
[Caml-list] Memocode 2010 First Call for Papers

MEMOCODE 2010 First Call for Papers

The eighth ACM-IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and
Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE 2010) will be held
on July 26-28, 2010 in Grenoble, France.




Abstract submission deadline: February 26, 2010
Paper submission deadline: March 5, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2010
Poster submission deadline: May 14, 2010
Notification for Posters: May 28, 2010
Final Version for Papers: May 28, 2010


The eighth MEMOCODE conference will attract researchers and
practitioners who create methods, tools, and architectures for the
design of hardware/software systems. These systems face increasing
design complexity including tighter constraints on timing, power, costs,
and reliability. MEMOCODE seeks submissions that present novel formal
methods and design techniques addressing these issues to create, refine,
and verify hardware/software systems. We also invite
application-oriented papers, and especially encourage submissions that
highlight the design perspective of formal methods and models, including
success stories and demonstrations of hardware/software codesign.
Furthermore, we invite poster presentations describing ongoing work with
promising preliminary results.

Topics of interest for regular submissions include but are not limited to
- system- and transaction-level modeling and verification, abstraction
and refinement between different modeling levels, formal, semi-formal,
and specification-driven verification,
- design and verification methods for composition of concurrent systems:
multi-core platform architectures, systems-on-chip, networks-on-chip,
- non-traditional and domain-specific design languages for hardware and
software, novel models of computation, and new design paradigms that
unify hardware and software design,
- system-level estimation of performance and power in heterogeneous
hardware/software architectures,
- applications and demonstrators of formal design methodologies and case
studies of innovative system-level design flows, and
- modeling and reuse of intellectual property at system-level.


Conference proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society.


Submissions of research and experience papers will only be accepted
through the conference web site. Papers must not exceed 10 pages and
must be formatted following IEEE Computer Society guidelines.
Submissions must be written in English, describe original work, and not
substantially overlap papers that have been published or are being
submitted to a journal or another conference with published proceedings.
Poster submissions should consist of an abstract of at most 250 words.
The abstract will be distributed to the conference attendants but will
not be published. Note that the poster deadline is different from the
paper deadline.


MEMOCODE will again have a design contest. The contest will start March
1, 2010. The deadline for submission is 31 March 2010 and the
notification of the results is on May 14, 2010. The conference will
sponsor at least two prize categories, each with a significant cash
award. We awarded a $1000 prize in each of the two categories in 2009.
Each team that submits a complete and working entry will be invited to
submit for review a 2-page abstract for the formal conference
proceedings; winning teams will be invited to contribute a 4-page short
paper. Each team submitting a completed and working entry will also
receive a commemorative plaque with their name and results. Please refer
to the conference website for more information and updates.


MEMOCODE will feature tutorials related to hardware/software codesign.
Please send your tutorial proposals to alain.girault@inria.fr.


General Chair: Klaus Schneider (Kaiserslauten)
Finance Chair: James Hoe (CMU)
Program Chairs: Barbara Jobstmann (CNRS) and Luca Carloni (Columbia)
Design Contest: Joel Emer (Intel) and Forrest Brewer (UCSB)
Local Chairs: Saddek Bensalem (UJF/CEA) and Christian Fabre (CEA)
Tutorial Chair: Alain Girault (INRIA)

Program Committee

David Atienza (EPFL)
Twan Basten (Eindhoven)
Tevfik Bultan (UCSB)
Robert de Simone (INRIA)
Rainer Doemer (UCI)
Rolf Drechsler (Bremen)
Stephen Edwards (Columbia)
Franco Fummi (Verona)
Thierry Gautier (INRIA)
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan (Utah)
Josef Haid (Infineon)
Franjo Ivancic (NEC)
Christoph Kirsch (Salzburg)
Daniel Kroening (Oxford)
Yassine Lakhnech (UJF)
Luciano Lavagno (Torino)
Elizabeth Leonard (NRL)
Rishiyur Nikhil (Bluespec, Inc.)
John O'Leary (Intel)
Roberto Passerone (Trento)
Diego Puschini (CEA)
Jan Reineke (UC Berkeley)
Patrick Schaumont (VirginiaTech)
Klaus Schneider (Kaiserslautern)
Sanjit Seshia (UC Berkeley)
Natasha Sharygina (Lugano)
Satnam Singh (Microsoft)
Michael Theobald (DE Shaw)
Lothar Thiele (ETHZ)
Fei Xie (Portland State)

