
[Caml-list] PLPV 2013 Last Call for Papers

[The PLPV submission deadline is October 8. Do consider submitting! -François.]

The Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Workshop
Programming Languages meets Program Verification (PLPV 2013)


22nd January, 2013
Rome, Italy
(Affiliated with POPL 2013)

Call for Papers


The goal of PLPV is to foster and stimulate research at the
intersection of programming languages and program verification, by
bringing together experts from diverse areas like types, contracts,
interactive theorem proving, model checking and program analysis. Work
in this area typically attempts to reduce the burden of program
verification by taking advantage of particular semantic or structural
properties of the programming language. One example are dependently
typed programming languages, which leverage a language's type system
to specify and check rich specifications. Another example are
extended static checking systems which incorporate contracts with
either static or dynamic contract checking.

We invite submissions on all aspects, both theoretical and practical,
of the integration of programming language and program verification
technology. To encourage interaction between different
communities, we seek a broad scope for PLPV. In particular,
submissions may have diverse foundations for verification (based on
types, Hoare-logic, abstract interpretation, etc), target
different kinds of programming languages (functional, imperative,
object-oriented, etc), and apply to diverse kinds of program
properties (data structure invariants, security properties, temporal
protocols, resource constraints, etc).

Important Dates

Submission 8th October, 2012 (Monday)
Notification 1st November, 2012 (Thursday)
Final Version 8th November, 2012 (Thursday)
Workshop 22nd January, 2013 (Tuesday)


We seek submissions of up to 12 pages related to the above
topics; shorter submissions are also welcome. Submissions may describe
new work, propose new challenge problems for language-based
verification techniques, or present a known idea in an elegant way
(i.e., a pearl).

Submissions should be prepared with SIGPLAN two-column conference
format. Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN republication
policy. Concurrent submissions to other workshops, conferences,
journals, or similar forums of publication are not allowed.

To submit a paper, access the online submission site at


Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
ACM Digital library.

Program Committee

Andreas Abel Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (co-chair)
Robert Atkey University of Strathclyde
Harley Eades The University of Iowa
Chung-Kil Hur Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Brigitte Pientka McGill University
Andrew Pitts University of Cambridge
François Pottier INRIA
Tim Sheard Portland State University (co-chair)
Makoto Takeyama Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

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