
[Caml-list] IEEE/ACM UCC 2015: Last Call for Workshop Proposals

*** Last Call for Workshop Proposals ***

8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud
Computing (UCC 2015)

December 07-10, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus

Co-located with the 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference
on Big Data Computing (BDC 2015)


*** Deadline for submitting workshop proposals: May 8th ***


Cloud Computing delivers computational resources on-demand as services
that are commoditized and delivered analogous to traditional utilities such as
electricity, gas, water and telephony. Cloud service offerings for compute,
storage and communication resources as well as for hosted software and data
are growing at a tremendous rate, and it is essential to understand how to
effectively transform these services into Utilities that provide value to both
users and providers. There is also increasing interest from commercial
providers to offer business and revenue models around the services they
offer. Understanding how these models could be used to provide utility for
users, intermediary brokers (aggregators) and providers is also an area of
active research. UCC is the premier IEEE/ACM conference covering all areas
related to Cloud Computing as a Utility and provides an international forum
for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and growing field.
UCC 2015, to be held in Cyprus, will happen as Cloud providers worldwide
add new services and increase Cloud utility at an accelerated pace, and Cloud
service users explore new usage modes.

This will be the 8th UCC in a successful conference series. Previous events
were held in Shanghai, China (Cloud 2009), Melbourne, Australia (Cloud 2010
& UCC 2011), Chennai, India (UCC 2010), Chicago, USA (UCC 2012), Dresden,
Germany (UCC2013), and London, UK (UCC 2014).


Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

• Big Data and Analytics

• Principles and theoretical foundations of Utility Computing, including
pricing and service models

• Policy languages and Programming models

• Utility driven model and mechanisms for Cloud federations

• Autonomic techniques for Clouds and Cloud applications

• Utility-driven platforms for Clouds

• Architectural models to achieve Utility in Clouds

• Designs and deployment models for Clouds: private, public, hybrid,
federated, aggregated

• Cloud Computing middleware, stacks, tools, delivery networks and
services at all layers (XaaS)

• Virtualization technologies and other enablers

• Economic models and scenarios of use

• Scalability and resource management: brokering, scheduling, capacity
planning, parallelism and elasticity, as well as marketplaces

• Cloud management: autonomic, adaptive, self-*, SLAs, performance
models and monitoring

• Applications: games, social networks, scientific computing (e-science)
and business

• Mobile and energy-efficient use of Clouds

• Beyond technology: Cloud business and legal implications, such as
security, privacy, trust and jurisdiction, especially in Utility contexts


Proposals for workshops should be no more than 2 pages in length and
should contain the following information:

• Title and brief technical description of the workshop, specifying the goals
and the technical issues that will be the focus of the workshop.

• A brief description of why and to whom the workshop is of interest.

• A list of related workshops or similar events held in the last 3 years, or to
be held in 2015.

• The names and contact information (web page, email address) of the
proposed technical program committee. This committee should consist
of at least 10 people knowledgeable about the technical issues to be
addressed and preferably not more than two members of the same

• A description of the qualifications of the organizers (who would be the
Workshop Chairs) with respect to organizing this workshop. This can
include papers published in the proposed topic area, previous workshop
organization, and other relevant information.

• Workshop proposals should be submitted in PDF format by email to the
workshop chairs by the 8th of May, 2015.


Workshop chair(s) will be responsible for the following:

• Producing a web page and a "Call for Papers/Participation" for their
workshop. The URL should be sent to the UCC Workshops chairs. The call
must make it clear that the workshop is open to all members of the Cloud,
Big Data, Grid and Cluster Computing community. It should mention that
at least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop
and that all workshop participants must pay the UCC 2015 workshop
day or conference registration fee. The CfP should make it clear that the
registration of at least one author requires the full (non-student, non-
workshop) rate.

• Ensure that all workshop papers are a maximum of 6 pages in length (in
IEEE format). It is the responsibility of the workshop organizers to ensure
that this page limit has been adhered to. Additional pages may be
purchased (in some circumstances) subject to approval by the proceedings

• Provide a brief description of the workshop for the conference web page
and program.

• Selecting the participants and the format of the workshop. The publication
of proceedings will be by the IEEE in the same volume as the main
conference. The acceptance notification (by workshop chairs) therefore
should be the same as the conference paper acceptance notification (i.e. the
dates should be the same). All other details can be up to workshop
organizers to set.

• Advertising the workshop beyond the conference web page.

• Assistance in producing a camera-ready version of the workshop


If the workshop is too small (i.e. does not attract enough submissions) the
UCC 2015 Organizing Committee may decide to merge that workshop with
another. So we encourage workshop organizers to attract a large community.
In extreme situations we may also cancel workshops if there are not enough

Workshop organizers must ensure that suitable quality measures have been
taken to ensure that the accepted papers are of high quality. All papers must
be reviewed by an International Technical Program Committee with a
minimum of 3 reviews per paper. The workshop organizers should also try
to observe an acceptance rate that is no higher than 50%.

Unless indicated on the UCC website, there will be no travel support and
no registration discounts for authors and organizers.

Workshops are not automatically endorsed by IEEE or ACM and should not
use the names of these organisations in their titles.

The UCC 2015 Conference Organizing Committee will be responsible for the

• Providing a link to a workshop's local page.

• Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the workshop.

• In conjunction with the organizers, determining the workshop date and

• Providing copies of the workshop proceedings to attendees.


• Workshop proposals due: 08 May, 2015
• Notification of workshop proposals: 22 May 2015


General Chairs

• Ashiq Anjum, University of Derby, UK
• George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus

Program Committee Chairs

• Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA (parashar AT rutgers.edu)
• Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK (ranaof AT cardiff.ac.uk)

Standards/Plug-fest Chair

• Alan Sill, Texas Tech, USA & Open Grid Forum

Workshops Chairs

• Ilkay Altintas, SDSC, USA (altintas AT sdsc.edu)
• Josef Spillner, TU Dresden, Germany (josef.spillner AT tu-dresden.de)

Tutorials Chairs

• Ewa Deelman, USC, USA (deelman AT isi.edu)
• Rafael Tolosana, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain (rafaelt AT unizar.es)

Posters Chair

• Khalid Elgazzar, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada

PhD Symposium Chair

• Kenneth Johnson, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Cloud Challenge 2015 Chair

• Ian Taylor, Cardiff University, UK

Industry Chair

• Achilleas Achilleos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Proceedings Chairs

• Nick Antonopoulos, University of Derby, UK
• George Palis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Publicity Chair

• Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Program Committee


This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list,
please send an email to [announce@cs.ucy.ac.cy] with the
single word 'remove' in the subject of the email.


[Caml-list] TABLEAUX - Call for Papers



24th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with
Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods

Wroclaw, Poland, September 21-24, 2015


TABLEAUX 2015 is the 24th in the series of international meetings
on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods,
and will be held in Wroclaw, Poland, during September 21-24, 2015.

TABLEAUX 2015 will be co-located with the 10th International Symposium
on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2015).

The computer science institute of Wroclaw has a large experience
in hosting international conferences. It has hosted
the IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS 2007),
the 24th International Conference on Automated Deduction
(CADE 2011), and the 22nd European Symposium on Algorithms (ALGO 2014).

Tableaux methods offer a convenient and flexible set of tools
for automated reasoning in classical logic, extensions of classical
logic, and a large number of non-classical logics. For large
groups of logics, tableaux methods can be generated automatically.
Areas of application include verification of software and computer
systems, deductive databases, knowledge representation and its required
inference engines, teaching, and system diagnosis.
The conference series aims to bring together researchers interested in all
aspects of tableaux - theoretical foundations, applications,
and implementation techniques.

* tableaux methods for classical and non-classical logics
(e.g. modal, temporal, description, intuitionistic, substructural,
fuzzy, paraconsistent logics) and their proof theoretic
* related methods (model elimination, model checking, connection
methods, resolution, BDDs).
* sequent calculi for classical and non-classical logics,
as tools for proof search and proof representation.
* flexible, easily extendable, light weight methods for theorem proving.
* novel types of calculi for theorem proving and verification
in classical and non-classical logics.
* systems, tools, implementations and applications (provers,
logical frameworks, model checkers, ... ).
* implementation techniques (data structures, efficient algorithms,
performance measurement, extendibility, ... ).
* extensions of tableaux procedures with conflict-driven learning,
generation of proofs; compact (or humanly readable) representation
of proofs.
* decision procedures, theoretically optimal procedures.
* applications of automated deduction to mathematics, software
development, protocol verification, or teaching.

TABLEAUX 2015 also welcomes papers describing applications of tableaux
procedures to real world examples. Such papers should be tailored to
the tableaux community and should focus on the role of reasoning,
and logical aspects of the solution.

Submissions are invited in two categories:

A Research papers, which describe original theoretical research,
original algorithms, or applications, with length
up to 15 pages.
B System descriptions, with length up to 10 pages.

Submissions will be reviewed by the PC, possibly will help of
external reviewers, taking into account readability, relevance
and originality.

For category A, theoretical results and algorithms must be original,
and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Submissions will be reviewed
taking into account correctness, theoretical prettyness, and possible

For category B submissions, a working implementation
must be available on the internet, which includes sources.
The aim of a system description is to make the system available
in such a way that users can use it, understand it, and build on it.

Accepted papers in both categories will be published in the conference
proceedings (within the LNAI series of Springer).

For accepted papers in both of the categories, at least one author
is required to attend the conference and present the paper.

Further information and instructions about submissions can be found
on the conference website http://tableaux2015.ii.uni.wroc.pl


Abstract submission deadline: May 8th, 2015
Paper submission deadline: May 15th, 2015
Author Notification: July 1st, 2015
Final Version: July 17th 2015
Conference: September 21st-24th, 2015


Marc Bezem, University of Bergen, Norway
Agata Ciabattoni, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
David Delahaye, National Conservatory of Arts and Professions, Paris, France
Ulrich Furbach, University of Koblenz, Germany
Didier Galmiche, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Silvio Ghilardi, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Rajeev Gore, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
Stephane Graham-Lengrand, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
Reiner Haehnle, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
Konstantin Korovin, University of Manchester, UK
George Metcalfe, University of Bern, Switzerland
Dale Miller, INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France, France
Barbara Morawska, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
Boris Motik, University of Oxford, UK
Claudia Nalon, University of Brasilia, Brasil
Sara Negri, University of Helsinki, Finland
Linh Anh Nguyen, University of Warsaw, Poland
Hans de Nivelle (chair), University of Wroclaw, Poland
Jens Otten, University of Potsdam, Germany
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
Luca Vigano, King's College, London, UK
Bruno Woltzenlogel-Paleo, Vienna University of Technology, Austria


Workshops have been solicited in separate call, which can
be found on http://tableaux2015.ii.uni.wroc.pl or

Tutorials for FroCoS/TABLEAUX will be solicited in a separate call, which
will be published later.

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Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] [Second call for participation] Spring School about Proofs of Programs using Coq

*** Call for participation, please distribute. ***

              EPIT'2015 (http://www.epit2015.website)

           Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science

              Mechanizing Proofs of Programs in Coq

              May 25 to May 29, 2015, Frejus, France

* Presentation

The french spring school in theoretical computer science (EPIT) is a
recurrent school which was created 40 years ago by Maurice Nivat.
This year, the school is about the mechanization of proofs of programs
using the proof assistant Coq. As no prerequisite is needed, the
school targets any computer scientist that is curious about what a proof
assistant is and how it can be integrated in its daily research work.

* Program

The school will take place between May 24 and May 29 and it will be
divided into eight sessions. A session will consist in a (rather
short) lecture (given in english) followed by practical exercises on
computer. The five first sessions will be dedicated to a presentation
of the main concepts and techniques used to mechanize proofs on a
computer. The two next sessions will focus on the mechanization of two
classical domains of theoretical computer science: the theory of
rational languages and the computational combinatorics. Finally,
during the last session, participants will work on the mechanization
of their specific research domain with the help of the pedagogical
team of the school.

* Registration

To get more information and to register, please go to

Registration deadline : April 30, 2015

You can register directly by following

* Pedagogical committee

- Pierre Letouzey (University Paris-Diderot) ;
- Arthur Charguéraud (INRIA) ;
- Matthieu Sozeau (INRIA) ;
- Damien Pous (CNRS) ;
- Assia Mahboubi (INRIA) ;
- Benjamin Grégoire (INRIA).

The school is organized by:
- Pierre Letouzey (University Paris-Diderot) ;
- Matthieu Sozeau (INRIA) ;
- Yann Régis-Gianas (University Paris-Diderot) ;
- Pierre-Marie Pédrot (University Paris-Diderot).

If you need any information, please contact Yann Régis-Gianas (yrg at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr).

[Caml-list] APLAS 2015: Call for Papers

APLAS 2015, Call for Papers
13th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems
Pohang, Korea, November 30 - December 2, 2015

Submission deadline: June 5, 2015 
Author notification: August 17, 2015
Final version: September 7, 2015
Conference: November 30 - December 2, 2015

Peter O'Hearn, Facebook
Sukyoung Ryu, KAIST
Eran Yahav, Technion
Hongseok Yang, University of Oxford

APLAS aims to stimulate programming language research by providing a 
forum for the presentation of latest results and the exchange of 
ideas in programming languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia, 
but is an international forum that serves the worldwide programming 
language community.

APLAS is sponsored by the  Asian Association for Foundation of 
Software (AAFS), founded by Asian researchers in cooperation with 
many researchers from Europe and the USA. Past APLAS symposiums were 
successfully held in Singapore ('14), Melbourne ('13), Kyoto ('12), 
Kenting ('11),  Shanghai ('10),  Seoul ('09),  Bangalore ('08), 
Singapore ('07),  Sydney ('06),  Tsukuba ('05),  Taipei ('04)  and 
Beijing ('03) after three informal workshops. Proceedings of the past 
symposiums were published in Springer's LNCS.

