International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and Applications
HLPP2013, Paris 1-2 July 2013
Aims and scope:
As processor and system manufacturers increase the amount of both inter-
and intra-chip parallelism it becomes crucial to provide the software
industry with high-level, clean and efficient tools for parallel
programming. Parallel and distributed programming methodologies are
currently dominated by low-level techniques such as send/receive message
passing, or equivalently unstructured shared memory
mechanisms. Higher-level, structured approaches offer many possible
advantages and have a key role to play in the scalable exploitation of
ubiquitous parallelism.
Since 2001 <> the HLPP series of meetings has been a
forum for researchers developing state-of-the-art concepts, tools and
applications for high-level parallel programming. The general emphasis
is on software quality, programming productivity and high-level
performance models. The 2013 symposium will be a self-contained event,
held in central Paris.
Invited speaker: Leslie Valiant (Harvard University) inventor of the
BSP paradigm and 2010 Turing award.
Topics: HLPP 2013 invites the submission of papers written in English
on all topics including (but not limited to) the following aspects
of multi-core, parallel, distributed, grid and cloud computing:
High-level programming and performance models (BSP, CGM, LogP,
MPM, etc.) and tools
Declarative parallel programming methodologies
Algorithmic skeletons and constructive methods
Declarative parallel programming languages and libraries: semantics
and implementation
Verification of declarative parallel and distributed programs
Software synthesis, automatic code generation for parallel programming
Model-driven software engineering with parallel programs
High-level methods for heterogeneous/hierarchical platforms: GPGPU,
FPGA etc.
High-level parallel methods for large structured and
semi-structured datasets
Applications of parallel systems using highlevel languages and tools
Teaching experience with highlevel tools and methods
Authors of accepted papers will be expected to register and to present
their paper at the symposium.
All accepted papers will be eligible for publication in a special issue
of Springer's International Journal of Parallel Programming
International programme committee:
Mostafa Bamha (Université d'Orléans, France)
Pavan Balaji (Argonne National Laboratory, United States)
Rob Bisseling (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
Murray Cole (University of Edimburgh, United Kingdom)
Kento Emoto (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Frédéric Gava (Université Paris-Est, France)
Alexandros Gerbessiotis (New Jersey Institute of Technology, United
Andy Gill (University of Kansas, United States)
Clemens Grelck (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Christoph Kessler (Linköping University, Sweden)
Herbert Kuchen (Universität Münster, Germany)
Ramon Lawrence (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Quentin Miller (Somerville College Oxford, United Kingdom)
Susanna Pelagatti (University of Pisa, Italy)
Alexander Tiskin (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Organizers and program co-chairs:
Gaétan Hains (Université Paris-Est, France)
Youry Khmelevsky (University of British Columbia, Canada)
HLPP steering committee:
Clemens Grelck (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Gaétan Hains (Université Paris-Est, France)
Kiminori Matsuzaki (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Frédéric Loulergue (Université d'Orléans, France)
Quentin Miller (Somerville College Oxford, United Kingdom)
Alexander Tiskin (University of Warwick, United Kingdom)
Paper submission:
Submitted papers must not have been published or simultaneously
submitted elsewhere. Submission should include a cover page with
authors' names, affiliation addresses, fax numbers, phone numbers, and
email addresses. Please, indicate clearly the corresponding author and
include up to 6 keywords from the above list of topics and an abstract
of no more than 450 words. Submissions should cover approximately 15
pages and camera-ready versions will be 20 pages long. Full manuscripts
should be prepared with the IJSS latex macro package
<> and
submitted via the IJPP online editorial system
<>. Only source latex files will
be acepted by the system. Each paper will receive a minimum of three
reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, relevance,
technical clarity and presentation. Authors of accepted papers must
guarantee that their papers will be registered and presented at the
symposium. Accepted papers will be made available at the time of the
meeting and published in the symposium proceedings.
Important dates:
Paper submissions Sun. 17 February 2013
Notification to authors Sun. 17 March 2013
HLPP symposium Mon.-Tue. 1-2 July 2012
Venue: Institut Henri Poincaré <>, Paris.
Registration: Registration fees will be kept to a minimum. Details
will be shown here as early as possible.
Past HLPP events:
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