VACANCY : 1x Phd Student in domain specific type error diagnosis for Haskell
The activities of the Software Systems division at Utrecht University include
research on programming methodologies, compiler construction, and program
analysis, validation, and verification. For information about the research
group of Software Technology, see:
Financed by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), we
currently have a job opening for:
* 1x PhD researcher (Ph D student) Software Technology
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) have the potential both to reduce the effort of
programming, and to result in programs that are easier to understand and
maintain. For various good reasons, researchers have proposed to embed DSLs
(then called EDSLs) into a general purpose host language. An important
disadvantage of such an embedding is that it is very hard to make type error
diagnosis domain-aware, because inconsistencies are by default explained in
terms of the host language. We are currently looking for a highly motivated
Ph D student to investigate this problem in the context of the functional
language Haskell.
The basic approach is to scale the concept of specialized type rules as
developed by (Heeren, Hage and Swierstra, ICFP '03, see link below) for
Haskell '98 to modern day Haskell with all of its type system extensions.
The work is both technically challenging, i.e., how do you ensure that
modifications to the type diagnositic process do not inadvertently change the
type system, and practically immediately useful: making domain-specific type
error diagnosis a reality for a full sized language such as Haskell is likely
to have a pervasive influence on the field of domain-specific languages, and
the language Haskell.
The ICFP '03 paper can be found at
A project paper that describes the context and aims of the current project can
be found here:
At first, the work will be prototyped in our own Utrecht Haskell Compiler. If
succesfull, the work will also make its way into the GHC.
We expect the candidate to communicate the results academically, to present the
work at scientific conferences, to supervise Master students, and to assist in
teaching courses at Bachelor or Master level.
What we are looking for
The candidate should have an MSc in Computer Science, be highly motivated,
speak and write English very well, and be proficient in producing scientific
reports. Knowledge of and experience with at least one of the following two
areas is essential:
* functional programming, and Haskell in particular
* type system concepts
Furthermore, we expect the candidate to be able to reason formally.
Experience in compiler construction is expected to be useful in this project.
What we offer
You are offered a full-time position for 4 years. The gross salary is in the
range between Û 2083,- and maximum Û 2664,- per month. The salary is supplemented
with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end-of-year bonus of 8,3% per year.
In addition we offer: a pension scheme, a partially paid parental leave,
flexible employment conditions. Conditions are based on the Collective
Labour Agreement Dutch Universities.
We aim to start November 1, 2013 at the latest, but preferably sooner.
In order to apply
To apply please attach a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, and (email)
addresses of two referees. Make sure to also include a transcript of the courses
you have followed (at bachelor and master level), with the grades you
obtained, and to include a sample of your scientific writing, e.g., the pdf of
your master thesis.
It is possible to apply for this position if you are close to obtaining
your Master's. In that case include a letter of your supervisor with an estimate
of your progress, and do not forget to include at least a sample of your
technical writing skills.
Application closes on the 20th of June 2013.
For application, visit http://www.cs.uu.nl/vacatures/en/583630.html and
follow the link to the official job application page at the bottom.
Contact person
For further information you can direct your inquiries to:
Dr. Jurriaan Hage
Phone: (+31) 30 253 3283
e-mail: J.Hage@uu.nl.
website: http://www.cs.uu.nl/wiki/Hage/WebHome
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] Call for Papers IFL 2013
Please, find below the first call for papers for IFL 2013.
Please forward these to anyone you think may be interested.
Apologies for any duplicates you may receive.
best regards,
Jurriaan Hage
Publicity Chair of IFL
ACM In-Cooperation / ACM SIGPLAN
AUGUST 28 - 30 2013
"Landgoed Holthurnsche Hof"
We are proud to announce that the 25th edition of the IFL series returns to its roots at
the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. The symposium is held from 28th
to 30th of August 2013.
The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the
implementation and application of functional and function-based programming languages.
IFL 2013 will be a venue for researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts,
work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.
Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2013 will use a post-symposium review process to
produce the formal proceedings which will be published in the ACM Digital Library. All
participants of IFL 2013 are invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended
abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium. At no time may work submitted
to IFL be simultaneously submitted to other venues; submissions must adhere to
ACM SIGPLAN's republication policy:
The submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are
within the scope of IFL, and will appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the
symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not peer-reviewed
publications. Hence, publications that appear only in the draft proceedings do not
count as publication for the ACM SIGPLAN republication policy. After the symposium,
authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from discussions at
the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full article for the formal
review process. From the revised submissions, the program committee will select papers
for the formal proceedings considering their correctness, novelty, originality,
relevance, significance, and clarity.
Invited Speaker
Lennart Augustsson, currently employed by the Standard Chartered Bank, well-known for
his work on Haskell, parallel Haskell, Cayenne, and Bluespec, is the invited speaker of
IFL 2013. He will be talking about practical applications of functional programming.
Submission Details
Submission deadline draft papers: July 31
Notification of acceptance for presentation: August 2
Early registration deadline: August 7
Late registration deadline: August 14
Submission deadline for pre-symposium proceedings: August 21
25th IFL Symposium: August 28-30
Submission deadline for post-symposium proceedings: November 11
Notification of acceptance for post-symposium proceedings: December 18
Camera-ready version for post-symposium proceedings: February 3 2014
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be
published in the draft proceedings and to present them at the symposium. All
contributions must be written in English. Papers must adhere to the standard ACM two
columns conference format. For the pre-symposium proceedings we adopt a 'weak' page limit
of 12 pages. For the post-symposium proceedings the page limit of 12 pages is firm. A
suitable document template for LaTeX can be found at:
Papers are to be submitted via the conference's EasyChair submission page:
IFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions
describing applications and tools in the context of functional programming. If you are
not sure whether your work is appropriate for IFL 2013, please contact the PC chair at
rinus@cs.ru.nl. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• language concepts
• type systems, type checking, type inferencing
• compilation techniques
• staged compilation
• run-time function specialization
• run-time code generation
• partial evaluation
• (abstract) interpretation
• metaprogramming
• generic programming
• automatic program generation
• array processing
• concurrent/parallel programming
• concurrent/parallel program execution
• embedded systems
• web applications
• (embedded) domain specific languages
• security
• novel memory management techniques
• run-time profiling performance measurements
• debugging and tracing
• virtual/abstract machine architectures
• validation, verification of functional programs
• tools and programming techniques
• (industrial) applications
Peter Landin Prize
The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the symposium every
year. The honoured article is selected by the program committee based on the submissions
received for the formal review process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to
150 Euros.
Programme committee
• Thomas Arts, Quviq, Gothenburg, Sweden
• Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
• Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews, UK
• Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory, Budapest, Hungary
• Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
• Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
• Stephan Herhut, Intel Labs, Santa Clara, US
• Ralf Hinze (co-chair), University of Oxford, UK
• Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
• Zhenjiang Hu, University of Tokyo, Japan
• Mauro Jaskelioff, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
• Johan Jeuring, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
• Rita Loogen, University of Marburg, Germany
• Marco T. Morazán, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, US
• Dominic Orchard, University of Cambridge, UK
• Rinus Plasmeijer (chair), Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
• Tim Sheard, Portland State University, US
• Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Northeastern University / Indiana University, US
• Peter Thiemann, University of Freiburg, Germany
• Simon Thompson, University of Kent, UK
The 25th IFL is organized by the Radboud University Nijmegen, Model Based Software
Development Department at the Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences.
The event is held in the Landgoed "Holthurnsche Hof", a rural estate in the woodlands
surrounding Nijmegen. It can be reached quickly and easily by public transport.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
Please, find below the first call for papers for IFL 2013.
Please forward these to anyone you think may be interested.
Apologies for any duplicates you may receive.
best regards,
Jurriaan Hage
Publicity Chair of IFL
ACM In-Cooperation / ACM SIGPLAN
AUGUST 28 - 30 2013
"Landgoed Holthurnsche Hof"
We are proud to announce that the 25th edition of the IFL series returns to its roots at
the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. The symposium is held from 28th
to 30th of August 2013.
The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the
implementation and application of functional and function-based programming languages.
IFL 2013 will be a venue for researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts,
work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.
Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2013 will use a post-symposium review process to
produce the formal proceedings which will be published in the ACM Digital Library. All
participants of IFL 2013 are invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended
abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium. At no time may work submitted
to IFL be simultaneously submitted to other venues; submissions must adhere to
ACM SIGPLAN's republication policy:
The submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are
within the scope of IFL, and will appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the
symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not peer-reviewed
publications. Hence, publications that appear only in the draft proceedings do not
count as publication for the ACM SIGPLAN republication policy. After the symposium,
authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from discussions at
the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full article for the formal
review process. From the revised submissions, the program committee will select papers
for the formal proceedings considering their correctness, novelty, originality,
relevance, significance, and clarity.
Invited Speaker
Lennart Augustsson, currently employed by the Standard Chartered Bank, well-known for
his work on Haskell, parallel Haskell, Cayenne, and Bluespec, is the invited speaker of
IFL 2013. He will be talking about practical applications of functional programming.
Submission Details
Submission deadline draft papers: July 31
Notification of acceptance for presentation: August 2
Early registration deadline: August 7
Late registration deadline: August 14
Submission deadline for pre-symposium proceedings: August 21
25th IFL Symposium: August 28-30
Submission deadline for post-symposium proceedings: November 11
Notification of acceptance for post-symposium proceedings: December 18
Camera-ready version for post-symposium proceedings: February 3 2014
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be
published in the draft proceedings and to present them at the symposium. All
contributions must be written in English. Papers must adhere to the standard ACM two
columns conference format. For the pre-symposium proceedings we adopt a 'weak' page limit
of 12 pages. For the post-symposium proceedings the page limit of 12 pages is firm. A
suitable document template for LaTeX can be found at:
Papers are to be submitted via the conference's EasyChair submission page:
IFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions
describing applications and tools in the context of functional programming. If you are
not sure whether your work is appropriate for IFL 2013, please contact the PC chair at
rinus@cs.ru.nl. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• language concepts
• type systems, type checking, type inferencing
• compilation techniques
• staged compilation
• run-time function specialization
• run-time code generation
• partial evaluation
• (abstract) interpretation
• metaprogramming
• generic programming
• automatic program generation
• array processing
• concurrent/parallel programming
• concurrent/parallel program execution
• embedded systems
• web applications
• (embedded) domain specific languages
• security
• novel memory management techniques
• run-time profiling performance measurements
• debugging and tracing
• virtual/abstract machine architectures
• validation, verification of functional programs
• tools and programming techniques
• (industrial) applications
Peter Landin Prize
The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the symposium every
year. The honoured article is selected by the program committee based on the submissions
received for the formal review process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to
150 Euros.
Programme committee
• Thomas Arts, Quviq, Gothenburg, Sweden
• Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
• Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews, UK
• Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory, Budapest, Hungary
• Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
• Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
• Stephan Herhut, Intel Labs, Santa Clara, US
• Ralf Hinze (co-chair), University of Oxford, UK
• Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
• Zhenjiang Hu, University of Tokyo, Japan
• Mauro Jaskelioff, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
• Johan Jeuring, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
• Rita Loogen, University of Marburg, Germany
• Marco T. Morazán, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, US
• Dominic Orchard, University of Cambridge, UK
• Rinus Plasmeijer (chair), Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
• Tim Sheard, Portland State University, US
• Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Northeastern University / Indiana University, US
• Peter Thiemann, University of Freiburg, Germany
• Simon Thompson, University of Kent, UK
The 25th IFL is organized by the Radboud University Nijmegen, Model Based Software
Development Department at the Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences.
The event is held in the Landgoed "Holthurnsche Hof", a rural estate in the woodlands
surrounding Nijmegen. It can be reached quickly and easily by public transport.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] DBPL 2013 - Second Call for Papers
The 14th International Symposium
on Database Programming Languages
Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy
August 30, 2013
co-located with VLDB 2013
Call for Papers
For over 25 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue
for publishing and discussing new ideas at the intersection of
databases and programming languages. Many key contributions in query
languages for object-oriented data, persistent databases, nested
relational data, and semistructured data, as well as fundamental ideas
in types for query languages, were first announced at DBPL. Today, the
emergence of new data management applications such as cloud computing
and "big data," social network analysis, bidirectional programming,
and data privacy has lead to a new flurry of creative research in this
area, as well as a tremendous amount of activity in industry. DBPL is
an established destination for such new ideas.
DBPL solicits practical and theoretical papers in all topics at the
intersection of databases and programming languages. Papers
emphasizing new topics or emerging areas are especially welcome.
Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions
- Bidirectional programming languages
- Data exchange and data integration
- Data privacy
- Data provenance
- Databases and the semantic web
- Databases and social networking
- Databases and cloud computing
- Databases in electronic commerce
- Deductive databases and logic programming
- Information-flow type systems
- Language-integrated query mechanisms
- Managing uncertain and imprecise information
- Programming language support for databases
- Streaming data processing
- Schema mappings and metadata management
- Security in data management
- Semi-structured data and XML
- Validation and type-checking
- Web services
Author Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in English presenting
original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not
submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be no more
than 10 pages long in the [ACM SIGPLAN] format.
Each submission should begin with a succinct statement of the problem
and a summary of the main results. If the authors believe more details
are necessary to substantiate the main claims of the paper, they may
include a clearly marked appendix to be read at the discretion of the
committee. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the
symposium to present their work.
Papers must be submitted online at the following URL:
[ACM SIGPLAN] http://www.sigplan.org/authorinformation.htm
Important Dates
- Submission: June 7, 2013 (midnight GMT)
- Notification: July 12, 2013
- Final versions due: August 2, 2013
- Symposium: August 30, 2013
Accepted papers will appear in a formal electronic proceedings, using
the Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
Program Committee
*Program Co-Chairs* Todd J. Green LogicBlox, USA
Alan Schmitt Inria-Rennes, France
*Program Committee* Yanif Ahmed Johns Hopkins University, USA
William Cook University of Texas-Austin, USA
Ezra Cooper Google, USA
John Field Google, USA
Torsten Grust Universität Tübingen, Germany
Dan Olteanu University of Oxford, UK
Dan Suciu University of Washington, USA
Philip Wadler University of Edinburgh, UK
Geoffrey Washburn LogicBlox, USA
Till Westmann 28msec, USA
The 14th Symposium on Data Base Programming Languages (DBPL 2013)
continues the tradition of excellence initiated by its predecessors in
Roscoff, Finistere (1987), Salishan, Oregon (1989), Nafplion, Argolida
(1991), Manhattan, New York (1993), Gubbio, Umbria (1995), Estes Park,
Colorado (1997), Kinloch Rannoch, Scotland (1999), Marino, Rome
(2001), Potsdam, Germany (2003), Trondheim, Norway (2005), Vienna,
Austria (2007), Lyon, France (2009), and Seattle, Washington (2011).
DBPL has been affiliated with VLDB since 1999.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
on Database Programming Languages
Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy
August 30, 2013
co-located with VLDB 2013
Call for Papers
For over 25 years, DBPL has established itself as the principal venue
for publishing and discussing new ideas at the intersection of
databases and programming languages. Many key contributions in query
languages for object-oriented data, persistent databases, nested
relational data, and semistructured data, as well as fundamental ideas
in types for query languages, were first announced at DBPL. Today, the
emergence of new data management applications such as cloud computing
and "big data," social network analysis, bidirectional programming,
and data privacy has lead to a new flurry of creative research in this
area, as well as a tremendous amount of activity in industry. DBPL is
an established destination for such new ideas.
DBPL solicits practical and theoretical papers in all topics at the
intersection of databases and programming languages. Papers
emphasizing new topics or emerging areas are especially welcome.
Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for submissions
- Bidirectional programming languages
- Data exchange and data integration
- Data privacy
- Data provenance
- Databases and the semantic web
- Databases and social networking
- Databases and cloud computing
- Databases in electronic commerce
- Deductive databases and logic programming
- Information-flow type systems
- Language-integrated query mechanisms
- Managing uncertain and imprecise information
- Programming language support for databases
- Streaming data processing
- Schema mappings and metadata management
- Security in data management
- Semi-structured data and XML
- Validation and type-checking
- Web services
Author Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in English presenting
original research. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not
submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions should be no more
than 10 pages long in the [ACM SIGPLAN] format.
Each submission should begin with a succinct statement of the problem
and a summary of the main results. If the authors believe more details
are necessary to substantiate the main claims of the paper, they may
include a clearly marked appendix to be read at the discretion of the
committee. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the
symposium to present their work.
Papers must be submitted online at the following URL:
[ACM SIGPLAN] http://www.sigplan.org/authorinformation.htm
Important Dates
- Submission: June 7, 2013 (midnight GMT)
- Notification: July 12, 2013
- Final versions due: August 2, 2013
- Symposium: August 30, 2013
Accepted papers will appear in a formal electronic proceedings, using
the Computing Research Repository (CoRR).
Program Committee
*Program Co-Chairs* Todd J. Green LogicBlox, USA
Alan Schmitt Inria-Rennes, France
*Program Committee* Yanif Ahmed Johns Hopkins University, USA
William Cook University of Texas-Austin, USA
Ezra Cooper Google, USA
John Field Google, USA
Torsten Grust Universität Tübingen, Germany
Dan Olteanu University of Oxford, UK
Dan Suciu University of Washington, USA
Philip Wadler University of Edinburgh, UK
Geoffrey Washburn LogicBlox, USA
Till Westmann 28msec, USA
The 14th Symposium on Data Base Programming Languages (DBPL 2013)
continues the tradition of excellence initiated by its predecessors in
Roscoff, Finistere (1987), Salishan, Oregon (1989), Nafplion, Argolida
(1991), Manhattan, New York (1993), Gubbio, Umbria (1995), Estes Park,
Colorado (1997), Kinloch Rannoch, Scotland (1999), Marino, Rome
(2001), Potsdam, Germany (2003), Trondheim, Norway (2005), Vienna,
Austria (2007), Lyon, France (2009), and Seattle, Washington (2011).
DBPL has been affiliated with VLDB since 1999.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] CiE 2013 in Milan, July 1 - 5: First Call for Participation
COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2013: The Nature of Computation
Milan, Italy, July 1 - 5, 2013
Informal Presentation Deadline: 31 May 2013
Early Registration Deadline: 31 May 2013
co-located with
Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation 2013
TUTORIAL SPEAKERS: Gilles Brassard (Universite de Montreal) and
Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and
University of Colorado at Boulder)
Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam)
Lance Fortnow (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Anna Karlin (University of Washington)
Bernard Moret (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
Mariya Soskova (Sofia University)
Endre Szemeredi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Rutgers University)
* Algorithmic Randomness (organizers: Mathieu Hoyrup, Andre Nies)
Speakers: Johanna Franklin (University of Connecticut, USA), Noam Greenberg
(Victoria University, New Zealand), Joseph S. Miller (University of
Wisconsin, USA), Nikolay Vereshchagin (Moscow State University, Russia)
* Computational Complexity in the Continuous World (organizers: Akitoshi
Kawamura, Robert Rettinger)
Speakers: Mark Braverman (Princeton University, USA), Daniel S. Graca
(Universidade do Algarve), Joris van der Hoeven (Ecole polytechnique,
France), Chee K. Yap (New York University, USA)
* Computational Molecular Biology (organizers: Alessandra Carbone, Jens
Speakers: Sebastian Boecker (University of Jena, Germany), Marilia D. V.
Braga (Inmetro, Brazil), Andrea Pagnani (Human Genetics Foundation, Italy),
Laxmi Parida (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)
* Computation in Nature (organizers: Mark Daley, Natasha Jonoska)
Speakers: Jerome Durand-Lose (Univ. of Orleans, France), Giuditta Franco
(Univ. of Verona Italy), Lila Kari (Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada),
Darko Stefanovic (Univ. of New Mexico, USA)
* Data Streams and Compression (organizers: Paolo Ferragina, Andrew
Speakers: Graham Cormode (AT&T Labs, USA), Irene Finocchi (University of
Rome, Italy), Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts, USA), Marinella
Sciortino (University of Palermo, Italy).
* History of Computation (organizers: Gerard Alberts, Liesbeth De Mol)
Speakers: David Alan Grier (George Washington University, USA), Thomas
Haigh (University of Wisconsin, USA), Ulf Hashagen (Deutsches Museum,
Germany), Matti Tedre (Stockholm University, Sweden).
CiE serves as an interdisciplinary forum for research in all aspects
of computability and foundations of computer science, as well as the
interplay of these theoretical areas with practical issues in computer
science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics,
philosophy, or physics.
Women in Computability Workshop, July 2, 2013:
We continue the programme "Women in Computability" supported by the
journal "Annals of Pure and Applied Logic" (Elsevier).
Speakers: Irene Finocchi, Laxmi Parida, Liesbeth De Mol
The Women in Computability workshop aims to bring together women in
Computing and Mathematical research to present and exchange their academic
and scientific experience with young researchers. The meeting will offer
the CIE scientific community the opportunity to encourage young students,
especially young female researchers, to have active careers in the
mathematical and computational sciences.
Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, this year's CiE
conference endeavours to get the best of both worlds. In addition to
the formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings volume, we invite
researchers to present informal presentations. For this, please send us a
brief description of your talk (between one paragraph and one page) by the
MAY 31, 2013
Please submit your abstract electronically, via EasyChair
<https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=cie2013>, selecting the category
"Informal Presentation".
You will be notified whether your talk has been accepted for informal
presentation usually within a week after your submission.
**** Also authors of abstracts accepted for presentation are invited to
submit a paper extending the abstract to the journal Computability ****
ASSOCIATION COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE http://www.computability.org.uk
CiE Conference Series http://www.illc.uva.nl/CiE
CiE 2013 http://cie2013.disco.unimib.it
CiE Membership Application Form http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/acie
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE 2013: The Nature of Computation
Milan, Italy, July 1 - 5, 2013
Informal Presentation Deadline: 31 May 2013
Early Registration Deadline: 31 May 2013
co-located with
Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation 2013
TUTORIAL SPEAKERS: Gilles Brassard (Universite de Montreal) and
Grzegorz Rozenberg (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science and
University of Colorado at Boulder)
Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam)
Lance Fortnow (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Anna Karlin (University of Washington)
Bernard Moret (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
Mariya Soskova (Sofia University)
Endre Szemeredi (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Rutgers University)
* Algorithmic Randomness (organizers: Mathieu Hoyrup, Andre Nies)
Speakers: Johanna Franklin (University of Connecticut, USA), Noam Greenberg
(Victoria University, New Zealand), Joseph S. Miller (University of
Wisconsin, USA), Nikolay Vereshchagin (Moscow State University, Russia)
* Computational Complexity in the Continuous World (organizers: Akitoshi
Kawamura, Robert Rettinger)
Speakers: Mark Braverman (Princeton University, USA), Daniel S. Graca
(Universidade do Algarve), Joris van der Hoeven (Ecole polytechnique,
France), Chee K. Yap (New York University, USA)
* Computational Molecular Biology (organizers: Alessandra Carbone, Jens
Speakers: Sebastian Boecker (University of Jena, Germany), Marilia D. V.
Braga (Inmetro, Brazil), Andrea Pagnani (Human Genetics Foundation, Italy),
Laxmi Parida (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA)
* Computation in Nature (organizers: Mark Daley, Natasha Jonoska)
Speakers: Jerome Durand-Lose (Univ. of Orleans, France), Giuditta Franco
(Univ. of Verona Italy), Lila Kari (Univ. of Western Ontario, Canada),
Darko Stefanovic (Univ. of New Mexico, USA)
* Data Streams and Compression (organizers: Paolo Ferragina, Andrew
Speakers: Graham Cormode (AT&T Labs, USA), Irene Finocchi (University of
Rome, Italy), Andrew McGregor (University of Massachusetts, USA), Marinella
Sciortino (University of Palermo, Italy).
* History of Computation (organizers: Gerard Alberts, Liesbeth De Mol)
Speakers: David Alan Grier (George Washington University, USA), Thomas
Haigh (University of Wisconsin, USA), Ulf Hashagen (Deutsches Museum,
Germany), Matti Tedre (Stockholm University, Sweden).
CiE serves as an interdisciplinary forum for research in all aspects
of computability and foundations of computer science, as well as the
interplay of these theoretical areas with practical issues in computer
science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics,
philosophy, or physics.
Women in Computability Workshop, July 2, 2013:
We continue the programme "Women in Computability" supported by the
journal "Annals of Pure and Applied Logic" (Elsevier).
Speakers: Irene Finocchi, Laxmi Parida, Liesbeth De Mol
The Women in Computability workshop aims to bring together women in
Computing and Mathematical research to present and exchange their academic
and scientific experience with young researchers. The meeting will offer
the CIE scientific community the opportunity to encourage young students,
especially young female researchers, to have active careers in the
mathematical and computational sciences.
Continuing the tradition of past CiE conferences, this year's CiE
conference endeavours to get the best of both worlds. In addition to
the formal presentations based on our LNCS proceedings volume, we invite
researchers to present informal presentations. For this, please send us a
brief description of your talk (between one paragraph and one page) by the
MAY 31, 2013
Please submit your abstract electronically, via EasyChair
<https://www.easychair.org/login.cgi?conf=cie2013>, selecting the category
"Informal Presentation".
You will be notified whether your talk has been accepted for informal
presentation usually within a week after your submission.
**** Also authors of abstracts accepted for presentation are invited to
submit a paper extending the abstract to the journal Computability ****
ASSOCIATION COMPUTABILITY IN EUROPE http://www.computability.org.uk
CiE Conference Series http://www.illc.uva.nl/CiE
CiE 2013 http://cie2013.disco.unimib.it
CiE Membership Application Form http://www.cs.swan.ac.uk/acie
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] Call for Papers: Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling, and Design (colocated with ICFP)
FARM 2013: Call for Papers
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
28th September, 2013 (directly after ICFP)
The functional programming community is largely interested in writing
beautiful programs. This workshop is intended to gather researchers and
practitioners interested in writing beautiful programs that generate
beautiful artifacts. Such artifacts may include visual art, music, 3D
sculptures, animations, GUIs, video games, physical models,
architectural models, choreographies for dance, poetry, and even
physical objects such as VLSI layouts, GPU configurations, or mechanical
engineering designs. The framework used need not be purely functional
("mostly functional" is fine); may be based on abstractions such as
higher-order functions, monads, arrows, or streams; and may be
manifested as a domain specific language or tool. Theoretical
foundations, language design, implementation issues, and applications
are all within the scope of the workshop.
Important dates
- Submissions due: Friday, 14 June 2013, 23:59 UTC-11 (American Samoa
time [1])
- Author notification: Thursday, 11 July 2013
- Final papers due: Thursday, 25 July 2013
- Workshop: Saturday, 28 September 2013 (the day after ICFP)
[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=FARM+submissions+due&iso=20130614T2355&p1=1033
There will be a formal proceedings published by ACM Press. Accepted
papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library; see
http://authors.acm.org/main.cfm for information on the options available
to authors. Authors are also encouraged to submit auxiliary material for
publication along with their paper (source code, data, videos, images,
etc.); authors retain all rights to the auxiliary material.
Submission details
We solicit submissions in two categories:
- Full papers. A full paper is limited to 12 pages, and will be
evaluated according to its relevance, correctness, significance,
originality, and clarity. It should explain its contributions,
identify what has been accomplished, explain why it is significant,
and compare it with previous work.
- "Aesthetic applications". An aesthetic application paper is limited
to 6 pages, and will be judged primarily on the effective and
elegant use of FP to generate aesthetic artifacts (though the
criteria for full papers are still relevant).
Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF), formatted
using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines. The text should be in a 9-point
font in two columns.
Submissions can be made via EasyChair at
Workshop Chair: Paul Hudak
Program Chair: Conal Elliott
Publicity Chair: Brent Yorgey
Program Committee
Daniel Cukier (AgileAndArt)
Conal Elliott (Tabula) (chair)
Kathleen Fisher (Tufts University)
Richard Gabriel (IBM Research)
George Giorgidze (University of Tübingen)
Paul Hudak (Yale University)
José Pedro Magalhães (University of Oxford)
Alex McLean (University of Leeds)
John Peterson (Western State Colorado University)
Michael Sperber (Active Group)
Henning Thielemann
Brent Yorgey (University of Pennsylvania)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
FARM 2013: Call for Papers
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
28th September, 2013 (directly after ICFP)
The functional programming community is largely interested in writing
beautiful programs. This workshop is intended to gather researchers and
practitioners interested in writing beautiful programs that generate
beautiful artifacts. Such artifacts may include visual art, music, 3D
sculptures, animations, GUIs, video games, physical models,
architectural models, choreographies for dance, poetry, and even
physical objects such as VLSI layouts, GPU configurations, or mechanical
engineering designs. The framework used need not be purely functional
("mostly functional" is fine); may be based on abstractions such as
higher-order functions, monads, arrows, or streams; and may be
manifested as a domain specific language or tool. Theoretical
foundations, language design, implementation issues, and applications
are all within the scope of the workshop.
Important dates
- Submissions due: Friday, 14 June 2013, 23:59 UTC-11 (American Samoa
time [1])
- Author notification: Thursday, 11 July 2013
- Final papers due: Thursday, 25 July 2013
- Workshop: Saturday, 28 September 2013 (the day after ICFP)
[1] http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=FARM+submissions+due&iso=20130614T2355&p1=1033
There will be a formal proceedings published by ACM Press. Accepted
papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library; see
http://authors.acm.org/main.cfm for information on the options available
to authors. Authors are also encouraged to submit auxiliary material for
publication along with their paper (source code, data, videos, images,
etc.); authors retain all rights to the auxiliary material.
Submission details
We solicit submissions in two categories:
- Full papers. A full paper is limited to 12 pages, and will be
evaluated according to its relevance, correctness, significance,
originality, and clarity. It should explain its contributions,
identify what has been accomplished, explain why it is significant,
and compare it with previous work.
- "Aesthetic applications". An aesthetic application paper is limited
to 6 pages, and will be judged primarily on the effective and
elegant use of FP to generate aesthetic artifacts (though the
criteria for full papers are still relevant).
Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF), formatted
using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines. The text should be in a 9-point
font in two columns.
Submissions can be made via EasyChair at
Workshop Chair: Paul Hudak
Program Chair: Conal Elliott
Publicity Chair: Brent Yorgey
Program Committee
Daniel Cukier (AgileAndArt)
Conal Elliott (Tabula) (chair)
Kathleen Fisher (Tufts University)
Richard Gabriel (IBM Research)
George Giorgidze (University of Tübingen)
Paul Hudak (Yale University)
José Pedro Magalhães (University of Oxford)
Alex McLean (University of Leeds)
John Peterson (Western State Colorado University)
Michael Sperber (Active Group)
Henning Thielemann
Brent Yorgey (University of Pennsylvania)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] ECSCW 2013: Call for Work-in-Progress
::: ECSCW 2013 ::: Call for Work-in-Progress The 13th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 2013) 21-25 September 2013, Paphos, Cyprus http://www.ecscw2013.org/ Work In Progress is a new peer reviewed submission category for ECSCW 2013. The purpose of Work-in-Progress is to allow the community to participate in an interactive event at ECSCW, where participants have an opportunity to present and discuss their current work and early results. Work-in-Progress sessions provide a unique opportunity for sharing valuable ideas, for getting early feedback on current work and preliminary results, and fostering discussions and collaborations among colleagues. Work in progress papers will be published in ECSCW 2013 Proceedings Volume 2 (previously known as the conference supplement), printed in the Aarhus University, Department of Computer Science Report Series and available for the conference participants as well as on the EUSSET online library. IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: 15 June 2013 (5:00pm PDT) using EasyChair Notification Date: 26 July 2013 Camera-Ready Deadline: 09 August 2013 FORMAT A Work-in-Progress submission is a six-page extended abstract prepared in the ECSCW format (author kits and paper templates available for Word, PDF, and LaTeX) and submitted as a PDF file, via the EasyChair submission system. Your extended abstract should be camera-ready and thoroughly copy-edited. Work-in-Progress submissions are not anonymous and should therefore include all author names, affiliations and contact information. Due to the short review cycle, there should be nearly no changes between your submissions and the camera-ready final documents, except in rare circumstances. SELECTION PROCESS Work-in-Progress submissions will be selected by the ECSCW Program Committee. The process has been designed to acknowledge the early-stage nature of the work. Work-in-Progress authors will be notified of acceptance. If a submission is accepted to appear at the conference, the contact person will receive further instructions regarding the inclusion of their extended abstract in the Vol. 2 Proceedings, as well as instructions for the presentation at the conference. Copyright is retained by the authors, and the material from them can be used as the basis for future publications. WHAT IS A WORK-IN-PROGRESS? A Work-in-Progress is a concise report of recent findings or other types of innovative or thought-provoking work relevant to the ECSCW community. A significant benefit of a Work-in-Progress derives from the discussion between the author and conference attendees that will be fostered by the face-to-face presentation of the work. This submission category aims to attract participation from a broad range of disciplines covering a spectrum of topics and methodologies. Submissions may include, but are not limited to, the following types of work: description of original CSCW systems, descriptions of new concepts, methods or techniques, for use in CSCW, studies on collective practices, systems in use ... AT THE CONFERENCE Authors will be expected to attend the conference and will be assigned a time and location in the program to present their work to conference attendees during Interactive Sessions. Work-in-progress submissions whose authors are not at the conference to present will be withdrawn from the EUSSET online library. POSTER CHAIRS Myriam Lewkowicz, Troyes University of Technology, France Tommaso Colombino, Xerox Research Center, France Contact: Ecscw2013wip@utt.fr |
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[Caml-list] MobiWIS 2013: Final Call for Papers (new extended deadline) and Demos
10th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS 2013) 26-28 August 2013, Coral Beach Conference Hotel and Resort Paphos, Cyprus *** FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (new extended deadline) *** *** FINAL CALL FOR DEMOS *** Due to popular demand and many requests, we make a very final extension to the deadline for paper submissions to May 13th, 2013. The International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS) aims to advance the state of the art in scientific and practical research on mobile Web and information systems. It provides a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and the public sector in an effort to disseminate latest research results and to share knowledge and experiences regarding tools, techniques, technologies, models, and methodologies that lead to better information and service provisioning in the mobile Web. The conference comprises a set of carefully selected tracks that focus on the particular challenges regarding mobile Web Information Systems in research areas such as, among others, Web Engineering, Service-Oriented Computing, Web Search, Data and Knowledge Management, Cloud Computing, Security and Human-Computer Interaction. Conference Tracks * Mobile Web and social applications * Middleware/SOA for mobile Web information systems * Mobile Web searching * Context- and location-aware services * Data management in the mobile Web * Mobile cloud services * Mobile Internet of Things * Mobile Web security, trust and privacy * Mobile networks, protocols and applications * Mobile commerce and business services * Mobile Web for social and economic development * HCI in mobile applications * Industry track - Mobile Web and Information Systems * General - Mobile Web and Information Systems Important Dates Paper submission deadline: May 13, 2013 (very final extension) Demo submissions: May 13, 2013 Author notification: May 27, 2013 Final manuscript due: June 12, 2013 Paper Submission Instructions Papers must be in English and must not exceed 15 pages. Papers must be formatted in Springers LNCS format; see formatting instructions and stylesheets: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors?SGWID=0-40209-0-0-0 Papers are submitted as PDF files via the EasyChair conference management system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mobiwis2013 Submitted research papers may not overlap with papers that have already been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Demo Submission Instructions MobiWIS 2013 will offer the opportunity for demonstrations of systems or applications that exhibit novel features regarding all thematic areas of the conference. Proposals for demonstrations describing the system/application, its novel features, and the demonstration should be submitted through the conference submission system by the demonstration deadline, track "Demonstrations": https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mobiwis2013 Submissions of demonstration proposals are accepted in pdf format only. Demonstration proposals should be up to 4 pages in length, and should follow the LNCS paper formatting guidelines: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors?SGWID=0-40209-0-0-0. Demonstration proposals should be up to 4 pages in length, and should otherwise be in the format required for papers. Publication All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference and plan to present the paper. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for a special issue on Mobile Web Information Systems in the Computing journal published by Springer. Accepted demonstration papers will be included in the main conference proceedings to be published with Springer. At least one proposer of every accepted demonstration must register to the conference, attend the event, and present the demonstration live during a dedicated demonstration session. Suitable facilities (e.g., a table, chairs and power plugs) will be provided by the conference. General Chair George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus General Vice-Chairs Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK Elhadi Shakshuki, Acadia University, Canada Program Chairs Florian Daniel, University of Trento, Italy Philippe Thiran, Sirris and University of Namur, Belgium Program Vice-Chairs (Conference Tracks) - Mobile Web and social applications Leondro Wives, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil - Middleware/SOA for mobile Web information systems Zaki Malik, Wayne State University, USA - Mobile Web searching Daqiang Zhang, Institute Telecom, France - Context- and location-aware services Hong-Linh Truong, Vienna University of Technology, Austria - Data management in the mobile Web Roberto De Virgilio, Università Roma Tre, Italy - Mobile cloud services Claudio Geyer, Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil - Mobile Internet of Things Federico M. Facca, CREATE-NET, Italy - Mobile Web security, trust and privacy Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy - Mobile networks, protocols and applications Carlos A. Iglesias, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain - Mobile commerce and business services Michael Weiss, Carleton University, Canada - HCI in mobile applications Nikolay Mehandjiev, University of Manchester, UK - Industry track - Mobile Web and Information Systems Pikkarainen Minna, VTT, Finland - General - Mobile Web and Information Systems Muhammad Younas, Oxford Brookes University, UK |
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