Steering Committee

Arvind (MIT)
Masahiro Fujita (University Tokyo)
Rajesh Gupta (UC San Diego)
Connie Heitmeyer (NRL)
James Hoe (CMU)
Sandeep Shukla (Virginia Tech)
Jean-Pierre Talpin (INRIA)

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] SERA2010: 2nd Call for Papers, Specical Sessions, Workshops and Sponsorships

Dear colleagues,

[ Apologies for the crossposting or if you get multiple copies of this email ]

We would like to invite you to submit a paper and / or a special session /
workshop proposal to the 8th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software
Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA2010) on
May 24 - 26, 2010. The event will take place at Concordia University, Montreal,


Please take notice of the attached Call for Papers, Call for Workshop Proposals
and Call for Sponsorship for further information.

The deadline for submission of either papers or the workshop/special session
proposals is December 15, 2009.

We kindly ask you to distribute this announcement among the colleagues in your
institution and post it on research mailing lists you have access to that you
may think this is relevant.

Important dates:

Paper and Proposals Submission: December 15, 2009
Acceptance Notification: January 25, 2010
Camera-ready Paper & Pre-Registration: February 20, 2010



- New theoretical foundations in Software Engineering Modeling
- Business Process & Enterprise Integration Engineering
- Communication Systems and Networks
- Computer Game Development, User Modeling and Management
- Cost Modeling and Analysis
- Data Mining and Knowledge Recovery
- Distributed Intelligent Systems
- Formal Methods and Tools
- Healthcare Engineering
- Human Computer Interaction
- Parallel and Distributed Computing Telecommunications
- Service Oriented Computing
- Mobile/Wireless Computing
- Requirements Modeling and Management
- Process Management & Improvement
- Reengineering, Reverse Engineering
- Autonomic Computing
- Requirements Engineering
- Safety and Security Critical Software
- Software Agent Technology
- Web Engineering, Web-Based Applications
- Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics

Call for Sponsorship:



We solicit research and experience papers as well as research-in-progress and
practitioner reports in any of the technical areas listed under Scope & Topics.
Submit your paper via the web-based conference management system following
the instructions below:

* First, please review the IEEE PDF specifications.

* Go to the Conference Management System and follow the instructions on the
"Electronic Submission Page" that it takes you to.

* The file that you submit should include the paper title, abstract, keywords,
and introduction followed by the body of your paper. The author’s name and
address MUST NOT appear in this file. This is to facilitate a blind review.

* Upload your full paper in two column format (not to exceed 10 single-spaced
pages) via the web-based conference management system in PDF format, or you
can submit your paper in the final manuscript format.

* The format of the final manuscript should be in a two-column format and 8 pages
in length. Up to an extra 2 pages (total of 8) can be purchased at registration
time (see registration form for pricing).

* Please select at least two keywords from the drop-down menu and check boxes.
If you cannot find the right category in the drop-down menu then please enter
a category for your paper in the summary. We need this information when
determining reviewers for your paper.

Submissions, refereeing, and all correspondence will be conducted by e-mail.
All papers must be submitted through our Conference Management System.


The program committee will review each submission and judge it with respect
to its originality, significance, and relevance.



Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Computer Society.

Conference organizers will select approximately 20 outstanding papers from
SERA 2010 to be published in Springer's Studies in Computational
Intelligence (SCI). The book series will be distributed at the conference

Workshops and Special Sessions:




For further inquires about SERA2010 conference and event planning, please
e-mail to:


You may obtain further information on the conference at its web site


Sincerely yours,

SERA2010 organizers

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[Caml-list] Call for Participation: TLDI'10


TLDI 2010

ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Types in Language Design and Implementation

23 January 2010
Madrid, Spain

To be held in conjunction with POPL 2010



Hotel reservation deadline: December 28, 2009 (Monday)


TLDI'10 and all POPL'10 affiliated events will take place at the
Melia Castilla Hotel, Madrid.


To register for TLDI'10, follow the link from the POPL 2010 page, at



The role of types and proofs in all aspects of language design,
compiler construction, and software development has expanded greatly
in recent years. Type systems, type-based analyses and type-theoretic
deductive systems have been central to advances in compilation
techniques for modern programming languages, verification of safety
and security properties of programs, program transformation and
optimization, and many other areas. The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types
in Language Design and Implementation brings researchers together to
share new ideas and results concerning all aspects of types and
programming, and is now an annual event.


Matthias Felleisen, Northeastern University, Boston


Opening remarks: 9:20-9:30

Invited talk 9:30-10:30

*** Adding Types to Untyped Languages
Matthias Felleisen, Northeastern University, Boston

** Session I 11:00-12:30

*** Effects for Cooperable and Serializable Threads
Jaeheon Yi and Cormac Flanagan

*** Race-free and Memory-safe Multithreading: Design and Implementation in Cyclone
Prodromos Gerakios, Nikolaos Papaspyrou and Konstantinos Sagonas

*** Distributed programming with distributed authorization
Kumar Avijit, Anupam Datta and Robert Harper

** Session II 2:30-4:00

*** let should not be generalized
Dimitrios Vytiniotis, Simon Peyton Jones and Tom Schrijvers

*** Pointwise Generalized Algebraic Data Types
Chuan-kai Lin and Tim Sheard

*** Verifying Event-Driven Programs using Ramified Frame Properties
Neelakantan Krishnaswami, Lars Birkedal and Jonathan Aldrich

** Session III 4:30-5:30

*** Lightweight Linear Types in System F^o
Karl Mazurak, Jianzhou Zhao and Steve Zdancewic

*** F-ing Modules
Andreas Rossberg, Claudio Russo and Derek Dreyer



Andrew Kennedy, Microsoft Research, Cambridge


Nick Benton, Microsoft Research, Cambridge


Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software, Spain
Viviana Bono, University of Torino, Italy
Giorgio Ghelli, University of Pisa, Italy
Dan Grossman, University of Washington, USA
Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University, Japan
Conor McBride, University of Strathclyde, UK
Jeremy Siek, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA
Zhong Shao, Yale University, USA
Matthieu Sozeau, Harvard University, USA
Chris Stone, Harvey Mudd College, USA
Kristian Støvring, ITU Copenhagen, Denmark

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] WGT 2010 Submission Deadline Extension and Final Call for Papers

[ Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement ]



Second Workshop on Generative Technologies
WGT 2010


a satellite event of the
13th European Joint Conferences on
Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS 2010)
Paphos - Cyprus
March 27, 2010



- Submission of full paper: November 30, 2009
- Submission of tool demo paper: November 30, 2009
- Author notification: January 11, 2010
- Final version due: January 25, 2010



Generative programming is an emerging paradigm aimed
at automating important tasks in software development,
compile-time and run-time code transformation, and the creation of
domain-specific languages and flexible libraries. The purpose of the
workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners working in
this area to discuss
state-of-the-art generative technologies and tools, and
exchange ideas about the future of generative programming.
Papers describing practical applications of generative styles,
and new research directions are expected. Suggested areas of
interest in the workshop include, but are not limited to:

- Generative programming, metaprogramming
- Separation of concerns
- Intentional programming
- Domain engineering and domain analysis
- Product-line architectures
- Feature-based techniques
- Compile-time and run-time code transformation
- Multi-stage languages
- Generic and Active library-development
- Analysis of language support for generative programming
- Semantics, type-systems of generative programs
- Case Studies and Demonstration Cases



RESEARCH PAPERS (full papers, 8-10 pages) as well as TOOL DEMO PAPERS (up
to 2 pages) should be submitted to the WGT 2010 organizers in ENTCS format
(http://www.entcs.org). Submissions should be sent by e-mail to

Accepted workshop papers are published in the local proceedings. After
the workshop the participants are invited for submission to journal ENTCS
(only research papers). The workshop organizers have intention to set the
deadline of this second submission being later then the notification on
GPCE papers. Hence authors have opportunity to send their paper to GPCE
and if rejected, send to ENTCS without violating usual resubmission policy.

Further information will be available at the WGT 2010 home page.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register
and present the paper at the workshop.



After revision, final copies of the accepted papers will be
published in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
(ENTCS), Elsevier Science (http://www.entcs.org).



- Don Batory University of Texas at Austin (USA)
- Jaakko Järvi Texas A&M University (USA)
- Julia Lawall University of Copenhagen (DK)
- Hanspeter Mössenböck Johannes Kepler University Linz (AT)
- Zoltán Porkoláb Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Awais Rashid Lancaster University (UK)
- Joao Saraiva University of Minho (POR)
- Bran Selic Malina Software Corp (CAN)
- Yannis Smaragdakis University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA)



- Zoltan Porkolab Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Norbert Pataki Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)
- Zalan Szugyi Eotvos Lorand University (HUN)

e-mail: wgt@aszt.inf.elte.hu



[Caml-list] Call for Participation - PEPM'10 (co-located with POPL'10)

ACM SIGPLAN 2010 Workshop on
Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM'10)
Madrid, January 18-19, 2010

(Affiliated with POPL'10)


Abstracts of all papers and presentations are available from the
above web site.


* Lennart Augustsson (Standard Chartered Bank, UK)
Title: O, Partial Evaluator, Where Art Thou?

* Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)
Title: General Purpose Languages Should be Metalanguages.


* Nabil el Boustani and Jurriaan Hage.
Corrective Hints for Type Incorrect Generic Java Programs.

* Johannes Rudolph and Peter Thiemann.
Mnemonics: Type-safe Bytecode Generation at Run Time.

* Elvira Albert, Miguel Gomez-Zamalloa and German Puebla.
PET: A Partial Evaluation-based Test Case Generation Tool for Java

* Martin Hofmann.
Igor2 - an Analytical Inductive Functional Programming System.

* José Pedro Magalhães, Stefan Holdermans, Johan Jeuring and Andres Löh.
Optimizing Generics Is Easy!

* Michele Baggi, María Alpuente, Demis Ballis and Moreno Falaschi.
A Fold/Unfold Transformation Framework for Rewrite Theories extended
to CCT.

* Hugh Anderson and Siau-Cheng KHOO.
Regular Approximation and Bounded Domains for Size-Change Termination.

* Évelyne Contejean, Pierre Courtieu, Julien Forest, Andrei Paskevich,
Olivier Pons and Xavier Urbain.
A3PAT, an Approach for Certified Automated Termination Proofs.

* Fritz Henglein.
Optimizing Relational Algebra Operations Using Generic Equivalence
Discriminators and Lazy Products.

* Adrian Riesco and Juan Rodriguez-Hortala.
Programming with Singular and Plural Non-deterministic Functions.

* Martin Hofmann and Emanuel Kitzelmann.
I/O Guided Detection of List Catamorphisms.

* Andrew Moss and Dan Page.
Bridging the Gap Between Symbolic and Efficient AES Implementations.

* Christopher Brown and Simon Thompson.
Clone Detection and Elimination for Haskell.

* Stefan Holdermans and Jurriaan Hage.
Making Stricterness More Relevant.

* Arun Lakhotia, Davidson Boccardo, Anshuman Singh and Aleardo Manacero
Context-Sensitive Analysis of Obfuscated x86 Executables.

* Xin Li and Mizuhito Ogawa.
Conditional Weighted Pushdown Systems and Applications.

* Ivan Lazar Miljenovic.
The SourceGraph Program.

* Florian Haftmann.
From Higher-Order Logic to Haskell: There and Back Again.


* Andy Gill, Garrin Kimmell and Kevin Matlage.
Capturing Functions and Catching Satellites.


* Early registration deadline: December 22, 2009
* Hotel registration deadline: December 28, 2009

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] DiScoTec 2010: Call for Workshop Proposals

[We apologize for multiple copies]

DisCoTec 2010

5th International Federated Conferences on
Distributed Computing Techniques

Amsterdam, Netherlands, 7-9 June 2010

Call for Workshop Proposals

A workshop is intended to provide a forum for members of a focused research
community to present preliminary research results and discuss position-style
papers. Workshops are alternative forums for presenting full research
papers. As such, organizers are encouraged to adopt an format that fosters
interaction and discussion, devoting less focus to individual, formal

DisCoTec 2010 invites proposals for one day workshops to be held in
conjunction with the main events. Prospective workshop organizers are
requested to follow the guidelines below and are encouraged to contact the
workshop chair should any questions arise.

Important Dates

Workshop proposal deadline: December 17, 2009
Workshop proposal notification: December 23, 2009
Workshop: June 10, 2010

Submission and notification deadlines of the workshops are at the discretion
of the individual workshop organizers, however notification must be no later
than the early registration deadline for the main conference.

Proposal Submission Guidelines

Workshop proposals must be written in English, not exceed 5 pages with a
reasonable font and margin, and be submitted in PDF format via email to
Marcello Bonsangue (marcello@liacs.nl).

Proposals should include the following information:

* The title, theme, and goals of the workshop.
* The targeted audience and the expected minimum and maximum number of
participants. We prefer that workshops remain open to participation
from any members of the community, but by-invitation-only workshops
will also be considered. Please explicitly state your preference.
* The publicity strategy that will be used by the workshop organizers
to promote the workshop.
* The participant solicitation and selection process.
* Publication plan. Each workshop is responsible for managing its own
publication (e.g., pre- or post- proceedings), if any is desired.
* Approximate budget proposal (see section Budget below for details).
* A preliminary version of the call for papers. This CFP must include
important dates including submission, notification, and camera-ready
* The equipment and any other resource necessary for the organization
of the workshop.
* A brief description of the organizer's background, including relevant
past experience on organizing workshops and contact information.

Review Process

Workshop proposals will be reviewed by the following committee:

* Frank S. de Boer, CWI, NL (DiScoTec 2010 General Chair)
* Marcello M. Bonsangue, University of Leiden, NL (Workshops Chair)
* Immo Grabe, CWI, NL
* Stephanie Kemper, CWI, NL
* Alexandra Silva, CWI, NL

Acceptance is based on an evaluation of the workshop's potential for
generating useful results, the timeliness and expected interest in the
topic, the organizer's ability to lead a successful workshop, and
potential for attracting sufficient number of participants.

Workshop Publicity

Workshop publicity is responsability of the organizers. In particular they
are responsible for the following items:

1. A workshop description (200 words) for inclusion on the DisCoTec site.
2. Hosting and maintaining web pages to be linked from the DisCoTec site.
Workshop coordinators can integrate their pages into the wiki-page of
DisCoTec 2010.
3. Workshop proceedings, if any. If there is enough interest, the
organizer of DiScoTec 2010 may contact Elevier for having a common
volume of the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science
(http://info.eptcs.org/) dedicated to the workshops of DiScoTec 2010.
4. Publicising the event.


DisCoTec will provide registration and organizational support for the
workshops. Registration fees must be paid for all participants, including
organizers and invited guests.

To cover lunches, coffee breaks and basic organizational expenses, all
workshops will be required to charge a minimum participation fee (the
precise amount is still to be determined). Each workshop may increase this
fee to cover additional expenses such as publication charges, student
scholarships, registration for invited speakers, etc. All fees will be
collected by the DisCoTec organizers as part of the registration, then
additional funds will be redistributed to the individual workshop

Contact Information

Marcello Bonsangue (marcello@liacs.nl)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Second call for papers: Mathematics of Program Construction


10th International Conference on
Mathematics of Program Construction
MPC 2010

Québec City, Canada, 21-23 June 2010


Colocated with AMAST 2010 (23-26 June 2010)


The biennial MPC conferences aim to promote the development of
mathematical principles and techniques that are demonstrably practical
and effective in the process of constructing computer programs. Topics
of interest range from algorithmics to support for program
construction in programming languages and systems.

The previous conferences were held in Twente, The Netherlands (1989),
Oxford, UK (1992), Kloster Irsee, Germany (1995), Marstrand, Sweden
(1998), Ponte de Lima, Portugal (2000), Dagstuhl, Germany (2002),
Stirling, UK (2004, colocated with AMAST '04), Kuressaare, Estonia
(2006, colocated with AMAST '06) and Marseille, France (2008).
The 2010 conference will be held in Lac-Beauport, a suburb of Québec
City, Canada, and will be colocated with AMAST '10 (23-26 June 2010).


Roland Backhouse, University of Nottingham, UK.
Others to be announced later.


* Submission of abstracts: 7 December 2009
* Submission of full papers: 14 December 2009
* Notification of authors: 20 February 2010
* Camera-ready version: 20 March 2010


Papers are solicited on mathematical methods and tools put to use in
program construction. Topics of interest range from algorithmics to
support for program construction in programming languages and
systems. Some typical areas are type systems, program analysis and
transformation, programming-language semantics, security and program
logics. Theoretical contributions are welcome provided their relevance
for program construction is clear. Reports on applications are welcome
provided their mathematical basis is evident.


Submission is in two stages. Abstracts (plain text, 10 to 20 lines)
must be submitted by 7 December 2009. Full papers (pdf) adhering to
the LaTeX llncs style must be submitted by 14 December 2009. There
is no official page limit, but authors should strive for brevity.
The web-based system EasyChair will be used for submission

Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. In
particular, they must not be submitted to AMAST 2010. Accepted
papers must be presented at the conference by one of the authors.

The proceedings of MPC'10 will be published in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series of Springer-Verlag.

After the conference, the authors of the best papers will be invited
to submit revised versions to a special issue of the Science of
Computer Programming journal of Elsevier.


Jules Desharnais Université Laval, Québec, Canada (chair)

Philippe Audebaud Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, France
Ralph-Johan Back Abo Akademi University, Finland
Eerke Boiten University of Kent, UK
Sharon Curtis Oxford Brookes University, UK
Jeremy Gibbons University of Oxford, UK
Lindsay Groves Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Ian Hayes University of Queensland, Australia
Eric Hehner University of Toronto, Canada
Zhenjiang Hu National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Johan Jeuring Utrecht University, Netherlands
Christian Lengauer Universität Passau, Germany
Bernhard Möller Universität Augsburg, Germany
Shin-Cheng Mu Academia Sinica, Taiwan
David Naumann Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
José Nuno Oliveira Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Alberto Pardo Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Christine Paulin-Mohring INRIA-Université Paris-Sud, France
Steve Reeves University of Waikato, New Zealand
Tim Sheard Portland State University, USA
Georg Struth Sheffield University, UK
Tarmo Uustalu Institute of Cybernetics, Estonia


The conference will be held in the Manoir St-Castin
This resort is located on the shore of Beauport lake,
15 minutes from downtown Québec City (http://www.quebecregion.com/e/)
and 15 minutes from the Jean-Lesage International Airport.


The local organizers are Claude Bolduc, Jules Desharnais and Béchir Ktari.

Enquiries regarding the programme (submission, etc.) should be addressed
to Jules.Desharnais@ift.ulaval.ca.

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] SETP-10 Call for papers

SETP-10 Call for papers


The 2010 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-10) (website: http://www.PromoteResearch.org) will be held during 12-14 of July 2010 in Orlando, FL, USA.  SETP is an important event in the areas of Software development, maintenance, and other areas of software engineering and related topics.
The conference will be held at the same time and location where several other major international conferences will be taking place. The conference will be held as part of 2010 multi-conference (MULTICONF-10). MULTICONF-10 will be held during July 12-14, 2010 in Orlando, Florida, USA. The primary goal of MULTICONF is to promote research and developmental activities in computer science, information technology, control engineering, and related fields. Another goal is to promote the dissemination of research to a multidisciplinary audience and to facilitate communication among researchers, developers, practitioners in different fields. The following conferences are planned to be organized as part of MULTICONF-10.


  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition (AIPR-10)
  •  International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems (ARCS-10)
  • International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Genomics and Chemoinformatics (BCBGC-10)
  • International Conference on Computer Networks (CN-10)
  • International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-10)
  • International Conference on High Performance Computing Systems (HPCS-10)
  • International Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ISP-10)
  • International Conference on Image and Video Processing and Computer Vision (IVPCV-10)
  • International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice (SETP-10)
  • International Conference on Theoretical and Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (TMFCS-10)


We invite draft paper submissions. Please see the website http://www.PromoteResearch.org for more details.



John Edward

Publicity committee

[Caml-list] ICFP 2010: Call for papers


Call for Papers

ICFP 2010: International Conference on Functional Programming

Baltimore, Maryland, 27 -- 29 September 2010



Important Dates (at 14:00 UTC)

Submission: 2 April 2010
Author response: 24 -- 25 May 2010
Notification: 7 June 2010
Final papers due: 12 July 2010


ICFP 2010 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional
programming. Submissions are invited on all topics from principles to
practice, from foundations to features, from abstraction to
application. The scope includes all languages that encourage
functional programming, including both purely applicative and
imperative languages, as well as languages with objects or
concurrency. Particular topics of interest include

* Language Design: type systems; concurrency and distribution;
modules; components and composition; metaprogramming; relations to
object-oriented or logic programming; interoperability

* Implementation: abstract machines; compilation; compile-time and
run-time optimization; memory management; multi-threading;
exploiting parallel hardware; interfaces to foreign functions,
services, components or low-level machine resources

* Software-Development Techniques: algorithms and data structures;
design patterns; specification; verification; validation; proof
assistants; debugging; testing; tracing; profiling

* Foundations: formal semantics; lambda calculus; rewriting; type
theory; monads; continuations; control; state; effects

* Transformation and Analysis: abstract interpretation; partial
evaluation; program transformation; program calculation; program

* Applications and Domain-Specific Languages: symbolic computing;
formal-methods tools; artificial intelligence; systems programming;
distributed-systems and web programming; hardware design; databases;
XML processing; scientific and numerical computing; graphical user
interfaces; multimedia programming; scripting; system
administration; security; education

* Functional Pearls: elegant, instructive, and fun essays on
functional programming The conference also solicits Experience
Reports, which are short papers that provide evidence that
functional programming really works or describe obstacles that have
kept it from working in a particular application.

Abbreviated instructions for authors
By 2 April 2010, 14:00 UTC, submit an abstract of at most 300 words
and a full paper of at most 12 pages (6 pages for an Experience
Report), including bibliography and figures. The deadline will be
strictly enforced and papers exceeding the page limits will be
summarily rejected. Authors have the option to attach supplementary
material to a submission, on the understanding that reviewers may
choose not to look at it.

A submission will be evaluated according to its relevance,
correctness, significance, originality, and clarity. It should explain
its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly
identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is
significant, and comparing it with previous work. The technical
content should be accessible to a broad audience. Functional Pearls
and Experience Reports are separate categories of papers that need not
report original research results and must be marked as such at the
time of submission. Detailed guidelines on both categories are on the
conference web site.

Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as
explained on the web at http://www.acm.org/sigplan/republicationpolicy.htm.

Proceedings will be published by ACM Press. Authors of accepted
submissions are expected to transfer the copyright to the
ACM. Presentations will be videotaped and released online if the
presenter consents by signing an additional permission form at the
time of the presentation. Formatting: Submissions must be in PDF
format printable in black and white on US Letter sized paper and
interpretable by Ghostscript. If this requirement is a hardship, make
contact with the program chair at least one week before the
deadline. Papers must adhere to the standard ACM conference format:
two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with columns
20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter of 2pc
(0.33in). A suitable document template for LATEX is available from
SIGPLAN at http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm.

Submission: Submissions will be accepted electronically at a URL to be
named later. Improved versions of a paper may be submitted at any
point before the submission deadline using the same web interface.

Author response: Authors will have a 48-hour period, starting at 14:00
UTC on 24 May 2010, to read and respond to reviews.

Special Journal Issue: There will be a special issue of the Journal of
Functional Programming with papers from ICFP 2010. The program
committee will invite the authors of select accepted papers to submit
a journal version to this issue.

Conference Chair
Paul Hudak, Yale University

Program Chair
Stephanie Weirich, University of Pennsylvania

Program Committee:
Umut Acar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Zena Ariola, University of Oregon
James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
Peter Dybjer, Chalmers University of Technology
Robert Bruce Findler, Northwestern University
Andy Gill, Kansas University
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen
Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College Park
Patricia Johann, University of Strathclyde
Andres Löh, Utrecht University
Simon L. Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research
Didier Rémy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
John Reppy, University of Chicago
Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Matthieu Sozeau, Harvard University

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] ASAP 2010 Call for paper

[ Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies. ]

21st IEEE International Conference on
Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors
http://asap-conference.org /
July 7-9, 2010,
Rennes, Brittany, France

The conference will cover the theory and practice of application-specific systems, architectures and processors. The 2009 conference will build upon traditional strengths in areas such as arithmetic, cryptography, compression, signal and image processing, application-specific instruction processors, etc. We especially encourage submissions in the following three areas:

- Bioinformatics and computational biology - life sciences present a host of interesting problems that can benefit from application-specific solutions.

- Architecturally diverse systems - systems that use varied computing resources such as FPGAs, GPUs, Cell processors, etc.

- Tools and Compilations Methods for Reconfigurable Computing.

The conference venue in 2010 is Rennes, which is a wonderful city to visit in its own right, with many sights worth seeing. This vibrant, thriving city is renowned for its cultural facilities, and world-class educational institutions.

Important Dates:

- Paper Submission : February 12
- Notification of Acceptance : April 19
- Camera-ready Papers Due : May 3
- Conference :July 7 to 9

General Chair :

- Christophe Wolinski, University of Rennes I - INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, France

Program Co-Chairs:

- Jürgen Teich, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
- François Charot, INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, France
- Walid Najjar, University of California Riverside, USA

Finance Chair:

- Laurent Perraudeau, University of Rennes I - IRISA, France

Publicity Chair:

- Steven Derrien, University of Rennes I - INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, France

Secretary :


Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Preliminary call for papers PLAS 2010


Preliminary Call for Papers

ACM SIGPLAN Fifth Workshop on
Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
(PLAS 2010)

June 10, 2010
Co-located with PLDI 2010, Toronto, Canada



PLAS aims to provide a forum for exploring and evaluating ideas on the
use of programming language and program analysis techniques to improve
the security of software systems. Strongly encouraged are proposals of
new, speculative ideas, evaluations of new or known techniques in
practical settings, and discussions of emerging threats and important

The scope of PLAS includes but is not limited to:

* Compiler-based security mechanisms or runtime-based security
mechanisms such as inline reference monitors
* Program analysis techniques for discovering security vulnerabilities
* Automated introduction and/or verification of security enforcement
* Language-based verification of security properties in software
including verification of cryptographic protocols
* Specifying and enforcing security policies for information flow and
access control
* Model-driven approaches to security
* Security concerns for web programming languages
* Language design for security in new domains such as cloud computing
and embedded platforms
* Applications, case studies, and implementations of these techniques


Submissions due: Friday, March 12, 2010
Author notification: Friday, April 23, 2010
Revised papers due: Monday, May 10, 2010
PLAS 2010 workshop: Thursday, June 10, 2010

Submission URL: https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=plas2010


We invite papers in two categories:

* Full papers should be at most 12 pages long including bibliography
and appendices. Papers in this category are expected to have
relatively mature content. Full paper presentations will be 25
minutes each.

* Position papers should be at most 6 pages long including
bibliography and appendices. Preliminary and exploratory work are
welcome in this category. Position paper presentations will be 10
minutes each. Authors submitting papers in this category must
prepend the phrase "Position Paper: " (without quotes) to the title
of the submitted paper.

Submissions should be PDF documents typeset in the ACM proceedings
format using 10pt fonts. SIGPLAN-approved templates can be found at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm. We recommend
using this format, which improves greatly on the ACM LaTeX format. All
submissions must be in English. Page limits are strict.

Both full and position papers must describe work not published in
other refereed venues (see the SIGPLAN republication policy at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/republicationpolicy.htm for
details). Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings
which will be distributed to workshop participants and be available in
the ACM Digital Library.

Papers may be submitted via EasyChair at
https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=plas2010. The submission
deadline is Friday, March 12, 2010.


Anindya Banerjee (IMDEA Software) (co-chair)
Gilles Barthe (IMDEA Software)
Avik Chaudhuri (University of Maryland)
Veronique Cortier (LORIA, CNRS)
Brendan Eich (Mozilla Corporation)
Ulfar Erlingsson (Microsoft Research and Reykjavik University)
Deepak Garg (Carnegie Mellon University) (co-chair)
Andrew D. Gordon (Microsoft Research)
Joshua Guttman (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University)
Sergio Maffeis (Imperial College London)
Todd Millstein (University of California, Los Angeles)
John Mitchell (Stanford University)
Marco Pistoia (IBM TJ Watson Research Center)
Andrei Sabelfeld (Chalmers University)
Zhendong Su (University of California, Davis)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs