
[Caml-list] ECOOP 2008 Call for Papers

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this e-mail.]

European Conference on Object Oriented Programming
July 7 - 11, 2008, Paphos, Cyprus.



The ECOOP 2008 conference invites high quality papers presenting
research results or experience in all areas relevant to object
technology, including work that takes inspiration from or builds
connections to areas not commonly considered object-oriented. ECOOP
wishes to embrace a broad range of topics, so the following list of
suggested topics is by no means exclusive.

* Analysis, design methods and design patterns
* Concurrent, real-time or parallel systems
* Databases, persistence and transactions
* Distributed and mobile systems
* Frameworks, product lines and software architectures
* Language design and implementation
* Testing and metrics
* Programming environments and tools
* Theoretical foundations, type systems, formal methods
* Versioning, compatibility, software evolution
* Aspects, Components, Modularity, Reflection
* Collaboration, Workflow

Research papers should advance the current state of the art. Many
different research methods can be applied, e.g., both experimentally
based work and mathematical results are welcome. Experience papers
should describe novel insight gained from the practical application of
object technology, in such a way that it is of interest to a broad
group of researchers and practitioners.

The program committee will evaluate each contributed paper according
to the following groups of criteria: relevance; originality and
significance; precision and correctness; and presentation and clarity.
The importance of each group of criteria depends on the nature of the
paper in question.


Papers must be written in English, and be no longer than 25 pages,
including references, appendices and figures. For more information about
formatting please consult the Springer LNCS web site at


Submission of papers: December 19, 2007
Author notification: March 3, 2008
Camera ready version: May 5, 2008
Conference: July 7 - 11, 2008


Jan Vitek, Purdue, US (Chair)

Elisa Baniassad, Chinese University of Hong Kong, HK
Gavin Bierman, Microsoft Research, UK
Alex Buckley, Sun Microsystems, US
William Cook, University of Texas at Austin, US
Susan Eisenbach, Imperial College, UK
Manuel Fahndrich, Microsoft Research, US
Pascal Felber, University of Neuchatel, CH
Robby Findler, University of Chicago, US
Kathleen Fisher, ATT Research, US
Jeff Foster, University of Maryland, College Park, US
Michael Haupt, Hasso Plattner Institute, DE
Matthias Hauswirth, University of Lugano, CH
Gorel Hedin, Lund University, SE
Richard Jones, University of Kent, UK
Doug Lea, State University of New York at Oswego, US
Ondrej Lhotak, University of Waterloo, CA
Todd Millstein, University of California Los Angeles, US
James Noble, Victoria University, NZ
Nathaniel Nystrom, IBM Research, US
Manuel Oriol, ETH Zurich, CH
Erez Petrank, Technion and Microsoft Research, IL
Frantisek Plasil, Charles University, CZ
Awais Rashid, Lancaster University, UK
Michael I. Schwartzbach, University of Aarhus, DK
Jeremy G. Siek, University of Colorado at Boulder, US
Mario Sudholt, EMN-INRIA, LINA, FR
Peter Theimann, Universtiaet Freiburg, DE
Frank Tip, IBM Research, US
Eelco Visser, Delft University of Technology, NL
Tobias Wrigstad, Stockholm University, SE
Roel Wuyts, IMEC and KULeuven, BE

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[Caml-list] FMOODS 2008: 1st call for papers

Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this e-mail.



10th IFIP International Conference on
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems

Oslo, Norway 4 - 6 June 2008

Abstract submission: 8 January 2008
Paper submission: 15 January 2008
Author notification: 7 March 2008
Camera-ready copy: 26 March 2008



The 10th IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open
Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS) is part of the federated
conferences DisCoTec (Distributed Computing Techniques), together with
the 10th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages
(COORDINATION) and the 8th IFIP International Conference on Distributed
Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS). It will be organised by
the Department of Computer Science of the University of Oslo, Norway.


