
[Caml-list] WGT 2008 Call for Papers

[ Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement ]



First Workshop on Generative Technologies
WGT 2008


a satellite event of the
11th European Joint Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS 2008)
Budapest - Hungary
April 5, 2008



- Submission of full paper: December 3, 2007
- Submission of tool demo paper: December 3, 2007
- Author notification: January 10, 2008
- Final version due: January 25, 2008



Generative programming is an emerging paradigm aimed
at automating important tasks in software development,
compile-time and run-time code transformation, and the
creation of domain-specific languages and flexible libraries.
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a forum for
researchers and practitioners working in this area to discuss
state-of-the-art generative technologies and tools, and
exchange ideas about the future of generative programming.
Papers describing practical applications of generative styles,
and new research directions are expected. Suggested areas of
interest in the workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Generative programming, metaprogramming
- Separation of concerns, aspect-oriented techniques
- Intentional programming
- Domain engineering and domain analysis
- Product-line architectures
- Compile-time and run-time code transformation
- Multi-stage languages
- Generic and Active library-development
- Analysis of language support for generative programming
- Semantics, type-systems of generative programs
- Case Studies and Demonstration Cases



RESEARCH PAPERS (full papers, 8-10 pages) as well as
TOOL DEMO PAPERS (up to 2 pages) should be submitted to
the WGT 2008 organizers in ENTCS format (http://www.entcs.org).
Submissions should be sent by e-mail to wgt@aszt.inf.elte.hu.

Further information will be available at the WGT 2008 home page.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register
and present the paper at the workshop.



After revision, final copies of the accepted papers will be
published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
(ENTCS), Elsevier Science (http://www.entcs.org).



- Zoltan Porkolab Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Norbert Pataki Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Adam Sipos Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)

e-mail: wgt@aszt.inf.elte.hu


- Don Batory University of Texas at Austin (USA)
- Jaakko Jarvi Texas A&M University (USA)
- Ralf Lammel University of Koblenz-Landau (GER)
- Hanspeter Mössenböck Johannes Kepler University Linz (AT)
- Zoltan Porkolab Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Elke Pulvermüller University of Osnabrueck (GER)
- Awais Rashid Lancaster University (UK)
- Joao Saraiva University of Minho (POR)
- Jeremy Siek University of Colorado at Boulder (USA)
- Yannis Smaragdakis University of Oregon (USA)
- Istvan Zolyomi Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)



[Caml-list] IJCAR Call for Papers, and Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

IJCAR 2008 - The 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
Sydney, Australia, 10th - 15th August, 2008


Call for Papers, and Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

IJCAR 2008 is the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning,
and is a merger of leading events:
CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction),
FroCoS (Workshop on Frontiers of Combining Systems),
FTP (Workshop on First-order Theorem Proving) and
TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)

IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all aspects of automated
reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications. The IJCAR
technical program will consist of presentations of high-quality original
research papers, system descriptions and invited talks. There will be two days
of workshops and tutorials, 10th and 11th August, and the conference 12th to
15th August.

Conference chair:
Peter Baumgartner (NICTA)
Call for Papers

IJCAR 2008 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated reasoning,
including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research
papers and descriptions of working automated deduction systems are solicited.
See the IJCAR website for a detailed list of logics, methods, and applications
of interest. The proceedings of IJCAR 2008 will be published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNAI/LNCS series.

Submission details: Submission is electronic, through

Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX and the Springer "llncs" format,
which can be obtained from http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. The
page limit is 15 pages for full papers, and 5 pages for system descriptions.

Program co-chairs:
Alessandro Armando (Universit`a di Genova)
Peter Baumgartner (NICTA)
Gilles Dowek (l'Ecole Polytechnique)

Important dates:
Paper registration deadline: 22nd February 2008
Paper submission deadline: 3rd March 2008
Notification of paper decisions: 18th April 2008
Final version of papers due: 23rd May 2008
Conference dates: 12th-15th August 2008
Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

Workshop and tutorial proposals on IJCAR-related topics are solicited.
Proposals that promise to bring new topics into IJCAR, of either practical or
theoretical importance, or provide a forum for more detailed discussion on
central topics of continuing importance are highly welcome. Proposals that
close the gap between automated reasoning and related areas, e.g., formal
methods or software engineering, are especially encouraged.

Proposals must contain information sufficient for the programme committee to
judge the importance, quality and community interest in the proposed topic.
Each workshop or tutorial must have one or more designated organizers, and
may have a programme committee as well.

Proposals must be limited to three pages and provide at least the following
+ Title.
+ Description of the workshop topic and goals. (Why do you believe this is an
interesting and significant topic?)
+ Intended audience. (From which areas do you expect potential participants to
come? How many participants do you expect?);
+ Organization of the workshop. (Describe the intended format of the workshop,
its expected duration (from half a day to two days) and preferred dates
(August 10th, 11th, or both).)
+ Organizers' details. (Provide affiliations, backgrounds and contact details
(email, etc.) of organizers and committee members)

Proposals should be sent as plain text and as PDF to the workshop chair

Workshop and tutorial chair:
Michael Norrish (NICTA)

Important dates:
Deadline for proposal submissions: 17th December 2007
Acceptance/rejection notification: 14th January 2008
Deadline for camera-ready copy of workshop notes: 14th July 2008
Workshop Dates: 10th-11th August 2008

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[Caml-list] SAS 2008 Preliminary Call for Papers

PLEASE POST --> SAS 2008 at the Technical University of Valencia

We are happy to announce that SAS 2008, the Static Analysis Symposium,
will take place at the Technical University of Valencia:

Submission of abstract: January 12, 2008
Submission of full paper: January 19, 2008
Notification: March 7, 2008
Camera-ready version: April 5, 2008
Conference: July 16-18, 2008

Please see: http://www.dsic.upv.es/~sas2008/

Maria Alpuente, German Vidal (PC co-chairs)

Call for papers

Static Analysis Symposium - SAS 2008
16-18 July 2008, Valencia, Spain
(co-located with LOPSTR 2008)



email sas2008@dsic.upv.es

Static Analysis is increasingly recognized as a fundamental tool for high
performance implementations and verification of programming languages and
systems. The series of Static Analysis Symposia has served as the primary
venue for presentation of theoretical, practical, and application advances
in the area.

The technical programme for SAS 2008 will consist of invited lectures and
presentations of refereed papers. Contributions are welcome on all aspects
of static analysis, including, but not limited to:

abstract domains
abstract interpretation
abstract testing
compiler optimizations
control flow analysis
data flow analysis
model checking
program specialization
security analysis
theoretical analysis frameworks
type based analysis
verification systems

Submissions can address any programming paradigm, including concurrent,
constraint, functional, imperative, logic, and object-oriented programming.
Survey papers, that present some aspect of the above topics from a new
perspective, and application papers, that describe experience with
industrial applications, are also welcome. Papers must describe original
work, be written and presented in English, and must not substantially
overlap with papers that have been published, or that are simultaneously
submitted to a journal or a conference with refereed proceedings.

Submitted papers should be at most 15 pages formatted in LNCS style
(excluding bibliography and well-marked appendices not intended for
publication). PC members are not required to read the appendices, and thus
papers should be intelligible without them. The conference proceedings
is planned to be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series.

Invited Speakers

Roberto Giacobazzi (Universita' degli Studi di Verona, Italy)
Ben Liblit (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)

PC co-chairs

Maria Alpuente (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
German Vidal (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)

PC members

Elvira Albert (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
Roberto Bagnara (University of Parma, Italy)
Maurice Bruynooghe (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Radhia Cousot (CNRS & Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Javier Esparza (Technical University of Munchen, Germany)
Sandro Etalle (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Moreno Falaschi (University of Siena, Italy)
Stephen Fink (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
John Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
Maria del Mar Gallardo (University of Malaga, Spain)
Chris Hankin (Imperial College, UK)
Manuel Hermenegildo (Technical University of Madrid, Spain)
Julia Lawall (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Alexey Loginov (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA)
Hanne Riis Nielson (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
David Schmidt (Kansas State University, USA)
Harald Sondergaard (University of Melbourne, Australia)
Tachio Terauchi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Ji Wang (National Laboratory for Parallel and Distributed Processing, China)

Local chair

Alicia Villanueva (Technical University of Valencia, Spain)

Important dates

Submission of abstract: January 12, 2008
Submission of full paper: January 19, 2008
Notification: March 7, 2008
Camera-ready version: April 5, 2008
Conference: July 16-18, 2008


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