The symposium is devoted to foundational and practical issues in 
programming languages and systems. Papers are solicited on topics 
such as
* semantics, logics, foundational theory
* design of languages, type systems and foundational calculi
* domain-specific languages
* compilers, interpreters, abstract machines
* program derivation, synthesis and transformation
* program analysis, verification, model-checking
* logic, constraint, probabilistic and quantum programming
* software security
* concurrency and parallelism
* tools and environments for programming and implementation
Topics are not limited to those discussed in previous symposiums. 
Papers identifying future directions of programming and those 
addressing the rapid changes of the underlying computing platforms 
are especially welcome. Demonstration of systems and tools in the 
scope of APLAS are welcome to the System and Tool presentations 
category. Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic are 
welcome to consult with program chair prior to submission.

We solicit submissions in two categories:
a) Regular research papers
 - describing original scientific research results, including tool 
   development and case studies. Regular research papers should not 
   exceed 18 pages in the Springer LNCS format, including 
   bibliography and figures. They should clearly identify what has 
   been accomplished and why it is significant. Submissions will be 
   judged on the basis of significance, relevance, correctness, 
   originality, and clarity. In case of lack of space, proofs, 
   experimental results, or any information supporting the technical 
   results of the paper could be provided as an appendix or a link to 
   a web page, but reviewers are not obliged to read them.
b) System and tool presentations
 - describing systems or tools that support theory, program 
   construction, reasoning, or program execution in the scope of 
   APLAS. System and Tool presentations are expected to be centered 
   around a demonstration. The paper and the demonstration should 
   identify the novelties of the tools and use motivating examples. 
   System and Tool papers should not exceed 8 pages in the Springer 
   LNCS format, including bibliography and figures. Submissions will 
   be judged based on both the papers and the described systems or 
   tools. It is highly desirable that the tools are available on the 
Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for 
publication elsewhere. Papers must be written in English. 
The proceedings will be published as a volume in Springer's 
LNCS series. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference.

General Chair:
Sungwoo Park (Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea)

Program Chair:
Xinyu Feng (Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China)

Program Committee:
James Brotherston (Univ. College London, UK)
James Cheney (Univ. of Edinburgh, UK)
Huimin Cui (Institute of Computing Technology, CAS, China)
Mike Dodds (Univ. of York, UK)
Xinyu Feng (Univ. of Science and Technology of China, China)
Nate Foster (Cornell Univ., USA)
Alexey Gotsman (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
Aquinas Hobor 
(School of Computing, National Univ. of Singapore / Yale-NUS College)
Chung-Kil Hur (Seoul National Univ., Korea)
Radha Jagadeesan (DePaul Univ., USA)
Annie Liu (Stony Brook Univ., USA)
Andreas Lochbihler (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Santosh Nagarakatte (Rutgers Univ., USA)
David A. Naumann (Stevens Inst. of Tech., USA)
Michael Norrish (NICTA, Australia)
Hakjoo Oh (Seoul National Univ., Korea)
Murali Krishna Ramanathan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Xavier Rival (CNRS / ENS / INRIA, France)
Kohei Suenaga (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Gang Tan (Lehigh Univ., USA)
Alwen Tiu (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Martin Vechev (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Bow-Yaw Wang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London, UK)
Lijun Zhang (Institute of Software, CAS, China)


[Caml-list] CICM 2015 - Call for Work-in-Progress Papers

Call for Work-in-Progress Papers

Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
CICM 2015

13-17 July 2015
Washington DC, USA

Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical information. Separate communities have developed to
investigate and build computer based systems for computer algebra,
automated deduction, and mathematical publishing as well as novel user
interfaces. While all of these systems excel in their own right, their
integration can lead to synergies offering significant added
value. The Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)
offers a venue for discussing and developing solutions to the great
challenges posed by the integration of these diverse areas.

CICM has been held annually as a joint meeting since 2008, co-locating
related conferences and workshops to advance work in these
subjects. Previous meetings have been held in Birmingham (UK 2008),
Grand Bend (Canada 2009), Paris (France 2010), Bertinoro (Italy 2011),
Bremen (Germany 2012), Bath (UK 2013), and Coimbra (Portugal 2014).

This is a (short version of the) call for Work-in-Progress papers for
CICM 2015, which will be held in Washington, D.C., 13-17 July 2015.
We solicit for papers which describe work in progress, recent
developments, and other work of interest to our communities which does
not yet have the maturity for archival proceedings.

The full version of the CFP is available from the conference web page
at http://cicm-conference.org/2015/cicm.php

The principal tracks of the conference will be:

* Calculemus (Symbolic Computation and Mechanised Reasoning)
Chair: Jacques Carette
* DML (Digital Mathematical Libraries)
Chair: Volker Sorge
* MKM (Mathematical Knowledge Management)
Chair: Cezary Kaliszyk
* Systems and Data
Chair: Florian Rabe

Publicity chair is Serge Autexier. The local arrangements will be
coordinated by the Local Arrangements Chairs, Bruce R. Miller
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA) and Abdou
Youssef (The George Washington University, Washington, D.C.), and the
overall programme will be organized by the General Programme Chair,
Manfred Kerber (U. Birmingham, UK).

Important Dates

Work-in-progress and Doctoral Programme submissions:
Submission deadline:
Full Work-in-Progress submission* 4 May 2015
Notification of acceptance: 25 May 2015
Camera ready copies due: 1 June 2015
Conference: 13-17 July 2015

* or for the Doctoral Programme: Abstract+CV

More detailed information, e.g. on submission via EasyChair, can be
found on http://cicm-conference.org/2015/cicm.php

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Call for Papers: 2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing (BDC 2015)

*** Call for Papers ***

2nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing
(BDC 2015)

December 07-10, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus

Co-located with the 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference
on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2015)



Rapid advances in digital sensors, networks, storage, and computation along
with their availability at low cost is leading to the creation of huge collections
of data -- dubbed as Big Data. This data has the potential for enabling new
insights that can change the way business, science, and governments deliver
services to their consumers and can impact society as a whole. This has led
to the emergence of the Big Data Computing paradigm focusing on sensing,
collection, storage, management and analysis of data from variety of sources
to enable new value and insights.

To realize the full potential of Big Data Computing, we need to address
several challenges and develop suitable conceptual and technological
solutions for dealing them. These include life-cycle management of data,
large-scale storage, flexible processing infrastructure, data modeling,
scalable machine learning and data analysis algorithms, techniques for
sampling and making trade-off between data processing time and accuracy,
and dealing with privacy and ethical issues involved in data sensing, storage,
processing, and actions.

The International Symposium on Big Data Computing (BDC) 2015 -- held in
conjunction with 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud
Computing (UCC) 2015, December 7-10, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol,
Cyprus, aims at bringing together international researchers, developers,
policy makers, and users and to provide an international forum to present
leading research activities, technical solutions, and results on a broad range
of topics related to Big Data Computing paradigms, platforms and their
applications. The conference features keynotes, technical presentations,
posters, and workshops.


Authors are invited to submit original unpublished research manuscripts
that demonstrate current research in all areas of Big Data Computing.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

I. Big Data Science
· Analytics
· Algorithms for Big Data
· Energy-efficient Algorithms
· Big Data Search
· Big Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
· Visualization of Big Data

II. Big Data Infrastructures and Platforms
· Programming Systems
· Cyber-Infrastructure
· Performance evaluation
· Fault tolerance and reliability
· I/O and Data management
· Storage Systems (including file systems, NoSQL, and RDBMS)
· Resource management
· Many-Task Computing
· Many-core computing and accelerators

III. Big Data Security and Policy
· Management Policies
· Data Privacy
· Data Security
· Big Data Archival and Preservation
· Big Data Provenance

IV. Big Data Applications
· Scientific application cases studies on Cloud infrastructure
· Big Data Applications at Scale
· Experience Papers with Big Data Application Deployments
· Data streaming applications
· Big Data in Social Networks
· Healthcare Applications
· Enterprise Applications

One or more best paper awards will be given for outstanding contributed


Authors are invited to submit papers electronically. Submitted manuscripts
should be structured as technical papers and may not exceed 10 letter size
(8.5 x 11) pages including figures, tables and references. Authors should
submit the manuscript in PDF format and make sure that the file will print
on a printer that uses letter size (8.5 x 11) paper. The official language of
the meeting is English. All manuscripts will be reviewed and will be judged
on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, quality of
presentation, and interest and relevance to the conference attendees. Papers
conforming to the above guidelines can be submitted through the BDC 2015
paper submission system:


Submitted papers must represent original unpublished research that is not
currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not
following these guidelines will be rejected without review and further action
may be taken, including (but not limited to) notifications sent to the heads of
the institutions of the authors and sponsors of the conference. Submissions
received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately
structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the conference
PC Chair for more information.

At least one author of each paper must be registered for the conference in
order for the paper to be published in the proceedings. There is NO student
rate for the author who is responsible for registration for his/her published
paper. If you have more than one accepted paper, you have to register for
each one individually. There is no discount if you have two or more papers
accepted. Presentation of an accepted paper at the conference is a
requirement of publication. Any paper that is not presented at the
conference will not be included in IEEE Xplore.


Selected papers from BDC 2015 will be invited to extend and submit to the
Special Issue on Big Data Computing in the IEEE Transaction on Cloud


· Paper submissions due: 03 July, 2015
· Notification of acceptance: 21 August, 2015
· Camera ready papers due: 21 September, 2015

· Early and author registration deadline: 21 September, 2015

· Proceedings-published posters due: 28 August, 2015
· Notification of acceptance: 18 September, 2015
· Camera ready posters due: 21 September, 2015


General Chairs
· Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
· George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus

Program Committee Chairs (bdc15-chairs@datasys.cs.iit.edu)
· Amy Apon, National Science Foundation, USA
· Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology & Argonne National Laboratory,
· Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA

Program Committee Vice Chairs
· Ilkay Altintas, University of California, San Diego, USA
· Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK

Program Committee Members
· Alexander Rasin, DePaul University, USA
· Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University, USA
· Abhishek Chandra, University of Minnesota, USA
· Andre Luckow, BMW IT Research Center, USA
· Daniel Katz, University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab, USA
· Dongfang Zhao, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
· Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame, USA
· Florian Schintke, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
· Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK
· Jaliya Ekanayake, Microsoft, USA
· Jessica Chen-Burger, Heriot-Watt University, UK
· Judy Qiu, Indiana University, USA
· Justin Wozniak, Argonne National Lab, USA
· Ke Wang, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
· Kesheng (John) Wu, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA
· Kyle Chard, University of Chicago and Argonne National Lab, USA
· Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
· Marco Netto, IBM Research, Brazil
· Matei Ripeanu, University of British Columbia, Canada
· Matei Stroila, HERE, USA
· Nagiza Samatova, North Carolina State University, USA
· Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK
· Paul Watson, NewCastle University, UK
· Peter Burnap, Cardiff University, UK
· Rahul Potharaju, Microsoft, USA
· Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Argonne National Lab and University of Chicago, USA
· Robert Ross, Argonne National Lab, USA
· Samer Al-Kiswany, University of British Columbia, Canada
· Scott Klasky, Oak Ridge National Lab, USA
· Wei Tang, Argonne National Lab, USA
· Weidong Shi, University of Houston, USA
· Xiaolin (Andy) Li, University of Florida, USA
· Yanlong Yin, Bloomberg, USA
· Yong Chen, Texas Tech University, USA
· Yong Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology, China
· Zhao Zhang, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Cyber Chair
· Dongfang Zhao, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Local Organizing Committee Chair
· George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

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[Caml-list] ICECCS 2015: 1st call for papers

[We apologize for multiple copies.]

Call for Papers

(The 20th International Conference on Engineering of
Complex Computer Systems)

December 9-12, 2015

Gold Coast, Australia


* Abstract submission: June 7th, 2015
* Paper submission deadline: June 21st, 2015
* Notification of acceptance: September 6th, 2015
* Camera-ready material for publication: September 20th, 2015
* Checking for Production: September 30th, 2015

* Workshop proposal submission: July 5th, 2015

* Conference date: December 9th-12th, 2015

The twentieth International Conference on Engineering of Complex
Computer Systems (ICECCS 2015) will be held in the Gold Coast,
Australia, 9-12 December, 2015.

Complex computer systems are present in every aspect of human
activities, ranging from construction, communications, defense, finance,
health care, manufacturing and transportation. Complexity arises from
many factors, including the dynamic environments and scenarios these
systems operate in; demanding and sometimes conflicting requirements in
functionality, efficiency, scalability, security, dependability and
adaptability; as well as the large variation in development methodology,
programming languages and implementation details.

This twentieth edition of the ICECCS conference series aims to bring
together industrial, academic, and government experts, from a variety of
application domains and software disciplines, to discuss how the
disciplines' problems and solution techniques interact within the whole
system. Researchers, practitioners, tool developers and users, and
technology transfer experts are all welcome. The scope of interest
includes long-term research issues; near-term requirements and
challenges; established complex systems; emerging promising tools; and
retrospective and prospective reflections of research and development
into complex systems.

* Colin Fidge Queensland University of Technology, Australia
* Mounir Mokhtari, CNRS & Institut Mines-Telecom, France
* Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished
research results, case studies and tools. Papers are solicited in all
areas related to complex computer-based systems, including causes of
complexity and means of measuring, avoiding, controlling, or coping with
complexity. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:

* Requirement specification and analysis
* Verification and validation
* Security and privacy of complex systems
* Model-driven development
* Reverse engineering and refactoring
* Software architecture
* Big data management
* Ambient intelligence, pervasive computing
* Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, sensor networks
* Design by contract
* Agile methods
* Safety-critical & fault-tolerant architectures
* Adaptive, self-managing and multi-agent systems
* Real-time, hybrid and embedded systems
* Systems of systems
* Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
* Tools and tool integration
* Past reflections and future outlooks
* Industrial case studies

Different types of contributions are sought, including novel research,
lessons learned, experience reports, and discussions of practical
problems faced by industry and user domains. The ultimate goal of the
conference is to build a rich and comprehensive conference program that
can fit the interests and needs of its attendees: practitioners,
researchers, managers, and students. A program goal is to organize
several sessions that include both academic and industrial papers on a
given topic and culminate panels to discuss relationships between
industrial and academic research.


Full papers are divided into two categories:
* Technical Papers and
* Experience Reports.
The papers submitted to both categories will be reviewed by program
committee members, and papers accepted in either category will be
published in the conference proceedings. Technical papers should
describe original research. Experience reports should describe practical
projects carried out in industry, and reflect on the lessons learned
from them.


Short paper submissions should specify in their abstract whether they
describe ongoing or PhD research. Both types of short papers will be
reviewed by program committee members, and accepted short papers will be
published in the conference proceedings.


Submitted manuscripts should be in English and formatted in the style of
the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) Proceedings Format. Papers
should not exceed 10 pages for full papers and 4 pages for short papers,
including figures, references, and appendices. All submissions should be
in PDF format. Submissions not adhering to the specified format and
length may be rejected immediately, without review.

Detailed instructions on paper formatting and submission can be found on
the Submission page.

All submissions should be made through the Easychair Website:

General Chair
* Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Program Committee Chair
* Yuan Fang Li, Monash University, Australia

Registration Chair
* Yan Liu, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Publicity Chair
* Etienne Andre, Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France

Steering Committee
* Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Ireland
* Xiaohong Li, Tianjin University, China
* Shaoying Liu, Hosei University, Japan
* Jing Sun, University of Auckland, New Zealand

To be confirmed.

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[Caml-list] RDP 2015- Call for Participation -

*** Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming
*** RDP 2015
*** June 26 - July 3, 2015
*** Warsaw, Poland
*** http://rdp15.mimuw.edu.pl

************* EARLY REGISTRATION CLOSES ON MAY 22 *************


For online registration visit:

Early registration closes on May 22.


RDP'15 is the eighth edition of the biannual Federated Conference on
Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming, consisting of two main
conferences and related events.


RTA 2015 The 26th International Conference on
Rewriting Techniques and Applications
June 29 - July 1, 2015

TLCA 2015 The 13th International Conference on
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications
July 1 - July 3, 2015


Grigore Roşu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)

Carolyn Talcott (SRI International, USA)

Hélène Kirchner (INRIA, France)

Herman Geuvers (RU, Nijmegen and TU/e, The Netherlands)

Martin Hofmann (LMU, Germany)


HDRA: Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications, June 28

IFIP WG 1.6: IFIP Working Group 1.6 on Term Rewriting, June 28

HoTT/UF: Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory / Univalent Foundations, June 29-30

UNIF: International Workshop on Unification, June 28

WPTE: Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and
Evaluation, July 2


PhD Open: Implicit Computational Complexity, Ugo Dal Lago, June 26-27

HFL: Homotopy for Laymen, Krzysztof Ziemiański, June 28

CAT: Coq for Algebraic Topologists, Jacek Chrząszcz, June 28

-- REGISTRATION (again) --

For online registration visit:

Early registration closes on May 22.


WWW: http://rdp15.mimuw.edu.pl/
: rdp15@mimuw.edu.pl


Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] [EPIT15] Call for participation to a spring school about the Coq proof assistant

*** Call for participation, please distribute. ***

              EPIT'2015 (http://www.epit2015.website)

           Spring School in Theoretical Computer Science

              Mechanizing Proofs of Programs in Coq

              May 25 to May 29, 2015, Frejus, France

* Presentation

The french spring school in theoretical computer science (EPIT) is a
recurrent school which was created 40 years ago by Maurice Nivat.
This year, the school is about the mechanization of proofs of programs
using the proof assistant Coq. As no prerequisite is needed, the
school targets any computer scientist that is curious about what a proof
assistant is and how it can be integrated in its daily research work.

* Program

The school will take place between May 24 and May 29 and it will be
divided into eight sessions. A session will consist in a (rather
short) lecture (given in english) followed by practical exercises on
computer. The five first sessions will be dedicated to a presentation
of the main concepts and techniques used to mechanize proofs on a
computer. The two next sessions will focus on the mechanization of two
classical domains of theoretical computer science: the theory of
rational languages and the computational combinatorics. Finally,
during the last session, participants will work on the mechanization
of their specific research domain with the help of the pedagogical
team of the school.

* Registration

To get more information and to register, please go to

Registration deadline : April 30, 2015

You can register directly by following

* Pedagogical committee

- Pierre Letouzey (University Paris-Diderot) ;
- Arthur Charguéraud (INRIA) ;
- Matthieu Sozeau (INRIA) ;
- Damien Pous (CNRS) ;
- Assia Mahboubi (INRIA) ;
- Benjamin Grégoire (INRIA).

The school is organized by:
- Pierre Letouzey (University Paris-Diderot) ;
- Matthieu Sozeau (INRIA) ;
- Yann Régis-Gianas (University Paris-Diderot) ;
- Pierre-Marie Pédrot (University Paris-Diderot).

If you need any information, please contact Yann Régis-Gianas (yrg at pps.univ-paris-diderot.fr).


[Caml-list] FARM 2015 Workshop - 2nd call for papers and demos

Dear Colleagues,
The submission site for FARM 2015 is now opened at


2nd CFP FARM 2015

3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on
Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design

Vancouver, Canada, 5 September, 2015
affiliated with ICFP 2015

Full Paper and Demo Abstract submission Deadline: 17 May


The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art,
Music, Modelling and Design (FARM) gathers together people
who are harnessing functional techniques in the pursuit of
creativity and expression.

Functional Programming has emerged as a mainstream software
development paradigm, and its artistic and creative use is
booming. A growing number of software toolkits, frameworks
and environments for art, music and design now employ
functional programming languages and techniques. FARM is a
forum for exploration and critical evaluation of these
developments, for example to consider potential benefits of
greater consistency, tersity, and closer mapping to a
problem domain.

FARM encourages submissions from across art, craft and
design, including textiles, visual art, music, 3D sculpture,
animation, GUIs, video games, 3D printing and architectural
models, choreography, poetry, and even VLSI layouts, GPU
configurations, or mechanical engineering designs. The
language used need not be purely functional ("mostly
functional" is fine), and may be manifested as a domain
specific language or tool. Theoretical foundations, language
design, implementation issues, and applications in industry
or the arts are all within the scope of the workshop.

Submissions are invited in two categories:

* Full papers

5 to 12 pages using the ACM SIGPLAN template. FARM 2015
is an interdisciplinary conference, so a wide range of
approaches are encouraged and we recognize that the
appropriate length of a paper may vary considerably
depending on the approach. However, all submissions must
propose an original contribution to the FARM theme, cite
relevant previous work, and apply appropriate research

* Demo abstracts

Demo abstracts should describe the demonstration and its
context, connecting it with the themes of FARM. A demo
could be in the form of a short (10-20 minute) tutorial,
presentation of work-in-progress, an exhibition of some
work, or even a performance. Abstracts should be no
longer than 2 pages, using the ACM SIGPLAN template and
will be subject to a light-touch peer review.

If you have any questions about what type of contributions
that might be suitable, or anything else regarding
submission or the workshop itself, please contact the
organisers at:



Full Paper and Demo Abstract submission Deadline: 17 May
Author Notification: 26 June
Camera Ready: 19 July
Workshop: 5 September


All papers and demo abstracts must be in portable document
format (PDF), using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines. The
text should be in a 9-point font in two columns. The
submission itself will be via EasyChair:



Accepted papers will be included in the formal proceedings
published by ACM Press and will also be made available
through the the ACM Digital Library; see
http://authors.acm.org/main.cfm for information on the
options available to authors. Authors are encouraged to
submit auxiliary material for publication along with their
paper (source code, data, videos, images, etc.); authors
retain all rights to the auxiliary material.


Workshop Chair: Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham

Program Chair: David Janin, University of Bordeaux

Publicity Chair: Samuel Aaron, University of Cambridge

Program Committee:

Samuel Aaron, University of Cambridge
Jean Bresson, IRCAM Paris
David Broman, KTH and UC Berkeley
Paul Hudak, Yale University
David Janin (chair), University of Bordeaux
Anton Kholomiov, Orffeus instrumental ensemble Moscow
Alex Mclean, University of Leeds
Carin Meier, Outpace Systems
Henrik Nilsson, University of Nottingham
Yann Orlarey, GRAME Lyon
Donya Quick, Yale University
Shigeki Sagayama, Meiji University
Chung-chieh Shan, Indiana University
Michael Sperber, Active Group GmbH
Bodil Stokke, FutureAdLabs

For further details, see the FARM website:

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs