18th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
ETAPS 2015
London, UK, April 11-19, 2015
Call for Satellite Events
The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
(ETAPS) is the primary European forum for academic and industrial
researchers working on topics relating to Software Science. ETAPS is
an annual event which takes place in Europe each spring since 1998.
The eighteenth conference, ETAPS 2015, will take place between April
11th and 19th, 2015 at Queen Mary University of London, in London,
United Kingdom.
London is one of the most visited and cosmopolitan cities on earth. It
is a leading global city, with strengths in the arts, commerce,
education, entertainment, fashion, finance, healthcare, media,
professional services, research and development, tourism and transport
all contributing to its prominence. It can be reached by more people,
from more destinations, in less time, than any other destination in
the world.
ETAPS main conferences will take place on April 13th-17th, 2015. They
- CC: International Conference on Compiler Construction
- ESOP: European Symposium on Programming
- FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
- FOSSACS: Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures
- POST: Principles of Security and Trust
- TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and
Analysis of Systems
The ETAPS 2015 organizing committee invites proposals for satellite
events (workshops etc.) that will complement the main
conferences. They should fall within the scope of ETAPS. This
encompasses all aspects of the system development process, including
specification, design, implementation, analysis and improvement, as
well as the languages, methodologies and tools which support these
activities, covering a spectrum from practically-motivated theory to
soundly-based practice. Satellite events provide an opportunity to
discuss and report on emerging research approaches and practical
experience relevant to theory and practice of software.
ETAPS 2015 satellite events will be held immediately before and after
the main conferences, on April 11th-12th and April 18th-19th, 2015.
The organizers of an ETAPS 2015 satellite are expected to:
- create and maintain a website for the event,
- form a PC, produce a call for papers for the event (if
- advertise the event through specialist mailing lists etc. to
complement the publicity of ETAPS,
- review the submissions received and make acceptance decisions,
- prepare an informal (pre)proceedings for the event (if
- prepare the event's program complying with any scheduling
constraints defined by the ETAPS 2015 organizing committee,
- prepare and organize the publication of a formal (post)proceedings
(if desired).
The ETAPS 2015 organizing committee will:
- promote the event on the website and in the publicity material of
ETAPS 2015
- integrate the event's program into the overall program of the
- arrange registration for the event as a component of registration
for ETAPS, collect a participation fee from the registrants,
- produce a compilation USB memory stick of the informal
(pre)proceedings of the satellite events of ETAPS 2015 and
distribute this to the registrants,
- provide the event with a meeting room of an appropriate size, A/V
equipment, coffee breaks and possibly lunch(es).
As a rule, ETAPS will not contribute toward the travel or
accommodation costs of invited speakers or organizers of satellite
Researchers and practitioners wishing to organize satellite events are
invited to submit proposals in plain text or pdf by e-mail to Paulo
Oliva p.oliva@qmul.ac.uk).
A proposal should not exceed two pages and should include:
- the name and acronym of the satellite event,
- the names and contact information of the organizers,
- the duration of the event: one or two days,
- the preferred period: April 11-12th or April 18-19th,
- a 120-word description of the event topic for the website and
publicity material of ETAPS 2015,
- a brief explanation of the event topic and its relevance to ETAPS
- a tentative schedule for paper submission, notification of
acceptance and final versions (the ETAPS 2015 organizing committee
will need the final files for the local proceedings by March 13,
- the plans for formal publication (no formal publication, formal
proceedings ready by the event, formal post-proceedings),
- the expected number of participants,
- any other relevant information, like event format, invited
speakers, demo sessions, special space requirements, etc.
The proposals will be evaluated by the ETAPS 2015 organizing committee
on the basis of their assessed benefit for prospective participants of
ETAPS 2015. Prospective organizers may wish to consult the web pages
of previous satellite events as examples:
ETAPS 2014: http://www.etaps.org/2014/workshops
ETAPS 2013: http://www.etaps.org/2013/workshops
ETAPS 2012: http://www.etaps.org/2012/workshops
ETAPS 2011: http://www.etaps.org/2011/workshops
Satellite event proposals deadline: February 7th, 2014
Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2014
Please contact Paulo Oliva (p.oliva@qmul.ac.uk).
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] Call for papers: SynCoP 2014 (ETAPS workshop)
Call for papers
SynCoP 2014
1st International Workshop on the SYNthesis of COntinuous Parameters
SynCoP aims at bringing together researchers working on parameter
synthesis for
systems with continuous variables, where the parameters consist of a
dense) set of constant values. Such problems arise for real-time, hybrid or
probabilistic systems where the goal is to identify suitable parameters to
achieve desired behavior, or to verify the behavior for a given range of
parameter values. A parameter could be, e.g., a delay in a real-time
system, or
a reaction rate in a biological cell model.
The workshop will take place on Sunday the 6th of April 2014, in Grenoble,
France, as a satellite of ETAPS 2014.
The workshop may be able to partially support the travel and the ETAPS
registration fees for one or two PhD or Master student(s).
Abstract: January 13th, 2014
Full papers: January 20th, 2014
Notification: February 20th, 2014
Camera ready: March 15th, 2014
Workshop: April 6th, 2014
The scientific subject of the workshop covers (but is not limited to) the
following areas:
* parameter synthesis,
* parametric model checking,
* robustness analysis,
* formalisms such as parametric timed and hybrid automata, parametric
Petri nets, parametric probabilistic automata,
* applications to major areas of computer science and control engineering.
The content of papers should be original and not submitted elsewhere.
All papers
will be submitted to at least three reviews.
The page limit is 15 pages in the EPTCS format (http://style.eptcs.org/).
All accepted papers will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) series, that are free and open access
online proceedings.
The papers will be referenced in major databases such as DBLP, and
under the Creative Commons CC-BY license.
Hereby, the authors retain their copyright.
(Substantial revisions may later be published elsewhere.)
Submission will be made in English in PDF format through Easychair:
* Alexandre Donze, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, UC
Berkeley, USA
* Didier Lime, IRCCyN / Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
(to be completed)
* Etienne Andre (Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France)
* Goran Frehse (Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 - Verimag, France)
* Eugene Asarin, Paris, France
* Alessandro Cimatti, Trento, Italy
* Alexandre Donze, Berkeley, USA
* Georgios Fainekos, Arizona, USA
* Laurent Fribourg, Cachan, France
* Antoine Girard, Grenoble, France
* Kim Larsen, Aalborg, Denmark
* Yang Liu, Singapore
* Olivier H. Roux, Nantes, France
* Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Boulder, USA
* Marielle Stoelinga , Twente, Netherlands
* Ashish Tiwari, USA
* Farn Wang, Taipei, Taiwan
The workshop is partially supported by VERIMAG, LIPN, Universite Paris
13, and
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
Call for papers
SynCoP 2014
1st International Workshop on the SYNthesis of COntinuous Parameters
SynCoP aims at bringing together researchers working on parameter
synthesis for
systems with continuous variables, where the parameters consist of a
dense) set of constant values. Such problems arise for real-time, hybrid or
probabilistic systems where the goal is to identify suitable parameters to
achieve desired behavior, or to verify the behavior for a given range of
parameter values. A parameter could be, e.g., a delay in a real-time
system, or
a reaction rate in a biological cell model.
The workshop will take place on Sunday the 6th of April 2014, in Grenoble,
France, as a satellite of ETAPS 2014.
The workshop may be able to partially support the travel and the ETAPS
registration fees for one or two PhD or Master student(s).
Abstract: January 13th, 2014
Full papers: January 20th, 2014
Notification: February 20th, 2014
Camera ready: March 15th, 2014
Workshop: April 6th, 2014
The scientific subject of the workshop covers (but is not limited to) the
following areas:
* parameter synthesis,
* parametric model checking,
* robustness analysis,
* formalisms such as parametric timed and hybrid automata, parametric
Petri nets, parametric probabilistic automata,
* applications to major areas of computer science and control engineering.
The content of papers should be original and not submitted elsewhere.
All papers
will be submitted to at least three reviews.
The page limit is 15 pages in the EPTCS format (http://style.eptcs.org/).
All accepted papers will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) series, that are free and open access
online proceedings.
The papers will be referenced in major databases such as DBLP, and
under the Creative Commons CC-BY license.
Hereby, the authors retain their copyright.
(Substantial revisions may later be published elsewhere.)
