
[Caml-list] Call for Papers: TLDI 2010

                         TLDI 2010                     


                *** First Call for Papers ***


             The Fifth ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on

          Types in Language Design and Implementation


              Madrid, Spain, January 23, 2010

                (Co-located with POPL 2010)




                Submission Deadline: 5 October 2009


The role of types and proofs in all aspects of language design,

compiler construction, and software development has expanded greatly

in recent years. Type systems, type-based analyses and type-theoretic

deductive systems have been central to advances in compilation

techniques for modern programming languages, verification of safety

and security properties of programs, program transformation and

optimization, and many other areas. The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types

in Language Design and Implementation brings researchers together to

share new ideas and results concerning all aspects of types and

programming, and is now an annual event. TLDI 2010 is the fifth

workshop in the series and will be co-located with POPL in Madrid,

Spain in January 2010.


Submissions for TLDI 2010 are invited on all interactions of types

with language design, implementation, and programming

methodology. This includes both practical applications and theoretical

aspects. TLDI 2010 specifically encourages papers from a broad field

of programming language and compiler researchers, including those

working on object-oriented, dynamically-typed or late-bound languages,

systems programming, mobile-code or security, as well as traditional

fully-static type systems. Topics of interest include:


   * Typed intermediate languages and type-directed compilation

   * Type-based language support for safety and security

   * Types for interoperability

   * Type systems for system programming languages

   * Type-based program analysis, transformation, and optimization

   * Dependent types and type-based proof assistants

   * Types for security protocols, concurrency, and distributed computing

   * Type inference and type reconstruction

   * Type-based specifications of data structures and program invariants

   * Type-based memory management

   * Proof-carrying code and certifying compilation

   * Types and objects


This is not meant to be an exhaustive list; papers on novel

utilizations of type information are welcome. Authors concerned about

the suitability of a topic are encouraged to inquire via electronic

mail to the program chair prior to submission.


Submission Guidelines:


Authors should submit a full paper of no more than 12 pages (including

bibliography and appendices) by Monday 5th October, 2009. The

submission deadline and length limitations are firm. Submissions that

do not meet these guidelines will not be considered.


All submissions should be in standard ACM SIGPLAN conference format:

two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline. Detailed

formatting guidelines are available on the SIGPLAN Author Information

page, along with a LaTeX class file and template.


Papers must be submitted electronically via the conference website in

Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must be formatted for US Letter

size (8.5"x11") paper. Authors for whom this is a hardship should contact

the program chair before the deadline.


Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication

Policy. Submissions should contain original research not published or

submitted for publication elsewhere.


Important Dates:


- Submission of papers: 5 October 2009 (Monday)

- Notification:         6 November 2009 (Friday)

- Final versions due:  15 November 2009 (Sunday)

- Workshop:            23 January 2010 (Saturday)


General Chair:


  Andrew Kennedy, Microsoft Research, UK


Program Chair:


  Nick Benton, Microsoft Research, UK


Program Committee:


  Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software, Spain

  Viviana Bono, University of Torino, Italy

  Giorgio Ghelli, University of Pisa, Italy

  Dan Grossman, University of Washington, USA

  Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University, Japan

  Conor McBride, University of Strathclyde, UK

  Jeremy Siek, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

  Zhong Shao, Yale University, USA

  Matthieu Sozeau, Harvard University, USA

  Chris Stone, Harvey Mudd College, USA

  Kristian Støvring, ITU Copenhagen, Denmark


Steering Committee:


  Craig Chambers, University of Washington, USA

  Robert Harper, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Chair)

  Xavier Leroy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France

  Greg Morrisett, Harvard University, USA

  George Necula, Rinera Networks and UC Berkeley, USA

  Atsushi Ohori, Tohoku University, Japan

  Francois Pottier, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France

  Zhong Shao, Yale University, USA



[Caml-list] Call for Papers: VSTTE 2009

We apologise if you receive this message more than once.

* *
* VSTTE 2009 *
* *
* Workshop on Verified Software *
* Theory Tools and Experiments *
* *
* (affiliated with Formal Methods Week) *
* *
* November 2, 2009 *
* Eindhoven, the Netherlands *
* http://vstte09.lri.fr/ *
* *
* Deadline for submissions: Sep 4, 2009 *
* *

FM 2009 is the sixteenth in a series of symposia of the
Formal Methods Europe association, and the second one
that is organized as a world congress. Ten years after
FM'99, the 1st World Congress, the formal methods
communities from all over the world will once again have
an opportunity to meet. FM 2009 will be both an
opportunity to celebrate, and an opportunity to join in
when enthusiastic researchers and practitioners from a
diversity of backgrounds and schools come together to
discuss their ideas and experiences.

