
[Caml-list] MSFP: Call for Papers

Third Workshop on
25 September 2010, Baltimore, USA
A satellite workshop of ICFP 2010

The workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming is
devoted to the derivation of functionality from structure. It is a
celebration of the direct impact of Theoretical Computer Science on
programs as we write them today. Modern programming languages, and in
particular functional languages, support the direct expression of
mathematical structures, equipping programmers with tools of remarkable
power and abstraction. Monadic programming in Haskell is the
paradigmatic example, but there are many more mathematical insights
manifest in programs and in programming language design:
Freyd-categories in reactive programming, symbolic differentiation
yielding context structures, and comonadic presentations of dataflow, to
name but three. This workshop is a forum for researchers who seek to
reflect mathematical phenomena in data and control.

The first MSFP workshop was held in Kuressaare, Estonia, in July 2006.
Selected papers were published as a special issue of the Journal of
Functional Programming (volume 19, issue 3-4).
The second MSFP workshop was held in Reykjavik, Iceland as part of ICALP

Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted
concurrently to another conference with refereed proceedings. Programme
Committee members, barring the co-chairs, may (and indeed are encouraged
to) contribute. Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop by one
of the authors.

There is no specific page limit, but authors should strive for brevity.

We are using the EasyChair software to manage submissions.
To submit a paper, please log in at:

The workshop proceedings will be published by ACM.

Submission of abstracts: 9 April
Submission of papers: 16 April
Notification: 28 May
Final versions due: 25 June
Workshop: 25 September

For more information about the workshop, go to:

Programme Committee

* Andreas Abel, LMU Munich, Germany
* Ana Bove, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
* Andrej Bauer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
* Venanzio Capretta (co-chair), University of Nottingham, UK
* James Chapman (co-chair), Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia
* Adam Chlipala, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
* Catarina Coquand, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
* Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA
* Manuel Alcino Cunha, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
* Andy Gill, University of Kansas, USA
* Mauro Jaskelioff, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
* Oleg Kiselyov, FNMOC, Monterey, California, USA
* Lionel Elie Mamane, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
* Conor McBride, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
* Greg Morrisett, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
* Russell O'Connor, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
* Benoit Razet, TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental research), India
* Carsten Schrmann, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Wouter Swierstra, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
* Tarmo Uustalu, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, Estonia
* Varmo Vene, University of Tartu, Estonia

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[Caml-list] Calculemus 2010: Deadline Extension and Final Call for Papers

[Apologies for cross-postings.]

CALCULEMUS 2010 - Deadline Extension and Final Call for Papers

17th Symposium on the Integration of
Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning

CNAM, Paris, France, July 6-7, 2010



Abstract submission: March 12, 2010
Submission deadline: March 15, 2010

Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the integration of computer
algebra systems (CAS) and systems for mechanised reasoning, the interactive
theorem provers or proof assistants (PA) and the automated theorem provers

Currently, symbolic computation is divided into several (more or less)
independent branches: traditional ones (e.g., computer algebra and mechanised
reasoning) as well as newly emerging ones (on user interfaces, knowledge
management, theory exploration, etc.) The main concern of the Calculemus
community is to bring these developments together in order to facilitate the
theory, design, and implementation of integrated systems for computer
mathematics that will routinely be used by mathematicians, computer scientists
and engineers in their every day business.

We seek original research papers for the upcoming Calculemus meeting, which
will be held jointly with AISC 2010 and MKM 2010 (confederated in the
Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, CICM 2010) in Paris (France).

Topics of Interest

The scope of Calculemus covers all aspects of the interplay of mechanised
reasoning and computer algebra, including cross-fertilisation between those two
research areas, as well as the development of integrated systems that transcend
both computer algebra and theorem proving. Potential topics of interest

* Theorem proving in computer algebra (CAS)
* Computer algebra in theorem proving (PA and ATP)
* Case studies and applications that both involve computer algebra and
mechanised reasoning
* Representation of mathematics in computer algebra
* Adding computational capabilities to PA and ATP
* Formal methods requiring mixed computing and proving
* Combining methods of symbolic computation and formal deduction
* Mathematical computation in PA and ATP
* Theory, design and implementation of interdisciplinary systems for computer
* Infrastructure for mathematical services
* Theory exploration techniques

Papers on other topics closely related to the above research areas will also be
welcomed for consideration.


Theoretical and applied research papers on all topics within the scope of the
symposium are invited. Submitted papers must be in English and must not exceed
15 pages for full papers and we suggest 10 pages for emerging trends extended
abstracts (the upper limit is 20 pages, authors must provide at least a title
and 200 word abstract). The title page should contain the title, author(s) with
affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), listing of keywords and abstract. The
program committee will subject all full papers submitted to a peer review.
Emerging trends papers will be lightly reviewed. Results must be unpublished.

Papers should be prepared in LaTeX and formatted according to the requirements
of the Springer's LNAI series (the corresponding style files can be downloaded
from http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html and are the same for LNCS
and LNAI).

The web page for electronic submission is:


The proceedings of full papers of the conference will be published as a volume
in the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) by
Springer-Verlag. In addition to the formal proceedings published by Springer,
we will provide links to online versions of the published papers from the
conference website.

Extended abstracts on emerging trends will be published as a technical report
of CEDRIC (CNAM/ENSIIE) and will be electronically available. These papers are
expected to be describing work in progress.

Important Dates

For (reviewed) full paper submissions:

Abstract submission: March 12, 2010
Submission deadline: March 15, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2010
Camera ready copies due: April 28, 2010

For extended abstracts on emerging trends:

Abstract submission: April 30, 2010
Submission deadline: May 7, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2010
Camera ready copies due: June 7, 2010

The Calculemus conference is on July 6-7, 2010.

Programme Committee

Markus Aderhold (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Arjeh Cohen (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Thierry Coquand (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
James H. Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
David Delahaye (CNAM, France), Chair
Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh, UK)
William M. Farmer (McMaster University, Canada)
Temur Kutsia (RISC, Austria)
Assia Mahboubi (INRIA Saclay, France)
Renaud Rioboo (ENSIIE, France), Chair
Julio Rubio (Universidad de La Rioja, Spain)
Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham, UK)
Stephen M. Watt (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Freek Wiedijk (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC, Austria)

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[Caml-list] MKM 2010: Deadline Extension and Final Call for Papers

The 9th International Conference on

MKM 2010


CNAM, Paris, France, 8th-10th July 2010

Abstracts: Wednesday, 3rd March 2010
Papers: Wednesday, 10th March 2010


Mathematical Knowledge Management is an innovative field at the
intersection of mathematics, computer science, library science, and
scientific publishing. Its development is driven, on the one hand, by
new technological possibilities which computer science, the Internet,
and intelligent knowledge processing offer, and, on the other hand, by
the increasing demand by engineers and scientists for new techniques to
help in producing, transmitting, consuming, and managing sophisticated
mathematical knowledge.

The conference is concerned with all aspects of mathematical knowledge
management. Topics covered include, but are not limited to:.

* Representations of mathematical knowledge
* Repositories of formalized mathematics
* Mathematical digital libraries
* Diagrammatic representations
* Multi-modal representations
* Mathematical OCR
* Mathematical search and retrieval
* Deduction systems
* Math assistants, tutoring and assessment systems
* Authoring languages and tools
* MathML, OpenMath, and other mathematical content standards
* Web presentation of mathematics
* Data mining, discovery, theory exploration
* Computer algebra systems
* Collaboration tools for mathematics
* Challenges and solutions for mathematical workflows

MKM 2010 welcomes research papers and workshop proposals with links to
the above topics. The conference proceedings will be published in the
Springer-Verlag series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).

More information about the MKM conference series can be found at the MKM
Interest Group Webpage: http://www.mkm-ig.org/

Submission Categories

Papers may be submitted in one of three categories: full papers, short
papers or system descriptions.

Both full papers and system descriptions should not exceed 15 pages,
must be original and not be submitted for consideration elsewhere. Full
or system description papers that are accepted will be published in the
conference proceedings. A submission not accepted as a full paper or
system description will automatically be considered as a short paper.

Short papers are of a less formal nature. They are intended to provide a
forum for the presentation and discussion of works in progress or ideas
that are not (yet) in a suitable form for submission as a full or system
description paper. They may be up to 5 pages in LNCS style. Depending on
the number of short papers accepted, presentation may be as a short talk
or as a poster. It will be at the discretion of the programme committee
to decide whether individual short papers will be accepted for
presentation only or for presentation and publication in the conference

The development of working systems in the field of Mathematical
Knowledge Management is a major undertaking of significant value to our
community. Papers describing such systems, however, are particularly
difficult to compare to non-system development based research with
respect to criteria common in reviewing. For this reason, papers in the
system description category will be considered separately and an
evaluation of their special contribution with be taken into account in
the review process.

Review Process

* Authors must submit an abstract by the abstract submission date.

* The full paper, of any of the three categories, should be received by
the paper submission date.

* Authors will then be sent initial reviews of their submissions.

* Authors then have the option of, within one week, submitting a single
response to the reviews, limited to 500 words, in which they can
clarify any issues or anser any questions that the reviewers had about
their submission. This response can be submitted only once and cannot
thereafter be resubmitted or modified.

* Final reviews and acceptance rejection decisions will be sent to the
authors by the final notification date.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: Wed, March 3rd, 2010
Paper Submission: Wed, March 10th, 2010
Initial Reviews Sent: Wed, March 31st, 2010
Author's Response Due: Wed, April 7th, 2010
Notification: Wed, April 14th, 2010
Camera-ready Papers: Wed, April 28th, 2010
Conference: 8th-10th July 2010


The proceedings of the conference will be published as a volume in
the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) by
Springer-Verlag. In addition to the formal proceedings published by
Springer, we will provide links to online versions of the published
papers from the conference website.

Submission Details

By submitting a paper the authors agree that if it is accepted at least
one of the authors will attend the conference to present it.

All submissions (except workshop proposals) must be formatted according
to the guidelines used by Springer Verlag for their LNCS and LNAI
series. This format can be found at

Submission website:

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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[Caml-list] PLMMS 2010 Call for Papers

[Apologies for possible multiple postings.]

In co-operation with ACM SIGSAM, the International Workshop on

Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics Systems
(PLMMS 2010)

Part of CICM-2010, in CNAM, Paris, France; 8th of July 2010

Important Dates

* Abstract submission: Fri 26 March 2010
* Paper submission: Fri 9 April 2010
* Reviews sent to authors: Mon 10 May 2010
* Author's response deadline: Mon 17 May 2010
* Notification of acceptance: Mon 24 May 2010
* Camera ready copy due: Mon 7 June 2010
* Workshop: Thu 8 July 2010


The program committee welcomes submissions on programming language
issues related to all aspects of mechanised mathematics systems
(MMS). In particular:

- Mathematical algorithms
- Tactics and proof search
- Proofs
- Mathematical notation

Of particular interest are the dimensions of:

- Expressiveness
- Efficiency
- Correctness
- Understandability and Usability
- Modularity and Extensibility
- Design and implementation

Mechanised mathematics systems, whether stand-alone or embedded in
larger systems, include but are not limited to:

- Dependent typed programming languages
- Proof assistants
- Computer algebra systems
- Proof planning systems
- Theorem proving systems
- Theory formation systems

These issues have a very colourful history. Why are all the languages
of mainstream computer algebra systems untyped? (Not for lack of
trying: Axiom and Magma both enjoy type systems, although they have
not (yet) become mainstream.) Why are the (strongly typed) proof
assistants so much harder to use than a typical computer algebra
systems? What forms of polymorphism exist in mathematics? What forms
of dependent types may be used in mathematical modelling? How can MMS
regain the upper hand on issues of "genericity" and "modularity"?
What are the biggest barriers when using more mainstream languages for
computer algebra systems, proof assistants or theorems provers?

Many programming language innovations appeared in either computer
algebra or proof systems first, before migrating into more mainstream
programming languages. This workshop is an opportunity to present the
latest innovations in the design of MMS that may be relevant to future
programming languages, or conversely novel programming language
principles that improve upon the implementation and deployment of MMS.

Submission Details

Accepted papers will appear in the ACM Digital Library.

Papers should be submitted via the PLMMS 2010 easychair website:


Submissions must describe original unpublished work which is not been
submitted for publication elsewhere. At least one author of each
accepted paper is expected to attend PLMMS 2010 and present her or his
paper. Papers should be no more than 8 pages in length and are to be
submitted in PDF format. They must conform to the ACM SIGPLAN style
guidelines using 9-point font size (see
http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm - this also
provides latex templates). Each submission must also adhere to
SIGPLAN's republication policy
(http://www.sigplan.org/republicationpolicy.htm). Papers will be
reviewed by at least three reviewers and the authors will have an
opportunity for rebuttal by the response deadline.


* http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=plmms2010
abstract and paper submission webpage

* ttp://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm
submission style guide

* http://www.sigplan.org/republicationpolicy.htm
republication policy

* http://dream.inf.ed.ac.uk/events/plmms-2010/
the PLMMS 2010 web site

* http://cicm2010.cnam.fr/
the CICM 2010 conference web site

Program Committee

* Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham, UK)
* Serge Autexier (DFKI, Germany)
* David Delahaye (CNAM, Paris, France)
* James Davenport [PC co-chair] (University of Bath, UK)
* Lucas Dixon [PC co-chair] (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Gudmund Grov (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Ewen Maclean (University of Herriot Watt, UK)
* Dale Miller (INRIA, France)
* Gabriel Dos Reis (Texas A&M University, USA)
* Carsten Schuermann (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Tim Sheard (Portland State University, USA)
* Sergei Soloviev (IRIT, Toulouse, France)
* Stephen Watt (The University of Western Ontario, Canada)
* Makarius Wenzel (ITU Munich, Germany)
* Freek Wiedijk (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] ICFP 2010: Second call for papers


Second Call for Papers

ICFP 2010: International Conference on Functional Programming

Baltimore, Maryland, 27 -- 29 September 2010



Important Dates (at 14:00 UTC)

Submission: 2 April 2010
Author response: 24 -- 25 May 2010
Notification: 7 June 2010
Final papers due: 12 July 2010


ICFP 2010 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional
programming. Submissions are invited on all topics from principles to
practice, from foundations to features, from abstraction to
application. The scope includes all languages that encourage
functional programming, including both purely applicative and
imperative languages, as well as languages with objects or
concurrency. Particular topics of interest include

* Language Design: type systems; concurrency and distribution;
modules; components and composition; metaprogramming; relations to
object-oriented or logic programming; interoperability

* Implementation: abstract machines; compilation; compile-time and
run-time optimization; memory management; multi-threading;
exploiting parallel hardware; interfaces to foreign functions,
services, components or low-level machine resources

* Software-Development Techniques: algorithms and data structures;
design patterns; specification; verification; validation; proof
assistants; debugging; testing; tracing; profiling

* Foundations: formal semantics; lambda calculus; rewriting; type
theory; monads; continuations; control; state; effects

* Transformation and Analysis: abstract interpretation; partial
evaluation; program transformation; program calculation; program

* Applications and Domain-Specific Languages: symbolic computing;
formal-methods tools; artificial intelligence; systems programming;
distributed-systems and web programming; hardware design; databases;
XML processing; scientific and numerical computing; graphical user
interfaces; multimedia programming; scripting; system
administration; security; education

* Functional Pearls: elegant, instructive, and fun essays on
functional programming The conference also solicits Experience
Reports, which are short papers that provide evidence that
functional programming really works or describe obstacles that have
kept it from working in a particular application.

Abbreviated instructions for authors
By 2 April 2010, 14:00 UTC, submit an abstract of at most 300 words
and a full paper of at most 12 pages (6 pages for an Experience
Report), including bibliography and figures. The deadline will be
strictly enforced and papers exceeding the page limits will be
summarily rejected. Authors have the option to attach supplementary
material to a submission, on the understanding that reviewers may
choose not to look at it.

A submission will be evaluated according to its relevance,
correctness, significance, originality, and clarity. It should explain
its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly
identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is
significant, and comparing it with previous work. The technical
content should be accessible to a broad audience. Functional Pearls
and Experience Reports are separate categories of papers that need not
report original research results and must be marked as such at the
time of submission. Detailed guidelines on both categories are on the
conference web site.

Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as
explained on the web at http://www.acm.org/sigplan/republicationpolicy.htm.

Proceedings will be published by ACM Press. Authors of accepted
submissions are expected to transfer the copyright to the
ACM. Presentations will be videotaped and released online if the
presenter consents by signing an additional permission form at the
time of the presentation. Formatting: Submissions must be in PDF
format printable in black and white on US Letter sized paper and
interpretable by Ghostscript. If this requirement is a hardship, make
contact with the program chair at least one week before the
deadline. Papers must adhere to the standard ACM conference format:
two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline, with columns
20pc (3.33in) wide and 54pc (9in) tall, with a column gutter of 2pc
(0.33in). A suitable document template for LATEX is available from
SIGPLAN at http://www.acm.org/sigs/sigplan/authorInformation.htm.

Submission: Submissions will be accepted electronically at a URL to be
named later. Improved versions of a paper may be submitted at any
point before the submission deadline using the same web interface.

Author response: Authors will have a 48-hour period, starting at 14:00
UTC on 24 May 2010, to read and respond to reviews.

Special Journal Issue: There will be a special issue of the Journal of
Functional Programming with papers from ICFP 2010. The program
committee will invite the authors of select accepted papers to submit
a journal version to this issue.

Conference Chair
Paul Hudak, Yale University

Program Chair
Stephanie Weirich, University of Pennsylvania

Program Committee:
Umut Acar, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Zena Ariola, University of Oregon
James Cheney, University of Edinburgh
Peter Dybjer, Chalmers University of Technology
Robert Bruce Findler, Northwestern University
Andy Gill, Kansas University
Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen
Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College Park
Patricia Johann, University of Strathclyde
Andres Löh, Utrecht University
Simon L. Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research
Didier Rémy, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
John Reppy, University of Chicago
Manuel Serrano, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis
Matthieu Sozeau, Harvard University

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] Call for Papers: 20th WADT (Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques)

[sorry if you receive this more than once]


WADT 2010
20th International Workshop on
Algebraic Development Techniques

July 1-4, 2010, Etelsen, Germany


Aims and Scope:
The algebraic approach to system specification encompasses many
aspects of the formal design of software systems. Originally born
as formal method for reasoning about abstract data types, it now
covers new specification frameworks and programming paradigms
(such as object-oriented, aspect-oriented, agent-oriented, logic
and higher-order functional programming) as well as a wide range
of application areas (including information systems, concurrent,
distributed and mobile systems).

The workshop will provide an opportunity to present recent and
ongoing work, to meet colleagues, and to discuss new ideas and
future trends.

Topics of interest:
Typical, but not exclusive topics of interest are:
- Foundations of algebraic specification
- Other approaches to formal specification, including process
calculi and models of concurrent, distributed and mobile computing
- Specification languages, methods, and environments
- Semantics of conceptual modelling methods and techniques
- Model-driven development
- Graph transformations, term rewriting and proof systems
- Integration of formal specification techniques
- Formal testing and quality assurance, validation, and verification

Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Institut f\"ur Informationssysteme, Braunschweig
Frantisek Plasil, Charles University, Prague
Martin Wirsing, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\"at, M\"unchen

Submission deadline for abstracts: April 30, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May 23, 2010
Final abstract due: June 13, 2010
Workshop: July 1-4, 2010

Workshop Format and Location:
The workshop will take place over four days, Thursday to Sunday,
at Schloss Etelsen, www.schloss-etelsen.de, a castle located near
Bremen. Presentations will be selected on the basis of submitted
abstracts. Three talks will be given by invited speakers.

The scientific program of the workshop will include presentations
of recent results and ongoing research. The presentations will be
selected by the Steering Committee on the basis of the submitted
abstracts according to originality, significance, and general

The abstracts have to be submitted electronically according to the
instructions published on the workshop web site. The final
versions of the selected abstracts will be included in a hand-out
for the workshop participants.

After the workshop, selected authors will be invited to submit
full papers for the refereed proceedings, which is expected to be
published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(Springer Verlag).

The workshop takes place under the auspices of IFIP WG 1.3, and is
sponsored by IFIP TC1, University of Bremen, and DFKI GmbH. The
event is organized by the Computer Science Department of the
University of Bremen and the DFKI Bremen group Safe and Secure
Cognitive Systems.

WADT Steering Committee:
Michel Bidoit (France)
Andrea Corradini (Italy)
Jos\'e Fiadeiro (UK)
Rolf Hennicker (Germany)
Hans-J\"org Kreowski (Germany)
Till Mossakowski (Germany) [chair]
Fernando Orejas (Spain)
Francesco Parisi-Presicce (Italy)
Andrzej Tarlecki (Poland)


The abstracts accepted for presentation will be available at the
workshop. Refereed LNCS proceedings are planned for full versions
of submissions solicited after the workshop.

WADT 2010
Fachbereich 3 Mathematik und Informatik
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
D-28359 Bremen, Germany
Phone: +49 421 218 64226
Fax: +49 421 218 98 64226
Email: wadt2010@informatik.uni-bremen.de

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Call for Papers - AMAST 2010

AMAST 2010: Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology
(Thirteenth International Conference)

- Held jointly with:
- MPC 2010: Mathematics of Program construction*
- (Tenth International Conference)

When:...................Jun 23, 2010 - Jun 26, 2010
Where:..................Manoir St-Castin

*************** New deadlines: ***************

Submission deadline:....April 9, 2010 (23:59 Pacific (UTC-8))
Notification due:.......May 16, 2010
Final Version due:......May 30, 2010
Submission site:........http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=amast2010

(Due to circumstances beyond our control, the previous Call for Papers, with earlier deadlines, has not been circulated, but only posted on the web. In order to be able to circulate this Call, we postponed the deadlines. As a consequence, the publication date of the proceedings, which are planned in the same format, has been moved to after the conference.)


The major goal of the AMAST Conferences is to promote research that may lead to the setting of software technology on a firm, mathematical basis. This goal is achieved by a large international cooperation with contributions from both academia and industry. The virtues of a software technology developed on a mathematical basis include the provision of software that is

* correct, and the correctness can be proved mathematically,

* safe, so that it can be used in the implementation of critical systems,

* portable, i.e., independent of computing platforms and language generations,

* evolutionary, i.e. it adapts to the environment changes, and evolves with the problem domain,

* secure, so that its network and user interactions can be predicted and controlled.

All previous editions of the AMAST Conference, which were held at Iowa City (1989,1991), Twente (1993), Montreal (1995), Munich (1996), Sydney (1997), Manaus (1999), Iowa City (2000), Reunion Island (2002), Stirling (2004), Saaremaa (2006) and Urbana-Champaign (2008), made contributions to the AMAST goals by reporting and disseminating academic and industrial achievements within the AMAST area of interest. During these meetings, AMAST attracted an international following among researchers and practitioners interested in software technology, programming methodology and their algebraic and logical foundations.

The 2010 conference will be held in Lac-Beauport, a suburb of Québec City, Canada, and will be colocated with MPC '10 (21-23 June 2010).


As in previous years, we invite papers reporting original research on setting software technology on a firm mathematical basis. We expect two kinds of submissions: technical papers and system demonstrations. Of particular interest is research on using algebraic, logic, and other formalisms suitable as foundations for software technology, as well as software technologies developed by means of logic and algebraic methodologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

** Software technology
* systems software technology
* application software technology
* software architecture
* concurrent and reactive systems
* formal methods in industrial software development
* requirements engineering
* software synthesis
* evolutionary and adaptive software systems

** Programming methodology
* logic programming, functional programming, object paradigms
* constraint programming and concurrency
* program transformation and verification
* programming calculi
* specification languages and tools
* incremental development
* web programming and network computation

** Algebraic and logical foundations
* logic in computer science
* category theory, relation algebra, computational algebra
* algebraic foundations for languages, systems and specifications
* coinduction and coalgebraic methods
* logical frameworks and theorem proving
* logics of programs
* formal approaches to dependability and security

** Systems and tools (for system demonstrations or ordinary papers)
* software development environments
* provably correct software development
* validation and verification
* security tools
* system support for reuse
* tools for prototyping
* component based software development tools
* computer algebra systems
* theorem proving systems


As in the past, the proceedings of AMAST 2010 will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The preliminary version of the proceedings will be available at the conference. The final version will be distributed after the conference.

We invite prospective authors to submit electronically previously unpublished papers of high quality. Submissions should not have been published and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers must be no longer than 15 pages (6 pages for system demonstrations) and should be prepared using LaTeX and the LNCS style that can be downloaded from http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. The submission site and dates are at the beginning of this Call.


The conference will be held in the Manoir St-Castin (http://www.hotelsvillegia.com/villegia_stcastin/pages-eg/). This resort is located on the shore of Beauport lake, 15 minutes from downtown Québec City (http://www.quebecregion.com/en/) and 15 minutes from the Jean-Lesage International Airport.


Paolo Baldan
Gilles Barthe
Michel Bidoit
Manfred Broy
E.P. de Vink
Jose Luiz Fiadeiro
Rob Goldblatt
Ichiro Hasuo
Rolf Hennicker
Michael Johnson (chair)
Helene Kirchner
Barbara Koenig
Narciso Marti Oliet
Michael Mislove
Larry Moss
Till Mossakowski
Peter D. Mosses
Andrzej Murawski
Fernando Orejas
Dusko Pavlovic (chair)
Leila Ribeiro
Grogore Rosu
Jan Rutten
Lutz Schroeder
Wolfram Schulte
Douglas Smith
Carolyn Talcott
Andrzej Tarlecki
Varmo Vene
James Worrell


For further information, consult the webiste or send email to Michael Johnson at mike@ics.mq.edu.au, or Dusko Pavlovic at dusko@kestrel.edu.

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[Caml-list] Call for Papers - GCVS 2010


Call for Papers - GCVS 2010
Workshop on the Grand Challenge in Verified Software
Edinburgh, Scotland
14th July, 2010

Affiliated with the
International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification
CAV 2010



The workshop on the Grand Challenge in Verified Software (GCVS
2010) will take place on July the 14th. The focus of this
workshop will be on tools, theories and experiments. Consisting
of contributed papers and invited talks, the workshop will
focus on the tools behind the development of systematic methods
for specifying, building, and verifying high-quality software.
This includes topics like: program logic; specification and
verification techniques; tool support for specification
languages; tool for various design methodologies; tool
integration and plug-ins; automation in formal verification;
tool comparisons and benchmark repositories; combination of
tools and techniques (e.g. formal vs. semiformal, software
specification vs. engineering techniques); and customising
tools for particular applications.

Papers about tool architectures and their achievements are most
welcome. The contributed papers, which should report on
previously unpublished work, can reflect current and
preliminary work in areas of software verification. New
technical results, overviews of new developments in software
verification projects, short papers accompanying tool
demonstrations, as well as position papers on how to further
advance the goal of verified software are all welcome.

Papers will be judged on the basis of originality, relevance,
technical soundness and presentation quality. Papers must be
written in English and not exceed 20 pages in the Formal
Aspects of Computing format. Papers can be submitted via the
following link:
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=gcvs2010. A special
issue of Formal Aspects of Computing is under negotiation.
These would be refereed in the usual fashion prior to
acceptance by the journal.


Important Dates

Abstract submission: April 11, 2010

Paper submission: April 18, 2010

Notification of acceptance: May 23, 2010

Final version due: June 6, 2010




Joey Coleman and Marcel Oliveira

Program Committee

Andrew Butterfield; Supratik Chakraborty; Patrick Cousot; Mike
Dodds; JosÈ Luiz Fiadeiro; Jean-Christophe Filliatre; J. S.
Fitzgerald; Leo Freitas; Kokichi Futatsugi; Chris George; Ian
Hayes; Mark Hillebrand; Cliff Jones; Joseph Kiniry; Daniel
Kroening; Yassine Lakhnech; Peter Gorm Larsen; Zhiming Liu; Tom
Maibaum; Tiziana Margaria; Annabelle McIver; Peter M¸ller;
David Naumann; Jose Oliveira; Andreas Podelski; Wolfram
Schulte; Kaisa Sere; Jim Woodcock; Jian Zhang.


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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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[Caml-list] Calculemus 2010: Second Call for Papers

[Apologies for cross-postings.]

CALCULEMUS 2010 - Second Call for Papers

17th Symposium on the Integration of
Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning

CNAM, Paris, France, July 7-8, 2010


Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the integration of computer
algebra systems (CAS) and systems for mechanised reasoning, the interactive
theorem provers or proof assistants (PA) and the automated theorem provers

Currently, symbolic computation is divided into several (more or less)
independent branches: traditional ones (e.g., computer algebra and mechanised
reasoning) as well as newly emerging ones (on user interfaces, knowledge
management, theory exploration, etc.) The main concern of the Calculemus
community is to bring these developments together in order to facilitate the
theory, design, and implementation of integrated systems for computer
mathematics that will routinely be used by mathematicians, computer scientists
and engineers in their every day business.

We seek original research papers for the upcoming Calculemus meeting, which
will be held jointly with AISC 2010 and MKM 2010 (confederated in the
Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, CICM 2010) in Paris (France).

Topics of Interest

The scope of Calculemus covers all aspects of the interplay of mechanised
reasoning and computer algebra, including cross-fertilisation between those two
research areas, as well as the development of integrated systems that transcend
both computer algebra and theorem proving. Potential topics of interest

* Theorem proving in computer algebra (CAS)
* Computer algebra in theorem proving (PA and ATP)
* Case studies and applications that both involve computer algebra and
mechanised reasoning
* Representation of mathematics in computer algebra
* Adding computational capabilities to PA and ATP
* Formal methods requiring mixed computing and proving
* Combining methods of symbolic computation and formal deduction
* Mathematical computation in PA and ATP
* Theory, design and implementation of interdisciplinary systems for computer
* Infrastructure for mathematical services
* Theory exploration techniques

Papers on other topics closely related to the above research areas will also be
welcomed for consideration.


Theoretical and applied research papers on all topics within the scope of the
symposium are invited. Submitted papers must be in English and must not exceed
15 pages for full papers and we suggest 10 pages for emerging trends extended
abstracts (the upper limit is 20 pages, authors must provide at least a title
and 200 word abstract). The title page should contain the title, author(s) with
affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), listing of keywords and abstract. The
program committee will subject all full papers submitted to a peer review.
Emerging trends papers will be lightly reviewed. Results must be unpublished.

Papers should be prepared in LaTeX and formatted according to the requirements
of the Springer's LNAI series (the corresponding style files can be downloaded
from http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html and are the same for LNCS
and LNAI).

The web page for electronic submission is:


The proceedings of full papers of the conference will be published as a volume
in the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) by

Extended abstracts on emerging trends will be published as a technical report
of CEDRIC (CNAM/ENSIIE) and will be electronically available. These papers are
expected to be describing work in progress.

Important Dates

For (reviewed) full paper submissions:

Abstract submission: February 24, 2010
Submission deadline: March 3, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2010
Camera ready copies due: April 28, 2010

For extended abstracts on emerging trends:

Abstract submission: April 30, 2010
Submission deadline: May 7, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May 30, 2010
Camera ready copies due: June 7, 2010

The Calculemus conference is on July 7-8, 2010.

Programme Committee

Markus Aderhold (TU Darmstadt, Germany)
Arjeh Cohen (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Thierry Coquand (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
James H. Davenport (University of Bath, UK)
David Delahaye (CNAM, France), Chair
Lucas Dixon (University of Edinburgh, UK)
William M. Farmer (McMaster University, Canada)
Temur Kutsia (RISC, Austria)
Assia Mahboubi (INRIA Saclay, France)
Renaud Rioboo (ENSIIE, France), Chair
Julio Rubio (Universidad de La Rioja, Spain)
Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham, UK)
Stephen M. Watt (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Freek Wiedijk (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Wolfgang Windsteiger (RISC, Austria)

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] AISC'10: 2nd Call for Papers

[Apologies for possible multiple postings.]

AISC 2010 - 10th International Conference on
Theory, Implementations and Applications

CNAM, Paris, France, July 5th - July 6th, 2010


Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation are two views and
approaches for automating problem solving, in particular mathematical
problem solving. The two approaches are based on heuristics and on
mathematical algorithmics, respectively. Artificial Intelligence can
be applied to Symbolic Computation and Symbolic Computation can be
applied to Artificial Intelligence. Hence, a wealth of challenges,
ideas, theoretical insights and results, methods and algorithms arise
in the interaction of the two fields and research communities.
Advanced tools of software technology and system design are needed and
a broad spectrum of applications is possible by the combined problem
solving power of the two fields.

Hence, the conference is in the center of interest and interaction for
various research communities:

* Artificial Intelligence * Logic
* Symbolic Computation * Software Technology
* Computer Algebra * Semantic Web Technology
* Automated Reasoning * Mathematical Knowledge Management
* Formal mathematics * Computer-based Math Teaching & Didactics
* Machine Learning * Computer-Supported Publishing
* Automated Discovery * Language and System Design


Topics of particular interest of the conference include:

* AI in Symbolic Mathematical Computing
* Computer Algebra Systems and Automated Theorem Provers
* Symmetries in AI problems
* Engineering, Industrial and Operations Research Applications
* Foundations and Complexity of Symbolic Computation
* Mathematical Modeling of Multi-Agent Systems
* Implementations of Symbolic Computation Systems
* Programming Languages for Symbolic Computation
* Symbolic Computations for Expert Systems and Machine Learning
* Symbolic Computation and Ontologies
* Logic and Symbolic Computing
* Implementation and Performance Issues
* Intelligent Interfaces
* Symbolic Techniques for Document Analysis

Papers on other topics with links to the above research fields and
topics will also be welcomed for consideration.


The proceedings of the conference will be published as a volume in the
series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) by
Springer-Verlag. Accepted papers will have to be prepared in LaTeX and
formatted according to the requirements of the Springer's LNAI series
(the corresponding style files can be downloaded from
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html and are the same for


Theoretical and applied research papers on all topics within the scope
of the conference are invited. Submitted papers (in English) must not
exceed 15 pages in length (in the LNCS style). The title page should
contain the title, author(s) with affiliation(s), e-mail address(es),
listing of keywords and abstract plus the topics from the above list
to which the paper is related. The program committee (PC) will subject
all submitted papers to a peer review. Theoretical papers will be
judged on their originality and contribution to their field, and
applied papers on the importance and originality of the application.
Results must be original and have not been published elsewhere.

The web page for electronic submission is at:


Best Paper Awards

Every submission automatically competes for the Best Paper Award.
Papers which have been mainly developed by (PhD) students can be
marked as student papers upon submission to also compete for the Best
Student Paper Award.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission deadline: February 19, 2010
Submission deadline: February 26, 2010
Notification: April 18, 2010
Camera Ready Version: April 28, 2010
Conference: July 5 - July 6, 2010

Serge Autexier, serge.autexier@dfki.de, http://www.dfki.de/~serge/
DFKI Bremen, Safe and Secure Cognitive Systems
Cartesium, 2.054 Phone: +49 421 218 64272
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5, D-28359 Bremen Fax: +49 421 218 9864272
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
principal office, *not* the address for mail etc.!!!:
Trippstadter Str. 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
management board: Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster (chair), Dr. Walter Olthoff
supervisory board: Prof. Hans A. Aukes (chair)
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs