[ Apologies for the crossposting or if you get multiple copies of this email ]
Final call for papers for the 3rd International Workshop
on Software Engineering for Context Aware Systems and Applications
a Special Session in SERA 2010
8th ACIS International Conference on
Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA2010)
Monday, May 24 â" Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Sponsored by
International Association for Computer and Information Science (ACIS)
In cooperation with
IEEE Montreal Section, Concordia University, École de technologie supérieure (ETS)
We call for original contributions on the theme of context-aware computing, focusing both on the development of practical context-aware systems and application and on the theory to support this development. Context-aware concepts are readily found in multiple applications, including distributed and mobile computing, adaptive Web applications, distributed operating systems, and distributed communities for social networking and user collaboration. More generally, context-aware computing requires that the behavior of a piece of software be aware of, and adapt to a set of underlying runtime contexts and changes thereto, where the contexts are external varying environments that may affect computation. Examples of such external environments or contexts involve time, location, situation, and user profile. Context-aware programming means writing software programs that specify how computations or behaviors of context-aware applications depend on or vary in underlying contexts. Of par!
ticular interest are theoretical approaches to the problem of context-awareness. For example, applying intensional concepts, with possible world semantics, to context-aware computing and programming should help build a solid theoretical foundation for engineering context-aware software systems and applications. Topics of interest include all aspects of software engineering for developing context aware systems and applications. Research papers as well as papers reporting practical experiences and applications of the above topics are all welcome.
Topics include but are not restricted to:
- Software development process for context-aware systems and applications
- Requirements engineering for context-aware systems and applications
- Context-aware software design and development process
- Modeling and simulation of context-aware systems and applications
- Formalism and abstraction of context-awareness in systems and applications
- Software architecture and design patterns of context-aware systems applications
- Quality of context-aware systems and applications
- Programming languages and systems for context-aware systems and applications
- Testing, verification, and validation of context-aware systems and applications
Submission, Review, and Publication
Papers will be submitted in PDF format following the SERA2010 template.
The papers are due on: February 1st, 2010. The authors will receive acceptance notifications on March 1st, 2010. The camera ready papers & registration deadline is March 15th, 2010.
Submitted papers must not be previously published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers accepted for the session will be published in the proceedings of the 8th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA2010). The selection procedure includes a review of each paper by at least three SERA2010 PC members. Experience papers will be accepted based on the relevance of the problems they tackle. Research papers will be accepted based on the relevance of the research questions to practice and the soundness of the research method deployed.
Publication of SECASA papers within the SERA proceedings:
Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Computer Society.
Joey Paquet, Chairperson
Computer Science and Software Engineering
Concordia University, Canada
Weichang Du, Co-chair
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada
SERA Committees:
Full-day event.
8 papers (with a reasonable acceptance rate)
1 invited speaker (TBD)
1 panel discussion (tentatively, ``the meaning, notion, and explicit vs. implicit expression of context'')
Sincerely yours,
SECASA2010 organizers
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