibility, FormaliSE 2025 continues its Artifact Evaluation (AE) procedure. An artifact is any additional material (software, data sets, machine-checkable proofs, etc.) that substantiates the claims made in the paper and ideally makes them fully reproducible.

Submission of an artifact is optional but encouraged for all papers where it can support the results presented in the paper. Artifact review is single-anonymous (the paper corresponding to an artifact must still follow the double-anonymous submissions requirements) and will be conducted concurrently with the paper reviewing process. Artifacts will be handled by a separate Artifact Evaluation Committee, and the Artifact Evaluation process will be set up such that the anonymization of the corresponding papers will not be compromised. Accepted papers with a successfully evaluated artefact will be awarded the [EAPLS badges (https://eapls.org/pages/artifact_badges/) that apply (among "Functional", "Reusable", and "Available"). Awarded badges are to be added to the camera-ready version of the paper.

Artifacts will be assessed with respect to their consistency with the results presented in the paper, their completeness, their documentation, and their ease of use. The Artifact Evaluation will include an initial check for technical issues; authors of artifacts may be contacted by email within the first two weeks after artifact submission to help resolve any technical problems that prevent the evaluation of an artifact if necessary.

The results of an artifact evaluation will not be available to the reviewers of the corresponding paper; hence, they will not affect the paper's acceptance decision. However, reviewers will know whether a paper has submitted *any* artifacts; this piece of information may be taken into account to decide whether the paper should be accepted. Thus, if there are justifiable reasons why a paper's artifacts cannot be submitted, they should be pointed out in the paper so that the reviewers can appreciate them and adjust their expectations accordingly.

Detailed guidelines for preparation and submission of artifacts will be described in a dedicated page inFormaliSE 2025's website.

All accepted papers are published as part of the ICSE 2025 Proceedings in the ACM and IEEE Digital Libraries.

At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for the conference and present the paper at the conference — physically or, if the circumstances do not allow so, virtually. Failure to register an author will result in a paper being removed from the proceedings.

General Chairs

  • Stefania Gnesi, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Italy

  • Nico Plat, Thanos, The Netherlands

Program Chairs

  • Anastasia Mavridou, KBR / NASA Ames Research Center, USA

  • Gwen Salaün, University Grenoble Alpes, France

Artifact Evaluation Chairs

  • Ákos Hajdu, Meta, UK

  • Lina Marsso, University of Toronto, Canada

Social Media Chair

  • Quentin Nivon, University Grenoble Alpes, France

Program committee

  • Bernhard Aichernig, TU Graz, Austria

  • Toshiaki Aoki, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan 

  • Kyungmin Bae, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea 

  • Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg 

  • Simon Bliudze, INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, France

  • Giovanna Broccia, ISTI - CNR, Italy

  • Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK 

  • Pablo Castro, National University of Rio Cuarto, Argentina 

  • Zhenbang Chen, NUDT, China

  • Nancy Day, University of Waterloo, Canada

  • Francisco Durán, University of Málaga, Spain

  • Marie Farrell, University of Manchester, UK 

  • Carlo A. Furia, USI Lugano, Switzerland   

  • Fatemeh Ghassemi, University of Tehran, Iran 

  • Divya Gopinath, KBR/ NASA Ames Research Center, USA 

  • Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc, Concordia University, Canada

  • Paula Herber, University of Münster, Germany 

  • Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, The Netherlands 

  • Fuyuki Ishikawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan 

  • Xiaoqing Jin, Apple Inc., USA

  • Violet Ka I Pun, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

  • Oleksandr Kolchyn, Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Ukraine 

  • Antónia Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal 

  • Larissa Meinicke, University of Queensland, Australia 

  • Camilo Rocha, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia

  • Cristina Seceleanu, Mälardalen University, Sweden 

  • Arpit Sharma, EECS Department, IISER Bhopal, India 

  • Allison Sullivan, University of Texas, Arlington, USA

  • Heike Wehrheim, University of Oldenburg, Germany 


[Caml-list] IFL 2024, final call for participation/registration

IFL 2024

36rd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

venue: Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
August 26 - 28 2024



### Scope

The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively
engaged in the implementation and application of functional and
function-based programming languages. IFL 2024 will be a venue for
researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in
progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.

### Industrial track and topics of interest

Topics of interest to IFL include, but are not limited to:

- language concepts
- type systems, type checking, type inferencing
- compilation techniques
- staged compilation
- run-time function specialisation
- run-time code generation
- partial evaluation
- (abstract) interpretation
- meta-programming
- generic programming
- automatic program generation
- array processing
- concurrent/parallel programming
- concurrent/parallel program execution
- embedded systems
- web applications
- (embedded) domain specific languages
- security
- novel memory management techniques
- run-time profiling performance measurements
- debugging and tracing
- virtual/abstract machine architectures
- validation, verification of functional programs
- tools and programming techniques

### Peer-review process

Following IFL tradition, IFL 2024 will use a post-symposium review
process to produce the formal proceedings.

Before the symposium authors submit draft papers. These draft papers
will be screened by the program chairs to make sure that they are within
the scope of IFL. The draft papers will be made available to all
participants at the symposium. Each draft paper is presented by one of
the authors at the symposium.

After the symposium, a formal review process will take place, conducted
by the program committee. Reviewing is single blind. There will be at
least 3 reviews per paper. The reviewers have 6 weeks to write their
reviews. For the camera-ready version the authors can make minor
revisions which are accepted without further reviewing.

### Important dates

Submission deadline of draft papers August 6th, 2024 EXTENDED
Notification of acceptance for presentation August 6th, 2024
Registration deadline August 19th, 2024
IFL symposium August 26-28, 2024
Submission of papers for proceedings December 1st, 2024
Notification of acceptance February 2nd, 2025
Camera-ready version March 2nd, 2025

### Submission details

All contributions must be written in English. Papers must use the ACM
two columns conference format, which can be found at:


Submit your paper here:


Register here:


Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model
ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International
Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are
not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be
required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS
article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be
applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here:

Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows:
- Full details of the new ICPS publishing model:
- Full details of the ACM Open program:
- Please direct all questions about the new model to icps-info@acm.org.

### Peter Landin Prize

The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the
symposium every year. The honoured article is selected by the program
committee based on the submissions received for the formal review
process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to 150 Euros.

### Organisation

PC Chairs:
Mart Lubbers Radboud University, The Netherlands

Local Chairs:
Peter Achten Radboud University, The Netherlands
Sven-Bodo Scholz, Radboud University, The Netherlands

### Program committee:

Benoît Montagu, University of Lorraine, Inria, France
Christos Dimoulas, Northwestern University, USA
Edsko de Vries, Well-typed, The Netherlands
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ian Mackie, University of Sussex, UK
Jason Hemann, Seton Hall University, USA
João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Jurriaan Hage, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Maja Kirkeby, Roskilde University, Denmark
Marco Morazán, Seton Hall University, USA
Neil Mitchell, Facebook, UK
Ralf Laemmel, University of Koblenz Landau, Germany
Rinus Plasmeijer, TOP Software/Radboud University, The Netherlands
Stephen Chang, UMass Boston, USA
Tim Steenvoorden, Open University, The Netherlands
Tom Schrijvers, KU Leuven, Belgium
Yusuf Moosa Motara, Rhodes University, South Africa

### Venue

IFL 2024 will be held physically in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. See the
website for more information.


### Acknowledgments

This call-for-papers is an adaptation and evolution of content from
previous instances of IFL. We are grateful to prior organisers for their
work, which is reused here.


[Caml-list] IFL 2024 Final call for papers, extended submission deadline.

IFL 2024

36rd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

venue: Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
August 26 - 28 2024



### Scope

The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively
engaged in the implementation and application of functional and
function-based programming languages. IFL 2024 will be a venue for
researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in
progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.

### Industrial track and topics of interest

Topics of interest to IFL include, but are not limited to:

- language concepts
- type systems, type checking, type inferencing
- compilation techniques
- staged compilation
- run-time function specialisation
- run-time code generation
- partial evaluation
- (abstract) interpretation
- meta-programming
- generic programming
- automatic program generation
- array processing
- concurrent/parallel programming
- concurrent/parallel program execution
- embedded systems
- web applications
- (embedded) domain specific languages
- security
- novel memory management techniques
- run-time profiling performance measurements
- debugging and tracing
- virtual/abstract machine architectures
- validation, verification of functional programs
- tools and programming techniques

### Peer-review process

Following IFL tradition, IFL 2024 will use a post-symposium review
process to produce the formal proceedings.

Before the symposium authors submit draft papers. These draft papers
will be screened by the program chairs to make sure that they are within
the scope of IFL. The draft papers will be made available to all
participants at the symposium. Each draft paper is presented by one of
the authors at the symposium.

After the symposium, a formal review process will take place, conducted
by the program committee. Reviewing is single blind. There will be at
least 3 reviews per paper. The reviewers have 6 weeks to write their
reviews. For the camera-ready version the authors can make minor
revisions which are accepted without further reviewing.

### Important dates

Submission deadline of draft papers August 6th, 2024 EXTENDED
Notification of acceptance for presentation August 6th, 2024
Registration deadline August 19th, 2024
IFL symposium August 26-28, 2024
Submission of papers for proceedings December 1st, 2024
Notification of acceptance February 2nd, 2025
Camera-ready version March 2nd, 2025

### Submission details

All contributions must be written in English. Papers must use the ACM
two columns conference format, which can be found at:


Submit your paper here:


Register here:


Important note to authors about the new ACM open access publishing model
ACM has introduced a new open access publishing model for the International
Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS). Authors based at institutions that are
not yet part of the ACM Open program and do not qualify for a waiver will be
required to pay an article processing charge (APC) to publish their ICPS
article in the ACM Digital Library. To determine whether or not an APC will be
applicable to your article, please follow the detailed guidance here:

Further information may be found on the ACM website, as follows:
- Full details of the new ICPS publishing model:
- Full details of the ACM Open program:
- Please direct all questions about the new model to icps-info@acm.org.

### Peter Landin Prize

The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the
symposium every year. The honoured article is selected by the program
committee based on the submissions received for the formal review
process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to 150 Euros.

### Organisation

PC Chairs:
Mart Lubbers Radboud University, The Netherlands

Local Chairs:
Peter Achten Radboud University, The Netherlands
Sven-Bodo Scholz, Radboud University, The Netherlands

### Program committee:

Benoît Montagu, University of Lorraine, Inria, France
Christos Dimoulas, Northwestern University, USA
Edsko de Vries, Well-typed, The Netherlands
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ian Mackie, University of Sussex, UK
Jason Hemann, Seton Hall University, USA
João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Jurriaan Hage, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Maja Kirkeby, Roskilde University, Denmark
Marco Morazán, Seton Hall University, USA
Neil Mitchell, Facebook, UK
Ralf Laemmel, University of Koblenz Landau, Germany
Rinus Plasmeijer, TOP Software/Radboud University, The Netherlands
Stephen Chang, UMass Boston, USA
Tim Steenvoorden, Open University, The Netherlands
Tom Schrijvers, KU Leuven, Belgium
Yusuf Moosa Motara, Rhodes University, South Africa

### Venue

IFL 2024 will be held physically in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. See the
website for more information.


### Acknowledgments

This call-for-papers is an adaptation and evolution of content from
previous instances of IFL. We are grateful to prior organisers for their
work, which is reused here.


[Caml-list] Call for Participation, Functional Software Architecture (Sep 6, Milan)



The Second ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Functional Software Architecture - FP in the Large

6th September 2024, Milan, Italy
Co-located with ICFP 2024




The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional Software Architecture - FP
in the Large aims to disseminate and enable the use of functional
programming in the large and long-lived software projects.

We specifically want:

- To assemble a community interested in software architecture
techniques and technologies specific to functional programming;

- To identify, categorize, and document topics relevant to
the field of functional software architecture;

- To connect the functional programming community to the software
architecture community to cross-pollinate between the two.

We'd love for you to be part of this effort. Whatever your
background, you're welcome at FUNARCH - to listen to talks, report
on your experience, and interact with others that share our goals.

See you at FUNARCH!


You can register for the workshop via the registration page for
the ICFP conference, but there's no need to also register for
the conference. Reduced fees are available until 5th August.


Architecting Functional Programs
Marco Sampellegrini


F3: A Compiler For Feature Engineering
Weixi Ma, Arnaud Venet, Junhua Gu, Subbu Subramanian, Siyu Wang, Rocky Liu (Meta)
Daniel Friedman, Yafei Yang (Indiana University)

Design and implementation of a verified interpreter for additive manufacturing programs
Matthew Sottile, Mohit Tekriwal (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Applying Continuous Formal Methods to Cardano
James Chapman, Arnaud Bailly, Polina Vinogradova (IOHK)

Continuations: what have they ever done for us?
Marc Kaufmann (Austriae Central European University), Bogdan Popa

Bidirectional Data Transformations
Marcus Crestani, Markus Schlegel, Marco Schneider (Active Group)


Mike Sperber (Active Group, Germany)
Perdita Stevens (University of Edinburgh, UK)


Annette Bieniusa (University of Kaiserslautern)
Jeffrey Young (IOG)
Will Crichton (Brown University)
Isabella Stilkerich (Schaeffler Technologies AG)
Kiko Fernandez-Reyes (Ericsson)
Ryan Scott (Galois)
Satnam Singh (Groq)
Facundo Dominguez (Tweag)
Ilya Sergey (University of Singapore)
Martin Elsman (University of Copenhagen)
Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
Matthew Flatt (University of Utah)
Nada Amin (Harvard University)
Richard Eisenberg (Jane Street)


The workshop will be co-located with the ICFP 2024 conference at
the Milano Convention Centre, Milan, Italy.



[Caml-list] POPL 2025: Final Call for Workshops and Co-located Events (July 26 AOE)


                    POPL 2025

      52nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT  Symposium on
      Principles of Programming Languages

         Sun 19 - Sat 25, January 2025
           Denver, Colorado, United States


The 52nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2025) will be held in Denver, Colorado, United States.

POPL provides a forum for the discussion of fundamental principles and important innovations in the design, definition, analysis, transformation, implementation and verification of programming languages, programming systems, and programming abstractions.

Events focusing on experimental and theoretical topics are welcome.

Proposals are invited for workshops and other events to be co-located with POPL 2025. All co-located events are sponsored by SIGPLAN (http://acm.org/sigplan/).

Workshops should be more informal and focused than POPL itself, and include sessions that enable interaction among the workshop attendees. The preference is for one-day workshops, but other schedules can also be considered.


Submission details

Deadline for submission: 26 July 2024

Notification of acceptance: 2 August 2024

A workshop proposal should provide the following information:

* Name of the workshop.
* Duration of the workshop.
* Whether the workshop will be Conference-approved or SIGPLAN-approved (see below).
* Organizers: names, affiliation, contact information, brief (100 words) biography.
* A short description (150-200 words) of the topic.
* Event format: workshop; type of submissions if any; review process; results dissemination.
* Expected attendance and target audience.
* Potential PC members - please do not contact them before the workshop is approved.
* History of the workshop.
* Plans for remote participation

Proposals must be submitted in PDF form by email with the subject POPL 2025 Workshop Proposal: [workshop name], to the workshop co-chairs: Christoph Matheja (chmat@dtu.dk) and Robert Rand (rand@uchicago.edu).


SIGPLAN Sponsorship

POPL co-located events are sponsored by SIGPLAN (http://sigplan.org/). There are two kinds of co-located events: Conference-approved (no proceedings) and SIGPLAN-approved (proceedings in the ACM Digital Library). See http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Guidelines/Workshops/ for more information, including a full listing of prescriptions for Conference-approved and SIGPLAN-approved workshops.

SIGPLAN-approved workshops must respect the SIGPLAN Diversity Policy. Proposals for SIGPLAN-approved workshops must additionally include the gender, country of affiliation, and professional status of potential PC members. See https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Diversity/ for more details.


Selection committee

All submissions will be evaluated by a committee comprising the workshops co-chairs, the general chair, and the program chair.


Further information

Any questions regarding POPL 2025 co-located event proposals should be addressed to the workshops chairs Christoph Matheja (chmat@dtu.dk) and Robert Rand (rand@uchicago.edu).


[Caml-list] IFL 2024: Second Call for Papers

IFL 2024

36rd Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

venue: Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
August 26 - 28 2024



### Scope

The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively
engaged in the implementation and application of functional and
function-based programming languages. IFL 2024 will be a venue for
researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in
progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.

### Industrial track and topics of interest

Topics of interest to IFL include, but are not limited to:

- language concepts
- type systems, type checking, type inferencing
- compilation techniques
- staged compilation
- run-time function specialisation
- run-time code generation
- partial evaluation
- (abstract) interpretation
- meta-programming
- generic programming
- automatic program generation
- array processing
- concurrent/parallel programming
- concurrent/parallel program execution
- embedded systems
- web applications
- (embedded) domain specific languages
- security
- novel memory management techniques
- run-time profiling performance measurements
- debugging and tracing
- virtual/abstract machine architectures
- validation, verification of functional programs
- tools and programming techniques

### Peer-review process

Following IFL tradition, IFL 2024 will use a post-symposium review
process to produce the formal proceedings.

Before the symposium authors submit draft papers. These draft papers
will be screened by the program chairs to make sure that they are within
the scope of IFL. The draft papers will be made available to all
participants at the symposium. Each draft paper is presented by one of
the authors at the symposium.

After the symposium, a formal review process will take place, conducted
by the program committee. Reviewing is single blind. There will be at
least 3 reviews per paper. The reviewers have 6 weeks to write their
reviews. For the camera-ready version the authors can make minor
revisions which are accepted without further reviewing.

### Important dates

Submission deadline of draft papers August 4th, 2024
Notification of acceptance for presentation August 6th, 2024
Early registration deadline August 11th, 2024
Late registration deadline August 21th, 2024
IFL symposium August 26-28, 2024
Submission of papers for proceedings December 1st, 2024
Notification of acceptance February 2nd, 2025
Camera-ready version March 2nd, 2025

### Submission details and Registration

All contributions must be written in English. Papers must use the ACM
two columns conference format, which can be found at:


Submit your paper here:




### Peter Landin Prize

The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the
symposium every year. The honoured article is selected by the program
committee based on the submissions received for the formal review
process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to 150 Euros.

### Organisation

PC Chairs:
Mart Lubbers Radboud University, The Netherlands

Local Chairs:
Peter Achten Radboud University, The Netherlands
Sven-Bodo Scholz, Radboud University, The Netherlands

### Program committee:

Benoît Montagu, University of Lorraine, Inria, France
Christos Dimoulas, Northwestern University, USA
Edsko de Vries, Well-typed, The Netherlands
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ian Mackie, University of Sussex, UK
Jason Hemann, Seton Hall University, USA
João Saraiva, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Jurriaan Hage, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Kenichi Asai, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Maja Kirkeby, Roskilde University, Denmark
Marco Morazán, Seton Hall University, USA
Neil Mitchell, Facebook, UK
Ralf Laemmel, University of Koblenz Landau, Germany
Rinus Plasmeijer, TOP Software/Radboud University, The Netherlands
Stephen Chang, UMass Boston, USA
Tim Steenvoorden, Open University, The Netherlands
Tom Schrijvers, KU Leuven, Belgium
Yusuf Moosa Motara, Rhodes University, South Africa

### Venue

IFL 2024 will be held physically in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. See the
website for more information.


### Acknowledgments

This call-for-papers is an adaptation and evolution of content from
previous instances of IFL. We are grateful to prior organisers for their
work, which is reused here.


[Caml-list] UNIF 2024 - Call for Participation

[Apologies for multiple copies]

The 38th International Workshop on Unification
             Nancy, France, July 2, 2024
A satellite workshop of CADE/IJCAR, affiliated with IJCAR

Website: https://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/unif2024

* The International Workshop on Unification (UNIF) is a yearly forum
  devoted to unification theory and its applications. Unification is
  concerned with the problem of making two given terms equal, either
  syntactically or modulo an equational theory. It is a fundamental
  process used in various areas of computer science, including automated
  reasoning, term rewriting, logic programming, natural language
  processing, program analysis, knowledge representation, types, etc.

* A non-exhaustive list of topics of interest includes: syntactic and
  equational unification algorithms; matching and constraint solving;
  higher-order unification; unification in modal, temporal, and
  description logics; admissibility of inference rules; narrowing;
  disunification; anti-unification; complexity issues; combination
  methods; implementation techniques; applications.

* Invited speakers: George Metcalfe (University of Bern), Daniele
  Nantes-Sobrinho (Universidade de Brasília, Imperial College London)

* The details of the invited talks, list of accepted contributions and
  the schedule of technical program are available on the webpage.

* Registration: visit the IJCAR registration webpage at:
  (registration possible until June 24)