[Caml-list] CARI/ICTAC Spring School and ICTAC 2018 conference, call for participation
12-19 October 2018.
* 7 spring school tutorials and 4 invited talks by Yves Bertot,
Vincent Cheval, Martin Leucker, Tommie Meyer, Gennaro Parlato, Ina
Schaefer (with Loek Cleophas), Peter Thiemann, Willem Visser, 25
contributed papers.
* A single, very affordable fee covers both the summer school and the
conference and includes a full-day excursion to the Cape Peninsula.
* Early registration ends 12 September.
CARI/ICTAC Spring School
15th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing
ICTAC 2018
Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12-19 October 2018
Established by UNU IIST in 2004, the ICTAC conference series aims at
bringing together researchers and practitioners from academia,
industry and government to present research and exchange ideas and
experience addressing challenges in both theoretical aspects of
computing and the exploitation of theory through methods and tools for
system development. ICTAC also aims to promote research cooperation
between developing and industrial countries.
ICTAC 2018 will take place in Stellenbosch, South Africa, colocated
with the 14th African Conference on Research in Computer Science and
Applied Mathematics, CARI 2018, 14-16 October 2018.
Yves Bertot (Inria Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranée, FR):
Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development
Vincent Cheval (Inria Nancy - Grand Est, FR):
Verification of Security Protocols: From Confidentiality to Privacy
Martin Leucker (Universität zu Lübeck, DE):
Runtime Verification: Some Basics and Some Latest Developments
Tommie Meyer (University of Cape Town, ZA):
An Introduction to Description Logics
Ina Schaefer (Technische Universität Braunschweig, DE)
and Loek Cleophas (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL):
The Correctness-by-Construction Approach to Programming
Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg, DE):
Derivation beyond Regular Languages
Willem Visser (Stellenbosch University, ZA):
Symbolic Execution for Java
Yves Bertot (Inria Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranée, FR):
Formal Verification of a Geometry Algorithm:
A Quest for Abstract Views and Symmetry in Coq Proofs
Tommie Meyer (University of Cape Town, ZA):
What is Knowledge Representation and Reasoning?
Gennaro Parlato (University of Southampton, UK):
Finding Rare Concurrent Programming Bugs:
An Automatic, Symbolic, Randomized, and Parallelizable Approach
Peter Thiemann (Universität Freiburg, DE):
From Logic to Automata by Derivation
25 papers selected from 58 submissions
In the afternoon of 15 October, we will have an informal workshop on
(co)algebraic language and automata theory.
To propose a talk, please send a title and abstract to
ictac2018@easychair.org by 12 September.
Registration and payment is via the conference website.
The single ICTAC fee includes attendance at the school and the ICTAC
conference, access to the LNCS proceedings volume, tea breaks and
lunches during the school and the conference, a full-day excursion to
the Cape Peninsula and a conference dinner.
Early registration is by 12 September. Until this date, the full fee
is ~390 EUR and the student fee is ~240 EUR.
Bernd Fischer (Stellenbosch University, ZA)
Bernd Fischer (Stellenbosch University, ZA)
Tarmo Uustalu (Reykjavik University, IS)
Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
Martin Leucker (Universität zu Lübeck, DE)
Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, CN)
Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universität München, DE)
Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR)
Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, US)
Stellenbosch University Computer Science Division
Stellenbosch University
AUF, CIRAD, IRD concerning the school
The city of Stellenbosch, founded 1685, is the second oldest European
settlement in South Africa after Cape Town. It is situated about 50 km
to the east of Cape Town. It is the place to admire Cape Dutch
architecture and the heart of the Cape Winelands, South Africa's prime
wine region. Stellenbosch University is one of the leading universities
in Africa.
Please contact Bernd Fischer, bfischer(at)cs.sun.ac.za.
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[Caml-list] Call for Papers: PADL 2019
21th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL 2019)
Lisbon, Portugal. 14 -15 January 2019.
Co-located with ACM POPL 2019 (https://popl19.sigplan.org/home)
Declarative languages build on sound theoretical bases to provide attractive frameworks for application development. These languages have been successfully applied to many different real-world situations, ranging from data base management to active networks to software engineering to decision support systems.
New developments in theory and implementation have opened up new application areas. At the same time, applications of declarative languages to novel problems raise numerous interesting research issues. Well-known questions include designing for scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and programming environments. Thus, applications drive the progress in the theory and implementation of declarative systems, and benefit from this progress as well.
PADL is a well-established forum for researchers and practitioners to present original work emphasising novel applications and implementation techniques for all forms of declarative concepts, including, functional, logic, constraints, etc. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Innovative applications of declarative languages
* Declarative domain-specific languages and applications
* Practical applications of theoretical results
* New language developments and their impact on applications
* Declarative languages and software engineering
* Evaluation of implementation techniques on practical applications
* Practical experiences and industrial applications
* Novel uses of declarative languages in the classroom
* Practical extensions such as constraint-based, probabilistic, and reactive languages.
PADL 2019 welcomes new ideas and approaches pertaining to applications and implementation of * declarative languages, and is not limited to the scope of the past PADL symposia. It will be co-located with the Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2019), in Lisbon, Portugal.
Important Dates and Submission Guidelines
Abstracts due: 21 September
Papers due: 28 September
Notification to authors: 26 October
Please see the conference website for full information about submission, programme commite etc.
[Caml-list] ICTCS 2018 @ Urbino - second call for participation
ICTCS 2018 - 19th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science
18-20 September 2018, Urbino, Italy
The on-line registration system is open:
Registration fees are as follows:
- Senior, early (until August 31, 2018): 300 euros
- Senior, late (after August 31, 2018): 360 euros
- Junior, early (until August 31, 2018): 240 euros
- Junior, late (after August 31, 2018): 300 euros
where senior stands for faculty member (professors and researchers)
while junior stands for non-faculty member (PhD students, post-docs, etc).
Each registration fee includes admission to the conference, coffee breaks,
lunches, social dinner, and EATCS membership.
ICTCS 2018 will be held in the center of Urbino, a walled city listed by UNESCO
as a World Heritage Site, which was one of the capitals of Renaissance.
Birthplace of Raffaello Sanzio, Urbino hosts the National Gallery of the Marche
in the magnificent Ducal Palace built for Federico da Montefeltro.
The program of ICTCS 2018 is available at:
It includes the presentation of 16 regular papers and 9 communications,
together with:
- invited talks by Rossella Petreschi, Davide Sangiorgi, Nicola Prezza;
- seminar in honour of Corrado Böhm;
- IC-EATCS awards for best young researcher, PhD thesis, master thesis;
- IC-EATCS annual meeting;
- panel on past and future of the VQR, Italy's national research assessment.
A list of affiliated hotels is available at:
Booking soon is recommended because there are several events taking place
in Urbino in September.
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs
[Caml-list] First Call for Participation for IFL 2018 (Implementation and Application of Functional Languages)
Please, find below the 1st call for participation for IFL 2018.
Please forward these to anyone you think may be interested.
Apologies for any duplicates you may receive.
best regards,
Jurriaan Hage
Publicity Chair of IFL
IFL 2018
30th Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages
University of Massachusetts Lowell, MA, USA
September 5th-7th, 2018
September 5th: Haskell Mini-Course by Galois, Inc, see details below.
### Scope
The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged
in the implementation and application of functional and function-based
programming languages. IFL 2018 will be a venue for researchers to present and
discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe results
related to the implementation and application of functional languages and
function-based programming.
### Keynote Speakers
* Adam Chlipala, Massachusetts Institute of Technology CSAIL
* Arjun Guha, University of Massachusetts Amherst
### Haskell Mini-Course (September 5th, 2018)
Mini-course on Haskell by Galois, Inc,
presented by David Thrane Christiansen and Jose Manuel Calderon Trilla.
Register: Attendance at the course is free, but you must RSVP.
(Link to RSVP form can be found at http://iflconference.org)
Course Description:
Recent versions of the GHC compiler for Haskell feature support for a number of
advanced type system features, including pattern-matching functions in the type
system (type families), indexed families (generalized algebraic datatypes, or
GADTs), type-level data structures (data kinds), and general compile-time
metaprogramming (Template Haskell). At Galois, we use these features in a number
of our projects, which allows us to build deep embeddings of programming
languages and have GHC enforce the target language's type system for us. This
style of programming ensures that we only produce well-typed terms, including
that we do not forget any of the run-time checks that are necessary to preserve
our invariants when accepting input from untyped sources such as files.
In the course of developing these projects, some common problems and programming
patterns emerged. We developed the `parameterized-utils` library to codify
solutions to these problems, and provide necessary generalizations of interfaces
from the standard library (Eq, Applicative, Traversable, etc.)
We will expect that participants in the course have used Haskell before, but we
will not expect everyone to be experts. We will introduce GADTs, type families,
and data kinds, and then show how to use them together with the tools from
parameterized-utils with an implementation of the simply-typed lambda calculus,
including basic AST definitions, evaluation, and parsing.
### Peter Landin Prize
The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the
symposium every year. The honored article is selected by the program committee
based on the submissions received for the formal review process. The prize
carries a cash award equivalent to 150 Euros.
### Organization and Program committee
Chairs: Jay McCarthy & Matteo Cimini, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
Program Committee:
* Arthur Chargueraud, Inria, FR
* Ben Delaware, Purdue University, USA
* Christos Dimoulas, Northwestern University, USA
* David Darais, University of Vermont, USA
* Dominic Orchard, University of Kent, UK
* Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University, UK
* Garrett Morris, University of Kansas, USA
* Heather Miller, EPFL & Northeastern University, CH & USA
* Jeremy Yallop, University of Cambridge, UK
* Keiko Nakata, SAP Innovation Center Potsdam, DE
* Laura Castro, University of A Coruna, ESP
* Magnus Myreen, Chalmers University of Technology, SWE
* Natalia Chechina, Bournemouth University, UK
* Peter Achten, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, NL
* Peter-Michael Osera, Grinnell College, USA
* Richard Eisenberg, Bryn Mawr College, USA
* Trevor McDonell, University of New South Wales, AUS
* Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba, JAP
### Venue
The 30th IFL is organized by the University of Massachusetts Lowell.
The City of Lowell is located at the heart of the Merrimack Valley just 30 miles
northwest of Boston. Lowell can be easily reached by train or taxi.
See the website for more information on the venue.
[Caml-list] Call for Participation: ICFP 2018
Call for Participation
ICFP 2018
23rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
and affiliated events
September 23 - September 29, 2018
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
ICFP provides a forum for researchers and developers to hear
about the latest work on the design, implementations, principles, and
uses of functional programming. The conference covers the entire
spectrum of work, from practice to theory, including its peripheries.
This year, ICFP is co-located with Strange Loop!
Considering attending ICFP for the first time? See our brief
explainer: https://icfp18.sigplan.org/attending/introduction-to-icfp
* Overview and affiliated events:
* Program:
* Accepted papers:
* Registration is available via:
Early registration ends 27 August, 2018.
* Programming contest results:
* Student Research Competition:
* Follow us on Twitter for the latest news:
In addition to Strange Loop (9/26-9/28), there are several events co-located with ICFP:
* Erlang Workshop (9/29)
* Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (9/29)
* Functional High-Performance Computing (9/29)
* Haskell Implementors' Workshop (9/23)
* Haskell Symposium (9/27-9/28)
* Higher-order Programming with Effects (9/23)
* ICFP Tutorials (9/27-9/29)
* ML Family Workshop (9/28)
* Numerical Programming in Functional Languages (9/27)
* OCaml Workshop (9/27)
* Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (9/23)
* Scala Symposium (9/28)
* Scheme Workshop (9/28)
* Type-Driven Development (9/27)
Conference Organizers:
General Chair: Robby Findler (Northwestern University, USA)
Program Chair: Matthew Flatt (University of Utah, USA)
Accessibility Chair: Alan Jeffrey (Mozilla Research, USA)
Artefact Evaluation Co-Chair: Simon Marlow (Facebook, UK)
Industrial Relations Chair: Alan Jeffrey (Mozilla Research, USA)
PLMW Co-Chair: Dan Licata (Wesleyan University, USA)
PLMW Co-Chair: David Van Horn (University of Maryland, USA)
PLMW Co-Chair: Niki Vazou (University of Maryland, USA)
Programming Contest Organizer: Matthew Fluet (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Publications Co-Chair: Alex Potanin (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Publicity Chair: Lindsey Kuper (UC Santa Cruz, USA)
Student Research Competition Chair: Ravi Chugh (University of Chicago, USA)
Student Volunteer Co-Captain: Jakub Zalewski (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Student Volunteer Co-Captain: Spencer P. Florence (Northwestern University, USA)
Treasurer and Conference Manager: Annabel Satin (P.C.K., UK)
Video Co-Chair Jamie Willis (University of Bristol, UK)
Video Co-Chair: Jose Calderon (Galois, USA)
Workshops Co-Chair: Christophe Scholliers (Ghent University, Belgium)
Workshops Co-Chair: David Christiansen (Galois, USA)
Sponsors and industrial partners:
Platinum supporters:
Jane Street
Standard Chartered
Gold supporters:
McCormick School of Engineering, Northwestern University
Silver supporters:
Cal Poly Computer Science & Software Engineering
Digital Asset
Microsoft Research
Oracle Labs
Tweag I/O
Bronze supporters:
Obsidian Systems
Systor Vest
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs