
[Caml-list] CONTEXT 2015: First Call for Papers and Call for Workshop Proposals

*** First Call for Papers and Call for Workshop Proposals ***

The 9th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling
and Using Context (CONTEXT 2015)

2–6 November 2015, Lordos Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus


The CONTEXT conferences are the world’s prime forum for presentation and
exchange of insights and cutting-edge results from the wide range of
disciplines concerned with context.

The main theme of CONTEXT 2015 is “Back to the roots”, focusing on the
importance of interdisciplinary cooperations and studies of the phenomenon.
Context, context modeling and context comprehension are central topics in
linguistics, philosophy, sociology, artificial intelligence, computer science,
art, law, organizational sciences, cognitive science, psychology, etc. and are
also essential for the effectiveness of modern, complex and distributed
software systems.

CONTEXT 2015 invites high-quality contributions from researchers and
practitioners in foundational studies, applications and evaluations of
modeling and use of context in all relevant fields. Areas of interest include,
but are not limited to, the role of context seen from different perspectives in:

• Agent-based architectures
• Ambient intelligence
• Cognition and perception by humans and artifacts
• Context-aware and situated systems
• Context modeling tools
• Communication and dialogue
• Data analysis and visualization
• Decision making
• Discourse comprehension and representation
• Engineering, e.g., in transport networks, industrial plants etc.
• Experimental philosophy and experimental pragmatics
• (Formal) models of context
• Human-computer interaction
• Knowledge representation
• Language acquisition and processing
• Learning, knowledge management and sharing
• Logic and reasoning
• Machine learning
• Ontology/ies
• Semantics and Pragmatics
• Smart and interactive spaces
• Understanding art, images, music and theatre


Accepted papers and poster abstracts will be published in a volume of the
Springer LNAI series.

Submission format

Submissions may be either full papers of up to 14 pages (in Springer LNCS
format) or poster abstracts of 4–6 pages. Full papers may be accepted as such
with oral presentation, or their authors may be invited to prepare a poster
abstract. Detailed formatting and submissions instructions will be provided.

Conference events

CONTEXT 2015 will include paper presentation sessions, a poster and
demonstration session, two days of workshops, and a doctoral consortium as
well as keynote talks and a panel discussion. Workshops and the doctoral
consortium will circulate separate calls for papers and participation, which
will also be available at the conference web site. All accepted authors will have
the option of presenting a system demonstration at the poster session.

Important dates

Full papers and posters:
• Submission deadline: June 1, 2015 
• Notification: July 13, 2015
• Final version: August 17, 2015


CONTEXT 2015 workshops will provide a platform for presenting novel and
emerging ideas in the use and the modelling of context in a less formal and
possibly more focused way than the conference itself. The format of each
workshop is to be determined by the organisers, but it is expected that
workshops will contain ample time for general discussion and engagement by
all participants - not just those presenting papers. Workshops that foster
collaboration, discussion, group problem-solving and community-building
initiatives are particularly encouraged. Researchers and practitioners from
all relevant fields are invited to submit proposals for review.

Proposals for workshops should contain:

1. A title and brief (2-page max) description of the workshop topic and
2. The desired workshop length (one day, two days or a half day) and an
estimate of the number of attendees.
3. The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
the organisers, with one-paragraph statements of their research interests
and areas of expertise.
4. A list of potential members of the program committee, with an
indication of which members have already signed up.
5. A description of any shared tasks associated with the workshop.
6. A description of special requirements for technical needs.
7. An indication of whether posters are likely to be included in the
workshop program.

Please submit proposals in plain text in the body of an email to the
workshop organiser Samia Oussena (
no later than March 20, 2015.

Notification of acceptance of workshop proposals will occur no later
than April 1, 2015.

Organisers of accepted workshops will be responsible for publicising and
running the workshop, including reviewing submissions and producing the
camera-ready workshop proceedings and a possibly printed version; the
conference website may link to online workshop proceedings. It is crucial
that organisers commit to all deadlines.

Workshop organisers cannot accept for publication papers that will be (or
have been) published elsewhere, although they are free to set their own
policies on simultaneous submission and review. At least one organiser of an
accepted workshop is expected attend and lead the workshop; any participant
and speaker must register for the conference. The CONTEXT 2015 organisers
will set the workshop fees, provide rooms, equipment, technical support,
coffee and lunch breaks.

Workshop timeline

• Submission of proposals: March 20, 2015
• Notification: April 1, 2015
• Submission deadline, workshop papers: August 1, 2015
• Notification for workshop papers: September 1, 2015
• Final version of workshop papers: October 1, 2015

Doctoral Consortium


Program Chairs

Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark
Isidora Stojanovic, UPF, Spain & CNRS, France

Workshop Chair

Samia Oussena, University of West London, UK

Local Arrangements Chair

George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

General Chair

Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark

Chairs of the Community of Context

Patrick Blackburn, Roskilde University, Denmark
Patrick Brezillon, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
Henning Christiansen, Roskilde University, Denmark
Richard Dapoigny, Université de Savoie, France
Thomas R. Roth-Berghofer, University of West London, UK
Hedda R. Schmidtke, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

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[Caml-list] ISCC 2015: Third Call for Papers

*** Third Call for Papers ***

The 20th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2015)

6-9 July 2015, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus


ISCC 2015, in its 20th anniversary, will provide an insight into the unique
world stemming from the interaction between the fields of computers and
communications. ISCC 2015 will provide an international technical forum for
experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of
ongoing research in most state-of-the-art areas of computer and
communications. This year, special focus will be on the challenging issues
and opportunities related to the computing, sensing and communication in
the era of the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data. You are
invited to submit a full paper or a proposal for a panel/invited session or a
tutorial, related to the following topics of interest.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


Review manuscripts should describe original work and should be no more
than 8 pages in the IEEE double column proceedings format including tables,
figures and references. Note that accepted papers up to 6 pages will be
published with no additional charge. Exceeding pages will be charged an
additional fee. Extended versions of selected best papers will be
recommended for publication in a Special Issue of a prestigious International

Papers must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, on-line via the EDAS
system: http://edas.info/N18819

Paper Submission Deadline: January 26th, 2015
Notification of Paper Acceptance: March 27th, 2015
Submission of Camera-Ready Paper: April 17th, 2015

General Co-Chairs
Andreas Pitsillides, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Mahmoud Daneshmand, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA

Technical Program Co-Chairs
Vasos Vassiliou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Honggang Wang, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, USA

Local Arrangement Co-Chairs
George Pallis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Finance and Registration Co-Chairs
Reda Ammar, University of Connecticut, USA
Christos Douligeris, University of Piraeus, Greece

Publication Co-Chairs
Josephine Antoniou, University of Central Lancanshire, Cyprus
Nicos Komninos, City University London, UK

Keynote Speakers Co-Chairs
Panayiotis Kolios, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Marios Lestas, Frederick University, Cyprus

Workshop Co-Chairs
Periklis Chatzimisios, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Andreas Kamilaris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Massimo Villari, University of Messina, Italy

Publicity Co-Chairs
Habib M. Ammari, Univ. of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
Chrysostomos Chrysostomou, Frederick University, Cyprus
Mario Dantas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
Salil Kanhere, University of New South Wales, Australia
Ahmet Sekercioglu, Monash University, Australia
Qing Yang, Montana State University, USA

Steering Committee
Reda Ammar, University of Connecticut, USA
Antonio Corradi, University of Bologna, Italy
Mahmoud Daneshmand, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA
Christos Douligeris, Univ. of Piraeus, Greece
Adel S. Elmaghraby, Univ. of Louisville, USA
Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada
Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA
Ahmed Tantawy, IBM, USA

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[Caml-list] FM 2015: Final Call for Papers (20th Intl. Symposium on Formal Methods, Oslo)

--------------------------=== FM 2015 ===----------------------------

20th International Symposium on Formal Methods

Oslo, Norway, June 22-26, 2015


Call for Papers



There will be special issues of the Journals

- Acta Informatica and

- Formal Aspects of Computing

featuring selected papers from FM 2015.

There will be 11 satellite workshops scheduled for
22-23 June, preceding the main conference. For
the list of workshops, see below.



Jan 2 Abstract submission deadline
Jan 9 Full paper submission deadline
March 23 Notification
June 22-26 Conference



FM 2015 is the twentieth in a series of symposia organized by Formal
Methods Europe, an independent association whose aim is to stimulate
the use of, and research on, formal methods for software development.
The symposia have been notably successful in bringing together innovators
and practitioners in precise mathematical methods for software and systems
development, industrial users, as well as researchers. The FM symposia
welcome original papers on research and industrial experience,
proposals for workshops and tutorials, entries for the exhibition of
software tools and projects, and reports on ongoing doctoral work.


FM 2015 will have the goal of highlighting the development and application
of formal methods. This includes uses of formal methods in a variety
of disciplines such as medicine, biology, human cognitive modeling,
human automation interactions and aeronautics, among others. FM 2015
particularly welcomes papers on techniques, tools and experiences
in interdisciplinary frameworks, as well as on experience with practical
applications of formal methods in industrial and research settings,
empirical and experimental validation of tools and methods as well as
construction and evolution of formal methods tools. The broad topics
of interest for FM 2015 include but are not limited to:

Interdisciplinary formal methods: techniques, tools and
experiences demonstrating formal methods in interdisciplinary

Formal methods in practice: industrial applications of formal
methods, experience with introducing formal methods in industry,
tool usage reports, experiments with challenge problems.
Authors are encouraged to explain how the use of formal methods has
overcome problems, lead to improvements in design or provided
new insights.

Tools for formal methods: advances in automated verification and
model-checking, integration of tools, environments for formal
methods, experimental validation of tools. Authors are encouraged
to demonstrate empirically that the new tool or environment
advances the state of the art.

Role of formal methods in software and systems engineering:
development processes with formal methods, usage guidelines for
formal methods, method integration. Authors are encouraged
to evaluate process innovations with respect to qualitative or
quantitative improvements. Empirical studies and evaluations
are also solicited.

Theoretical foundations: all aspects of theory related to
specification, verification, refinement, and static and dynamic
analysis. Authors are encouraged to explain how their results
contribute to the solution of practical problems with methods or


Elvira Albert, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Werner Damm, Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg, DE
Valerie Issarny, INRIA, France
Leslie Lamport, Microsoft Research, US


Papers will be evaluated by at least three members of the Programme
Committee. They should be in Springer LNCS format and describe, in
English, original work that has not been published or submitted

Authors of papers reporting experimental work are strongly encouraged
to make their experimental results available for use by reviewers.
Similarly, case study papers should describe significant case studies
and the complete development should be made available at the time of
review. In other words, the usual criteria for novelty, reproducibility,
correctness and the ability for others to build upon the described work

Tool papers should explain enhancements made compared to previously
published work. A tool paper need not present the theory behind the
tool but can focus more on its features, and how it is used, evaluation,
with screen shots and examples. Authors of tool papers should make
their tool available for use by reviewers.

Papers should be submitted through the FM 2015 EasyChair web site:


We solicit two categories of papers:

Regular Papers should not exceed 15 pages in LNCS format,
not counting references.

Short papers, including tool papers, should not exceed 6 pages,
not counting references. Besides tool papers, short papers
are encouraged for any subject that can be described within
the page limit, and in particular for novel ideas without an
extensive experimental evaluation. Short papers will be accompanied
by short presentations.

For regular and tool papers, an appendix can provide additional
material such as details on proofs or experiments. The appendix
is not guaranteed to be read or taken into account by the reviewers
and it should not contain information necessary to the understanding
and the evaluation of the presented work. Papers will be accepted
or rejected in the category in which they were submitted, there
will be no "demotions" from a regular to a short paper.


FM 2015 will as a new feature have a best paper award.
A best paper will be selected among accepted papers,
and the award will be presented at the conference.


Accepted papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings, to
appear in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science.


Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, NO


Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research, US
Frank S. de Boer, CWI, NL


Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University
Bernhard K. Aichernig, TU Graz
Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research
Marcello Bonsangue, Leiden University
Michael Butler, University of Southampton
Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College Dublin
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York
David Clark, University College London
Frank S. de Boer, CWI
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore
Michael Emmi, IMDEA Software Institute
John Fitzgerald, Newcastle University
Nate Foster, Cornell University
Vijay Ganesh, University of Waterloo
Diego Garbervetsky, Dep. de Computacion. U. de Buenos Aires
Dimitra Giannakopoulou, NASA Ames Research Center
Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR
Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah
Orna Grumberg, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Arie Gurfinkel, Carnegie Mellon University
Reiner Haehnle, Technical University of Darmstadt
Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Anne E. Haxthausen, Technical University of Denmark
Ian J. Hayes, University of Queensland
Gerard Holzmann, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Daniel Jackson, MIT
Cliff Jones, Newcastle University
Gerwin Klein, NICTA and UNSW
Laura Kovacs, Chalmers University of Technology
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford
Peter Gorm Larsen, Aarhus University
Yves Ledru, Lab. d'Informatique de Grenoble, U. Joseph Fourier
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research
Martin Leucker, University of Luebeck
Shaoying Liu, Hosei University
Tom Maibaum, McMaster University
Dominique Mery, Universite de Lorraine, LORIA
Peter Mueller, ETH Zuerich
Cesar Munoz, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology
Tobias Nipkow, TU Muenchen
Jose Oliveira, Universidade do Minho
Olaf Owe, University of Oslo
Sam Owre, SRI International
Andrei Paskevich, Universite Paris-Sud 11, IUT d'Orsay
Grigore Rosu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kristin Yvonne Rozier, NASA Ames Research Center
Sanjit A. Seshia, UC Berkeley
Natasha Sharygina, Universita' della Svizzera Italiana
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics
Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design
Kenji Taguchi, AIST
Margus Veanes, Microsoft Research
Ji Wang, National Lab. for Parallel and Distributed Processing
Alan Wassyng, McMaster University
Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn
Michael Whalen, University of Minnesota
Jim Woodcock, University of York
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna
Pamela Zave, AT&T

SATELLITE WORKSHOPS (at 22-23. June, preceding the main conference)

- FMICS (Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems)
- Overture/VDM
- WWV (Automated Specification and Verification of Web Systems)
- Refinement
- ESSS (Engineering Safety and Security Systems)
- SAFOME (Safety and Formal Methods)
- USE (Usages of Symbolic Execution)
- SETS (Sets and Tools)
- FMSEET (Formal Methods in Software Engineering Education and Training)
- Formal Methods and Model-Driven Engineering in Robotics
- F-IDE (Formal Integrated Development Environment)

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[Caml-list] ISPDC 2015: Second Call for Papers

*** Second Call for Papers ***

The 14th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Computing (ISPDC 2015)

29 June - 2 July, 2015, St. Raphael Resort 5*, Limassol, Cyprus


Following very successful previous editions since 2002, the 14th ISPDC
conference will be hosted in Limassol, a beautiful coastal Mediterranean city
on the south coast of Cyprus. The conference will be devoted to a highly
selective program with papers describing original and unpublished research
advancing the state of the art in the field of Parallel and Distributed
Computing paradigms and applications. The goal is to provide an interactive
and friendly, yet professional forum, for original research contributions
describing novel ideas, groundbreaking results and/or experiences.

We kindly invite you to submit original contributions to ISPDC 2015 on topics
including, but not limited to:

System Architectures for Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Multi-Cores, Virtualization
- Clusters and Grid Computing
- Methods and Tools for Parallel and Distributed Programming
- Embedded, Mobile and Networking Environments
- System Architecture and System Software for In-Memory Computing
- Innovative System Architecture for Big Data Processing
- System Architecture for Graph Computing/Processing
- Interconnect Architecture for HPC and Data Centers

High Performance Computing and Large Scale Applications
- Tools and Environments for Parallel Program Design/Analysis
- Scalable Algorithms and Applications
- Urban Networks and Applications, Vehicular Networks
- Parallel, Distributed and Mobile big-Data Management

Parallel Computing and Algorithms
- Parallel Programming Paradigms and APIs
- GPU Programming
- Bio-inspired Parallel Algorithms
- Big Data and Graph Analytics
- Algorithms, Models and Formal Verification

Cloud Computing
- Cloud Resource Provisioning and Allocation
- Pricing of Cloud Resources
- Cloud Performance, and Capacity Management
- Green Cloud Computing
- Mobile Clouds
- Security and Privacy in Clouds
- Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
- Storage Architectures for Clouds and Big Data Processing

Distributed and Embedded Computing
- Collaborative Computing, P2P Computing
- Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
- Web Services and Internet Computing
- Distributed Software Components, Multi-agent Systems
- Parallel Embedded Systems Programming
- Highly Embedded Parallel Systems Support for Programming
- FPGA and SoC Solutions

Performance Modeling, Management and Optimization
- Scheduling and Load Balancing
- Performance Modeling, Analysis and Evaluation
- Optimisation, Security and Dependability

- Real-time Distributed and Parallel Systems
- Visualisation of Massively Parallel Data
- IoT, Social Networks

You are invited to submit original papers of up to 10 pages, written in English
and compliant with the IEEE standard (8.5"x11", two-column). The IEEE
Computer Society Press will publish the proceedings. A best paper award will
be presented to paper(s) receiving the highest quality rating from the
reviewers and the PC.

Key Dates
Submission of full papers: 15 January, 2015
Notification of authors: 15 March, 2015
Camera ready papers: 30 March, 2015
Authors and early registration deadline: 6 May, 2015
Symposium dates: 29 June - 2 July, 2015

General Chair
George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Committee Co-Chairs
Daniel Grosu, Wayne State University, USA
Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Steering Committee
Ioana Banicescu, Mississippi State University, USA
Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Technische Universität München, Germany
Valentin Cristea, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Bertil Folliot, University of Paris, France
Dan Grigoras, University College Cork, Ireland
John Morrison, University College Cork, Ireland
Traian Muntean, Aix Marseille University, France
Dana Petcu, Western Univ. of Timisoara and e-Austria, Timisoara, Romania
Marek Tudruj, Polish Acad. of Sciences and PJIIT, Warsaw, Poland

Program Committee

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[Caml-list] [TFP 2015] 1st call for papers


======== TFP 2015 ===========

16th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
June 3-5, 2015
Inria Sophia Antipolis, France

The symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an
international forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of
functional programming, taking a broad view of current and future
trends in the area. It aspires to be a lively environment for
presenting the latest research results, and other contributions (see
below). Authors of draft papers will be invited to submit revised
papers based on the feedback receive at the symposium. A
post-symposium refereeing process will then select a subset of these
articles for formal publication.

The selected revised papers are expected to be published as a Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) volume.

TFP 2015 will be the main event of a pair of functional programming
events. TFP 2015 will be accompanied by the International Workshop on
Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE), which will take
place on June 2nd.

The TFP symposium is the heir of the successful series of Scottish
Functional Programming Workshops. Previous TFP symposia were held in
* Edinburgh (Scotland) in 2003;
* Munich (Germany) in 2004;
* Tallinn (Estonia) in 2005;
* Nottingham (UK) in 2006;
* New York (USA) in 2007;
* Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in 2008;
* Komarno (Slovakia) in 2009;
* Oklahoma (USA) in 2010;
* Madrid (Spain) in 2011;
* St. Andrews (UK) in 2012;
* Provo (Utah, USA) in 2013;
* and in Soesterberg (The Netherlands) in 2014.
For further general information about TFP please see the TFP homepage.


TFP is pleased to announce talks by the following two invited speakers:

* Laurence Rideau is a researcher at INRIA and is interested in the
semantics of programming languages , the formal methods, and the
verification tools for programs and mathematical proofs. She
participated in the beginnings of the Compcert project (certified
compiler), and is part of the Component Mathematical team in the
MSR-INRIA joint laboratory, who performed the formalization of the
Feit-Thompson theorem successfully.

Thirty years ago, computers barged in mathematics with the famous
proof of the Four Color Theorem. Initially limited to simple
calculation, their role is now expanding to the reasoning whose
complexity is beyond the capabilities of most humans, as the proof of
the classification of finite simple groups. We present our large
collaborative adventure around the formalization of the Feit-Thompson
theorem (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feit%E2%80%93Thompson_theorem)
that is a first step to the classification of finite groups
and that uses a palette of methods and techniques that range from
formal logic to software (and mathematics) engineering.

* Sam Aaron (?)

== SCOPE ==

The symposium recognizes that new trends may arise through various
routes. As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore
identify the following five article categories. High-quality articles
are solicited in any of these categories:

Research Articles: leading-edge, previously unpublished research work
Position Articles: on what new trends should or should not be
Project Articles: descriptions of recently started new projects
Evaluation Articles: what lessons can be drawn from a finished project
Overview Articles: summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject

Articles must be original and not simultaneously submitted for
publication to any other forum. They may consider any aspect of
functional programming: theoretical, implementation-oriented, or
experience-oriented. Applications of functional programming
techniques to other languages are also within the scope of the

Topics suitable for the symposium include:

Functional programming and multicore/manycore computing
Functional programming in the cloud
High performance functional computing
Extra-functional (behavioural) properties of functional programs
Dependently typed functional programming
Validation and verification of functional programs
Debugging and profiling for functional languages
Functional programming in different application areas:
security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded
global computing, grids, etc.
Interoperability with imperative programming languages
Novel memory management techniques
Program analysis and transformation techniques
Empirical performance studies
Abstract/virtual machines and compilers for functional languages
(Embedded) domain specific languages
New implementation strategies
Any new emerging trend in the functional programming area

If you are in doubt on whether your article is within the scope of
TFP, please contact the TFP 2015 program chair, Manuel Serrano.


To reward excellent contributions, TFP awards a prize for the best paper
accepted for the formal proceedings.

TFP traditionally pays special attention to research students,
acknowledging that students are almost by definition part of new
subject trends. A student paper is one for which the authors state
that the paper is mainly the work of students, the students are listed
as first authors, and a student would present the paper. A prize for
the best student paper is awarded each year.

In both cases, it is the PC of TFP that awards the prize. In case the
best paper happens to be a student paper, that paper will then receive
both prizes.


TFP is financially supported by ??????????????????


Acceptance of articles for presentation at the symposium is based on a
lightweight peer review process of extended abstracts (4 to 10 pages
in length) or full papers (20 pages). The submission must clearly
indicate which category it belongs to: research, position, project,
evaluation, or overview paper. It should also indicate which authors
are research students, and whether the main author(s) are students. A
draft paper for which ALL authors are students will receive additional
feedback by one of the PC members shortly after the symposium has
taken place.

We use EasyChair for the refereeing process. Papers must be submitted at:


Papers must be written in English, and written using the LNCS
style. For more information about formatting please consult the
Springer LNCS web site:



Submission of draft papers: March 17, 2015
Notification: March 24, 2015
Registration: April 7, 2015
TFP Symposium: June 3-5, 2015
Student papers feedback: June 9, 2015
Submission for formal review: July 1, 2015
Notification of acceptance: September 8, 2015
Camera ready paper: October 8, 2015


Janis Voigtländer University of Bonn, DE
Scott Owens University of Kent, UK
Neil Sculthorpe Swansea University, UK
Colin Runciman University of York, UK
Manuel Serrano Inria (PC chair), FR
Rinus Plasmeijer University of Nijmegen, NL
Tomas Petricek University of Cambridge, UK
Marco T. Morazan Seton Hall University, USA
Wolfgang De Meuter Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE
Michel Mauny Ensta ParisTech, FR
Sam Lindley The University of Edinburgh, UK
Daan Leijen Microsoft, USA
Jurriaan Hage Utrecht University, NL
Andy Gill University of Kansas, USA
Thomas Gazagnaire University of Cambrige, UK
Lars-Ake Fredlund Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, ES
Jean-Christophe Filliatre Université Paris Sud Orsay, FR
Marc Feeley Université de Montréal, CA
Olaf Chitil University of Kent, UK
Edwin Brady University of St Andrews, UK

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[Caml-list] CICM Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
CICM 2015

13-17 July 2015
Washington DC, USA

Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means for the
generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of mathematical
information. Separate communities have developed to investigate and build
computer based systems for computer algebra, automated deduction, and
mathematical publishing as well as novel user interfaces. While all of these
systems excel in their own right, their integration can lead to synergies
offering significant added value. The Conference on Intelligent Computer
Mathematics (CICM) offers a venue for discussing and developing solutions
to the great challenges posed by the integration of these diverse areas.

CICM has been held annually as a joint meeting since 2008, co-locating
related conferences and workshops to advance work in these
subjects. Previous meetings have been held in Birmingham (UK 2008),
Grand Bend (Canada 2009), Paris (France 2010), Bertinoro (Italy 2011),
Bremen (Germany 2012), Bath (UK 2013), and Coimbra (Portugal 2014).

This is a (short version of the) call for papers for CICM 2015, which
will be held in Washington, D.C., 13-17 July 2015.

The full version of the CFP is available from the conference web page at

The principal tracks of the conference will be:

* Calculemus (Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning)
Chair: Jacques Carette
* DML (Digital Mathematical Libraries)
Chair: Volker Sorge
* MKM (Mathematical Knowledge Management)
Chair: Cezary Kaliszyk
* Systems and Data
Chair: Florian Rabe

Publicity chair is Serge Autexier. The local arrangements will be
coordinated by the Local Arrangements Chairs, Bruce R. Miller
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA) and Abdou
Youssef (The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.), and the
overall programme will be organized by the General Programme Chair,
Manfred Kerber (U. Birmingham, UK).

As in previous years, it is anticipated that there will be a number
co-located workshops, including one to mentor doctoral students giving
presentations. We also solicit for project descriptions and
work-in-progress papers.

Important Dates

Conference submissions:
Abstract submission deadline: 16 February 2015
Submission deadline: 23 February 2015
Reviews sent to authors: 6 April 2015
Rebuttals due: 9 April 2015
Notification of acceptance: 13 April 2015
Camera ready copies due: 27 April 2015
Conference: 13-17 July 2015

Work-in-progress and Doctoral Programme submissions:
Submission deadline:
(Doctoral: Abstract+CV) 4 May 2015
Notification of acceptance: 25 May 2015
Camera ready copies due: 1 June 2015

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] WETICE 2015: First Call for Papers


24th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies:
Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE 2015)

15-17 June 2015, Golden Bay Beach Hotel, Larnaca, Cyprus


The IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure
for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) is an international forum for the
state-of-the-art research in enabling technologies for collaboration,
consisting of a number of related conference tracks.

The conference proceedings are published by IEEE Computer Society and
are also available online through the IEEE's Xplore digital library. The
proceedings will be submitted for indexing through INSPEC, Scopus,
Compendex, Thomson Reuters, DBLP, Google Scholar and EI Index.

The 24th WETICE edition, held on June 15-17, 2015 in Larnaca (Cyprus),
consists of a set of self-contained and self-managed tracks. The Program
Committee solicits the submission of papers to the following tracks:

ACEC – 12th Track on Adaptive Computing (and Agents) for Enhanced

AROSA – 4th Track on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Service-orientedand component-based Applications and Architectures

CAGing – 3rd Track on Collaborative and Autonomic Green Computing

CDCGM – 4th Track on Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids andtheir Management

CoMetS – 4th Track on Collaborative Modeling & Simulation

COPECH – 5th Track on Collaboration tools for Preservation ofEnvironment and Cultural Heritage

CPS – 4th Track on Capacity driven Processes and Services for CyberPhysical Society

CSP – 3rd Track Conference on Collaborative Software Processes

FISA – 1st Track on Future Internet Services and Applications
(formerly PASCS and PROMASC)

FVSBS – 2nd Track on Formal Verification of Service Based Systems

MADYNE – 3rd Track on Management of Dynamic Networked Enterprises

VSC – 2nd Track on Validating Software for Critical Systems

Web2Touch – 6th Track on Modeling the Collaborative Web Knowledge

Prospective authors are invited to use the links available at the List of Tracks
page of the WETICE 2015 main website (www.wetice.org) to get detailed
information about the list of topics addressed by each single track.

The paper submission procedure is carried out using the EasyChair
conference management
a link for submission will be available
on the web site.


Submission deadline: February 13th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 27th, 2015
Camera-ready submission: April 10th, 2015

Papers up to six (6) pages (including figures, tables and references) should
contain original contributions not published or submitted elsewhere and
are to be formatted according to the IEEE template, which is available at
the link:

Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings published by the IEEE
Computer Society Press and will be archived in the IEEE digital library.

At least one author for each accepted paper should register and attend
WETICE 2015 to have the paper published in the proceedings.

Please contact the Program Chairs for any additional information or request.

Andrea D'Ambrogio (dambro@uniroma2.it)
Khalil Drira (khalil@laas.fr)
WETICE 2015 Program Chairs

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[Caml-list] WIMS 2015: First Call for Papers

*** First Call for Papers ***

5th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics

WIMS 2015

July 13-15, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus


Conference Purpose and Scope

WIMS is a series of peer-reviewed International Computer Science
conferences. It is a forum for researchers and practitioners to present their
state-of-the-art results in building Intelligent Web, to examine performance
characteristics of various approaches in Web-based intelligent information
technology, and to cross-fertilize their ideas on the development of Web
-based intelligent information management solutions across different

The purpose of the WIMS series is to:

* Provide a forum for established researchers and practitioners to present
their contributions to the state of the art research and development in Web
technology and applications.

* Give doctoral students an opportunity to present their research to a friendly
and knowledgeable audience and receive valuable feedback.

* Provide an informal social event where Web technology researchers and
practitioners can meet.

WIMS traditionally hosts a small number of short tutorials on the topics
related to the scope of the conference series. The role of a WIMS tutorial is to
be a theme-oriented comprehensive survey. The call for WIMS 2015 tutorials
is published separately.

WIMS also offers its infrastructure and facilities for the organizers of satellite
workshops that complement the scope of the conference. The call for WIMS
2015 workshops is also published separately.

Companies or individuals interested in presenting their industrial products or
methodologies are invited to contact the conference chairs.

Conference Scope

WIMS solicits regular and work-in-progress research, discussion papers and
industry experience report papers in related fields. Papers exploring new
directions or areas are also welcome. In particular but not exclusively the
submissions within the following areas are relevant:

* Scalable Web and Data Architectures and Infrastructures
- Crawling, caching and querying Linked (Semantic) Data
- Dataset dynamics and synchronization
- Big Data computing
- User Interfaces and visualization for the Web of (Linked Semantic)
Data at scale
- Indexing and information extraction from the (Semantic) Deep Web
- 3D media and content
- Sensing Web and the Web of Things
- Web-based Health- and Bio- Information Systems
- Web security, integrity, privacy, and trust
- Nature-inspired models and approaches in Web and data processing

* Web Intelligence (WI)
- Semantic Agent Systems for WI
- Advanced Interaction and Communication Paradigms with WI
- Natural Language / Ontology-/Taxonomy-based / Hybrid Interfaces
- Intelligence for Visualizing (Linked Semantic) Web Data at scale
- Intelligence for Big Data Analytics
- Ubiquitous Intelligence and the Internet of Things
- WI in Social Media
- WI in Human Computation and Social Games
- Opinion Mining / Sentiment Analysis on the Social Web
- Social Monetization and Computational Advertising
- Visualising social network data
- WI for services, grids, and middleware
- Nature-inspired Models and approaches for WI

* Web Mining, Information and Knowledge Extraction
- Text, data stream, web and multimedia content mining
- Contextualization and clustering in web mining and information extraction
- Knowledge extraction and ontology learning from the Web
- Linked Data mining
- Information Extraction and Knowledge Discovery from Big Data
- Mining and Information Extraction from the Deep Web
- Semantic Deep Web data fusion

* Web Semantics and Reasoning
- Knowledge Representation for the Web
- Ontology specification: expressivity versus usability
- Ontologies and Linked Semantic Data
- Development and re-use of ontologies for the Web
- Crowdsourcing for ontology engineering and management on the Social
- Lifecycle, management, and evolution of Web ontologies
- Ontology merging and alignment
- Rule markup languages and systems
- Semantic annotation
- Reasoning: scalability, expressivity, incompleteness, vagueness, and/or

* WIMS Applications
- Web applications of semantic agent systems
- Semantics-driven information retrieval
- Semantic search
- Intelligent e-Technology and the Semantic Web
- Intelligence and semantics for business information management and
- Intelligence and semantic technologies in Digital Media
- Semantic technologies in e-Business, e-Commerce, e-Finance, e-Health,
e-Science, e-Government, e-Learning
- WI for multimedia, sensors, and situational awareness
- WI for software and systems engineering
- Quality of Life Technology for Web Access
- Nature-inspired models and approaches in WIMS applications

* Evaluation and Validation of WIMS Technologies and Applications
- Evaluation and validation Methodologies
- Datasets and Benchmarks for cross-evaluations and competitions
- Evaluation and validation Infrastructures
- Evaluation and validation metrics (e.g. fitness, quality, completeness,
correctness, etc.)

Submission Guidelines

Four types of submissions are solicited for the main conference:
i. Regular research papers
ii. Short research papers
iii. Case Studies and Applications papers
iv. Posters

The papers in all the categories should describe original results that have not
been accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. All submissions will be
evaluated by at least three members of the international program committee.

Regular Research Papers

The papers in this category are the reports on accomplished research work or
in-depth discussions and analysis of a certain problem. The first type of
papers can present a novel method, technique or analysis with appropriate
empirical or other type of evaluation as a proof of validity. The main
evaluation criteria for this category are originality, technical soundness, and
the soundness of evaluation. For the second type within the genre we expect
receiving reasonable overviews placing a problem onto the state-of-the-art
landscape and analyzing how far current solutions fall short. We also expect
in-depth discussions and analysis of a certain problem, with clear definitions
and argumentation in terms of qualitative or quantitative representation of
the main characteristics of the problem.

Page limit: 12 ACM pages

Short Research Papers

The papers in this category are the short reports of the preliminary results or
describing the work in progress. The main evaluation criteria for this category
are originality, technical correctness, and possible value of the planned
results in a short to mid-term perspective.

Short papers can be also presented in a form of a poster.

Page limit: 6 ACM pages

Case Studies and Applications Papers

The papers in this category describe case studies of deployed applications,
lessons learnt, and examples of measurable benefits. This category also
includes papers that reports innovative applications of WIMS in areas of
industry and government, as well as industrial experience and
demonstrations of innovative systems.

Page limit: 12 ACM pages


WIMS poster track is a venue for late-breaking results, ongoing research
activities, and speculative or innovative work in progress. This track is
intended to provide authors and participants with the ability to connect with
each other and to engage in discussions about the work. Posters provide
authors with a unique opportunity to draw attention to their work during the

Page limit: 4 ACM pages

Submissions should be made electronically in PDF or DOC/DOCX (MS/Open
Word) format via the electronic submission system of the WIMS2015
Conference Management system at:



Accepted papers/tutorials/posters will be published by ACM and
disseminated through the ACM Digital Library through the International
Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS).

Important Dates

24.03.2015 Submission of papers/posters

27.04.2015 Notification of acceptance for papers/posters

11.05.2015 Camera ready versions of the accepted papers, posters,
tutorial papers

30.05.2015 Author registration deadline

13-15.07.2015 Conference

All the above deadlines are 23:59 Hawaii Time.

WIMS Conferences Chair

Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute, Norway

General Chair

Marios D. Dikaiakos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Achilleas P. Achilleos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Tope Omitola, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Advisory Committee

Grigoris Antoniou, University of Huddersfield, UK
Harold Boley, Faculty of Computer Science,
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
James Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
Guus Schreiber, VU University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amit Sheth, Ohio Center of Excellence on Knowledge-enabled Computing, Ohio, USA

Industrial Track Chair

John Davies, BT Research & Innovation, UK

Publicity Chair

Christos Mettouris, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Local Organization Chair

George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Web Chair

Kyriakos Georgiadis, EasyConferences LTD, Cyprus

The proceedings of the previous WIMS conferences are available at:
- WIMS2011: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1988688
- WIMS?2012: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2254129
- WIMS?2013: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2479787
- WIMS?2014: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2611040

Look for updates and more details at:

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