Submission will be made in English in PDF format through Easychair:
* Alexandre Donze, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, UC
Berkeley, USA
* Didier Lime, IRCCyN / Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
(to be completed)
* Etienne Andre (Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France)
* Goran Frehse (Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 - Verimag, France)
* Eugene Asarin, Paris, France
* Alessandro Cimatti, Trento, Italy
* Alexandre Donze, Berkeley, USA
* Georgios Fainekos, Arizona, USA
* Laurent Fribourg, Cachan, France
* Antoine Girard, Grenoble, France
* Kim Larsen, Aalborg, Denmark
* Yang Liu, Singapore
* Olivier H. Roux, Nantes, France
* Sriram Sankaranarayanan, Boulder, USA
* Marielle Stoelinga , Twente, Netherlands
* Ashish Tiwari, USA
* Farn Wang, Taipei, Taiwan
The workshop is partially supported by VERIMAG, LIPN, Universite Paris
13, and
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] FORTE 2014 Call for Papers
FORTE 2014
A DisCoTec Member Conference
34th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for
Distributed Objects, Components and Systems
Abstract Submission: February 1, 2014
Paper Submission: February 7, 2014
Author Notification: March 10, 2014
FORTE 2014 is a forum for fundamental research on theory, models,
tools, and applications for distributed systems. FORTE 2014 is the
heir to the original FORTE series, FMOODS series and joint
FMOODS/FORTE conference series as part of the DisCoTec 2014 event and
will take place June 3-6, 2014, in Berlin, Germany.
=== Scope ===
The conference solicits original contributions that advance the
science and technologies for distributed systems, with special
interest in the areas of:
- component- and model-based design;
- object technology, modularity, software adaptation;
- service-oriented, ubiquitous, pervasive, grid, cloud, and mobile
computing systems;
- software quality, reliability, availability, and safety;
- security, privacy, and trust in distributed systems;
- adaptive distributed systems, self-stabilization;
- verification, validation, formal analysis, and testing of the above.
Contributions that combine theory and practice and that exploit formal
methods and theoretical foundations to present novel solutions to
problems arising from the development of distributed systems are
encouraged. FORTE covers distributed computing models and formal
specification, testing and verification methods. The application
domains include all kinds of application-level distributed systems,
telecommunication services, Internet, embedded and real-time systems,
cyber-physical systems and sensor networks, as well as networking and
communication security and reliability. Topics of interest include but
are not limited to:
- Languages and semantic foundations:
new modeling and language concepts for distribution and concurrency,
semantics for different types of languages, including programming
languages, modeling languages, and domain-specific languages;
real-time and probability aspects; type systems and behavioral
- Formal methods and techniques:
design, specification, analysis, verification, validation, testing
and runtime verification of various types of distributed systems
including communications and network protocols, service-oriented
systems, adaptive distributed systems;
- Foundations of security:
new principles for qualitative and quantitative security analysis of
distributed systems, including formal models based on probabilistic
- Applications of formal methods:
applying formal methods and techniques for studying quality,
reliability, availability, and safety of distributed systems;
- Practical experience with formal methods:
industrial applications, case studies and software tools for
applying formal methods and description techniques to the
development and analysis of real distributed systems.
=== Submission and publication ===
Contributions must be written in English and report on original,
unpublished work not submitted for publication elsewhere (cf. IFIP's
codes of conduct). The submissions must not exceed 15 pages in length,
including figures and references, prepared using Springer's LNCS style
(cf. http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
Submissions not adhering to the above specified constraints may be
rejected immediately, without review.
Papers can be submitted electronically in pdf via the
EasyChair system at the following address:
The time of all deadlines is 24:00 SST (UTC-11, Samoa Standard Time).
Each paper will undergo a peer review of at least 3 anonymous
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS
=== Invited Speaker ===
Joachim Parrow (Uppsala University, Sweden)
=== Programme Chairs ===
Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA Saclay, France)
=== Programme Committee ===
Myrto Arapinis (University of Edinbourgh, UK)
Pedro R. D'Argenio (University of Cordoba, Argentina)
Paul C. Attie (University of Texas at Austin, USA and American
University of Beirut, Lebanon)
Dirk Beyer (University of Passau, Germany)
Frank de Boer (LIACS/CWI, The Netherlands)
Michele Boreale (Univeristy of Florence, Italy)
Johannes Borgstroem (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Yuxin Deng (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Ylies Falcone (University of Grenoble, France)
Daniele Gorla (University of Roma, Italy)
Susanne Graf (CNRS/VERIMAG, France)
Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL, Switzerland)
Klaus Havelund (NASA JPL, USA)
Alberto Lluch Lafuente (IMT Lucca, Italy)
Axel Legay (IRISA/INRIA at Rennes, France)
Jay Ligatti (University of of South Florida, USA)
Antonia Lopes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Sjouke Mauw (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Annabelle McIver (Macquarie University, Australia)
Sebastian Moedersheim (Technical University of Denmark)
Peter Csaba Oelveczky (University of Oslo, Norway)
Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
Anna Philippou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Sanjiva Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Sophie Quinton (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Ana Sokolowa (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Marielle Stoelinga (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Heike Wehrheim (University of Paderborn, Germany)
=== Steering Committee: ===
Dirk Beyer (University of Passau, Germany)
Frank de Boer (LIACS/CWI, The Netherlands)
Michele Boreale (University of Florence, Italy)
Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Juergen Dingel (Queens's University, Canada)
Holger Giese (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Einar Broch Johnsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Jean-Bernard Stefani (INRIA, France)
Heike Wehreim (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
FORTE 2014
A DisCoTec Member Conference
34th IFIP International Conference on Formal Techniques for
Distributed Objects, Components and Systems
Abstract Submission: February 1, 2014
Paper Submission: February 7, 2014
Author Notification: March 10, 2014
FORTE 2014 is a forum for fundamental research on theory, models,
tools, and applications for distributed systems. FORTE 2014 is the
heir to the original FORTE series, FMOODS series and joint
FMOODS/FORTE conference series as part of the DisCoTec 2014 event and
will take place June 3-6, 2014, in Berlin, Germany.
=== Scope ===
The conference solicits original contributions that advance the
science and technologies for distributed systems, with special
interest in the areas of:
- component- and model-based design;
- object technology, modularity, software adaptation;
- service-oriented, ubiquitous, pervasive, grid, cloud, and mobile
computing systems;
- software quality, reliability, availability, and safety;
- security, privacy, and trust in distributed systems;
- adaptive distributed systems, self-stabilization;
- verification, validation, formal analysis, and testing of the above.
Contributions that combine theory and practice and that exploit formal
methods and theoretical foundations to present novel solutions to
problems arising from the development of distributed systems are
encouraged. FORTE covers distributed computing models and formal
specification, testing and verification methods. The application
domains include all kinds of application-level distributed systems,
telecommunication services, Internet, embedded and real-time systems,
cyber-physical systems and sensor networks, as well as networking and
communication security and reliability. Topics of interest include but
are not limited to:
- Languages and semantic foundations:
new modeling and language concepts for distribution and concurrency,
semantics for different types of languages, including programming
languages, modeling languages, and domain-specific languages;
real-time and probability aspects; type systems and behavioral
- Formal methods and techniques:
design, specification, analysis, verification, validation, testing
and runtime verification of various types of distributed systems
including communications and network protocols, service-oriented
systems, adaptive distributed systems;
- Foundations of security:
new principles for qualitative and quantitative security analysis of
distributed systems, including formal models based on probabilistic
- Applications of formal methods:
applying formal methods and techniques for studying quality,
reliability, availability, and safety of distributed systems;
- Practical experience with formal methods:
industrial applications, case studies and software tools for
applying formal methods and description techniques to the
development and analysis of real distributed systems.
=== Submission and publication ===
Contributions must be written in English and report on original,
unpublished work not submitted for publication elsewhere (cf. IFIP's
codes of conduct). The submissions must not exceed 15 pages in length,
including figures and references, prepared using Springer's LNCS style
(cf. http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html).
Submissions not adhering to the above specified constraints may be
rejected immediately, without review.
Papers can be submitted electronically in pdf via the
EasyChair system at the following address:
The time of all deadlines is 24:00 SST (UTC-11, Samoa Standard Time).
Each paper will undergo a peer review of at least 3 anonymous
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the LNCS
=== Invited Speaker ===
Joachim Parrow (Uppsala University, Sweden)
=== Programme Chairs ===
Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Catuscia Palamidessi (INRIA Saclay, France)
=== Programme Committee ===
Myrto Arapinis (University of Edinbourgh, UK)
Pedro R. D'Argenio (University of Cordoba, Argentina)
Paul C. Attie (University of Texas at Austin, USA and American
University of Beirut, Lebanon)
Dirk Beyer (University of Passau, Germany)
Frank de Boer (LIACS/CWI, The Netherlands)
Michele Boreale (Univeristy of Florence, Italy)
Johannes Borgstroem (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Yuxin Deng (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Ylies Falcone (University of Grenoble, France)
Daniele Gorla (University of Roma, Italy)
Susanne Graf (CNRS/VERIMAG, France)
Rachid Guerraoui (EPFL, Switzerland)
Klaus Havelund (NASA JPL, USA)
Alberto Lluch Lafuente (IMT Lucca, Italy)
Axel Legay (IRISA/INRIA at Rennes, France)
Jay Ligatti (University of of South Florida, USA)
Antonia Lopes (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Sjouke Mauw (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Annabelle McIver (Macquarie University, Australia)
Sebastian Moedersheim (Technical University of Denmark)
Peter Csaba Oelveczky (University of Oslo, Norway)
Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
Anna Philippou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Sanjiva Prasad (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India)
Sophie Quinton (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Ana Sokolowa (University of Salzburg, Austria)
Marielle Stoelinga (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
Heike Wehrheim (University of Paderborn, Germany)
=== Steering Committee: ===
Dirk Beyer (University of Passau, Germany)
Frank de Boer (LIACS/CWI, The Netherlands)
Michele Boreale (University of Florence, Italy)
Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
Juergen Dingel (Queens's University, Canada)
Holger Giese (University of Potsdam, Germany)
Einar Broch Johnsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Jean-Bernard Stefani (INRIA, France)
Heike Wehreim (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] 2nd CFP: CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits - Budapest, 23-27 June 2014
CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits
Budapest, Hungary
June 23 - 27, 2014
Submission Deadline for LNCS: 10 January 2014
Notification of authors: 3 March 2014
Deadline for final revisions: 31 March 2014
CiE 2014 has received funding for student participation from the European
Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS. Please contact the PC
chairs if you are interested.
The best student paper will receive an award sponsored by Springer.
CiE 2014 is the tenth conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe),
a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists,
philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in
computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous
meetings have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007),
Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011),
Cambridge (2012), and Milan (2013).
The motto of CiE 2014 "Language, Life, Limits" intends to put a special focus
on relations between computational linguistics, natural and biological
computing, and more traditional fields of computability theory. This is to
be understood in its broadest sense including computational aspects of
problems in linguistics, studying models of computation and algorithms
inspired by physical and biological approaches as well as exhibiting limits
(and non-limits) of computability when considering different models of
computation arising from such approaches.
As with previous CiE conferences the allover glueing perspective is to
strengthen the mutual benefits of analyzing traditional and new computational
paradigms in their corresponding frameworks both with respect to practical
applications and a deeper theoretical understanding. We particularly invite
papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community.
For topics covered by the conference, please visit
We particularly welcome submissions in emergent areas, such as bioinformatics
and natural computation, where they have a basic connection with
Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)
Peter Gruenwald (CWI, Amsterdam)
Lev Beklemishev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
Alessandra Carbone (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS Paris)
Maribel Fernandez (King's College London)
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz (University of Calgary)
Eva Tardos (Cornell University
Albert Visser (Utrecht University)
History and Philosophy of Computing
(organizers: Liesbeth de Mol, Giuseppe Primiero)
Computational Linguistics
(organizers: Maria Dolores Jimenez-Lopez, Gabor Proszeky)
Computability Theory
(organizers: Karen Lange, Barbara Csima)
Bio-inspired Computation
(organizers: Marian Gheorghe, Florin Manea)
Online Algorithms
(organizers: Joan Boyar, Csanad Imreh)
Complexity in Automata Theory
(organizers: Markus Lohrey, Giovanni Pighizzini)
Contributed papers will be selected from submissions received by the PROGRAM
COMMITTEE consisting of:
* Gerard Alberts (Amsterdam) * Sandra Alves (Porto)
* Hajnal Andreka (Budapest) * Luis Antunes (Porto)
* Arnold Beckmann (Swansea) * Laurent Bienvenu (Paris)
* Paola Bonizzoni (Milan) * Olivier Bournez (Palaiseau)
* Vasco Brattka (Munich) * Bruno Codenotti (Pisa)
* Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju (Budapest, co-chair)
* Barry Cooper (Leeds) * Michael J. Dinneen (Auckland)
* Erich Graedel (Aachen) * Marie Hicks (Chicago IL)
* Natasha Jonoska (Tampa FL) * Jarkko Kari (Turku)
* Elham Kashefi (Edinburgh) * Viv Kendon (Leeds)
* Satoshi Kobayashi (Tokyo) * Andras Kornai (Budapest)
* Marcus Kracht (Bielefeld) * Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam & Hamburg)
* Klaus Meer (Cottbus, co-chair) * Joseph R. Mileti (Grinnell IA)
* Georg Moser (Innsbruck) * Benedek Nagy (Debrecen)
* Sara Negri (Helsinki) * Thomas Schwentick (Dortmund)
* Neil Thapen (Prague) * Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam)
* Xizhong Zheng (Glenside PA)
The PROGRAMME COMMITTEE cordially invites all researchers (European and
non-European) in computability related areas to submit their papers (in PDF
format, max 10 pages using the LNCS style) for presentation at CiE 2014.
The submission site
is open.
For submission instructions consult
The CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published by LNCS, Springer Verlag.
Contact: Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju - csuhaj[at]inf.elte.hu
Website: http://cie2014.inf.elte.hu/
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
CiE 2014: Language, Life, Limits
Budapest, Hungary
June 23 - 27, 2014
Submission Deadline for LNCS: 10 January 2014
Notification of authors: 3 March 2014
Deadline for final revisions: 31 March 2014
CiE 2014 has received funding for student participation from the European
Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS. Please contact the PC
chairs if you are interested.
The best student paper will receive an award sponsored by Springer.
CiE 2014 is the tenth conference organized by CiE (Computability in Europe),
a European association of mathematicians, logicians, computer scientists,
philosophers, physicists and others interested in new developments in
computability and their underlying significance for the real world. Previous
meetings have taken place in Amsterdam (2005), Swansea (2006), Siena (2007),
Athens (2008), Heidelberg (2009), Ponta Delgada (2010), Sofia (2011),
Cambridge (2012), and Milan (2013).
The motto of CiE 2014 "Language, Life, Limits" intends to put a special focus
on relations between computational linguistics, natural and biological
computing, and more traditional fields of computability theory. This is to
be understood in its broadest sense including computational aspects of
problems in linguistics, studying models of computation and algorithms
inspired by physical and biological approaches as well as exhibiting limits
(and non-limits) of computability when considering different models of
computation arising from such approaches.
As with previous CiE conferences the allover glueing perspective is to
strengthen the mutual benefits of analyzing traditional and new computational
paradigms in their corresponding frameworks both with respect to practical
applications and a deeper theoretical understanding. We particularly invite
papers that build bridges between different parts of the research community.
For topics covered by the conference, please visit
We particularly welcome submissions in emergent areas, such as bioinformatics
and natural computation, where they have a basic connection with
Wolfgang Thomas (RWTH Aachen)
Peter Gruenwald (CWI, Amsterdam)
Lev Beklemishev (Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow)
Alessandra Carbone (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie and CNRS Paris)
Maribel Fernandez (King's College London)
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz (University of Calgary)
Eva Tardos (Cornell University
Albert Visser (Utrecht University)
History and Philosophy of Computing
(organizers: Liesbeth de Mol, Giuseppe Primiero)
Computational Linguistics
(organizers: Maria Dolores Jimenez-Lopez, Gabor Proszeky)
Computability Theory
(organizers: Karen Lange, Barbara Csima)
Bio-inspired Computation
(organizers: Marian Gheorghe, Florin Manea)
Online Algorithms
(organizers: Joan Boyar, Csanad Imreh)
Complexity in Automata Theory
(organizers: Markus Lohrey, Giovanni Pighizzini)
Contributed papers will be selected from submissions received by the PROGRAM
COMMITTEE consisting of:
* Gerard Alberts (Amsterdam) * Sandra Alves (Porto)
* Hajnal Andreka (Budapest) * Luis Antunes (Porto)
* Arnold Beckmann (Swansea) * Laurent Bienvenu (Paris)
* Paola Bonizzoni (Milan) * Olivier Bournez (Palaiseau)
* Vasco Brattka (Munich) * Bruno Codenotti (Pisa)
* Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju (Budapest, co-chair)
* Barry Cooper (Leeds) * Michael J. Dinneen (Auckland)
* Erich Graedel (Aachen) * Marie Hicks (Chicago IL)
* Natasha Jonoska (Tampa FL) * Jarkko Kari (Turku)
* Elham Kashefi (Edinburgh) * Viv Kendon (Leeds)
* Satoshi Kobayashi (Tokyo) * Andras Kornai (Budapest)
* Marcus Kracht (Bielefeld) * Benedikt Loewe (Amsterdam & Hamburg)
* Klaus Meer (Cottbus, co-chair) * Joseph R. Mileti (Grinnell IA)
* Georg Moser (Innsbruck) * Benedek Nagy (Debrecen)
* Sara Negri (Helsinki) * Thomas Schwentick (Dortmund)
* Neil Thapen (Prague) * Peter van Emde Boas (Amsterdam)
* Xizhong Zheng (Glenside PA)
The PROGRAMME COMMITTEE cordially invites all researchers (European and
non-European) in computability related areas to submit their papers (in PDF
format, max 10 pages using the LNCS style) for presentation at CiE 2014.
The submission site
is open.
For submission instructions consult
The CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS will be published by LNCS, Springer Verlag.
Contact: Erzsebet Csuhaj-Varju - csuhaj[at]inf.elte.hu
Website: http://cie2014.inf.elte.hu/
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] MEDI 2014: Preliminary Call for Papers
*** PRELIMINARY CALL FOR PAPERS *** 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MODEL & DATA ENGINEERING (MEDI 2014) Lordos Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus 24-26 September, 2014 http://medi2014.cs.ucy.ac.cy/ The main objective of the conference is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments and to promote the interaction and collaboration of research communities issued from modelling and system modelling on the one hand and data and data modelling on the other hand. MEDI 2014 provides an international infrastructure for the presentation of research results and experimentations on models and data theory, development of advanced technologies related to models and data and their advanced applications and case studies. This international scientific event, initiated by researchers from Euro-Mediterranean countries, aims also at promoting the creation of north-south scientific networks, projects and faculty/student exchanges and of other parts of the world as well. Aim and Scope Specific areas of interest to MEDI'2014 include but are not limited to: Modelling and Models Engineering: - Design of General-purpose Modelling Languages and Related Standards - Model Driven Engineering, Modelling Languages, Meta-modelling, Model Transformation, Model Evolution: - Formal Modelling, Verification and Validation, Analysis, Testing - Ontology Based Modelling, Role of Ontologies in Modelling Activities - Model Manipulation and models as first objects - Heterogeneous modelling, model integration and interoperability - Applications and case studies Data Engineering: - Heterogeneous data, data Integration and Interoperability - Distributed, Parallel, Grid, Peer to Peer, Cloud Databases - Data Warehouses and OLAP, Data Mining - Database System Internals, Performance, Self-tuning Benchmarking and Testing - Database Security, Personalization, Recommendation - Web Databases, Ontology Based Databases, PDMS - Applications and case studies Modeling for Data Management: - New Models and Architectures for Databases and Data Warehouses - Modeling and Quality of Data - Modeling for Enhancing Sharing Data - Models for Explicit and Implicit Semantics based Data Optimization - Model Reification, Model Repositories - Modeling Non Functional Properties of Systems - Data as models and Models as Data - Service based data management and service oriented applications - Models for data Monitoring - Urbanization of Database Applications Applications and tooling: - Industry transfer, experiences - Data and Model manipulation and tooling - Modelling tools and experimentation Conference Location Lordos Beach Hotel, Larnaca https://www.lordosbeach.com.cy/en/ Submission Guidelines and Instructions Authors are invited to submit research and application papers representing original, previously unpublished work. Papers should be submitted in PDF or Word format. Submissions must conform to Springer's LNCS format and should not exceed 12 pages (including all text, figures, references and appendices). Authors who want to buy extra pages may submit a paper up to 15 pages with the indication that the authors will purchase extra pages if the paper is accepted. Submissions which do not conform to the LNCS format and/or which do exceed 12 pages (or up to 15 pages with the extra page purchase commitment) will be rejected without reviews. Submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. All accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer-Verlag. Duplicate submissions are not allowed. A submission is considered to be a duplicate submission if it is submitted to other conferences/workshops/journals or it has been already accepted to be published in other conferences/workshops/journals. Duplicate submissions thus will be automatically rejected without reviews. Submissions require explicit consent from all listed authors. Important Dates Abstract submission: April 14, 2014 Full-paper submission: April 21, 2014 Acceptance notification: June 16, 2014 Camera Ready: July 7, 2014 Paper Publication All accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer-Verlag. Best papers will be invited for submission in a special issue of a recognized international journals (under discussion). Keynotes Speakers Mukesh MOHANIA, IBM, INDIA : Data and Data models Dominique MERY, Loria, Nancy, France: Models and system modelling Conference Organization General Chairs Ladjel Bellatreche, ENSMA, Poitiers University, France George A. Papadopoulos, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus Programme Committee Chair Yamine Aït Ameur, ENSEEIHT/IRIT, Toulouse, France Local Organizing Chair Mr. Petros Stratis (EasyConferences, LTD), Finance Chair Program Committee TBA For further inquiries, contact the MEDI 2014 PC Chair: Yamine Aït Ameur (yamine@n7.fr) |
-------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list, please send an email to [announce@cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the single word 'remove' in the subject of the email. |
Re: [Caml-list] Deadline extended: FLOPS 2014 call for papers
[Because of a number of requests, the submission deadline is extended
again to December the 25th, 23:59 UTC (but please register your title
and abstract as soon as possible on EasyChair).]
Call For Papers
Twelfth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
(FLOPS 2014)
June 4-6, 2014
Kanazawa, Japan
- Journal publications in JFP (Jounral of Functional Programming) and
TPLP (Theory and Practice of Logic Programming) are planned (see below).
- Hyakumangoku Matsuri
( https://www.google.com/search?q=hyakumangoku%20matsuri&tbm=isch )
is scheduled *just* after FLOPS 2014.
FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
two paradigms. Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono
(1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
(2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), Ise (2008),
Sendai (2010), and Kobe (2012).
FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
programming, including (but not limited to):
- Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed
- Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
type theory, proof systems.
- Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,
- Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical user
interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal methods
and model checking.
The proceedings will be published as an LNCS volume. The proceedings
of the previous meetings (FLOPS 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008,
2010, and 2012) were published as LNCS 1722, 2024, 2441, 2998, 3945,
4989, 6009, and 7294.
PC Co-Chairs
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University)
PC Members
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University)
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) [co-chair]
Marina De Vos (University of Bath)
Moreno Falaschi (Universita degli studi di Udine)
Carsten Fuhs (University College London)
John Gallagher (Roskilde Universitet / IMDEA Software Institute)
Samir Genaim (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Laura Giordano (Universita del Piemonte Orientale)
Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo)
Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
Andy King (University of Kent)
Oleg Kiselyov
Vitaly Lagoon (MathWorks)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica)
Keiko Nakata (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of
Luke Ong (University of Oxford)
Peter Schachte (University of Melbourne)
Takehide Soh (Kobe University)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University) [co-chair]
Tachio Terauchi (Nagoya University)
Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven)
Janis Voigtlaender (Universitaet Bonn)
Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)
Local Chair
Yuki Chiba (JAIST)
Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM
SIGPLAN Republication Policy:
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
- Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
- System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working system
and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
- Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or
theories with illustrative applications.
System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked
as such in the title.
Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long
including references, though pearls are typically shorter. Authors
are required to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file,
available at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting
information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web
page, or an appendix). Papers should be submitted electronically at:
Important Dates
Submission deadline (EXTENDED): December 25, 2013 (23:59 UTC)
Author notification: February 10, 2014
Camera-ready copy: March 7, 2014
Journal Publication
- Journal of Functional Programming
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
2-4 of the best papers in each of the two areas: Functional
Programming and Logic Programming, will be invited for inclusion in a
designated FLOPS section within each of the two journals. The Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming papers will appear as "Rapid
Publications". All of the these submissions are expected to represent
high-quality revisions and extensions of the selected FLOPS papers and
will be reviewed under the standard criteria of each journal.
Main Hall, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art,
2-1 Dewa-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0963 JAPAN.
Some Previous FLOPS
FLOPS 2012, Kobe: http://www.org.kobe-u.ac.jp/flops2012/
FLOPS 2010, Sendai: http://www.kb.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/flops2010/
FLOPS 2008, Ise: http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/FLOPS2008/
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST),
Special Interest Group on Programming and Programming Languages (SIG-PPL)
In Cooperation With
Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
again to December the 25th, 23:59 UTC (but please register your title
and abstract as soon as possible on EasyChair).]
Call For Papers
Twelfth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
(FLOPS 2014)
June 4-6, 2014
Kanazawa, Japan
- Journal publications in JFP (Jounral of Functional Programming) and
TPLP (Theory and Practice of Logic Programming) are planned (see below).
- Hyakumangoku Matsuri
( https://www.google.com/search?q=hyakumangoku%20matsuri&tbm=isch )
is scheduled *just* after FLOPS 2014.
FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
two paradigms. Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono
(1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
(2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), Ise (2008),
Sendai (2010), and Kobe (2012).
FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
programming, including (but not limited to):
- Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed
- Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
type theory, proof systems.
- Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,
- Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical user
interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal methods
and model checking.
The proceedings will be published as an LNCS volume. The proceedings
of the previous meetings (FLOPS 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008,
2010, and 2012) were published as LNCS 1722, 2024, 2441, 2998, 3945,
4989, 6009, and 7294.
PC Co-Chairs
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University)
PC Members
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University)
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) [co-chair]
Marina De Vos (University of Bath)
Moreno Falaschi (Universita degli studi di Udine)
Carsten Fuhs (University College London)
John Gallagher (Roskilde Universitet / IMDEA Software Institute)
Samir Genaim (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Laura Giordano (Universita del Piemonte Orientale)
Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo)
Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
Andy King (University of Kent)
Oleg Kiselyov
Vitaly Lagoon (MathWorks)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica)
Keiko Nakata (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of
Luke Ong (University of Oxford)
Peter Schachte (University of Melbourne)
Takehide Soh (Kobe University)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University) [co-chair]
Tachio Terauchi (Nagoya University)
Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven)
Janis Voigtlaender (Universitaet Bonn)
Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)
Local Chair
Yuki Chiba (JAIST)
Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM
SIGPLAN Republication Policy:
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
- Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
- System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working system
and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
- Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or
theories with illustrative applications.
System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked
as such in the title.
Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long
including references, though pearls are typically shorter. Authors
are required to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file,
available at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting
information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web
page, or an appendix). Papers should be submitted electronically at:
Important Dates
Submission deadline (EXTENDED): December 25, 2013 (23:59 UTC)
Author notification: February 10, 2014
Camera-ready copy: March 7, 2014
Journal Publication
- Journal of Functional Programming
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
2-4 of the best papers in each of the two areas: Functional
Programming and Logic Programming, will be invited for inclusion in a
designated FLOPS section within each of the two journals. The Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming papers will appear as "Rapid
Publications". All of the these submissions are expected to represent
high-quality revisions and extensions of the selected FLOPS papers and
will be reviewed under the standard criteria of each journal.
Main Hall, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art,
2-1 Dewa-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0963 JAPAN.
Some Previous FLOPS
FLOPS 2012, Kobe: http://www.org.kobe-u.ac.jp/flops2012/
FLOPS 2010, Sendai: http://www.kb.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/flops2010/
FLOPS 2008, Ise: http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/FLOPS2008/
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST),
Special Interest Group on Programming and Programming Languages (SIG-PPL)
In Cooperation With
Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] Deadline extended: FLOPS 2014 call for papers
NEWS: Submission deadline extended.
- Title, abstract, and draft paper by December 13, 2013
- Full paper by December 15, 2013 (23:59 anywhere in the world)
Call For Papers
Twelfth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
(FLOPS 2014)
June 4-6, 2014
Kanazawa, Japan
- Journal publications in JFP (Jounral of Functional Programming) and
TPLP (Theory and Practice of Logic Programming) are planned (see below).
- Hyakumangoku Matsuri
( https://www.google.com/search?q=hyakumangoku%20matsuri&tbm=isch )
is scheduled *just* after FLOPS 2014.
FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
two paradigms. Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono
(1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
(2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), Ise (2008),
Sendai (2010), and Kobe (2012).
FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
programming, including (but not limited to):
- Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed
- Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
type theory, proof systems.
- Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,
- Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical user
interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal methods
and model checking.
The proceedings will be published as an LNCS volume. The proceedings
of the previous meetings (FLOPS 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008,
2010, and 2012) were published as LNCS 1722, 2024, 2441, 2998, 3945,
4989, 6009, and 7294.
PC Co-Chairs
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University)
PC Members
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University)
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) [co-chair]
Marina De Vos (University of Bath)
Moreno Falaschi (Universita degli studi di Udine)
Carsten Fuhs (University College London)
John Gallagher (Roskilde Universitet / IMDEA Software Institute)
Samir Genaim (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Laura Giordano (Universita del Piemonte Orientale)
Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo)
Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
Andy King (University of Kent)
Oleg Kiselyov
Vitaly Lagoon (MathWorks)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica)
Keiko Nakata (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of
Luke Ong (University of Oxford)
Peter Schachte (University of Melbourne)
Takehide Soh (Kobe University)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University) [co-chair]
Tachio Terauchi (Nagoya University)
Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven)
Janis Voigtlaender (Universitaet Bonn)
Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)
Local Chair
Yuki Chiba (JAIST)
Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM
SIGPLAN Republication Policy:
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
- Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
- System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working system
and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
- Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or
theories with illustrative applications.
System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked
as such in the title.
Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long
including references, though pearls are typically shorter. Authors
are required to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file,
available at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting
information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web
page, or an appendix). Papers should be submitted electronically at:
Important Dates
Submission deadline (EXTENDED):
- Title, abstract, and draft paper by December 13, 2013
- Full paper by December 15, 2013 (23:59 anywhere in the world)
Author notification: February 10, 2014
Camera-ready copy: March 7, 2014
Journal Publication
- Journal of Functional Programming
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
2-4 of the best papers in each of the two areas: Functional
Programming and Logic Programming, will be invited for inclusion in a
designated FLOPS section within each of the two journals. The Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming papers will appear as "Rapid
Publications". All of the these submissions are expected to represent
high-quality revisions and extensions of the selected FLOPS papers and
will be reviewed under the standard criteria of each journal.
Main Hall, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art,
2-1 Dewa-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0963 JAPAN.
Some Previous FLOPS
FLOPS 2012, Kobe: http://www.org.kobe-u.ac.jp/flops2012/
FLOPS 2010, Sendai: http://www.kb.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/flops2010/
FLOPS 2008, Ise: http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/FLOPS2008/
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST),
Special Interest Group on Programming and Programming Languages (SIG-PPL)
In Cooperation With
Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
NEWS: Submission deadline extended.
- Title, abstract, and draft paper by December 13, 2013
- Full paper by December 15, 2013 (23:59 anywhere in the world)
Call For Papers
Twelfth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
(FLOPS 2014)
June 4-6, 2014
Kanazawa, Japan
- Journal publications in JFP (Jounral of Functional Programming) and
TPLP (Theory and Practice of Logic Programming) are planned (see below).
- Hyakumangoku Matsuri
( https://www.google.com/search?q=hyakumangoku%20matsuri&tbm=isch )
is scheduled *just* after FLOPS 2014.
FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
two paradigms. Previous FLOPS meetings were held at Fuji Susono
(1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
(2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), Ise (2008),
Sendai (2010), and Kobe (2012).
FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
programming, including (but not limited to):
- Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed
- Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
type theory, proof systems.
- Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,
- Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical user
interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal methods
and model checking.
The proceedings will be published as an LNCS volume. The proceedings
of the previous meetings (FLOPS 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008,
2010, and 2012) were published as LNCS 1722, 2024, 2441, 2998, 3945,
4989, 6009, and 7294.
PC Co-Chairs
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University)
PC Members
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University)
Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) [co-chair]
Marina De Vos (University of Bath)
Moreno Falaschi (Universita degli studi di Udine)
Carsten Fuhs (University College London)
John Gallagher (Roskilde Universitet / IMDEA Software Institute)
Samir Genaim (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Laura Giordano (Universita del Piemonte Orientale)
Ichiro Hasuo (University of Tokyo)
Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
Andy King (University of Kent)
Oleg Kiselyov
Vitaly Lagoon (MathWorks)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica)
Keiko Nakata (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of
Luke Ong (University of Oxford)
Peter Schachte (University of Melbourne)
Takehide Soh (Kobe University)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University) [co-chair]
Tachio Terauchi (Nagoya University)
Joost Vennekens (KU Leuven)
Janis Voigtlaender (Universitaet Bonn)
Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)
Local Chair
Yuki Chiba (JAIST)
Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM
SIGPLAN Republication Policy:
Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
- Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
- System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working system
and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
- Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or
theories with illustrative applications.
System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked
as such in the title.
Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long
including references, though pearls are typically shorter. Authors
are required to use LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file,
available at: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
experimental results. In case of lack of space, this supporting
information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web
page, or an appendix). Papers should be submitted electronically at:
Important Dates
Submission deadline (EXTENDED):
- Title, abstract, and draft paper by December 13, 2013
- Full paper by December 15, 2013 (23:59 anywhere in the world)
Author notification: February 10, 2014
Camera-ready copy: March 7, 2014
Journal Publication
- Journal of Functional Programming
- Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
2-4 of the best papers in each of the two areas: Functional
Programming and Logic Programming, will be invited for inclusion in a
designated FLOPS section within each of the two journals. The Theory
and Practice of Logic Programming papers will appear as "Rapid
Publications". All of the these submissions are expected to represent
high-quality revisions and extensions of the selected FLOPS papers and
will be reviewed under the standard criteria of each journal.
Main Hall, Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art,
2-1 Dewa-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-0963 JAPAN.
Some Previous FLOPS
FLOPS 2012, Kobe: http://www.org.kobe-u.ac.jp/flops2012/
FLOPS 2010, Sendai: http://www.kb.ecei.tohoku.ac.jp/flops2010/
FLOPS 2008, Ise: http://www.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/FLOPS2008/
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology (JSSST),
Special Interest Group on Programming and Programming Languages (SIG-PPL)
In Cooperation With
Asian Association for Foundation of Software (AAFS)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] PADL 2014: Call for Participation
Sixteenth Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
January 20-21, 2014
Co-located with ACM POPL'14
You are cordially invited to the Fifteenth International Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages that will be held on
January 20-21, 2014 (right before POPL). The conference will present
accepted papers spanning a range of topics related to logic and
functional programming, including language support for parallelism and
GPUs, constructs and techniques for modularity and extensibility, and
applications of declarative programming to document processing and DNA
simulation. The conference program also includes invited talks by
Molham Aref of LogicBlox and David Walker of Princeton, and a tutorial
on minKanren by Daniel P. Friedman of Indiana University and William
E. Byrd of the University of Utah.
Please note that the deadline for early registration is fast
approaching (Dec 31). You can register by visiting
PADL 2014 Program
Invited Speaker I (9:00-10:00)
Molham Aref: "Declarative Programming for the Cloud"
Languages (10:30-12:00)
Kc Sivaramakrishnan, Lukasz Ziarek and Suresh Jagannathan:
"Rx-CML: A Prescription for Safely Relaxing Synchrony"
Thomas Winant, Dominique Devriese, Frank Piessens and Tom Schrijvers:
"Partial Type Signatures for Haskell"
Tomas Petricek and Don Syme:
"The F# Computation Expressions Zoo"
From Models to Implementations (13:30-15:00)
Yuliya Lierler and Mirek Truszczynski:
"Abstract Modular Inference Systems and Solvers"
Andy Gill and Jan Bracker:
"Sunroof: A Monadic DSL for Generating JavaScript"
Matthew R. Lakin and Andrew Phillips:
"Compiling DNA strand displacement reactions using a functional
programming language"
Applications (15:30-17:00)
Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli and Tiep Le:
"Two Applications of the ASP-Prolog System: Decomposable Programs
and Multi-context Systems"
Ari Saptawijaya and Luís Moniz Pereira:
"Towards Modeling Morality Computationally with Logic Programming"
Paul Tarau:
"A Declarative Specification of Giant Number Arithmetic"
Invited Speaker II (9:00-10:00)
David Walker: "The Frenetic Project: Declarative Languages for
Programming Networks"
Parallelism (10:30-12:00)
Robert Clifton-Everest, Trevor L. Mcdonell, Manuel Chakravarty
and Gabriele Keller:
"Embedding Foreign Code"
Federico Campeotto, Alessandro Dal Palù, Agostino Dovier, Ferdinando
Fioretto and Enrico Pontelli:
"Exploring the Use of GPUs in Constraint Solving"
Miguel Areias and Ricardo Rocha:
"On the Correctness and Efficiency of Lock-Free Expandable Tries
for Tabled Logic Programs"
Modularity and Extensibility (13:30-15:00)
Martin Elsman and Anders Schack-Nielsen:
"Typelets - A Rule-Based Evaluation Model for Dynamic, Statically
Typed User Interfaces"
Jacco O. G. Krijnen, Doaitse Swierstra and Marcos O. Viera:
"Expand: Towards an extendible Pandoc system"
José Pedro Magalhães and Andres Löh:
"Generic Generic Programming"
Invited Tutorial (15:30-17:00)
Daniel P. Friedman and William E. Byrd: "miniKanren Tutorial"
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
Sixteenth Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 2014
San Diego, CA, USA
January 20-21, 2014
Co-located with ACM POPL'14
You are cordially invited to the Fifteenth International Symposium on
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages that will be held on
January 20-21, 2014 (right before POPL). The conference will present
accepted papers spanning a range of topics related to logic and
functional programming, including language support for parallelism and
GPUs, constructs and techniques for modularity and extensibility, and
applications of declarative programming to document processing and DNA
simulation. The conference program also includes invited talks by
Molham Aref of LogicBlox and David Walker of Princeton, and a tutorial
on minKanren by Daniel P. Friedman of Indiana University and William
E. Byrd of the University of Utah.
Please note that the deadline for early registration is fast
approaching (Dec 31). You can register by visiting
PADL 2014 Program
Invited Speaker I (9:00-10:00)
Molham Aref: "Declarative Programming for the Cloud"
Languages (10:30-12:00)
Kc Sivaramakrishnan, Lukasz Ziarek and Suresh Jagannathan:
"Rx-CML: A Prescription for Safely Relaxing Synchrony"
Thomas Winant, Dominique Devriese, Frank Piessens and Tom Schrijvers:
"Partial Type Signatures for Haskell"
Tomas Petricek and Don Syme:
"The F# Computation Expressions Zoo"
From Models to Implementations (13:30-15:00)
Yuliya Lierler and Mirek Truszczynski:
"Abstract Modular Inference Systems and Solvers"
Andy Gill and Jan Bracker:
"Sunroof: A Monadic DSL for Generating JavaScript"
Matthew R. Lakin and Andrew Phillips:
"Compiling DNA strand displacement reactions using a functional
programming language"
Applications (15:30-17:00)
Tran Cao Son, Enrico Pontelli and Tiep Le:
"Two Applications of the ASP-Prolog System: Decomposable Programs
and Multi-context Systems"
Ari Saptawijaya and Luís Moniz Pereira:
"Towards Modeling Morality Computationally with Logic Programming"
Paul Tarau:
"A Declarative Specification of Giant Number Arithmetic"
Invited Speaker II (9:00-10:00)
David Walker: "The Frenetic Project: Declarative Languages for
Programming Networks"
Parallelism (10:30-12:00)
Robert Clifton-Everest, Trevor L. Mcdonell, Manuel Chakravarty
and Gabriele Keller:
"Embedding Foreign Code"
Federico Campeotto, Alessandro Dal Palù, Agostino Dovier, Ferdinando
Fioretto and Enrico Pontelli:
"Exploring the Use of GPUs in Constraint Solving"
Miguel Areias and Ricardo Rocha:
"On the Correctness and Efficiency of Lock-Free Expandable Tries
for Tabled Logic Programs"
Modularity and Extensibility (13:30-15:00)
Martin Elsman and Anders Schack-Nielsen:
"Typelets - A Rule-Based Evaluation Model for Dynamic, Statically
Typed User Interfaces"
Jacco O. G. Krijnen, Doaitse Swierstra and Marcos O. Viera:
"Expand: Towards an extendible Pandoc system"
José Pedro Magalhães and Andres Löh:
"Generic Generic Programming"
Invited Tutorial (15:30-17:00)
Daniel P. Friedman and William E. Byrd: "miniKanren Tutorial"
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] PLMW: Mentoring at POPL. Second Call for Participation
Students! You less than have one week left to apply for funding to come
to both POPL and PLMW!
SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, San Diego, USA
Tuesday January 21, 2014
Co-located with POPL 2014
PLMW web page: http://plmw2014.inria.fr/
After the resounding success of the first two Programming Languages
Mentoring Workshops at POPL 2012 and POPL 2013, we proudly announce the
3rd SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW), co-located
with POPL 2014 and organised by Amal Ahmed, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Alan
The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage graduate
students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in
programming language research. This workshop will provide technical
sessions on cutting-edge research in programming languages, and
mentoring sessions on how to prepare for a research career. We will
bring together leaders in programming language research from academia
and industry to give talks on their research areas. The workshop will
engage students in a process of imagining how they might contribute to
our research community.
We especially encourage women and underrepresented minority students
to attend PLMW.
This workshop is part of the activities surrounding POPL, the Symposium
on Principles of Programming Languages, and takes place the day before
the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the POPL
conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will
stay through the entire conference.
A number of sponsors have generously donated scholarship funds for
qualified students to attend PLMW. These scholarships should cover
reasonable expenses (airfare, hotel, and registration fees) for
attendance at both the workshop and the POPL conference.
Students attending this year will get one year free student membership
of SIGPLAN, unless they prefer to opt out during their application.
The workshop registration is open to all. Students with alternative
sources of funding are welcome.
APPLICATION for PLMW scholarship:
The scholarship application can be accessed from the workshop web site
(http://plmw2014.inria.fr/). The deadline for full consideration of
funding is 10th December, 2013. Selected participants will be notified
from Friday 14th December, and will need to register for the workshop by
December 24th.
- Andrew Appel: Software Verification
- Isil Dillig: Program Analysis
- Nate Foster: You and your PhD
- Derek Dreyer: Progress & Preservation Considered Boring: A Paean to
- John Hughes: Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking
- Greg Morrisett: Think Big: Some Crazy Thesis Topics
- Peter O'Hearn: Program Logic and Analysis
- Peter Sewell: From POPL to the Jungle and Back
- Phil Wadler: You and Your Research and The Elements of Style
- Stephanie Weirich: Why you should care about dependent types
We have put a page answering the most frequent questions at
Jane Street
Microsoft Research
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
to both POPL and PLMW!
SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop, San Diego, USA
Tuesday January 21, 2014
Co-located with POPL 2014
PLMW web page: http://plmw2014.inria.fr/
After the resounding success of the first two Programming Languages
Mentoring Workshops at POPL 2012 and POPL 2013, we proudly announce the
3rd SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW), co-located
with POPL 2014 and organised by Amal Ahmed, Benjamin C. Pierce, and Alan
The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage graduate
students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in
programming language research. This workshop will provide technical
sessions on cutting-edge research in programming languages, and
mentoring sessions on how to prepare for a research career. We will
bring together leaders in programming language research from academia
and industry to give talks on their research areas. The workshop will
engage students in a process of imagining how they might contribute to
our research community.
We especially encourage women and underrepresented minority students
to attend PLMW.
This workshop is part of the activities surrounding POPL, the Symposium
on Principles of Programming Languages, and takes place the day before
the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the POPL
conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will
stay through the entire conference.
A number of sponsors have generously donated scholarship funds for
qualified students to attend PLMW. These scholarships should cover
reasonable expenses (airfare, hotel, and registration fees) for
attendance at both the workshop and the POPL conference.
Students attending this year will get one year free student membership
of SIGPLAN, unless they prefer to opt out during their application.
The workshop registration is open to all. Students with alternative
sources of funding are welcome.
APPLICATION for PLMW scholarship:
The scholarship application can be accessed from the workshop web site
(http://plmw2014.inria.fr/). The deadline for full consideration of
funding is 10th December, 2013. Selected participants will be notified
from Friday 14th December, and will need to register for the workshop by
December 24th.
- Andrew Appel: Software Verification
- Isil Dillig: Program Analysis
- Nate Foster: You and your PhD
- Derek Dreyer: Progress & Preservation Considered Boring: A Paean to
- John Hughes: Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking
- Greg Morrisett: Think Big: Some Crazy Thesis Topics
- Peter O'Hearn: Program Logic and Analysis
- Peter Sewell: From POPL to the Jungle and Back
- Phil Wadler: You and Your Research and The Elements of Style
- Stephanie Weirich: Why you should care about dependent types
We have put a page answering the most frequent questions at
Jane Street
Microsoft Research
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] [TFP 2014] 1st Call For Papers
Dear reader,
Please find included the first call for papers for next year's Trends In
Functional Programming event, organized by Jurriaan Hage from Utrecht
University, The Netherlands.
With kind regards,
Peter Achten
Communication chair TFP
======== TFP 2014 ===========
15th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
May 26-28, 2014
Utrecht University
Soesterberg, The Netherlands
The symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an international
forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of functional
taking a broad view of current and future trends in the area. It aspires to
be a lively environment for presenting the latest research results, and
contributions (see below), described in draft papers submitted prior to the
symposium. A formal post-symposium refereeing process then selects a subset
of the articles presented at the symposium and submitted for formal
Selected papers will be published as a Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) volume.
TFP 2014 will be the main event of a pair of functional programming events.
The other is the International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming
in Education (TFPIE). TFPIE will take place on May 25th.
The TFP symposium is the heir of the successful series of Scottish
Programming Workshops. Previous TFP symposia were held in
Edinburgh (Scotland) in 2003, in Munich (Germany) in 2004,
in Tallinn (Estonia) in 2005, in Nottingham (UK) in 2006,
in New York (USA) in 2007, in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in 2008,
in Komarno (Slovakia) in 2009, in Oklahoma (USA) in 2010, in Madrid
(Spain) in
2011, St. Andrews (UK) in 2012 and Provo (Utah, USA) in 2013.
For further general information about TFP please see the TFP homepage.
TFP is pleased to announce talks by the following two invited speakers:
John Hughes of Chalmers, Goteborg, Sweden, is well-known as author of
Why Functional Programming Matters, and as one of the designers of
(together with Koen Claessen); the paper on QuickCheck won the
ICFP Most Influential Paper Award in 2010. Currently he divides his time
his professorship and Quviq, a company that performs property-based
testing of
software with a tool implemented in Erlang.
Dr. Geoffrey Mainland received his PhD from Harvard University where he was
advised by Greg Morrisett and Matt Welsh. After a two year postdoc with the
Programming Principles and Tools group at Microsoft Research Cambridge,
he is
now an assistant professor at Drexel University. His research focuses on
high-level programming language and runtime support for non-general purpose
The symposium recognizes that new trends may arise through various routes.
As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore identify the
following five article categories. High-quality articles are solicited
in any
of these categories:
Research Articles: leading-edge, previously unpublished research work
Position Articles: on what new trends should or should not be
Project Articles: descriptions of recently started new projects
Evaluation Articles: what lessons can be drawn from a finished project
Overview Articles: summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject
Articles must be original and not submitted for simultaneous publication to
any other forum. They may consider any aspect of functional programming:
theoretical, implementation-oriented, or more experience-oriented.
Applications of functional programming techniques to other languages are
also within the scope of the symposium.
Topics suitable for the symposium include:
Functional programming and multicore/manycore computing
Functional programming in the cloud
High performance functional computing
Extra-functional (behavioural) properties of functional programs
Dependently typed functional programming
Validation and verification of functional programs
Using functional techniques to reason about
imperative/object-oriented programs
Debugging for functional languages
Functional programming in different application areas:
security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded
global computing, grids, etc.
Interoperability with imperative programming languages
Novel memory management techniques
Program analysis and transformation techniques
Empirical performance studies
Abstract/virtual machines and compilers for functional languages
(Embedded) domain specific languages
New implementation strategies
Any new emerging trend in the functional programming area
If you are in doubt on whether your article is within the scope of TFP,
please contact the TFP 2014 program chair, Jurriaan Hage at J.Hage@uu.nl.
To reward excellent contributions, TFP awards a prize for the best paper
accepted for the formal proceedings.
TFP traditionally pays special attention to research students,
acknowledging that students are almost by definition part of new subject
trends. A student paper is one for which the authors state that the paper
is mainly the work of students, the students are listed as first authors,
and a student would present the paper. A prize for the best student paper
is awarded each year.
In both cases, it is the PC of TFP that awards the prize.
In case the best paper happens to be a student paper, that paper will then
receive both prizes.
TFP is financially supported by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for
Research), Well-Typed and Erlang Solutions.
Acceptance of articles for presentation at the symposium is based on a
lightweight peer review process of extended abstracts (4 to 10 pages in
length) or full papers (16 pages). The submission must clearly indicate
which category it belongs to: research, position, project, evaluation,
or overview paper. It should also indicate whether the main author or
authors are research students. In the case of a full student paper, the
paper will receive additional feedback by one of the PC members shortly
after the symposium has taken place.
We shall use EasyChair for the refereeing process.
Submission of draft papers: March 17, 2014
Notification: March 24, 2014
Registration: April 7, 2014
TFP Symposium: May 26-28, 2014
Student papers feedback: June 9th, 2014
Submission for formal review: July 1st, 2014
Notification of acceptance: September 8th, 2014
Camera ready paper: October 8th, 2014
Peter Achten Radboud University Nijmegen
Emil Axelsson Chalmers
Lucilia Camarao de Figueiredo Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Laura Castro University of A Coruna
Frank Huch Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Matthew Fluet Rochester Institute of Technology
Jurriaan Hage (chair) University of Utrecht
Yukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba
Andrew Kennedy Microsoft Research
Tamas Kozsik Eotvos Lorand University
Ben Lippmeier University of New South Wales
Luc Maranget INRIA
Jay McCarthy Brigham Young University
Marco T. Morazan Seton Hall University
Ricardo Pena Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Alexey Rodriguez madvertise
Sven-Bodo Scholz Heriot-Watt University
Manuel Serrano INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Simon Thompson University of Kent
Tarmo Uustalu Inst of Cybernetics
David Van Horn Maryland University
Janis Voigtlaender University of Bonn
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
Please find included the first call for papers for next year's Trends In
Functional Programming event, organized by Jurriaan Hage from Utrecht
University, The Netherlands.
With kind regards,
Peter Achten
Communication chair TFP
======== TFP 2014 ===========
15th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
May 26-28, 2014
Utrecht University
Soesterberg, The Netherlands
The symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an international
forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of functional
taking a broad view of current and future trends in the area. It aspires to
be a lively environment for presenting the latest research results, and
contributions (see below), described in draft papers submitted prior to the
symposium. A formal post-symposium refereeing process then selects a subset
of the articles presented at the symposium and submitted for formal
Selected papers will be published as a Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) volume.
TFP 2014 will be the main event of a pair of functional programming events.
The other is the International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming
in Education (TFPIE). TFPIE will take place on May 25th.
The TFP symposium is the heir of the successful series of Scottish
Programming Workshops. Previous TFP symposia were held in
Edinburgh (Scotland) in 2003, in Munich (Germany) in 2004,
in Tallinn (Estonia) in 2005, in Nottingham (UK) in 2006,
in New York (USA) in 2007, in Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in 2008,
in Komarno (Slovakia) in 2009, in Oklahoma (USA) in 2010, in Madrid
(Spain) in
2011, St. Andrews (UK) in 2012 and Provo (Utah, USA) in 2013.
For further general information about TFP please see the TFP homepage.
TFP is pleased to announce talks by the following two invited speakers:
John Hughes of Chalmers, Goteborg, Sweden, is well-known as author of
Why Functional Programming Matters, and as one of the designers of
(together with Koen Claessen); the paper on QuickCheck won the
ICFP Most Influential Paper Award in 2010. Currently he divides his time
his professorship and Quviq, a company that performs property-based
testing of
software with a tool implemented in Erlang.
Dr. Geoffrey Mainland received his PhD from Harvard University where he was
advised by Greg Morrisett and Matt Welsh. After a two year postdoc with the
Programming Principles and Tools group at Microsoft Research Cambridge,
he is
now an assistant professor at Drexel University. His research focuses on
high-level programming language and runtime support for non-general purpose
The symposium recognizes that new trends may arise through various routes.
As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore identify the
following five article categories. High-quality articles are solicited
in any
of these categories:
Research Articles: leading-edge, previously unpublished research work
Position Articles: on what new trends should or should not be
Project Articles: descriptions of recently started new projects
Evaluation Articles: what lessons can be drawn from a finished project
Overview Articles: summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject
Articles must be original and not submitted for simultaneous publication to
any other forum. They may consider any aspect of functional programming:
theoretical, implementation-oriented, or more experience-oriented.
Applications of functional programming techniques to other languages are
also within the scope of the symposium.
Topics suitable for the symposium include:
Functional programming and multicore/manycore computing
Functional programming in the cloud
High performance functional computing
Extra-functional (behavioural) properties of functional programs
Dependently typed functional programming
Validation and verification of functional programs
Using functional techniques to reason about
imperative/object-oriented programs
Debugging for functional languages
Functional programming in different application areas:
security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded
global computing, grids, etc.
Interoperability with imperative programming languages
Novel memory management techniques
Program analysis and transformation techniques
Empirical performance studies
Abstract/virtual machines and compilers for functional languages
(Embedded) domain specific languages
New implementation strategies
Any new emerging trend in the functional programming area
If you are in doubt on whether your article is within the scope of TFP,
please contact the TFP 2014 program chair, Jurriaan Hage at J.Hage@uu.nl.
To reward excellent contributions, TFP awards a prize for the best paper
accepted for the formal proceedings.
TFP traditionally pays special attention to research students,
acknowledging that students are almost by definition part of new subject
trends. A student paper is one for which the authors state that the paper
is mainly the work of students, the students are listed as first authors,
and a student would present the paper. A prize for the best student paper
is awarded each year.
In both cases, it is the PC of TFP that awards the prize.
In case the best paper happens to be a student paper, that paper will then
receive both prizes.
TFP is financially supported by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for
Research), Well-Typed and Erlang Solutions.
Acceptance of articles for presentation at the symposium is based on a
lightweight peer review process of extended abstracts (4 to 10 pages in
length) or full papers (16 pages). The submission must clearly indicate
which category it belongs to: research, position, project, evaluation,
or overview paper. It should also indicate whether the main author or
authors are research students. In the case of a full student paper, the
paper will receive additional feedback by one of the PC members shortly
after the symposium has taken place.
We shall use EasyChair for the refereeing process.
Submission of draft papers: March 17, 2014
Notification: March 24, 2014
Registration: April 7, 2014
TFP Symposium: May 26-28, 2014
Student papers feedback: June 9th, 2014
Submission for formal review: July 1st, 2014
Notification of acceptance: September 8th, 2014
Camera ready paper: October 8th, 2014
Peter Achten Radboud University Nijmegen
Emil Axelsson Chalmers
Lucilia Camarao de Figueiredo Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
Laura Castro University of A Coruna
Frank Huch Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel
Matthew Fluet Rochester Institute of Technology
Jurriaan Hage (chair) University of Utrecht
Yukiyoshi Kameyama University of Tsukuba
Andrew Kennedy Microsoft Research
Tamas Kozsik Eotvos Lorand University
Ben Lippmeier University of New South Wales
Luc Maranget INRIA
Jay McCarthy Brigham Young University
Marco T. Morazan Seton Hall University
Ricardo Pena Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Alexey Rodriguez madvertise
Sven-Bodo Scholz Heriot-Watt University
Manuel Serrano INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Simon Thompson University of Kent
Tarmo Uustalu Inst of Cybernetics
David Van Horn Maryland University
Janis Voigtlaender University of Bonn
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
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