
[Caml-list] CUFP 2012 - Call for Participation

Early registration deadline is TODAY. Please note this year CUFP features Introductory Tutorials, targeted at those new to functional programming. Be sure to refer your colleagues who have been looking for a way to get started with FP. The usual half-day tutorials are also being held, and this list will especially be interested in Real-World OCaml.

                              CUFP 2012
                        CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                         Copenhagen, Denmark
                              Sep 13-15
                      Co-located with ICFP 2012
                         Sponsored by SIGPLAN

Functional programming has been at the forefront of a new generation
of programming technologies: Companies employing functional
programming use it to enable more effective, robust, and flexible
software development.

The annual CUFP workshop is designed to serve the growing
community of commercial users of functional programming: Practitioners
meet and collaborate; language designers and users can share ideas
about the future of their languages; experts share their expertise on
practical functional programming.

CUFP 2012 features introductory tutorials by top-notch language
experts; advanced tutorials on special topics, and the final day of
talks about industrial applications of functional programming.

More information about CUFP 2012 is available on the CUFP web site at


Registration is via the ICFP 2012 web site at:


Note that early-registration discounts are available until August 9.

Introductory Tutorials
Thursday, September 13:
Scala Primer
(Heiko Seeberger, Typesafe)

Friday, September 14:
From functional concepts to real-world F#
(Tomas Petricek, University of Cambridge)

September 13 / 14:
Introductory Haskell / Concurrent Haskell
(Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford; Simon Marlow, Microsoft Research)

Advanced Tutorials

Thursday, September 13:
Real-World OCaml
(Anil Madhavapeddy, University of Cambridge; Yaron Minsky, Jane Street)

Erlang web frameworks
(Steve Vinoski, Basho Technologies)

Friday, September 14:
Haskell for the lazy web developer: an Introduction to Happstack
(Jeremy Shaw, SeeReason, LLC)

Hands on Real-World Clojure
(Lau Jensen, Best In Class; Karl Krukow , University of Aarhus)


Adopting Functional Programming (Kresten Krab Thorup, Trifork)

Jane Street Status Report (Yaron Minsky, Jane Street)

Transmitting customised ads to set-top boxes with Erlang (Laura M. Castro, University of A Coruña)

Functional Big-Data Genomics (Ashish Agarwal, NYU)

Using F# to Prove Stabilization of Biological Networks (Semin Ishtiaq, Microsoft)

Developing an F# Bioinformatics Application with HTML5 Visualization (Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory)

Functional Programming @ Ghent IT Valley (Romain Slootmaekers, Nicolas Trangez, Ghent IT Valley)

The Awesome Haskell FPGA Compiler (Peter Braam, Parallel Scientific)

Functional programs connected to the power grid (Sebastian Egner, Entelios)

Clojure iPad analytics dashboard in energy sector (Kevin Lynagh, Keming Labs)

Developing Medical Software in Scala and Haskell (Stefan Wehr, factis research)

From Streams to Functions (and Back Again) (Frank McCabe, Starview)

Development under Security Guidelines (Manuel Maarek, SafeRiver)

Haskell for XenClient (Matthias Görgens, Citrix)


[Caml-list] WGP 2012 Call for Participation

Dear Camlers,

Here is the Call for Participation for WGP.
This year some presentations use OCaml :-)

Jacques Garrigue


WGP 2012

8th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Generic Programming
Copenhagen, Denmark
Sunday, September 9th, 2012


Co-located with the
International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2012)

Goals of the workshop

Generic programming is about making programs more adaptable by making
them more general. Generic programs often embody non-traditional kinds
of polymorphism; ordinary programs are obtained from them by suitably
instantiating their parameters. In contrast with normal programs, the
parameters of a generic program are often quite rich in structure; for
example they may be other programs, types or type constructors, class
hierarchies, or even programming paradigms.

Generic programming techniques have always been of interest, both to
practitioners and to theoreticians, and, for at least 20 years,
generic programming techniques have been a specific focus of research
in the functional and object-oriented programming communities. Generic
programming has gradually spread to more and more mainstream
languages, and today is widely used in industry. This workshop brings
together leading researchers and practitioners in generic programming
from around the world, and features papers capturing the state of the
art in this important area.

Accepted papers and preliminary schedule:

09:00 Welcome
09:10 Nicolas Frisby, Andy Gill and Perry Alexander.
A Pattern for Almost Homomorphic Functions
09:50 José Pedro Magalhães. The Right Kind of Generic Programming
10:30 Break
11:00 Jaakko Järvi, Magne Haveraaen, John Freeman and Mat Marcus.
Expressing Multi-Way Data-Flow Constraint Systems as a Commutative
Monoid Makes Many of their Properties Obvious
11:40 Seyed Hossein Haeri, Sibylle Schupp and Jonathan Hüser.
Using Functional Languages to Facilitate C++ Metaprogramming
12:20 Lunch
14:00 Sam Lindley. Embedding F
14:40 Steven Keuchel and Johan T. Jeuring.
Generic conversions of abstract syntax representations
15:20 Break
16:00 Ralf Hinze, Daniel James, Thomas Harper, Nicolas Wu and
José Pedro Magalhães. Sorting with Bialgebras and Distributive Laws
16:40 Discussion
17:30 End

See also: http://www.wgp-sigplan.org/2012


* http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2012/registration.html

Local arrangements (including travel and accommodation):

* http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2012/local.html

Andres Löh and Ronald Garcia
WGP 2012 Program Co-Chairs


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