Established in 1996, the FMOODS series of conferences aims to provide
an integrated forum for research on formal aspects of Open Object-based
Distributed Systems. The conference will especially welcome novel
contributions reflecting recent developments in the area, in particular
component- and model-based design, service-oriented computing and
software quality. Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

- Semantics and implementation of object-oriented programming and
(visual) modelling languages
- Formal techniques for specification, design, analysis, verification,
validation and testing
- Model checking, theorem proving and deductive verification
- Type systems and behavioural typing
- Formal methods for service-oriented computing
- Formal techniques for security and trust in global computing
- Formalization of runtime system evolution (e.g. dynamic updates,
- Multiple viewpoint modelling and consistency between different views
- Model transformations and refactorings
- Integration of quality of service requirements into formal models
- Formal approaches to component-based design
- Applications of formal methods (e.g. web services, multimedia,
- Experience reports on best practices and tools

Andrew Myers, Cornell University, USA


General chair:
Frank Eliassen, University of Oslo, Norway
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway

PC chairs:
Gilles Barthe, INRIA Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée , France
Frank de Boer, CWI, The Netherlands

Publicity Chair:
Marcello Bonsangue, University of Leiden, The Netherlands

Steering Committee:
Marcello Bonsangue, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
John Derrick, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Roberto Gorrieri, University of Bologna, Italy
Elie Najm, ENST, France
Martin Steffen, University of Oslo, Norway
Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA
Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn, Germany
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy

Program Committee :
Bernhard K. Aichernig, Technical University of Graz, Austria
Marcello Bonsangue, University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Paulo Borba, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway
Dave Clarke, CWI, The Netherlands
John Derrick, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Sophia Drossopoulou, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Seif Haridi, SICS/KTH, Sweden
Reiner Haehnle, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
John Hatcliff, Kansas State University, USA
Peter Gorm Larsen, Engineering College of Aarhus, Denmark
Antonia Lopes, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Peter Mueller, ETH/Microsoft, USA
Elie Najm, ENST, Paris, France
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Uwe Nestmann, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Frank Piessens, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Antonio Ravara, Technical University Lisbon, Portugal
Arend Rensink, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Martin Steffen, University of Oslo, Norway
Carolyn Talcott, SRI International, USA
Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn, Germany
Elena Zucca, University of Genova, Italy


8 January 2008: Abstract submission
15 January 2008: Paper submission
7 March 2008: Author notification
26 March 2008: Camera-ready copy

4-6 June 2008: FMOODS 2007


The FMOODS 2008 conference solicits high quality papers reporting
research results and/or experience reports related to the topics
mentioned above. All papers must be original, unpublished, and not
submitted for publication elsewhere. Contributions should be submitted
electronically as postscript or PDF, using the SPRINGER LNCS style.
Papers should not exceed 15 pages in length. Each paper will undergo
a thorough process of review and the conference proceedings will be
published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. Proceedings will
be made available at the conference.

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[Caml-list] FLOPS 2008 second Call for Papers

[We apologize for the multiple postings of this announce]


Ninth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
(FLOPS 2008)
April 14-16, 2008
Ise, Japan

Submission deadline: October 10, 2007
Keynotes: Peter Dybjer, Naoki Kobayashi, and Torsten Schaub


FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
two paradigms. Previous FLOPS meetings were held in Fuji Susono
(1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
(2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), and Fuji Susono (2006).


FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
programming, including (but not limited to):

Declarative Pearls: new and excellent declarative programs with
illustrative applications;

Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed

Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
type theory, proof systems;

Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,

Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical
user interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal
methods and model checking.

The proceedings are expected to be published as an LNCS volume. The
proceedings of the previous meeting (FLOPS2006) were published as
LNCS 3945.


Peter Dybjer (Chalmers, Sweden)
Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku, Japan)
Torsten Schaub (Potsdam, Germany)


Jacques Garrigue (Nagoya, Japan)
Manuel Hermenegildo (Madrid, Spain and New Mexico, USA)


Maria Alpuente (Valencia, Spain)
Sergio Antoy (Portland, OR, USA)
Matthias Blume (TTI, Chicago, USA)
Tyng-Ruey Chuang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Zhenjiang Hu (Tokyo, Japan)
Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC, Monterey, USA)
Herbert Kuchen (Muenster, Germany)
Dale Miller (INRIA, Palaiseau, France)
Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku, Japan)
Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico, USA)
Kristoffer Rose (IBM Watson, USA)
Kazunori Ueda (Waseda, Japan)
Peter Van Roy (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium)
Benjamin Werner (INRIA, Palaiseau, France)


Shoji Yuen (Nagoya, Japan)


Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted. Submissions should
fall into one of the following categories:

Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.

System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working
system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.

All submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15
proceedings pages long. Authors are strongly encouraged to use
LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file, available at


Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting
information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a
web page, or an appendix). Submission is Web-based. Please visit
the conference site.


Submission deadline: October 10, 2007
Author notification: December 21, 2007
Camera-ready copy: January 21, 2008
Conference: April 14-16, 2008


Ise, Japan

Previous FLOPS:

FLOPS 2006, Fuji Susono: http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2006/

FLOPS 2004, Nara: http://logic.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp/FLOPS2004/

FLOPS 2002, Aizu: http://www.ipl.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2002/

FLOPS 2001, Tokyo: http://www.ueda.info.waseda.ac.jp/flops2001/


Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST) SIG-PPL


Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
ACM SIGPLAN (pending)

INQUIRIES to <flops2008 at math.nagoya-u.ac.jp>

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[Caml-list] APLAS07 - Call for Participation

Call for Participation

The Fifth Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems

November 29 - December 1, 2007



Scope of the Conference

APLAS aims at stimulating programming language research by providing a
forum for the presentation of recent results and the exchange of ideas
and experience in topics concerned with programming languages and
systems. APLAS is based in Asia, but is an international forum that
serves the worldwide programming languages community.

The APLAS series is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation
of Software (AAFS), which has recently been founded by Asian
researchers in cooperation with many researchers from Europe and the
USA. The past formal APLAS symposiums were successfully held in
Sydney (2006, Australia), Tsukuba (2005, Japan), Taipei (2004, Taiwan)
and Beijing (2003, China) after three informal workshops held in
Shanghai (2002, China), Daejeon (2001, Korea) and Singapore (2000).
Proceedings of the past symposiums were published in Springer-Verlag's
LNCS 2895, 3302, 3780, and 4279.

Conference Location

APLAS'07 will be held at Kent Ridge Guild House, National University
of Singapore. Singapore is a dynamic city rich in contrast and color
where you'll find a harmonious blend of culture, cuisine, arts and
architecture. A bridge between the East and the West for centuries,
Singapore, located in the heart of fascinating Southeast Asia,
continues to embrace tradition and modernity today. Brimming with
unbridled energy and bursting with exciting events, the city offers
countless unique, memorable experiences waiting to be discovered.


The early registration deadline is set on 28Sept07. The registration
fees will cover conference proceeding, banquet dinner, and

Deadline Full Fees Student Fees
early 28Sep07 S$600 S$400
online 23Nov07 S$650 S$425
on-site 29Nov07 S$700 S$450

Payment can be made with credit cards. Exchange rate (subject to
fluctuation) is approx. US$1 = S$1.53

Online registration can be made at:



A special rate S$155 per nite (excluding taxes but inclusive
of daily breakfast) is applicable to attendees of APLAS 2007 at
Rendezvous Hotel Singapore:


The hotel is located in city center. A free daily shuttle bus will be
provided between this hotel and the conference site (at NUS) during
the conference period. Our block of rooms is guaranteed till
28Sept07, so advanced booking is encouraged as some rooms may be
released after this date. For reservation, please use a special form
that can be found at:


Poster Session

APLAS07 will include a poster session. Submission deadline
is 14 Sept 2007. For details, please see:


Conference Program

29 Nov (Thu)
915- 930 Opening note

930-1030 Invited Talk

X10: Programming Parallel Machines, Productively
Vijay Saraswat (IBM TJ Watson Research Lab)

1100-1230 Session 1

The Nuggetizer: Abstracting Away Higher-Orderness
for Program Verification
Paritosh Shroff (Johns Hopkins University),
Christian Skalka (University of Vermont)
and Scott F. Smith (Johns Hopkins University)

Local Reasoning for Storable Locks and Threads
Alexey Gotsman (University of Cambridge),
Josh Berdine (Microsoft Research),
Byron Cook (Microsoft Research),
Noam Rinetzky (Tel Aviv University)
and Mooly Sagiv (Tel Aviv University)

Monadic, Prompt Lazy Assertions in Haskell
Frank Huch (CAU Kiel) and Olaf Chitil (University of Kent)

1345-1515 Session 2

Translation Correctness for First-Order Object-Oriented
Pattern Matching
Burak Emir (EPFL Lausanne), Qin Ma (OFFIS)
and Martin Odersky (EPFL Lausanne)

Persistent Oberon: A Programming Language with Integrated
Luc Blaser (ETH Zurich)

More Typed Assembly Languages for Confidentiality
Dachuan Yu (DoCoMo Communication Laboratories USA)

1515-1630 Poster Session

1630-1730 Session 3

A Novel Test Case Generation Method for Prolog Programs
Based on Call Patterns Semantics
Lingzhong Zhao (Guilin University of Electronic Technology),
Tianlong Gu (Guilin University of Electronic Technology),
Junyan Qian (Guilin University of Electronic Technology)
and Guoyong Cai (Guilin University of Electronic Technology)

On a Tighter Integration of Functional and Logic Programming
Frank Huch (CAU Kiel) and Bernd Brassel (CAU Kiel)

1800-2000 Reception

30 Nov (Fri)
930-1030 Invited Talk

Scalable Simulation of Biological Signaling Networks
Vincent Danos (University of Paris VII & CNRS)

1100-1230 Session 4

Timed, Distributed, Probabilistic, Typed Processes
Martin Berger (Imperial College London)
and Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London)

A Probabilistic Applied Pi-Calculus
Jean Goubault-Larrecq (ENS Cachan),
Catuscia Palamidessi (Ecole Polytechnique)
and Angelo Troina (ENS Cachan & Ecole Polytechnique)

Type-Based Verification of Correspondence Assertions for
Communication Protocols
Daisuke Kikuchi (Tohoku University)
and Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku University)

1400-1530 Session 5

Deriving Compilers and Virtual Machines for a Multi-Level
Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University)
and Masashi Iwaki (Kyoto University)

Finally Tagless, Partially Evaluated (Tagless Staged
Interpreters for Simpler Typed Languages)
Jacques Carette (McMaster University),
Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC) and Chung-chieh Shan (Rutgers University)

Polymorphic Delimited Continuations
Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University)
and Yukiyoshi Kameyama (University of Tsukuba)

1600-1730 Session 6

Adjunct Elimination in Context Logic for Trees
Cristiano Calcagno (Imperial College London),
Thomas Dinsdale-Young (Imperial College London)
and Philippa Gardner (Imperial College London)

Positive Arithmetic without Exchange is a Subclassical Logic
Stefano Berardi (University of Torino)
and Makoto Tatsuta (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

Mixed Inductive/Coinductive Types and Strong Normalization
Andreas Abel (University of Munich)

1900-2100 Banquet

1 Dec (Sat)
930-1030 Invited Talk

Static and Dynamic Analysis : Better Together
Sriram Rajamani (Microsoft Research India)

1100-1230 Session 7

The Semantics of "Semantic Patches" in Coccinelle: Program
Transformation for the Working Programmer
Neil Jones (University of Copenhagen)
and Rene Rydhof Hansen (University of Copenhagen)

An Efficient SSA-based Algorithm for Complete Global Value
Jiu-Tao Nie (Peking University) and Xu Cheng (Peking University)

A Systematic Approach to Probabilistic Pointer Analysis
Alessandra Di Pierro (University of Verona),
Chris Hankin (Imperial College London)
and Herbert Wiklicky (Imperial College London)

1400-1530 Session 8

Complete Lattices and Up-to Techniques
Damien Pous (ENS Lyon)

A Trace Based Bisimulation for the Spi Calculus: An Extended
Alwen Tiu (Australian National University)

CCS with Replication in the Chomsky Hierarchy: The Expressive
Power of Divergence
Frank Valencia (Ecole Polytechnique),
Cinzia Di Giusto (University of Bologna),
Jesus Aranda (Ecole Polytechnique)
and Mogens Nielsen (University of Aarhus)

1600-1700 Session 9

Call-by-Name and Call-by-Value in Normal Modal Logic
Yoshihiko Kakutani (University of Tokyo)

Call-by-Value is Dual to Call-by-Name, Extended
Daisuke Kimura (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)

1700-1715 Closing note


Joxan Jaffar (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

Zhong Shao (Yale University, USA)

Lars Birkedal (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Martin Hofmann (Univ of Munich, Germany)
Kohei Honda (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue University, USA)
Annie Liu (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Henrik Nilsson (University of Nottingham, UK)
Michael Norrish (NICTA, Australia)
Jens Palsberg (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
G. Ramalingam (Microsoft Research, India)
Zhendong Su (University of California, Davis, USA)
Martin Sulzmann (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Japan)
Jerome Vouillon (CNRS, France)
Kwangkeun Yi (Seoul National University, Korea)
Jian Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)

Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Japan)

Wei-Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore, Singapore)

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[Caml-list] Call for Participation: 2007 Workshop on ML

Below is the preliminary program for the 2007 Workshop on ML, which is
co-located with ICFP 2007 and will take place on Friday, October 5.
The early registration deadline is this Friday, September 7!

We are pleased to have Didier Rémy as our invited speaker. In
addition, we are planning to conclude the workshop with a "5-Minute
Madness" session, in which attendees can give brief impromptu talks on
ML-related topics. The proposed theme for this year's madness session
is "Design Ideas for Next-Generation ML", but talks on other topics
are welcome as well.

If you are interested in giving a 5-Minute Madness talk, please send
mail (with a brief mention of what you would like to talk about) to
the program chair at dreyer@tti-c.org. I hope to see you at the

Derek Dreyer


ML 2007 Website: http://research.microsoft.com/~crusso/ml2007/

Registration Website:

Preliminary Program:

Welcome/Opening remarks
Derek Dreyer, Program Chair

Invited talk: MLF for Everyone (Users, Implementers, and Designers)
Didier Rémy

Coffee Break

Efficient ML Type Inference Using Ranked Type Variables
George Kuan and David MacQueen

Status Report: The Manticore Project
Matthew Fluet, Nic Ford, Mike Rainey, John Reppy, Adam Shaw and Yingqi Xiao

Status Report: HOT Pickles, and How to Serve Them
Andreas Rossberg, Guido Tack and Leif Kornstaedt

A Persistent Union-Find Data Structure
Sylvain Conchon and Jean-Christophe Filliatre

Lunch Break

Status Report: Specifying JavaScript with ML
David Herman and Cormac Flanagan

Status Report: Layered Streaming XML Processing with Modules
Tyng-Ruey Chuang and Max Schaefer

Status Report: Marionnet -- How to Implement a Virtual Network
Laboratory in Six Months and Be Happy
Jean-Vincent Loddo and Luca Saiu

Coffee Break

Generics for the Working ML'er
Vesa Karvonen

Practical Generic Programming in OCaml
Jeremy Yallop

5-Minute Madness: Design Ideas for Next-Generation ML

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[Caml-list] ICFP07 Reminder: registration deadline

Final Call for Participation

The 12th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference
on Functional Programming (ICFP 2007)



Freiburg, Germany, 1-3 October 2007

***** Early Registration Deadline: September 7, 2007 *****

ICFP 2007 provides a forum for researchers and developers to hear
about the latest work on the design, implementations, principles, and
uses of functional programming. The conference covers the entire
spectrum of work, from practice to theory, including its peripheries.

Schedule including related workshops:
* 30 Sep: ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Workshop
* 30 Sep: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Scheme and Functional Programming
* 1-3 Oct: ICFP07
* 4 Oct: ACM SIGPLAN Commercial Users of Functional Programming
* 4 Oct: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Mechanizing Metatheory
* 5 Oct: ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop
* 5 Oct: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML
* 5 Oct: ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages meets Program Verification

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