The workshop on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and
Experiments (VSTTE 2009) will take place on November the
2nd. The focus of this workshop will be on tools, as
previous VSTTE conferences in Zurich and Toronto
emphasised theories and experiments. Consisting of
contributed papers and invited talks, the workshop will
focus on the tools behind the development of systematic
methods for specifying, building, and verifying
high-quality software. This includes topics like:

* Program logic
* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications

Papers about tool architectures, and their achievements
are most welcome. The contributed papers, which should
report on previously unpublished work, can reflect
current and preliminary work in areas of software
verification. New technical results, overviews of new
developments in software verification projects, short
papers accompanying tool demonstrations, as well as
position papers on how to further advance the goal of
verified software are all welcome.


Submitted papers should not have been submitted elsewhere
for publication, should use the Springer-Verlag's package
ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svjour/sttt/, and
should not exceed 15 pages including appendices.

Papers will be processed through the EasyChair conference
management system.


Submission deadline September 4, 2009, 11:59pm Samoa time (UTC-11)
Notification of acceptance October 2, 2009
Final version October 16, 2009


Leo Freitas, leo@cs.york.ac.uk
Department of Computer Science
University of York, YO10 5DD York, UK
Tel: (+44) (0) 1904 434753

Jean-Christophe Filliatre, Jean-Christophe.Filliatre@lri.fr
CNRS / INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-france - ProVal
Parc Orsay Universite, batiment N
4, rue Jacques Monod 91893
Orsay Cedex FRANCE
Tel: (+33) (0)1 74 85 42 27


Further information will be put on the workshop web-page

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[Caml-list] CfPart: ICTAC'09

[Apoligies for multiple copies]


6th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing


Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside, Malaysia
University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

August 14th - 20th 2009



14-15 August: A Short Course On TLA+ by Leslie Lamport, Microsoft USA

16-17 August: Tutorials by
- Leslie Lamport
- Zhimming Liu
- Sriram Rajamani
- Annabel McIver

17 August: Workshop TTSS

18-20 August: Main Colloquium
4 Invited Speakers:
- Zuohua Ding
- Leslie Lamport
- Annabel McIver
- Sriram Rajamani
20 Presenations based on LNCS Papers

Visit http://www.ictac.net/ictac09 for registration and latest


The 6th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
is taking place from the 16th till the 20th of August 2009 in Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia. ICTAC'09 is organized by Abdullah Mohd Zin,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia and Jeff Sanders, United Nation
University, Institute of Software Technology, Macao. The PC is
chaired by Martin Leucker (TU Munich) and Carroll Morgan (UNSW).

About ICTAC 2009

ICTAC 2009 is the 6th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects
of Computing, the latest in a series founded by the International
Institute for Software Technology of the United Nations University
(UNU-IIST). The main purpose of ICTAC is to bring together
practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government
to present research and to exchange ideas and experience addressing
challenges in both theoretical aspects of computing and in the
exploitation of theory through methods and tools for system
development. The previous four ICTAC events were held in Guiyang,
China (2004), Hanoi, Vietnam (2005), Tunis, Tunisia (2006), Macau
(2007) and Istanbul (2008).

Satellite Events

The main conference is surrounded by a short course on TLA+ given by
Leslie Lamport, the workshop on Harnessing Theories for Tool Support
in Software (TTSS), and a dedicated tutorials day.

Main Conference

Invited Speakers
Zuohua Ding Zhejiang Sci-Tech University
Leslie Lamport Microsoft
Annabelle McIver Macquarie University
Sriram Rajamani Microsoft


Topics include, but are not limited to:

* software specification, refinement, verification and testing
* model checking and theorem proving
* software architectures
* coordination and feature interaction
* integration of theories, formal and engineering methods and tools
* models of concurrency, security, and mobility
* parallel, distributed, and internet-based (grid) computing
* real-time, embedded and hybrid systems
* automata theory and formal languages
* principles and semantics of languages
* logics and their applications
* type and category theory in computer science
* case studies, theories, tools and experiments of verified systems
* service-oriented architectures: models and development methods
* domain modelling and domain-specific technology: examples,
frameworks and experience

Committees & Contacts

General Chair
Abdullah Mohd Zin Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Jeff Sanders United Nation University, Institute of Software
Technology, Macao

Program Chairs
Martin Leucker Technische Universität München, Germany
Carroll Morgan University of New South Wales

Local Organizing Committee
Zarina Shukur, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Chairperson)
Nazlia Omar
Syahanim Mohd Salleh

Program Committee

Parosh Abdulla Uppsala University, Schweden
Keijiro Araki Kyushu University, Japan
Farhad Arbab Leids University, The Netherlands
Christel Baier Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Mario Bravetti Universita di Bologna, Italian
Ana Cavalcanti University of York, England
Van Hung Dang United Nations University, Macao
David Deharbe Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Wei Dong National University of Defense Technology, China
Deepak D'Souza Indian Institute of Science, India
John Fitzgerald Newcastle Uiversity, England
Wan Fokkink Vrije University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marcelo Frias University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kokichi Futatsugi JAIST, Japan
Paul Gastin LSV/ENS Cachan, France
Susanne Graf VERIMAG, France
Lindsay Groves Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Anne Haxthausen Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Moonzoo Kim KAIST, South Korea
Kim G. Larsen Aalborg University, Denmark
Insup Lee University of Pennsylvania, USA
Martin Leucker TU Munich, Germany
Kamal Lodaya Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India
Larissa Meinicke Abo Akademi, Finland
Ugo Montanari University of Pisa, Italian
Carroll Morgan University of New South Wales, Australia
Ahmed Patel Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia
Pekka Pihlajasaari Data Abstraction (Pty) Ltd, South Africa
Abhik Roychoudhury National University of Singapore, Singapore
Hassen Saidi SRI International, USA
Augusto Sampaio Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Cesar Sanchez IMDEA, Spain
Marjan Sirjani University of Tehran, Iran
Sofiene Tahar Concordia University, Canada
Serdar Tasiran Koc University, Turkey
Helmut Veith Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
Mahesh Viswanathan University of Illinois at Urbana, USA
Tomas Vojnar Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
Ji Wang Zhejiang University, China
Jim Woodcock University of York, England
Husnu Yenigun Sabanci University, Turkey
Naijun Zhan Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Huibiao Zhu East China Normal University, China

Steering Committee

John Fitzgerald University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Martin Leucker Technische Universität München, Germany
Zhiming Liu (Chair) UNU-IIST, Macao
Tobias Nipkow Technische Universität München, Germany
Augusto Sampaio Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Natarajan Shankar SRI, USA
Jim Woodcock University of York, UK

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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[Caml-list] Call for Papers: PLPV 2010

Call For Papers

Programming Languages meets Program Verification (PLPV) 2010


Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Madrid, Spain
Affiliated with POPL 2010

Overview: The goal of PLPV is to foster and stimulate research at the
intersection of programming languages and program verification. Work
in this area typically attempts to reduce the burden of program
verification by taking advantage of particular semantic and/or
structural properties of the programming language. One example is
dependently typed programming languages, which leverage a language's
type system to specify and check richer than usual specifications,
possibly with programmer-provided proof terms. Another example is
extended static checking systems like Spec#, which extends C# with
pre- and postconditions along with a static verifier for these

We invite submissions on all aspects, both theoretical and practical,
of the integration of programming language and program verification
technology. To encourage cross-pollination between different
communities, we seek a broad the scope for PLPV. In particular,
submissions may have diverse foundations for verification (type-based,
Hoare-logic-based, etc), target diverse kinds of programming languages
(functional, imperative, object-oriented, etc), and apply to diverse
kinds of program properties (data structure invariants, security
properties, temporal protocols, etc).

Submissions: Submissions should fall into one of the following three

1. Regular research papers that describe new work on the above or
related topics. Submissions in this category have an upper limit
of 12 pages, but shorter submissions are also encouraged.

2. Work-in-progress reports should describe new work that is
ongoing and may not be fully completed or evaluated. Submissions
in this category should be at most 6 pages in total length.

3. Proposals for challenge problems which the author believes is
are useful benchmarks or important domains for language-based
program verification techniques. Submissions in this category
should be at most 6 pages in total length.

Submissions should be prepared with SIGPLAN two-column conference
format. Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN republication
policy. Concurrent submissions to other workshops, conferences,
journals, or similar forums of publication are not allowed.

Publication: Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and appear
in the ACM digital library.

Student Attendees: Students with accepted papers or posters are
encouraged to apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant that will help to cover
travel expenses to PLPV. Details on the PAC program and the
application can be found on the workshop web page. PAC also offers
support for companion travel.

Important Dates:

* Electronic submission: October 8, 2009, 11:59pm Samoa time (UTC-11)
* Notification: November 8, 2009
* Final version: November 17, 2009
* Workshop: January 19, 2010


* Cormac Flanagan (University of California, Santa Cruz)
* Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS)

Program Committee:

* Adam Chlipala (Harvard University)
* Ranjit Jhala (University of California, San Diego)
* Joseph Kiniry (University College Dublin)
* Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research)
* Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
* Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
* Andrey Rybalchenko (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
* Tim Sheard (Portland State University)
* Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] ML 2009: Call for Participation


The 2009 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML

To be held in conjunction with ICFP 2009
on Sunday, August 30, 2009
in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK


ML is a family of programming languages that includes dialects known
as Standard ML, Objective Caml, and F#. The development of these
languages has inspired a large amount of computer science research,
both practical and theoretical. This workshop aims to provide a forum
to encourage discussion and research on ML and related technology
(higher-order, typed, or strict languages).

The 2009 Work shop on ML will be held in conjunction with the 14th ACM
SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2009)
in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Previous instances were ML 2005 in
Tallinn, Estonia, ML 2006 in Portland, Oregon, USA, ML 2007 in
Freiburg, Germany, and ML 2008 in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada).


* Invited talk: Cédric Fournet.
A Cryptographic Protocol Compiler for Multiparty Sessions

* Session: Type Systems
- Claudio Russo, Dimitrios Vytiniotis.
QML: Explicit first-class polymorphism for ML
- Joshua Dunfield.
Greedy Bidirectional Polymorphism
- Demo: Vincent Rahli, Joe Wells, Steven Shiells, Fairouz Kamareddine.
A Type Error Slicer for SML
- Demo: Lucas Dixon.
A GUI for Programming in PolyML: an Interface Protocol for
Functional Languages

* Session: Reasoning and Verification
- Jan Schwinghammer, David Sabel, Manfred Schmidt-Schauss, Joachim
Correctly Translating Concurrency Primitives
- Johannes Kanig, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre.
Who: A Verifier for Effectful Higher-order Programs
- Demo: Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Cédric Fournet, Andrew Gordon.
Modular Verification of Security Protocol Code by Typing
- Demo: Louis Mandel, Florence, Plateau, Marc Pouzet.
The ReactiveML Toplevel

* Session: Implementation
- Moe Masuko, Kenichi Asai.
Direct Implementation of Shift and Reset in the MinCaml Compiler
- Benjamin Canou, Alexis Darrasse.
Fast and sound random generation for automated testing and
benchmarking in Objective Caml
- Demo: David Rajchenbach-Teller.
First steps with OCaml Batteries Included
- Demo: Romain Bardou, François Bobot, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre,
Johannes Kanig, Stéphane Lescuyer.
Mlpost - A scientific drawing library

* Panel Discussion: <i>Future directions for ML


Information about registration, accommodation, and travel is available on
the ICFP conference web site: http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2009/


Andreas Rossberg (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)


Umut Acar (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)
Damien Doligez (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
Neal Glew (Intel)
Andrew Gordon (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Patricia Johann (University of Strathclyde)
Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC)
Neelakantan Krishnaswami (Carnegie Mellon University)
David MacQueen (University of Chicago)
Yasuhiko Minamide (University of Tsukuba)
Norman Ramsey (Tufts University)


See the ML Workshop series home page at:

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[Caml-list] PEPM'10 - Call for Papers (Deadline: 6 Oct 09) - Invited Speakers announced

ACM SIGPLAN 2010 Workshop on
Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM'10)
Madrid, January 18-19, 2010

(Affiliated with POPL'10)



* Lennart Augustsson (Standard Chartered Bank, UK)
* Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)


* Paper submission: Tue, October 6, 2009, 23:59, Apia time
* Author notification: Thu, October 29, 2009
* Camera-ready papers: Mon, November 9, 2009

To facilitate smooth organization of the review process, authors are
asked to submit a short abstract by October 1, 2009.


* Regular research papers (max. 10 pages in ACM Proceedings style)
* Tool demonstration papers (max. 4 pages plus max. 6 pages appendix)


Students and other attendants in need can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant
to help cover expenses. For details, see http://www.sigplan.org/PAC.htm.


The PEPM Symposium/Workshop series aims to bring together researchers
and practitioners working in the areas of program manipulation, partial
evaluation, and program generation. PEPM focuses on techniques,
theories, tools, and applications of analysis and manipulation of programs.

The 2010 PEPM workshop will be based on a broad interpretation of
semantics-based program manipulation in a continued effort to expand the
scope of PEPM significantly beyond the traditionally covered areas of
partial evaluation and specialization and include practical applications
of program transformations such as refactoring tools, and practical
implementation techniques such as rule-based transformation systems. In
addition, it covers manipulation and transformations of program and
system representations such as structural and semantic models that occur
in the context of model-driven development. In order to reach out to
practitioners, there is a separate category of tool demonstration papers.

Topics of interest for PEPM'10 include, but are not limited to:

* Program and model manipulation techniques such as transformations
driven by rules, patterns, or analyses, partial evaluation,
specialization, program inversion, program composition, slicing,
symbolic execution, refactoring, aspect weaving, decompilation, and

* Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model
manipulation such as abstract interpretation, static analysis,
binding-time analysis, dynamic analysis, constraint solving, type
systems, automated testing and test case generation.

* Analysis and transformation for programs/models with advanced features
such as objects, generics, ownership types, aspects, reflection, XML
type systems, component frameworks, and middleware.

* Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including
meta-programming, generative programming, deep embedded
domain-specific languages, program synthesis by sketching and
inductive programming, staged computation, and model-driven program
generation and transformation.

* Application of the above techniques including experimental studies,
engineering needed for scalability, and benchmarking. Examples of
application domains include legacy program understanding and
transformation, DSL implementations, visual languages and end-user
programming, scientific computing, middleware frameworks and
infrastructure needed for distributed and web-based applications,
resource-limited computation, and security.

We especially encourage papers that break new ground including
descriptions of how program/model manipulation tools can be integrated
into realistic software development processes, descriptions of robust
tools capable of effectively handling realistic applications, and new
areas of application such as rapidly evolving systems, distributed and
web-based programming including middleware manipulation, model-driven
development, and on-the-fly program adaptation driven by run-time or
statistical analysis.


There will be formal proceedings published by ACM Press. In addition to
printed proceedings, accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital
Library. Selected papers may later on be invited for a journal special
issue dedicated to PEPM'10.


Papers should be submitted electronically via the workshop web site.

Regular research papers must not exceed 10 pages in ACM Proceedings
style. Tool demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages in ACM
Proceedings style, and authors will be expected to present a live
demonstration of the described tool at the workshop (tool papers should
include an additional appendix of up to 6 extra pages giving the
outline, screenshots, examples, etc. to indicate the content of the
proposed live demo at the workshop).

Authors using Latex to prepare their submissions should use the new
improved SIGPLAN proceedings style (sigplanconf.cls).


* John Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark, and IMDEA Software,
* Janis Voigtländer (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)


* Wei-Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
* Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
* Jim Cordy (Queen's University, Canada)
* Nate Foster (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
* Haifeng Guo (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
* Patricia Johann (University of Strathclyde, UK)
* Oleg Kiselyov (FNMOC, USA)
* Günter Kniesel (University of Bonn, Germany)
* Viktor Kuncak (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Yanhong Annie Liu (State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
* Andres Löh (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
* Jan Midtgaard (Roskilde University, Denmark)
* David Monniaux (National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and
VERIMAG laboratory, France)
* Akimasa Morihata (University of Tokyo, Japan)
* Alberto Pettorossi (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy)
* João Saraiva (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
* Ganesh Sittampalam (Credit Suisse, UK)
* Fausto Spoto (Università di Verona, Italy)
* Harald Søndergaard (University of Melbourne, Australia)
* Walid Taha (Rice University, USA)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] IFL 2009: Third Call for Papers

Call for Papers
IFL 2009
Seton Hall University

***** NEW *****

Registration is now opened!
Register at: http://tltc.shu.edu/blogs/projects/IFL2009/registration.html

Invited Speaker:

    Benjamin C. Pierce
    University of Pennsylvania
    Talk Title: How To Build Your Own Bidirectional Programming Language

Registration Fee:

          Students: US$325.00
    Non-students: US$375.00


The 21st International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2009, will be held
for the first time in the USA. The hosting institution is Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ, USA and the
symposium dates are September 23-25, 2009. It is our goal to make IFL a regular event held in the USA and in
Europe. The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the implementation and
application of functional and function-based programming languages. IFL 2009 will be a venue for researchers to
present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the
implementation and application of functional languages and function-based programming.

Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2009 will use a post-symposium review process to produce a formal proceedings which
will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. All participants in IFL 2009 are
invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium.
These submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are within the scope of IFL and will
appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not
peer-reviewed publications. After the symposium, authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from
discussions at the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full arcticle for the formal review process. These
revised submissions will be reviewed by the program committee using prevailing academic standards to select the best
articles that will appear in the formal proceedings.


IFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions describing applications and tools.
If you are not sure if your work is appropriate for IFL 2009, please contact the PC chair at ifl2009@shu.edu. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

 language concepts
 type checking
 compilation techniques
 staged compilation
 runtime function specialization
 runtime code generation
 partial evaluation 
 (abstract) interpretation
 generic programming techniques
 automatic program generation
 array processing
 concurrent/parallel programming
 concurrent/parallel program execution
 functional programming and embedded systems
 functional programming and web applications
 functional programming and security
 novel memory management techniques
 runtime profiling and performance measurements
 debugging and tracing
 virtual/abstract machine architectures
 validation and verification of functional programs  
 tools and programming techniques
 FP in Education


Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be published in the draft proceedings and to
present them at the symposium. All contributions must be written in English, conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS series
format and not exceed 16 pages. The draft proceedings will appear as a technical report of the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science of Seton Hall University.


Registration deadline                           August 15, 2009
Presentation submission deadline          August 15, 2009
IFL 2009 Symposium                            September 23-25, 2009
Submission for review process deadline  November 1, 2009
Notification Accept/Reject                     December 22, 2009
Camera ready version                           February 1, 2010


Peter Achten                University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jost Berthold                Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Andrew Butterfield         University of Dublin, Ireland
Robby Findler                Northwestern University, USA
Kathleen Fisher             AT&T Research, USA
Cormac Flanagan           University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Matthew Flatt               University of Utah, USA
Matthew Fluet               Rochester Institute of Technology
Daniel Friedman            Indiana University, USA
Andy Gill                      University of Kansas, USA
Clemens Grelck             University of Amsterdam/Hertfordshire, The Netherlands/UK
Jurriaan Hage                Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ralf Hinze                     Oxford University, UK
Paul Hudak                    Yale University, USA
John Hughes                  Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Patricia Johann               University of Strathclyde, UK
Yukiyoshi Kameyama       University of Tsukuba, Japan
Marco T. Morazán (Chair)  Seton Hall University, USA
Rex Page                       University of Oklahoma, USA
Fernando Rubio               Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Sven-Bodo Scholz            University of Hertfordshire, UK
Manuel Serrano               INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Chung-chieh Shan           Rutgers University, USA
David Walker                 Princeton University, USA
Viktória Zsók                 Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary


The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the symposium every year. The honored article is selected
by the program committee based on the submissions received for the formal review process. The prize carries a cash award
equivalent to 150 euros.


[Caml-list] ICFP09 Final Call for Participation

Final Call for Participation

The 14th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference
on Functional Programming (ICFP 2009)


Edinburgh, Scotland, 31 August - 2 September 2009

***** Accommodation Deadline: July 20, 2009 *****
Due to the overlap with Edinburgh Festival, accommodations may be
difficult to secure after the deadline. Reserve now!

***** Early Registration Deadline: July 30, 2009 *****

ICFP 2009 provides a forum for researchers and developers to hear
about the latest work on the design, implementations, principles, and
uses of functional programming. The conference covers the entire
spectrum of work, from practice to theory, including its peripheries.

Preliminary program:
* Abstracts:
+ http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~apt/icfp09_accepted_papers/accepted.html
* Schedule:
+ http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~apt/icfp09_preliminary_program.pdf
* Invited speakers:
+ Guy Steele -- Organizing Functional Code for Parallel Execution:
or, foldl and foldr Considered Slightly Harmful
+ Benjamin Pierce -- Lambda, the Ultimate TA: Using a Proof
Assistant to Teach Programming Language Foundations
+ Dan Piponi -- Commutative Monads, Diagrams and Knots

Schedule including related workshops:
* Aug 30: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML
* Aug 30: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming
* Aug 31-Sep 2: ICFP09
* Sep 3: ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium
* Sep 3: ACM SIGPLAN Developer Tracks on Functional Programming
* Sep 4: Commercial Users of Functional Programming
* Sep 4: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Mechanizing Metatheory
* Sep 4: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Approaches and Applications of
Inductive Programming
* Sep 5: ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop
* Sep 5: ACM SIGPLAN Developer Tracks on Functional Programming
* Sep 5: ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Implementors Workshop

Conference organizers:
* General Chair: Graham Hutton (University of Nottingham)
* Program Chair: Andrew Tolmach (Portland State University)
* Local Arrangements Chairs: Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh),
Kevin Hammond (University of St Andrews), and
Gregory Michaelson (Heriot-Watt University)
* Workshop Co-Chairs: Christopher Stone (Harvey Mudd College), and
Michael Sperber (DeinProgramm)
* Programming Contest Chair: Andrew Gill (University of Kansas)
* Publicity Chair: Matthew Fluet (Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] LCC Call for Participation

[ Please broadcast/post/forward. Apologies for duplicates]


The Tenth International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity
(LCC'09, www.cs.indiana.edu/lcc) will be held in Los Angeles on
August 10, 2009, as an affiliated meeting of LiCS'09
and in conjunction with SAS'09 (sas09.cs.ucdavis.edu).

LCC meetings are aimed at the foundational interconnections between
logic and computational complexity, as present, for example, in implicit
computational complexity (descriptive and type-theoretic methods);
deductive formalisms as they relate to complexity (e.g. ramification,
weak comprehension, bounded arithmetic, linear logic and resource logics);
complexity aspects of finite model theory and databases;
complexity-mindful program derivation and verification;
computational complexity at higher type; and proof complexity.

The LCC'09 program consists of invited lectures by Andrei Bulatov,
Martin Hofmann, Phokion Kolaitis, Lars Kristiansen, and
Michel de Rougemont, as well as contributed papers.
The full program is available at www.cs.indiana.edu/lcc/09program.pdf.

For additional information see www.cs.indiana.edu/lcc,
or email inquiries to lcc@cs.indiana.edu.
Further information about previous LCC meetings can be found at


* Patrick Baillot (CNRS-ENS Lyons, Co-chair)
* Markus Lohrey (Leipzig, Co-Chair)
* Albert Atserias (UP de Catalunya)
* Pablo Barcelo (U de Chile)
* Arnold Beckmann (Swansea)
* Lauri Hella (Tampere)
* Andrei Krokhin (Durham)
* Chris Pollett (San Jose SU)

STEERING COMMITTEE: Michael Benedikt (Oxford, Co-chair),
Daniel Leivant (Indiana U, Co-chair), Robert Constable (Cornell),
Anuj Dawar (Cambridge), Fernando Ferreira (Lisbon),
Martin Hofmann (U Munich), Neil Immerman (U Mass. Amherst),
Neil Jones (Copenhagen), Bruce Kapron (U Victoria),
Jean-Yves Marion (LORIA Nancy), Luke Ong (Oxford),
Martin Otto (Darmstadt), James Royer (Syracuse),
Helmut Schwichtenberg (U Munich), and Pawel Urzyczyn (Warsaw)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Second Call for Papers: DAMP 2010

DAMP 2010: Workshop on
Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming
Madrid, SPAIN
(colocated with POPL 2010)
January, 2010

The advent of multicore architectures has profoundly increased the
importance of research in parallel computing. Modern platforms are
becoming more complex and heterogenous and novel solutions are needed
to account for their peculiarities.
Multicore architectures will differ in significant ways from their
multisocket predecessors. For example, the communication to compute
bandwidth ratio is likely to be higher, which will positively impact
performance. More generally, multicore architectures introduce several
new dimensions of variability in both performance guarantees and
architectural contracts, such as the memory model, that may not
stabilize for several generations of product.

Programs written in functional or (constraint-)logic programming
languages, or in other highly declarative languages with a controlled
use of side effects, can greatly simplify parallel programming. Such
declarative programming allows for a deterministic semantics even
when the underlying implementation might be highly non-deterministic.
In addition to simplifying programming this can simplify debugging and
analyzing correctness.

DAMP 2010 is the fifth in a series of one-day workshops seeking to
explore ideas in declarative programming language design that will
greatly simplify programming for multicore architectures, and more
generally for tightly coupled parallel architectures. The emphasis
will be on (constraint-)logic and functional programming, but any
declarative programming language ideas that aim to raise the level of
abstraction are welcome. DAMP seeks to gather together researchers in
declarative approaches to parallel programming and to foster cross
fertilization across different approaches.

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

* investigation of applications of logic, constraint logic, and
functional programing to multicore programing
* run-time issues of exploitation of parallelism using declarative
programming approaches (e.g., garbage collection, scheduling)
* architectural impact on exploitation of parallelism from
declarative languages
* type systems and analysis for accurately detecting dependencies,
aliasing, side effects, and impure features
* language level declarative constructs for expressing parallelism
* declarative language specification for the description of data
placement and distribution
* compilation and static analysis techniques to support
exploitation of parallelism from declarative languages (e.g.,
granularity control)
* practical experiences and challenges arising from parallel
declarative programming
* technology for debugging parallel programs
* design and implementation of domain-specific declarative
languages for multicore programming


Submitted papers papers should not exceed 10 pages in ACM
SIGPLAN conference format. Submission is electronic via:


Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and
in a physical proceedings. Papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN
Republication Policy:


Concurrent submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals,
or similar forums of publication are not allowed. However, DAMP
is intended to be a venue for discussion and exploration of
works-in-progress, and so publication of a paper at DAMP 2010 is
not intended to preclude later publication as appropriate.

Additional information about the submission process can be found
at the conference web site.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: Sept. 21
Paper submission: Sept. 25
Notification to authors: Oct. 26
Camera ready: Nov. 9

Program Chair:

Enrico Pontelli
New Mexico State University

General Chairs:

Leaf Petersen
Intel Corporation
Santa Clara, CA, USA

Program Committee:

Manuel Carro Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Clemens Grelck University of Hertfordshire
Haifeng Guo University of Nebraska at Omaha
Gabriele Keller University of New South Wales
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen
Leaf Petersen Intel Corporation
John Reppy University of Chicago
Ricardo Rocha University of Porto
Kostis Sagonas National Technical University of Athens
Vitor Santos Costa University of Porto
Satnam Singh Microsoft Research
Philip Trinder Heriot-Watt University
Pascal Van Hentenryck Brown University



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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] Call for Participation: Commercial Users of Functional Programming Workshop 2009

Commercial Users of Functional Programming Workshop (CUFP) 2009

Functional Programming As a Means, Not an End

Call for Participation

Sponsored by SIGPLAN
Co-located with ICFP 2009

4 September 2009
Edinburgh, Scotland

Registration is through

Functional languages have been under academic development
for over 25 years, and remain fertile ground for programming
language research. Recently, however, developers in industrial,
governmental, and open source projects have begun to use
functional programming successfully in practical applications.
In these settings, functional programming has often provided
dramatic leverage, including whole new ways of thinking about
the original problem.

The goal of the CUFP workshop is to act as a voice for these
users of functional programming. The workshop supports the
increasing viability of functional programming in the
commercial, governmental, and open-source space by providing a
forum for professionals to share their experiences and ideas,
whether those ideas are related to business, management, or
engineering. The workshop is also designed to enable the
formation and reinforcement of relationships that further
the commercial use of functional programming. Providing user
feedback to language designers and implementors is not a
primary goal of the workshop, though it will be welcome if it


CUFP 2009 will last a full day and feature a discussion
session and the following presentations:

Bryan O'Sullivan
Keynote: Real world Haskell

Lee Momtahan (EDF Trading)
Implementing a Domain-Specific Language for Derivative
Pricing with Scala

Bhasker Kode (hover.in)
Erlang at hover.in

Jefferson Heard, (Renaissance Computing Institute)
Teleconferencing over High-res Maps with Haskell

Alex Peake (TFC) and Adam Granicz (Intellifactory)
The First Substantial Line of Business Application in F#

Christopher Piro and Eugene Letuchy (Facebook)
Functional Programming at Facebook

Fermin Reig (Morgan Stanly)
Computing with Time Series Data in Finance

Warren Harris (Metaweb)
Functional Programming at Freebase

Mark Wong-VanHaren (Glyde)
Clear & Simple: Composing a Marketplace

Duncan Coutts (Well-Typed)
Birth of the Industrial Haskell Group

There will be no published proceedings, as the meeting is
intended to be more a discussion forum than a technical

See http://cufp.galois.com for more information, including
presentation abstracts and the most recent schedule

This will be the sixth CUFP; see CUFP 2004 CUFP 2005, CUFP
2006, CUFP 2007 and CUFP 2008 for information about the
earlier meetings, including reports from attendees and video
of the most recent talks.

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs