******************** DEADLINE EXTENSION ********************
Fourth International Workshop on
High-level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP 2010)
Baltimore, Maryland, September 25, 2010
Affiliated to ICFP 2010
As processor and system manufacturers adjust their roadmaps towards increasing
levels of both inter and intra-chip parallelism, so the urgency of reorienting
the mainstream software industry towards these architectures grows.
At present, popular parallel and distributed programming methodologies are
dominated by low-level techniques such as send/receive message passing, or
equivalently unstructured shared memory mechanisms.
Higher-level, structured approaches offer many possible advantages and have a
key role to play in the scalable exploitation of ubiquitous parallelism.
This workshop provides a forum for discussion and research about such high-level
approaches to parallel programming.
We welcome submission of original, unpublished papers in English on topics
including (but not limited to) the following aspects of multi-core, parallel,
distributed, grid and cloud computing:
* High-level programming and performance models (BSP, CGM, LogP, MPM, etc.)
and tools
* Declarative parallel programming methodologies
* Algorithmic skeletons and constructive methods
* Declarative parallel programming languages and libraries: semantics and
* Verification of declarative parallel and distributed programs
* Applications using high-level languages and tools
* Teaching experience with high-level tools and methods
* Anne Benoit (ENS Lyon, France)
* Murray Cole (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Alexandros Gerbessiotis (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
* Christoph Kessler (Linköpings Universitet, Sweden)
* Herbert Kuchen (University of Muenster, Germany)
* Rita Loogen (University of Marburg, Germany)
* Frédéric Loulergue (University of Orléans, France)
* Kiminori Matsuzaki (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
* Samuel Midkiff (Purdue University, USA)
* Susanna Pelagatti (University of Pisa, Italy)
* Sukyoung Ryu (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
* Kazunori Ueda (Waseda University, Japan)
* Submission (EXTENDED): 14 June 2010, 11:59 AM GMT
* Notification: 12 July 210
* Final version: 28 July 2010
Papers must be submitted online via EasyChair:
Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF), formatted using
the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines. The text should be in a 9pt font in two
columns; the length is restricted to 10 pages.
Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted concurrently
to another conference with refereed proceedings. Accepted papers must be
presented at the workshop by one of the authors. Accepted papers will be
published by the ACM and will appear in the ACM Digital Library.
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