
[Caml-list] WGT 2010 Call for Papers

[ Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement ]



Second Workshop on Generative Technologies
WGT 2010


a satellite event of the
13th European Joint Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS 2010)
Paphos - Cyprus
March 27, 2010



- Submission of full paper: November 23, 2009
- Submission of tool demo paper: November 23, 2009
- Author notification: January 4, 2010
- Final version due: January 18, 2010



Generative programming is an emerging paradigm aimed
at automating important tasks in software development,
compile-time and run-time code transformation, and the creation of
domain-specific languages and flexible libraries. The purpose of the
workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners working in
this area to discuss
state-of-the-art generative technologies and tools, and
exchange ideas about the future of generative programming.
Papers describing practical applications of generative styles,
and new research directions are expected. Suggested areas of
interest in the workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Generative programming, metaprogramming
- Separation of concerns
- Intentional programming
- Domain engineering and domain analysis
- Product-line architectures
- Feature-based techniques
- Compile-time and run-time code transformation
- Multi-stage languages
- Generic and Active library-development
- Analysis of language support for generative programming
- Semantics, type-systems of generative programs
- Case Studies and Demonstration Cases



RESEARCH PAPERS (full papers, 8-10 pages) as well as TOOL DEMO PAPERS (up
to 2 pages) should be submitted to
the WGT 2010 organizers in ENTCS format (http://www.entcs.org). Submissions
should be sent by e-mail to wgt@aszt.inf.elte.hu.

Further information will be available at the WGT 2010 home page.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register
and present the paper at the workshop.



After revision, final copies of the accepted papers will be
published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
(ENTCS), Elsevier Science (http://www.entcs.org).



- Don Batory University of Texas at Austin (USA)
- Jaakko Järvi Texas A&M University (USA)
- Julia Lawall University of Copenhagen (DK)
- Hanspeter Mössenböck Johannes Kepler University Linz (AT)
- Zoltán Porkoláb Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Awais Rashid Lancaster University (UK)
- Joao Saraiva University of Minho (POR)
- Bran Selic Malina Software Corp (CAN)
- Yannis Smaragdakis University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA)



- Zoltan Porkolab Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Norbert Pataki Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Zalan Szugyi Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)

e-mail: wgt@aszt.inf.elte.hu



[Caml-list] JFLA 2010: 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS


JFLA'2010 (http://jfla.inria.fr/2010/)

Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs
Organised by INRIA

from 30 January to 02 February 2010

JFLA'2010 is the twenty-first french speaking conference
on functional programming and proofs technics.

Theses new days will be

from 30 January to 02 February 2010.

It takes place on the coast, at

Vieux-Port La Ciotat, near Marseille.

Centered on functional programming approach, the conference also deals
with complementary technics and tools which upgrade software quality
(proof assistant system, rewriting, tests, automatic proof, verification).

JFLA bring together developers and users in a pleasant
setting that ease communications; this conference has the
ambition to cover applicative languages domain that allows
construction of software systems that are safer. The teaching of
functional approach of software development (specification,
semantics, programming, compilation, certification) is a subject
of major concern for the JFLA.

That is why contributions to the following topics are especially
awaited (non exhaustive list) :

- Fonctionnal and applicative languages : semantic, compilation,
optimisation, measures, tests, extensions by other programming paradigms

- Specification, prototyping, formal development of algorithms.

- Industrial use of functional and applicative languages.

- Proof assistants : implementation, new tactics, developments
presenting technical or methodologic interest.

- Teaching aspects when used in functional approach of development

For JFLA we are looking for original research articles
that brings real novelties.

Articles submited to JFLA will be reviewed by at least 2
persons if it is accepted and by one more reader if it is to be rejected.
Reviewers' remarks are always benevolent and most of the time
encouraging and constructive, even in case of refusal.

Invited speakers
Leslie Lamport (Microsoft): « Preuves et prouveur TLA+ »
Christian Queinnec (Université Paris 6): « De la correction automatisée »

Pierre Letouzey (Université paris 7): « (TBA) »
Louis Mandel (Université Paris 11): « (TBA) »

Programm Comitee
Micaela Mayero, Chairman (Université Paris 13)

Sylvain Conchon, Vice Chairman (Université Paris 11)

Assia Mahboubi (INRIA Saclay)

Alan Schmitt (INRIA Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes)

Pierre Courtieu (CNAM Paris)

Damien Pous (CNRS Grenoble)

Bruno Barras (INRIA Saclay)

Bernard Serpette (INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée)

Manuel Serrano (INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée)

Damien Doligez (INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt)

Deadline : 15 October 2009

Proceedings would be published by Springer (LNCS),
or Hermann («Studia Informatica Universalis»).

Submited papers have to be written either in french or presented in
french. Papers are limited to 15 pages A4. A mandatory Latex style is
provided at the following URL :


Submission is made electronically only following the method detailed in


Submissions are to be send to the chairman
with the subject ``SOUMISSION JFLA 2010'', to the following
e-mail address :

Micaela.Mayero [@] lipn.univ-paris13.fr

Main dates :
15 October 2009 : Submission deadline
20 November 2009 : Authors notification
10 December 2009 : Camera ready copy due
15 January 2010 : Inscription deadline
from 30 January to 02 February 2010 : Conference dates

Administrative contact :

INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes
Bureau des Cours-Colloques
655 avenue de l'Europe - Montbonnot
38334 Saint Ismier Cedex - France

Tel : + 33 (0)4 76 61 52 23 - Fax : + 33 (0)4 76 61 52 06
email : colloques@inrialpes.fr



[Caml-list] Call for Papers: PLPV 2010

Call For Papers

Programming Languages meets Program Verification (PLPV) 2010


Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Madrid, Spain
Affiliated with POPL 2010

Overview: The goal of PLPV is to foster and stimulate research at the
intersection of programming languages and program verification. Work
in this area typically attempts to reduce the burden of program
verification by taking advantage of particular semantic and/or
structural properties of the programming language. One example is
dependently typed programming languages, which leverage a language's
type system to specify and check richer than usual specifications,
possibly with programmer-provided proof terms. Another example is
extended static checking systems like Spec#, which extends C# with
pre- and postconditions along with a static verifier for these

We invite submissions on all aspects, both theoretical and practical,
of the integration of programming language and program verification
technology. To encourage cross-pollination between different
communities, we seek a broad the scope for PLPV. In particular,
submissions may have diverse foundations for verification (type-based,
Hoare-logic-based, etc), target diverse kinds of programming languages
(functional, imperative, object-oriented, etc), and apply to diverse
kinds of program properties (data structure invariants, security
properties, temporal protocols, etc).

Submissions: Submissions should fall into one of the following three

1. Regular research papers that describe new work on the above or
related topics. Submissions in this category have an upper limit
of 12 pages, but shorter submissions are also encouraged.

2. Work-in-progress reports should describe new work that is
ongoing and may not be fully completed or evaluated. Submissions
in this category should be at most 6 pages in total length.

3. Proposals for challenge problems which the author believes is
are useful benchmarks or important domains for language-based
program verification techniques. Submissions in this category
should be at most 6 pages in total length.

Submissions should be prepared with SIGPLAN two-column conference
format. Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN republication
policy. Concurrent submissions to other workshops, conferences,
journals, or similar forums of publication are not allowed.
Papers should be submitted through Easychair,
at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=plpv2010

Publication: Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and appear
in the ACM digital library.

Student Attendees: Students with accepted papers or posters are
encouraged to apply for a SIGPLAN PAC grant that will help to cover
travel expenses to PLPV. Details on the PAC program and the
application can be found on the workshop web page. PAC also offers
support for companion travel.

Important Dates:

* Electronic submission: October 8, 2009, 11:59pm Samoa time (UTC-11)
* Notification: November 8, 2009
* Final version: November 17, 2009
* Workshop: January 19, 2010


* Cormac Flanagan (University of California, Santa Cruz)
* Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS)

Program Committee:

* Adam Chlipala (Harvard University)
* Ranjit Jhala (University of California, San Diego)
* Joseph Kiniry (University College Dublin)
* Rustan Leino (Microsoft Research)
* Xavier Leroy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
* Conor McBride (University of Strathclyde)
* Andrey Rybalchenko (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems)
* Tim Sheard (Portland State University)
* Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] DAMP 2010: FINAL Call for Papers

DAMP 2010: Workshop on
Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming
Madrid, SPAIN
(colocated with POPL 2010)
January, 2010

The advent of multicore architectures has profoundly increased the
importance of research in parallel computing. Modern platforms are
becoming more complex and heterogenous and novel solutions are needed
to account for their peculiarities.
Multicore architectures will differ in significant ways from their
multisocket predecessors. For example, the communication to compute
bandwidth ratio is likely to be higher, which will positively impact
performance. More generally, multicore architectures introduce several
new dimensions of variability in both performance guarantees and
architectural contracts, such as the memory model, that may not
stabilize for several generations of product.

Programs written in functional or (constraint-)logic programming
languages, or in other highly declarative languages with a controlled
use of side effects, can greatly simplify parallel programming. Such
declarative programming allows for a deterministic semantics even
when the underlying implementation might be highly non-deterministic.
In addition to simplifying programming this can simplify debugging and
analyzing correctness.

DAMP 2010 is the fifth in a series of one-day workshops seeking to
explore ideas in declarative programming language design that will
greatly simplify programming for multicore architectures, and more
generally for tightly coupled parallel architectures. The emphasis
will be on (constraint-)logic and functional programming, but any
declarative programming language ideas that aim to raise the level of
abstraction are welcome. DAMP seeks to gather together researchers in
declarative approaches to parallel programming and to foster cross
fertilization across different approaches.

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

* investigation of applications of logic, constraint logic, and
functional programing to multicore programing
* run-time issues of exploitation of parallelism using declarative
programming approaches (e.g., garbage collection, scheduling)
* architectural impact on exploitation of parallelism from
declarative languages
* type systems and analysis for accurately detecting dependencies,
aliasing, side effects, and impure features
* language level declarative constructs for expressing parallelism
* declarative language specification for the description of data
placement and distribution
* compilation and static analysis techniques to support
exploitation of parallelism from declarative languages (e.g.,
granularity control)
* practical experiences and challenges arising from parallel
declarative programming
* technology for debugging parallel programs
* design and implementation of domain-specific declarative
languages for multicore programming


Submitted papers papers should not exceed 10 pages in ACM
SIGPLAN conference format. Submission is electronic via:


Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and
in a physical proceedings. Papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN
Republication Policy:


Concurrent submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals,
or similar forums of publication are not allowed. However, DAMP
is intended to be a venue for discussion and exploration of
works-in-progress, and so publication of a paper at DAMP 2010 is
not intended to preclude later publication as appropriate.

Additional information about the submission process can be found
at the conference web site.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: Sept. 21
Paper submission: Sept. 25
Notification to authors: Oct. 26
Camera ready: Nov. 9

Program Chair:

Enrico Pontelli
New Mexico State University

General Chairs:

Leaf Petersen
Intel Corporation
Santa Clara, CA, USA

Program Committee:

Manuel Carro Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Clemens Grelck University of Hertfordshire
Haifeng Guo University of Nebraska at Omaha
Gabriele Keller University of New South Wales
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen
Leaf Petersen Intel Corporation
John Reppy University of Chicago
Ricardo Rocha University of Porto
Kostis Sagonas National Technical University of Athens
Vitor Santos Costa University of Porto
Satnam Singh Microsoft Research
Philip Trinder Heriot-Watt University
Pascal Van Hentenryck Brown University



Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Second Call for Papers: VSTTE 2009

Due to many requests, the submission deadline for the
VSTTE workshop has been extended.

* *
* VSTTE 2009 *
* *
* Workshop on Verified Software *
* Theory Tools and Experiments *
* *
* (affiliated with Formal Methods Week) *
* *
* November 2, 2009 *
* Eindhoven, the Netherlands *
* http://vstte09.lri.fr/ *
* *
* Deadline for submissions: Sep 11, 2009 *
* *

FM 2009 is the sixteenth in a series of symposia of the
Formal Methods Europe association, and the second one
that is organized as a world congress. Ten years after
FM'99, the 1st World Congress, the formal methods
communities from all over the world will once again have
an opportunity to meet. FM 2009 will be both an
opportunity to celebrate, and an opportunity to join in
when enthusiastic researchers and practitioners from a
diversity of backgrounds and schools come together to
discuss their ideas and experiences.

The workshop on Verified Software: Theories, Tools, and
Experiments (VSTTE 2009) will take place on November the
2nd. The focus of this workshop will be on tools, as
previous VSTTE conferences in Zurich and Toronto
emphasised theories and experiments. Consisting of
contributed papers and invited talks, the workshop will
focus on the tools behind the development of systematic
methods for specifying, building, and verifying
high-quality software. This includes topics like:

* Program logic
* Specification and verification techniques
* Tool support for specification languages
* Tool for various design methodologies
* Tool integration and plug-ins
* Automation in formal verification
* Tool comparisons and benchmark repositories
* Combination of tools and techniques
(e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software specification
vs. engineering techniques)
* Customizing tools for particular applications

Papers about tool architectures, and their achievements
are most welcome. The contributed papers, which should
report on previously unpublished work, can reflect
current and preliminary work in areas of software
verification. New technical results, overviews of new
developments in software verification projects, short
papers accompanying tool demonstrations, as well as
position papers on how to further advance the goal of
verified software are all welcome.


VSTTE proceedings will be published as a special issue of
the Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) journal.

Submitted papers should not have been submitted elsewhere
for publication. Papers should use Springer-Verlag's STTT
package ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/svjour/sttt/,
and should not exceed 15 pages including appendices.

Papers are processed through the EasyChair conference
management system.


Submission deadline September 11, 2009, 11:59pm Samoa time (UTC-11)
Notification of acceptance October 2, 2009
Final version October 16, 2009


* David Deharbe, Dimap UFRN, Brazil
* Dino Distefano, Queen Mary University of London, UK
* Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (co-chair), CNRS, France
* Leo Freitas (co-chair), University of York, UK
* John McDermott, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
* Yannick Moy, AdaCore, France
* Arnaud Venet, Kestrel Technology, USA


Leo Freitas, leo@cs.york.ac.uk
Department of Computer Science
University of York, YO10 5DD York, UK
Tel: (+44) (0) 1904 434753

Jean-Christophe Filliatre, Jean-Christophe.Filliatre@lri.fr
CNRS / INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-france - ProVal
Parc Orsay Universite, batiment N
4, rue Jacques Monod 91893
Orsay Cedex FRANCE
Tel: (+33) (0)1 74 85 42 27


Further information will be put on the workshop web-page

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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