PPDP 2018: First Call for Papers
20th International Symposium on
Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming
Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 3-5 September 2018
Frankfurt, Germany, September 4-6, 2018
(co-located with LOPSTR 2018 and WFLP 2018)
The PPDP 2018 symposium brings together researchers from the declarative
programming communities, including those working in the functional,
logic, answer-set, and constraint handling programming paradigms. The
goal is to stimulate research in the use of logical formalisms and
methods for analyzing, performing, specifying, and reasoning about
computations, including mechanisms for concurrency, security, static
analysis, and verification.
Submissions are invited on all topics related to declaractive
programming, from principles to practice, from foundations to
applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
- Language Design: domain-specific languages; interoperability;
concurrency, parallelism, and distribution; modules; probabilistic
languages; reactive languages; database languages; knowledge
representation languages; languages with objects; language
extensions for tabulation; metaprogramming.
- Implementations: abstract machines; interpreters; compilation;
compile-time and run-time optimization; memory management.
- Foundations: types; logical frameworks; monads and effects;
- Analysis and Transformation: partial evaluation; abstract
interpretation; control flow; data flow; information flow;
termination analysis; resource analysis; type inference and type
checking; verification; validation; debugging; testing.
- Tools and Applications: programming and proof environments;
verification tools; case studies in proof assistants or interactive
theorem provers; certification; novel applications of declarative
programming inside and outside of CS; declarative programming
pearls; practical experience reports and industrial application;
The PC chair will be happy to advise on the appropriateness of a topic.
PPDP will be co-located with the 28th Int'l Symp. on Logic-Based Program
Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 2018).
Submission Categories
Submissions can be made in three categories: regular Research Papers,
System Descriptions, and Experience Reports.
Submissions of Research Papers must present original research which is
unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. They must not exceed 12 pages
ACM style 2-column (including figures, but excluding bibliography). Work
that already appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop
proceedings may be submitted (please contact the PC chair in case of
questions). Research papers will be judged on originality, significance,
correctness, clarity, and readability.
Submission of System Descriptions must describe a working system whose
description has not been published or submitted elsewhere. They must not
exceed 10 pages and should contain a link to a working system. System
Descriptions must be marked as such at the time of submission and will
be judged on originality, significance, usefulness, clarity, and
Submissions of Experience Reports are meant to help create a body of
published, refereed, citable evidence where declarative programming such
as functional, logic, answer-set, constraint programming, etc., is used
in practice. They must not exceed 5 pages **including references**.
Experience Reports must be marked as such at the time of submission and
need not report original research results. They will be judged on
significance, usefulness, clarity, and readability.
Possible topics for an Experience Report include, but are not limited
insights gained from real-world projects using declarative programming
comparison of declarative programming with conventional programming in
the context of an industrial project or a university curriculum
curricular issues encountered when using declarative programming in
education real-world constraints that created special challenges for an
implementation of a declarative language or for declarative programming
in general novel use of declarative programming in the classroom
programming pearl that illustrates a nifty new data structure or
programming technique.
Supplementary material may be provided in a clearly marked appendix
beyond the above-mentioned page limits. Reviewers are not required to
study any material beyond the respective page limit.
Format of a submission
For each paper category, you must use the most recent version of the
"Current ACM Master Template" which is available at
<https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template>. The most recent
version at the time of writing is 1.48. You must use the LaTeX sigconf
proceedings template as the conference organizers are unable to process
final submissions in other formats. In case of problems with the
templates, contact [ACM's TeX support team atAptara](mailto:acmtexsupport@aptaracorp.com).
Authors should note [ACM's statement on author'srights](http://authors.acm.org/) which apply to final papers. Submitted
papers should meet the requirements of [ACM's plagiarism
Requirements for publication
At least one author of each accepted submission will be expected to
attend and present the work at the conference. The pc chair may retract
a paper that is not presented. The pc chair may also retract a paper if
complaints about the paper's correctness are raised which cannot be
resolved by the final paper deadline.
Important dates
- 23.04.2018 paper submission
- 14.06.2018 rebuttal period (48 hours)
- 25.06.2018 notification
- 16.07.2018 final papers
- 03.09.2018 conference starts
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] 2nd Call for Participation: BOB 2018 (February 23, Berlin)
Lots of functional programming at BOB!
BOB 2018
"What happens if we simply use what's best?"
February 23, 2018, Berlin
BOB is the conference for developers, architects and decision-makers
to explore technologies beyond the mainstream in software development,
and to find the best tools available to software developers today. Our
goal is for all participants of BOB to return home with new insights
that enable them to improve their own software development
The program features 14 talks and 8 tutorials on current topics:
The subject range of talks includes functional programming,
verticalization, formal methods, and data analytics.
The tutorials feature introductions to Haskell, Clojure, Livecoding,
terminal programming, Liquid Haskell, functional reactive programming,
and domain-driven design.
Leif Andersen will give the keynote talk.
Registration is open online:
NOTE: The early-bird rates expire on January 22, 2018!
BOB cooperates with the :clojured conference on the following
day. There is a registration discount available for participants of
both events.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
BOB 2018
"What happens if we simply use what's best?"
February 23, 2018, Berlin
BOB is the conference for developers, architects and decision-makers
to explore technologies beyond the mainstream in software development,
and to find the best tools available to software developers today. Our
goal is for all participants of BOB to return home with new insights
that enable them to improve their own software development
The program features 14 talks and 8 tutorials on current topics:
The subject range of talks includes functional programming,
verticalization, formal methods, and data analytics.
The tutorials feature introductions to Haskell, Clojure, Livecoding,
terminal programming, Liquid Haskell, functional reactive programming,
and domain-driven design.
Leif Andersen will give the keynote talk.
Registration is open online:
NOTE: The early-bird rates expire on January 22, 2018!
BOB cooperates with the :clojured conference on the following
day. There is a registration discount available for participants of
both events.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] IJCAR 2018 - Call for Papers
The 9th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2018
Oxford, UK, July 14-17, 2018. http://www.ijcar2018.org
Part of The Federated Logic Conference, FLoC 2018,
Oxford, UK, July 6-19, 2018. http://www.floc2018.org
IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all topics in automated
reasoning. The IJCAR technical program will consist of presentations of
high-quality original research papers, system descriptions, and invited talks.
IJCAR 2018 takes place as part of FLoC 2018 and is the merger of leading events
in automated reasoning:
CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction),
FroCoS (Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems) and
TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)
IJCAR 2018 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated reasoning,
including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research
papers and descriptions of working automated deduction systems are solicited.
IJCAR topics include the following ones:
- Logics of interest include: propositional, first-order, classical,
equational, higher-order, non-classical, constructive, modal, temporal,
many-valued, substructural, description, type theory, etc.
- Methods of interest include: tableaux, sequent calculi, resolution, model-
elimination, inverse method, paramodulation, term rewriting, induction,
unification, constraint solving, decision procedures, model generation,
model checking, semantic guidance, interactive theorem proving, logical
frameworks, AI-related methods for deductive systems, proof presentation,
automated theorem provers, combination of decision procedures, SAT and SMT
solving, etc.
- Applications of interest include: verification, formal methods, program
analysis and synthesis, computer mathematics, declarative programming,
deductive databases, knowledge representation, etc.
We welcome papers combining automated-reasoning formalisms & techniques and
with those from other areas of CS and mathematics, including, e.g., computer
algebra, machine learning, formal languages, formal verification, termination.
In particular, high-quality conference papers on the topics of the IJCAR 2018
affiliated workshops (http://ijcar2018.org/#assocev) are welcome.
The proceedings of IJCAR 2018 will be published by Springer in the LNAI/LNCS
series (www.springer.com/lncs).
Submission details:
Submission is electronic, through
Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX and the Springer "llncs" format,
which can be obtained from
We solicit two categories of submissions:
REGULAR PAPERS. Submissions, not exceeding sixteen (16) pages including
bibliography, should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess
the merits and relevance of the contribution. For papers reporting experimental
results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data and software
available with their submission for reproducibility. The PC will take
availability of software and data into account when evaluating submissions.
Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial context are strongly
invited, and should describe details, weaknesses and strength in sufficient
depth. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or
submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not
SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS. Submissions, not exceeding eight (8) pages including
bibliography, should describe the implemented tool and its novel features. One
author is expected to be able to perform a demonstration on demand to accompany
a tool presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been presented
in other conferences before will be accepted only if significant and clear
enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented.
Best paper award:
IJCAR 2018 will recognize the most outstanding submission with a best paper
award at the conference.
IJCAR'18 Special Issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning:
The authors of a selection of the best IJCAR'18 papers will be invited
to produce an extended version of their paper for a special issue of
the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Invited speakers:
Invited Speakers will be announced later on.
Important dates (provisional):
Abstract submission: January 22nd 2018
Paper submission: January 29th 2018
Notification: March 29th, 2018
Final version of papers due: April 23rd, 2018
IJCAR Conference: July 14-17th, 2018
FLoC Conference: July 6-19th, 2018
IMPORTANT NOTICE: due to very strict FLoC constraints, deadlines are SHARP!
Student travel awards:
Woody Bledsoe Travel Awards will be available to support selected students in
attending the conference.
Conference Chair:
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Program Chairs:
Didier Galmiche, LORIA, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Roberto Sebastiani, DISI, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Local Arrangements Chairs:
Daniel Kroening, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Workshop Chair:
Alberto Griggio, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Publicity Chair:
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
Program Committee:
Carlos Areces, FaMA FUniversidad Nacional de Cordoba
Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen
Arnon Avron, Tel-Aviv University
Franz Baader, TU Dresden
Clark Barrett, Stanford University
Peter Baumgartner, Data 61 and CSIRO
Christoph Benzmueller, Freie Universitaet Berlin
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Maria Paola Bonacina, Universita degli Studi di Verona
Torben Brauener, Roskilde University
Agata Ciabattoni, TU Wien
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research
Hans De Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, Astana
Stephane Demri, CNRS, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool
Francois Fages, Inria Universite Paris-Saclay
Pascal Fontaine, Universite de Lorraine - LORIA
Didier Galmiche (Chair), Universite de Lorraine - LORIA
Vijay Ganesh, University of Waterloo
Silvio Ghilardi, Universita degli Studi di Milano
Juergen Giesl, RWTH Aachen
Laura Giordano, DISIT Universite del Piemonte Orientale
Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
Rajeev Gore, The Australian National University
Alberto Griggio, FBK-IRST
John Harrison, Intel Corporation
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford
Moa Johansson, Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico
Konstantin Korovin, The University of Manchester
Laura Kovacs Vienna, University of Technology
George Metcalfe, University of Bern
Dale Miller, INRIA and LIX/Ecole Polytechnique
Claudia Nalon, University of Brasilia
Albert Oliveras, - Technical University of Catalonia
Nicola Olivetti, LSIS Aix-Marseille University
Jens Otten, University of Oslo
Lawrence Paulson, University of Cambridge
Nicolas Peltier, CNRS, LIG
Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University
Silvio Ranise, FBK-Irst
Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA-INRIA
Philipp Ruemmer, Uppsala University
Katsuhiko Sano, Hokkaido University
Uli Sattler, The University of Manchester
Renate A. Schmidt, The University of Manchester
Stephan Schulz (Chair), DHBW Stuttgart
Roberto Sebastiani (Chair), DISI University of Trento
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University Koblenz-Landau
Thomas Sturm, CNRS
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
Cesare Tinelli, The University of Iowa
Alwen Tiu, Nanyang Technological University
Ashish Tiwari, SRI International
Josef Urban, Czech Technical University in Prague
Luca Viganò, King's College London
Andrei Voronkov, The University of Manchester
Uwe Waldmann, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Christoph Weidenbach, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
The 9th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2018
Oxford, UK, July 14-17, 2018. http://www.ijcar2018.org
Part of The Federated Logic Conference, FLoC 2018,
Oxford, UK, July 6-19, 2018. http://www.floc2018.org
IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all topics in automated
reasoning. The IJCAR technical program will consist of presentations of
high-quality original research papers, system descriptions, and invited talks.
IJCAR 2018 takes place as part of FLoC 2018 and is the merger of leading events
in automated reasoning:
CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction),
FroCoS (Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems) and
TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)
IJCAR 2018 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated reasoning,
including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research
papers and descriptions of working automated deduction systems are solicited.
IJCAR topics include the following ones:
- Logics of interest include: propositional, first-order, classical,
equational, higher-order, non-classical, constructive, modal, temporal,
many-valued, substructural, description, type theory, etc.
- Methods of interest include: tableaux, sequent calculi, resolution, model-
elimination, inverse method, paramodulation, term rewriting, induction,
unification, constraint solving, decision procedures, model generation,
model checking, semantic guidance, interactive theorem proving, logical
frameworks, AI-related methods for deductive systems, proof presentation,
automated theorem provers, combination of decision procedures, SAT and SMT
solving, etc.
- Applications of interest include: verification, formal methods, program
analysis and synthesis, computer mathematics, declarative programming,
deductive databases, knowledge representation, etc.
We welcome papers combining automated-reasoning formalisms & techniques and
with those from other areas of CS and mathematics, including, e.g., computer
algebra, machine learning, formal languages, formal verification, termination.
In particular, high-quality conference papers on the topics of the IJCAR 2018
affiliated workshops (http://ijcar2018.org/#assocev) are welcome.
The proceedings of IJCAR 2018 will be published by Springer in the LNAI/LNCS
series (www.springer.com/lncs).
Submission details:
Submission is electronic, through
Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX and the Springer "llncs" format,
which can be obtained from
We solicit two categories of submissions:
REGULAR PAPERS. Submissions, not exceeding sixteen (16) pages including
bibliography, should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess
the merits and relevance of the contribution. For papers reporting experimental
results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data and software
available with their submission for reproducibility. The PC will take
availability of software and data into account when evaluating submissions.
Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial context are strongly
invited, and should describe details, weaknesses and strength in sufficient
depth. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or
submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not
SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS. Submissions, not exceeding eight (8) pages including
bibliography, should describe the implemented tool and its novel features. One
author is expected to be able to perform a demonstration on demand to accompany
a tool presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been presented
in other conferences before will be accepted only if significant and clear
enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented.
Best paper award:
IJCAR 2018 will recognize the most outstanding submission with a best paper
award at the conference.
IJCAR'18 Special Issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning:
The authors of a selection of the best IJCAR'18 papers will be invited
to produce an extended version of their paper for a special issue of
the Journal of Automated Reasoning.
Invited speakers:
Invited Speakers will be announced later on.
Important dates (provisional):
Abstract submission: January 22nd 2018
Paper submission: January 29th 2018
Notification: March 29th, 2018
Final version of papers due: April 23rd, 2018
IJCAR Conference: July 14-17th, 2018
FLoC Conference: July 6-19th, 2018
IMPORTANT NOTICE: due to very strict FLoC constraints, deadlines are SHARP!
Student travel awards:
Woody Bledsoe Travel Awards will be available to support selected students in
attending the conference.
Conference Chair:
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Program Chairs:
Didier Galmiche, LORIA, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Roberto Sebastiani, DISI, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Local Arrangements Chairs:
Daniel Kroening, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Workshop Chair:
Alberto Griggio, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Publicity Chair:
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
Program Committee:
Carlos Areces, FaMA FUniversidad Nacional de Cordoba
Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen
Arnon Avron, Tel-Aviv University
Franz Baader, TU Dresden
Clark Barrett, Stanford University
Peter Baumgartner, Data 61 and CSIRO
Christoph Benzmueller, Freie Universitaet Berlin
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Maria Paola Bonacina, Universita degli Studi di Verona
Torben Brauener, Roskilde University
Agata Ciabattoni, TU Wien
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research
Hans De Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, Astana
Stephane Demri, CNRS, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool
Francois Fages, Inria Universite Paris-Saclay
Pascal Fontaine, Universite de Lorraine - LORIA
Didier Galmiche (Chair), Universite de Lorraine - LORIA
Vijay Ganesh, University of Waterloo
Silvio Ghilardi, Universita degli Studi di Milano
Juergen Giesl, RWTH Aachen
Laura Giordano, DISIT Universite del Piemonte Orientale
Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
Rajeev Gore, The Australian National University
Alberto Griggio, FBK-IRST
John Harrison, Intel Corporation
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford
Moa Johansson, Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico
Konstantin Korovin, The University of Manchester
Laura Kovacs Vienna, University of Technology
George Metcalfe, University of Bern
Dale Miller, INRIA and LIX/Ecole Polytechnique
Claudia Nalon, University of Brasilia
Albert Oliveras, - Technical University of Catalonia
Nicola Olivetti, LSIS Aix-Marseille University
Jens Otten, University of Oslo
Lawrence Paulson, University of Cambridge
Nicolas Peltier, CNRS, LIG
Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University
Silvio Ranise, FBK-Irst
Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA-INRIA
Philipp Ruemmer, Uppsala University
Katsuhiko Sano, Hokkaido University
Uli Sattler, The University of Manchester
Renate A. Schmidt, The University of Manchester
Stephan Schulz (Chair), DHBW Stuttgart
Roberto Sebastiani (Chair), DISI University of Trento
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University Koblenz-Landau
Thomas Sturm, CNRS
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
Cesare Tinelli, The University of Iowa
Alwen Tiu, Nanyang Technological University
Ashish Tiwari, SRI International
Josef Urban, Czech Technical University in Prague
Luca Viganò, King's College London
Andrei Voronkov, The University of Manchester
Uwe Waldmann, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Christoph Weidenbach, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] CICM 2018: Call for Papers, Workshops & Tutorials
Call for Papers
formal papers - informal papers - doctoral programme - workshops - tutorials
11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2018 -
August 13-17, 2018
RISC, Hagenberg, Austria
Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means for the
generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of mathematical
CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed
theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such as
computation, deduction, knowledge management, and user interfaces. It offers a
venue for discussing problems and solutions in each of these areas and their
CICM 2018 invites submissions in all topics relating to intelligent computer
mathematics, in particular but not limited to
* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries
CICM appreciates the varying nature of the relevant research in this area and
invites submissions of very different forms:
1) Formal submissions will be reviewed rigorously and accepted papers will be
published in a volume of Springer LNAI:
* regular papers (up to 15 pages) present novel research results
* project and survey papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography) summarize
existing results
* system and dataset descriptions (up to 5 pages) present digital artifacts
2) Informal submissions will be reviewed with a positive bias and selected for
presentation based on their relevance for the community.
* informal papers may present work-in-progress, project announcements,
position statements, etc.
* posters and system demos will be presented in parallel in special sessions
3) The doctoral programme provides PhD students a forum to present early results
receive constructive feedback and mentoring.
4) Workshops allow smaller groups to self-organize focused discussions.
5) Tutorials allow presenting a particular system in depth.
* Important Dates *
Formal submissions
- Abstract deadline: April 15
- Full paper deadline: April 22
- Reviews sent to authors: May 21
- Rebuttals due: May 27
- Notification of acceptance: June 4
- Camera-ready copies due: June 8
- Conference: August 13-17
Informal submissions and doctoral programme
Two separate submission rounds are offered so that some authors can make early
travel plans while other authors submit spontaneously.
- First round submission deadline: April 22
- Second round submission deadline: July 31
Workshop and Tutorial proposals
- Submission deadline: February 26
All submissions should be made via easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cicm2018
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
formal papers - informal papers - doctoral programme - workshops - tutorials
11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2018 -
August 13-17, 2018
RISC, Hagenberg, Austria
Digital and computational solutions are becoming the prevalent means for the
generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of mathematical
CICM brings together the many separate communities that have developed
theoretical and practical solutions for mathematical applications such as
computation, deduction, knowledge management, and user interfaces. It offers a
venue for discussing problems and solutions in each of these areas and their
CICM 2018 invites submissions in all topics relating to intelligent computer
mathematics, in particular but not limited to
* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries
CICM appreciates the varying nature of the relevant research in this area and
invites submissions of very different forms:
1) Formal submissions will be reviewed rigorously and accepted papers will be
published in a volume of Springer LNAI:
* regular papers (up to 15 pages) present novel research results
* project and survey papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography) summarize
existing results
* system and dataset descriptions (up to 5 pages) present digital artifacts
2) Informal submissions will be reviewed with a positive bias and selected for
presentation based on their relevance for the community.
* informal papers may present work-in-progress, project announcements,
position statements, etc.
* posters and system demos will be presented in parallel in special sessions
3) The doctoral programme provides PhD students a forum to present early results
receive constructive feedback and mentoring.
4) Workshops allow smaller groups to self-organize focused discussions.
5) Tutorials allow presenting a particular system in depth.
* Important Dates *
Formal submissions
- Abstract deadline: April 15
- Full paper deadline: April 22
- Reviews sent to authors: May 21
- Rebuttals due: May 27
- Notification of acceptance: June 4
- Camera-ready copies due: June 8
- Conference: August 13-17
Informal submissions and doctoral programme
Two separate submission rounds are offered so that some authors can make early
travel plans while other authors submit spontaneously.
- First round submission deadline: April 22
- Second round submission deadline: July 31
Workshop and Tutorial proposals
- Submission deadline: February 26
All submissions should be made via easychair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cicm2018
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] DCM'18 Second Call for Papers
(Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate.)
Updated information on: Invited Speakers
DCM 2018
12th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models
A satellite event of FLoC 2018, Oxford
July 8, 2018
Several new models of computation have emerged in the last years, and many developments of traditional computation models have been proposed with the aim of taking into account the new demands of users of computer systems and the new capabilities of computation engines.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are currently developing new computation models or new features for traditional computation models, in order to foster their interaction, to provide a forum for presenting new ideas and work in progress, and to enable newcomers to learn about current activities in this area. The proceedings are produced after the meeting, so that authors can incorporate the workshop feedback in the published papers.
DCM 2018 will take place in Oxford on July 8, as a one-day satellite event of FLoC 2018. This will be the 12th event in the series since 2005 - see the DCM website (http://dcm-workshop.org.uk/) for details of previous events.
We are pleased to announce the two invited speakers of DCM'18:
* Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna)
* Delia Kesner (University Paris-Diderot)
Topics of interest include all abstract models of computation and their applications to the development of programming languages and systems. This includes (but is not limited to):
* Functional calculi: lambda-calculus, pattern-calculi, combinatory logic, term and graph rewriting;
* Object calculi;
* Interaction-based systems: interaction nets, games, agent and multi-agent systems;
* Concurrent models: process calculi, action graphs, distributed systems;
* Calculi expressing locality, mobility, and active data;
* Quantum computational models;
* Biological or chemical models of computation;
Authors are invited to submit a short paper (max 8 pages). Preliminary proceedings will be available at the workshop. Papers should be written in English, and submitted in PostScript or PDF format, using the EPTCS style files (http://style.eptcs.org/). Submission is through the Easychair website.
* Submission deadline: 8 April 2018
* Notification: 15 May 2018
* Pre-proceedings version: 27 May 2018
* Workshop: 8 July 2018
* Full version of paper: 1 October 2018
* Notification: 1 December 2018
* Final versions due: 15 December 2018
After the workshop authors are invited to submit a full paper taking into account the feedback given at their presentation. After a second round of refereeing, accepted contributions will appear in an issue of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (www.eptcs.org).
* Sandra Alves, University of Porto - PC Chair
* Sabine Broda, University of Porto
* Adriana Compagnoni, University of Edinburgh
* Nachum Dershowitz, University of Tel Aviv
* Mariangiola Dezani, University of Torino
* Alessandra Di Pierro, University of Verona
* Maribel Fernández, King's College London
* Russ Harmer, ENS Lyon
* Edward Hermann Haeusler, PUC-Rio
* Luigi Liquori, INRIA Sophia
* Elvira Mayordomo, University of Zaragoza
* Simon Perdrix, LORIA-Nancy
* Jamie Vicary, University of Oxford
For more information contact the organiser of the event:
Sandra Alves
University of Porto
[Caml-list] FSCD 2018 Final Call for Papers (deadline for abstracts: January 15)
(Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate.)
Updated information on: Corrado Böhm Memorial and Special Guests
Third International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD'18)
Oxford, UK, July 9 - 12, 2018.
Oxford, UK, July 9 - 12, 2018.
Part of The Federated Logic Conference, FLoC 2018,
Oxford, UK, July 6 - 19, 2018.
Oxford, UK, July 6 - 19, 2018.
Building on two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications),
FSCD embraces their core topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics, proof theory and new emerging models of
computation such as quantum computing or homotopy type theory.
Suggested, but not exclusive, list of topics for submission are:
1. Calculi: Lambda calculus - Concurrent calculi - Logics - Rewriting systems - Proof theory - Type theory and logical frameworks
2. Methods in Computation and Deduction: Type systems - Induction and coinduction - Matching, unification, completion, and orderings - Strategies - Tree automata - Model checking - Proof search and theorem proving - Constraint solving and decision procedures
3. Semantics: Operational semantics - Abstract machines - Game Semantics - Domain theory and categorical models - Quantitative models
4. Algorithmic Analysis and Transformations of Formal Systems: Type Inference and type checking - Abstract Interpretation - Complexity analysis and implicit computational complexity - Checking termination, confluence, derivational complexity and related properties - Symbolic computation
5. Tools and Applications: Programming and proof environments - Verification tools - Libraries for proof assistants and interactive theorem provers - Case studies in proof assistants and interactive theorem provers - Certification - Applications to security, planning, data bases,…
Corrado Böhm MEMORIAL
On July 9 2018, there will be a memorial in honour of ProfessorCorrado Böhm, whose work has been of tremendous inspiration to the FSCD community and deeply influenced the development of theoretical computer science.
Check http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/bohm.html for details on the event.
We are honoured to announce two special guests for the Corrado Böhm Memorial:
- Henk Barendregt (Radboud U., Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Silvio Micali (MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Lab, US)
Check the profiles of the special guests at http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/specialguests.html
- Stephanie Delaune (CNRS/IRISA, France)
- Grigori Rosu (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
- Peter Selinger (Dalhousie U., Canada)
- Valeria Vignudelli (ENS, Lyon, France)
Check the profiles of the invited speakers at http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/invited.html.
BEST PAPER AWARD BY JUNIOR RESEARCHERS: The program committee will consider declaring this award to a paper in which at least one author is a junior researcher, i.e. either a student or whose PhD award date is less than three years from the first day of the meeting. Other authors should declare to the PC Chair that at least 50% of contribution is made by the junior researcher(s).
PUBLICATION : The proceedings will be published as an electronic volume in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) of Schloss Dagstuhl.
All LIPIcs proceedings are open access.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.
All LIPIcs proceedings are open access.
SPECIAL ISSUE: Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submissions can be made in two categories.
- Regular research papers are limited to 15 pages and must present original research which is unpublished and not submitted elsewhere.
- System descriptions are limited to 6 pages (excluding references) and must present new software tools in which FSCD topics play an important role, or significantly new versions of such tools. Please check http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/cfp.html#guidelines, for more details on what should a system description contain.
- System descriptions are limited to 6 pages (excluding references) and must present new software tools in which FSCD topics play an important role, or significantly new versions of such tools. Please check http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/cfp.html#guidelines, for more details on what should a system description contain.
Submissions must be formatted using the LIPIcs style files (http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics/instructions-for-authors/) and submitted via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fscd18).
IMPORTANT DATES: All deadlines are midnight anywhere-on-earth (AoE); late submissions will not be considered.
IMPORTANT DATES: All deadlines are midnight anywhere-on-earth (AoE); late submissions will not be considered.
Abstract Deadline: January 15, 2018
Submission Deadline: January 22, 2018
Rebuttal: March 22 - 25, 2018
Notification: April 2, 2018
Camera-Ready: May 2, 2018
Submission Deadline: January 22, 2018
Rebuttal: March 22 - 25, 2018
Notification: April 2, 2018
Camera-Ready: May 2, 2018
FSCD Conference: July 9 - 12, 2018
FLoC Conference: July 6 - 19, 2018
S. Akshay, IIT Bombay
T. Aoto, Niigata U.
P. Arrighi, Marseille U.
L. Birkedal, Aarhus U.
E. Bonelli, Quilmes U.
A. Bouhoula, Carthage U.
C. Castro, F. Santa Maria Tech. U.
U. Dal Lago, Bologna U.
S. Escobar, U.P. Valencia
M. Fernández, King's College London
V. Ganesh, Waterloo U.
H. Geuvers, Nijmegen U.
M. Hasegawa, Kyoto U.
P.B. Levy, U. of Birmingham
C. Loeding, Aachen U.
A. Miquel, UdelaR, Montevideo
G. Moser, Innsbruck U.
C. Nalon, Brasilia U.
V. Nigam, Paraiba U. & fortiss
P.C. Ölveczky, Oslo U.
G. Rosu, Illinois U.
P. Severi, Leicester U.
V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, Koblenz-Landau U.
N. Tabareau, Inria
R. Thiemann, Innsbruck U.
A. Tiu, NTU Singapore
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam
L. Zhi, CAS Beijing
CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP CHAIR: Paula Severi, Leicester U.
PUBLICITY CHAIR: Sandra Alves, Porto U.
T. Altenkirch (Nottingham U.),
S. Alves (Porto U.),
M. Fernández (King's College London),
C. Fuhs (Birkbeck, London U.),
D. Kesner (Paris U.),
N. Kobayashi (Tokyo U.),
D. Miller (Inria),
L. Ong (Chair, Oxford U.),
B. Pientka (McGill U.),
S. Staton (Oxford U.),
R. Thiemann (Innsbruck U.).
FLoC Conference: July 6 - 19, 2018
S. Akshay, IIT Bombay
T. Aoto, Niigata U.
P. Arrighi, Marseille U.
L. Birkedal, Aarhus U.
E. Bonelli, Quilmes U.
A. Bouhoula, Carthage U.
C. Castro, F. Santa Maria Tech. U.
U. Dal Lago, Bologna U.
S. Escobar, U.P. Valencia
M. Fernández, King's College London
V. Ganesh, Waterloo U.
H. Geuvers, Nijmegen U.
M. Hasegawa, Kyoto U.
P.B. Levy, U. of Birmingham
C. Loeding, Aachen U.
A. Miquel, UdelaR, Montevideo
G. Moser, Innsbruck U.
C. Nalon, Brasilia U.
V. Nigam, Paraiba U. & fortiss
P.C. Ölveczky, Oslo U.
G. Rosu, Illinois U.
P. Severi, Leicester U.
V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, Koblenz-Landau U.
N. Tabareau, Inria
R. Thiemann, Innsbruck U.
A. Tiu, NTU Singapore
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam
L. Zhi, CAS Beijing
CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP CHAIR: Paula Severi, Leicester U.
PUBLICITY CHAIR: Sandra Alves, Porto U.
T. Altenkirch (Nottingham U.),
S. Alves (Porto U.),
M. Fernández (King's College London),
C. Fuhs (Birkbeck, London U.),
D. Kesner (Paris U.),
N. Kobayashi (Tokyo U.),
D. Miller (Inria),
L. Ong (Chair, Oxford U.),
B. Pientka (McGill U.),
S. Staton (Oxford U.),
R. Thiemann (Innsbruck U.).
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