The 27th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-27)
Natal, Brazil
25-30 August 2019
CADE is the major international forum for presenting research on all
aspects of automated deduction. High-quality submissions on the general
topic of automated deduction, including foundations, applications,
implementations, theoretical results, practical experiences and user
studies are solicited.
Key dates:
Abstract deadline: 15 February 2019
Submission deadline: 22 February 2019
* Logics of interest include propositional, first-order, equational,
higher-order, classical, description, modal, temporal, many-valued,
constructive, other non-classical, meta-logics, logical frameworks, type
theory, set theory, as well as any combination thereof.
* Paradigms of interest include theorem proving, model building,
constraint solving, computer algebra, model checking, proof checking,
and their integration.
* Methods of interest include resolution, superposition, completion,
saturation, term rewriting, decision procedures, model elimination,
connection methods, tableaux, sequent calculi, natural deduction, as
well as their supporting algorithms and data structures, including
matching, unification, orderings, induction, indexing techniques, proof
presentation and explanation, proof planning.
* Applications of interest include program analysis, verification and
synthesis of software and hardware, formal methods, computational logic,
computer mathematics, natural language processing, computational
linguistics, knowledge representation, ontology reasoning, deductive
databases, declarative programming, robotics, planning, and other areas
of artificial intelligence.
Submissions can be made in two categories: regular papers and system
descriptions. The page limit in Springer LNCS style is 15 pages
excluding references for regular papers and 10 pages excluding
references for system descriptions. Submissions must be unpublished and
not submitted for publication elsewhere. They will be judged on
relevance, originality, significance, correctness, and readability.
System descriptions must contain a link to a working system and will
also be judged on usefulness and design. Proofs of theoretical results
that do not fit in the page limit, executables of systems, and input
data of experiments should be made available, via a reference to a
website or in an appendix of the paper. For papers containing
experimental evaluations, all data needed to rerun the experiments must
be available. Reviewers will be encouraged to consider this additional
material, but submissions must be self-contained within the respective
page limit; considering the additional material should not be necessary
to assess the merits of a submission. The review process will include a
feedback/rebuttal period where authors will have the option to respond
to reviewer comments. The PC chair may solicit further reviews after the
rebuttal period.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the Springer
LNCS/LNAI series. Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can
be obtained at
At every CADE conference the Program Committee selects one of the
accepted papers to receive the CADE Best Paper Award. The award
recognizes a paper that the Program Committee collegially evaluates as
the best in terms of originality and significance, having substantial
confidence in its correctness. Overall technical quality, completeness,
scholarly accuracy, and readability are also considered. Characteristics
associated with a best paper include, for instance, introduction of a
strong new technique or approach, solution of a long-standing open
problem, introduction and solution of an interesting and important new
problem, highly innovative application of known ideas or existing
techniques, and presentation of a new system of outstanding power. Under
exceptional circumstances, the Program Committee may give two awards (ex
aequo) or give no award.
Abstract deadline: 15 February 2019
Submission deadline: 22 February 2019
Rebuttal phase: 2 April 2019
Notification: 15 April 2019
Final version: 27 May 2019
Papers should be submitted via
Conference Chair:
Elaine Pimentel Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Carlos Olarte Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Joao Marcos Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Claudia Nalon University of Brasilia, Brazil
Giselle Reis CMU, Qatar
Program Committee Chair:
Pascal Fontaine Universite de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA, France
Workshop, Tutorial, and Competition Chair:
Giles Reger University of Manchester, UK
Publicity Chair:
Geoff Sutcliffe University of Miami, USA
Program Committee:
Carlos Areces, FaMAF - Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
Franz Baader, TU Dresden, Germany
Clark Barrett, Stanford University, USA
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Maria Paola Bonacina, Universita degli Studi di Verona, Italy
Leonardo Mendonca de Moura, Microsoft Research, USA
Hans de Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK
Mnacho Echenim, Universite de Grenoble, France
Marcelo Finger, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pascal Fontaine, Universite de Lorraine, CNRS, Inria, LORIA, France
Silvio Ghilardi, Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Juergen Giesl, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Rajeev Gore, The Australian National University, Australia
Stefan Hetzl, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Marijn J. H. Heule, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Nao Hirokawa, JAIST, Japan
Moa Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico, USA
Benjamin Kiesl, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Konstantin Korovin, The University of Manchester, UK
Laura Kovacs, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Ramana Kumar, DeepMind, UK
Claudia Nalon, University of Brasilia, Brazil
Vivek Nigam, Federal University of Paraiba & Fortiss, Brazil & Germany
Carlos Olarte, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Jens Otten, University of Oslo, Norway
Andre Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Andrew Reynolds, The University of Iowa, USA
Philipp Ruemmer, Uppsala University, Sweden
Renate A. Schmidt, The University of Manchester, UK
Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart, Germany
Roberto Sebastiani, University of Trento, Italy
Natarajan Shankar, SRI International, USA
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, Universitaet Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Martin Suda, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami, USA
Rene Thiemann, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Uwe Waldmann, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
Christoph Weidenbach, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany
Sarah Winkler, University of Innsbruck, Austria
The 27th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-27)
Natal, Brazil
25-30 August 2019
Workshop proposals for CADE-27 are solicited. The workshops will take
place on August 25-26 2019, before the main conference. Both
well-established workshops and newer ones are encouraged. Similarly,
proposals for workshops with a tight focus on a core automated reasoning
specialization, as well as those with a broader, more applied focus, are
very welcome.
Please provide the following information in your application document:
+ Workshop title.
+ Names and affiliations of organizers.
+ Proposed workshop duration (from half a day to two days) and preferred day(s).
+ Brief description of the goals and the scope of the workshop. Why is
the workshop relevant for CADE?
+ Is the workshop new or has it met previously? In the latter case
information on previous meetings should be given (e.g., links to the
program, number of submissions, number of participants).
+ What are the plans for publication?
Tutorial proposals for CADE-27 are solicited. Tutorials are expected to
be either half-day or full-day events, with a theoretical or applied
focus, on a topic of interest for CADE-27. Proposals should provide the
following information:
+ Tutorial title.
+ Names and affiliations of organizers.
+ Proposed tutorial duration (from half a day to one days) and the
preferred day.
+ Brief description of the tutorial's goals and topics to be covered.
+ Whether or not a version of the tutorial has been given previously.
CADE will take care of printing and distributing notes for tutorials
that would like this service.
The CADE ATP System Competition (CASC), which evaluates automated
theorem proving systems for classical logics, has become an integral
part of the CADE conferences.
Further system competition proposals are solicited. The goal is to
foster the development of automated reasoning systems in all areas
relevant for automated deduction in a broader sense. Proposals should
include the following information:
+ Competition title.
+ Names and affiliations of organizers.
+ Duration and schedule of the competition.
+ Room/space requirements.
+ Description of the competition task and the evaluation procedure.
+ Is the competition new or has it been organized before? In the latter
case information on previous competitions should be given.
+ What computing resources are required and how will they be provided?
Workshop/Tutorials/System Competitions:
Submission deadline: 15 November 2018
Notification: 15 December 2018
Proposals for workshops, tutorials, and system competitions should be
uploaded via
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list:
Bug reports:
[Caml-list] FSCD 2019 - First Call for Papers
(Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate.)
Fourth International Conference on
Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2019)
24 -- 30 June 2019, Dortmund, Germany
All deadlines are midnight anywhere-on-earth (AoE); late submissions
will not be considered.
Titles and Short Abstracts: 8 February 2019
Full Papers: 11 February 2019
Rebuttal period: 28 March -- 1 April 2019
Authors Notification: 8 April 2019
Final version for proceedings: 22 April 2019
FSCD covers all aspects of formal structures for computation and
deduction from theoretical foundations to applications. Building on
two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA
(Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), FSCD embraces their core
topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics,
models of computation (e.g. quantum computing, probabilistic
computing, homotopy type theory), semantics and verification in new
challenging areas (e.g. blockchain protocols or deep learning
Suggested, but not exclusive, list of topics for submission are:
1. Calculi:
Rewriting systems, Lambda calculus, Concurrent calculi, Logics,
Type theory, Homotopy type theory, Logical frameworks, Quantum
2. Methods in Computation and Deduction:
Type systems; Induction and coinduction; Matching, unification,
completion and orderings; Strategies; Tree automata; Model
checking; Proof search and theorem proving; Constraint solving and
decision procedures
3. Semantics:
Operational semantics; Abstract machines; Game Semantics; Domain
theory; Categorical models; Quantitative models
4. Algorithmic Analysis and Transformations of Formal Systems:
Type inference and type checking; Abstract interpretation;
Complexity analysis and implicit computational complexity; Checking
termination, confluence, derivational complexity and related
properties; Symbolic computation
5. Tools and Applications:
Programming and proof environments; Verification tools; Proof
assistants and interactive theorem provers; Applications in
industry (e.g. design and verification of critical systems);
Applications in other sciences (e.g. biology)
6. Semantics and verification in new challenging areas:
Certification; Security; Blockchain protocols; Data bases; Deep
learning and machine learning algorithms; Planning
The proceedings will be published as an electronic volume in the
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) of Schloss
Dagstuhl. All LIPIcs proceedings are open access.
Submissions can be made in two categories. Regular research papers
are limited to 15 pages (including references, with the possibility to
add an annex for technical details, e.g.\ proofs) and must present
original research which is unpublished and not submitted
elsewhere. System descriptions are limited to 15 pages (including
references) and must present new software tools in which FSCD topics
play an important role, or significantly new versions of such
tools. Submissions must be formatted using the LIPIcs style files and
submitted via EasyChair. Complete instructions on submitting a paper
can be found on the conference web site:
The program committee will consider declaring this award to a paper in
which at least one author is a junior researcher, i.e. either a
student or whose PhD award date is less than three years from the
first day of the meeting. Other authors should declare to the PC Chair
that at least 50% of contribution is made by the junior
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
version for a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.
H. Geuvers, Radboud U. Nijmegen (Chair)
Z. Ariola, U. of Oregon
M. Ayala Rincón, U. of Brasilia
A. Bauer, U. of Ljubljana
F. Bonchi, U. of Pisa
S. Broda, U. of Porto
U. Dal Lago, U. of Bologna & Inria
U. De'Liguoro, U. of Torino
D. Kapur, U. of New Mexico
P. Dybjer, Chalmers U. of Technology
M. Fernandez, King's College London
J. Giesl, RWTH Aachen
N. Hirokawa, JAIST
S. Lucas, U. Politecnica de Valencia
A. Middeldorp, U. of Innsbruck
F. Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon U.
B. Pientka, McGill U.
J. van de Pol, U. of Twente
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam
C. Schürmann, ITU Copenhagen
P. Severi, U. of Leicester
A. Silva, U. College London
S. Staton, Oxford U.
T. Streicher, TU Darmstadt
A. Stump, U. of Iowa
N. Tabareau, Inria
S. Tison, U. of Lille
A. Tiu, Australian National U.
T. Tsukada, U. of Tokyo
J. Urban, CTU Prague
P. Urzyczyn, U. of Warsaw
J. Waldmann, Leipzig U. of Applied Sciences
Jakob Rehof, TU Dortmund
Boris Düdder, U. of Copenhagen
J. Vicary, Oxford U.
Sandra Alves , Porto U.
S. Alves (Porto U.),
M. Ayala-Rincón (Brasilia U.)
C. Fuhs (Birkbeck, London U.)
D. Kesner (Chair, Paris U.)
H. Kirchner (Inria)
N. Kobayashi (U. Tokyo)
C. Kop (Radboud U. Nijmegen)
D. Miller (Inria)
L. Ong (Chair, Oxford U.)
B. Pientka (McGill U.)
S. Staton (Oxford U.)
[Caml-list] Formal Methods 2019: First Call for Papers
FM 2019 - 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods - 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods
Porto, Portugal, October 7-11, 2019
FM 2019 is the 23rd international symposium in a series organised by Formal Methods Europe (FME),
an independent association whose aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods
for software development. Every 10 years the symposium is organised as a World Congress. Twenty
years after FM 1999 in Toulouse, and 10 years after FM 2009 in Eindhoven, FM 2019 is the 3rd World
Congress on Formal Methods. This is reflected in a PC with members from over 40 countries. Thus,
FM 2019 will be both an occasion to celebrate and a platform for enthusiastic researchers and
practitioners from a diversity of backgrounds to exchange their ideas and share their experience.
It is now more than 30 years since the first VDM symposium in 1987 brought together researchers
with the common goal of creating methods to produce high quality software based on rigour and
reason. Since then the diversity and complexity of computer technology has changed enormously and
the formal methods community has stepped up to the challenges those changes brought by adapting,
generalising and improving the models and analysis techniques that were the focus of that first
symposium. The theme for FM 2019 is a reflection on how far the community has come and the
lessons we can learn for understanding and developing the best software for future technologies.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 28 March, 2019
Full paper submission: 11 April, 2019, 23:59 AoE
Notification: 11 June, 2019
Camera ready: 9 July, 2019
Conference: 7-11 October, 2019
Topics of Interest
FM 2019 encourages submissions on formal methods in a wide range of domains including software,
computer-based systems, systems-of-systems, cyber-physical systems, human-computer interaction,
manufacturing, sustainability, energy, transport, smart cities, and healthcare. We particularly
welcome papers on techniques, tools and experiences in interdisciplinary settings. We also
welcome papers on experiences of formal methods in industry, and on the design and validation of
formal methods tools. The broad topics of interest for FM 2019 include, but are not limited to:
- Interdisciplinary formal methods: Techniques, tools and experiences demonstrating the use of
formal methods in interdisciplinary settings.
- Formal methods in practice: Industrial applications of formal methods, experience with formal
methods in industry, tool usage reports, experiments with challenge problems. The authors are
encouraged to explain how formal methods overcame problems, led to improved designs, or provided
new insights.
- Tools for formal methods: Advances in automated verification, model checking, and testing with
formal methods, tools integration, environments for formal methods, and experimental validation
of tools. The authors are encouraged to demonstrate empirically that the new tool or environment
advances the state of the art.
- Formal methods in software and systems engineering: Development processes with formal methods,
usage guidelines for formal methods, and method integration. The authors are encouraged to
evaluate process innovations with respect to qualitative or quantitative improvements. Empirical
studies and evaluations are also solicited.
- Theoretical foundations of formal methods: All aspects of theory related to specification,
verification, refinement, and static and dynamic analysis. The authors are encouraged to explain
how their results contribute to the solution of practical problems with formal methods or tools.
Submission Guidelines
Papers should be original work, not published or submitted elsewhere, in Springer LNCS format,
written in English, submitted through EasyChair:
Each paper will be evaluated by at least three members of the Programme Committee. Authors of
papers reporting experimental work are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results
available for use by the reviewers. Similarly, case study papers should describe significant
case studies, and the complete development should be made available at the time of review. The
usual criteria for novelty, reproducibility, correctness and the ability for others to build upon
the described work apply. Tool papers should explain enhancements made compared to previously
published work. A tool paper need not present the theory behind the tool but should focus on
the tool's features, how it is used, its evaluation, and examples and screen shots illustrating
the tool's use. Authors of tool papers should make their tool available for use by the reviewers.
We solicit two categories of papers:
- Regular Papers should not exceed 15 pages, not counting references and appendices.
- Short papers, including tool papers, should not exceed 6 pages, not counting references and
appendices. Besides tool papers, short papers are encouraged for any topic that can be described
within the page limit, and in particular for novel ideas without an extensive experimental
evaluation. Short papers will be accompanied by short presentations.
For regular and tool papers, an appendix can provide additional material such as details on
proofs or experiments. The appendix is not part of the page count and not guaranteed to be read
or taken into account by the reviewers. It should not contain information necessary to the
understanding and the evaluation of the presented work. Papers will be accepted or rejected in
the category in which they were submitted.
At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the conference as
a registered participant.
Best Paper Award
At the conference, the PC Chairs will present an award to the authors of the submission selected
as the FM 2019 Best Paper.
Accepted papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings to appear in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science in the subline on Formal Methods. Traditionally, extended versions of
selected papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of one or more journals.
General Chair
José Nuno Oliveira, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Program Committee Chairs
Maurice ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, IT
Annabelle McIver, Macquarie University, AU
Program Committee
Bernhard Aichernig, TU Graz, AT
Elvira Albert, Complutense University of Madrid, ES
María Alpuente, Polytechnic University of Valencia, ES
Dalal Alrajeh, Imperial College, UK
Mário S. Alvim, Federal University of Minas Gerais, BR
June Andronick, CSIRO/Data61, AU
Christel Baier, TU Dresden, DE
Luís Barbosa, University of Minho and UN University, PT
Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute, ES
Marcello Bersani, Polytechnic University of Milan, IT
Gustavo Betarte, Tilsor SA and University of the Republic, UY
Nikolaj Bjørner, Microsoft Research, US
Frank de Boer, CWI, NL
Sergiy Bogomolov, Australian National University, AU
Julien Brunel, ONERA, FR
Néstor Cataño, Pontifical Xavierian University of Cali, CO
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York,UK
Antonio Cerone, Nazarbayev University, KZ
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, CA
David Chemouil, ONERA, FR
Alessandro Cimatti, FBK-IRST, IT
Alcino Cunha, University of Minho, PT
Michael Dierkes, Rockwell Collins, FR
Alessandro Fantechi, University of Florence, IT
Carla Ferreira, New University of Lisbon, PT
João Ferreira, Teesside University, UK
José Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Marcelo Frias, Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, AR
Fatemeh Ghassemi, University of Tehran, IR
Silvia Ghilezan, University of Novi Sad, RS
Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR, IT
Reiner Hähnle, TU Darmstadt, DE
Osman Hasan, National University of Sciences and Technology, PK
Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, US
Anne Haxthausen, TU Denmark, DK
Ian Hayes, University of Queensland, AU
Constance Heitmeyer, Naval Research Laboratory, US
Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh, UK
Thai Son Hoang, University of Southampton, UK
Zhenjiang Hu, National Institute of Informatics, JP
Dang Van Hung, Vietnam National University, VN
Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University, JP
Suman Jana, Columbia University, US
Ali Jaoua, Qatar University, QA
Einar Broch Johnson, University of Oslo, NO
Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen University, DE
Laura Kovács, TU Vienna, AT
Axel Legay, KU Leuven, BE
Alberto Lluch Lafuente, TU Denmark, DK
Malte Lochau, TU Darmstadt, DE
Michele Loreti, University of Camerino, IT
Gabriele Lenzini, University of Luxembourg, LU
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technical University, SG
Anastasia Mavridou, NASA Ames, US
Hernán Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires, AR
Sun Meng, Peking University, CN
Dominique Méry, LORIA and University of Lorraine, FR
Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, IE
Olfa Mosbahi, University of Carthage, TN
Mohammad Mousavi, University of Leicester, UK
César Muñoz, NASA Langley, US
Tim Nelson, Brown University, US
Gethin Norman, University of Glasgow, UK
Colin O'Halloran, D-RisQ Software Systems, UK
Federico Olmedo, University of Chile, CL
Gordon Pace, University of Malta, MT
Jan Peleska, University of Bremen, DE
Marielle Petit-Doche, Systerel, FR
Alexandre Petrenko, Computer Research Institute of Montréal, CA
Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus, CY
Jorge Sousa Pinto, University of Minho, PT
André Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Jaco van de Pol, Aarhus University, DK
Tahiry Rabehaja, Macquarie University, AU
Steve Reeves, University of Waikato, NZ
Matteo Rossi, Polytechnic University of Milan, IT
Augusto Sampaio, Federal University of Pernambuco, BR
Gerardo Schneider, Chalmers University of Gothenburg, SE
Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne, Amazon Web Services, US
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano, CH
Nikolay Shilov, Innopolis University, RU
Ana Sokolova, University of Salzburg, AT
Marielle Stoelinga, University of Twente, NL
Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design, SG
Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK
Elena Troubitsyna, Åbo Akademi University, FI
Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik University, IS
Andrea Vandin, TU Denmark, DK
R. Venkatesh, TCS Research, IN
Erik de Vink, TU Eindhoven and CWI, NL
Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, ZA
Farn Wang, National Taiwan University, TW
Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, ZA
Tim Willemse, TU Eindhoven, NL
Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland, AU
Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK
Lijun Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN
Publicity Chair
Luís Soares Barbosa, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Organizing Committee
José Creissac Campos, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
João Pascoal Faria, INESC TEC and University of Porto, PT
Sara Fernandes, University of Minho & INESC TEC, PT
Luís Neves, Critical Software, PT
Local Arrangements
Catarina Fernandes, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Paula Rodrigues, INESC TEC, PT
Web Team
Francisco Neves, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Rogério Pontes, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Paula Rodrigues, INESC TEC, PT
Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list:
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FM 2019 - 23rd International Symposium on Formal Methods - 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods
Porto, Portugal, October 7-11, 2019
FM 2019 is the 23rd international symposium in a series organised by Formal Methods Europe (FME),
an independent association whose aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods
for software development. Every 10 years the symposium is organised as a World Congress. Twenty
years after FM 1999 in Toulouse, and 10 years after FM 2009 in Eindhoven, FM 2019 is the 3rd World
Congress on Formal Methods. This is reflected in a PC with members from over 40 countries. Thus,
FM 2019 will be both an occasion to celebrate and a platform for enthusiastic researchers and
practitioners from a diversity of backgrounds to exchange their ideas and share their experience.
It is now more than 30 years since the first VDM symposium in 1987 brought together researchers
with the common goal of creating methods to produce high quality software based on rigour and
reason. Since then the diversity and complexity of computer technology has changed enormously and
the formal methods community has stepped up to the challenges those changes brought by adapting,
generalising and improving the models and analysis techniques that were the focus of that first
symposium. The theme for FM 2019 is a reflection on how far the community has come and the
lessons we can learn for understanding and developing the best software for future technologies.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: 28 March, 2019
Full paper submission: 11 April, 2019, 23:59 AoE
Notification: 11 June, 2019
Camera ready: 9 July, 2019
Conference: 7-11 October, 2019
Topics of Interest
FM 2019 encourages submissions on formal methods in a wide range of domains including software,
computer-based systems, systems-of-systems, cyber-physical systems, human-computer interaction,
manufacturing, sustainability, energy, transport, smart cities, and healthcare. We particularly
welcome papers on techniques, tools and experiences in interdisciplinary settings. We also
welcome papers on experiences of formal methods in industry, and on the design and validation of
formal methods tools. The broad topics of interest for FM 2019 include, but are not limited to:
- Interdisciplinary formal methods: Techniques, tools and experiences demonstrating the use of
formal methods in interdisciplinary settings.
- Formal methods in practice: Industrial applications of formal methods, experience with formal
methods in industry, tool usage reports, experiments with challenge problems. The authors are
encouraged to explain how formal methods overcame problems, led to improved designs, or provided
new insights.
- Tools for formal methods: Advances in automated verification, model checking, and testing with
formal methods, tools integration, environments for formal methods, and experimental validation
of tools. The authors are encouraged to demonstrate empirically that the new tool or environment
advances the state of the art.
- Formal methods in software and systems engineering: Development processes with formal methods,
usage guidelines for formal methods, and method integration. The authors are encouraged to
evaluate process innovations with respect to qualitative or quantitative improvements. Empirical
studies and evaluations are also solicited.
- Theoretical foundations of formal methods: All aspects of theory related to specification,
verification, refinement, and static and dynamic analysis. The authors are encouraged to explain
how their results contribute to the solution of practical problems with formal methods or tools.
Submission Guidelines
Papers should be original work, not published or submitted elsewhere, in Springer LNCS format,
written in English, submitted through EasyChair:
Each paper will be evaluated by at least three members of the Programme Committee. Authors of
papers reporting experimental work are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results
available for use by the reviewers. Similarly, case study papers should describe significant
case studies, and the complete development should be made available at the time of review. The
usual criteria for novelty, reproducibility, correctness and the ability for others to build upon
the described work apply. Tool papers should explain enhancements made compared to previously
published work. A tool paper need not present the theory behind the tool but should focus on
the tool's features, how it is used, its evaluation, and examples and screen shots illustrating
the tool's use. Authors of tool papers should make their tool available for use by the reviewers.
We solicit two categories of papers:
- Regular Papers should not exceed 15 pages, not counting references and appendices.
- Short papers, including tool papers, should not exceed 6 pages, not counting references and
appendices. Besides tool papers, short papers are encouraged for any topic that can be described
within the page limit, and in particular for novel ideas without an extensive experimental
evaluation. Short papers will be accompanied by short presentations.
For regular and tool papers, an appendix can provide additional material such as details on
proofs or experiments. The appendix is not part of the page count and not guaranteed to be read
or taken into account by the reviewers. It should not contain information necessary to the
understanding and the evaluation of the presented work. Papers will be accepted or rejected in
the category in which they were submitted.
At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to present the paper at the conference as
a registered participant.
Best Paper Award
At the conference, the PC Chairs will present an award to the authors of the submission selected
as the FM 2019 Best Paper.
Accepted papers will be published in the Symposium Proceedings to appear in Springer's Lecture
Notes in Computer Science in the subline on Formal Methods. Traditionally, extended versions of
selected papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of one or more journals.
General Chair
José Nuno Oliveira, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Program Committee Chairs
Maurice ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, IT
Annabelle McIver, Macquarie University, AU
Program Committee
Bernhard Aichernig, TU Graz, AT
Elvira Albert, Complutense University of Madrid, ES
María Alpuente, Polytechnic University of Valencia, ES
Dalal Alrajeh, Imperial College, UK
Mário S. Alvim, Federal University of Minas Gerais, BR
June Andronick, CSIRO/Data61, AU
Christel Baier, TU Dresden, DE
Luís Barbosa, University of Minho and UN University, PT
Gilles Barthe, IMDEA Software Institute, ES
Marcello Bersani, Polytechnic University of Milan, IT
Gustavo Betarte, Tilsor SA and University of the Republic, UY
Nikolaj Bjørner, Microsoft Research, US
Frank de Boer, CWI, NL
Sergiy Bogomolov, Australian National University, AU
Julien Brunel, ONERA, FR
Néstor Cataño, Pontifical Xavierian University of Cali, CO
Ana Cavalcanti, University of York,UK
Antonio Cerone, Nazarbayev University, KZ
Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, CA
David Chemouil, ONERA, FR
Alessandro Cimatti, FBK-IRST, IT
Alcino Cunha, University of Minho, PT
Michael Dierkes, Rockwell Collins, FR
Alessandro Fantechi, University of Florence, IT
Carla Ferreira, New University of Lisbon, PT
João Ferreira, Teesside University, UK
José Fiadeiro, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Marcelo Frias, Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, AR
Fatemeh Ghassemi, University of Tehran, IR
Silvia Ghilezan, University of Novi Sad, RS
Stefania Gnesi, ISTI-CNR, IT
Reiner Hähnle, TU Darmstadt, DE
Osman Hasan, National University of Sciences and Technology, PK
Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, US
Anne Haxthausen, TU Denmark, DK
Ian Hayes, University of Queensland, AU
Constance Heitmeyer, Naval Research Laboratory, US
Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh, UK
Thai Son Hoang, University of Southampton, UK
Zhenjiang Hu, National Institute of Informatics, JP
Dang Van Hung, Vietnam National University, VN
Atsushi Igarashi, Kyoto University, JP
Suman Jana, Columbia University, US
Ali Jaoua, Qatar University, QA
Einar Broch Johnson, University of Oslo, NO
Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen University, DE
Laura Kovács, TU Vienna, AT
Axel Legay, KU Leuven, BE
Alberto Lluch Lafuente, TU Denmark, DK
Malte Lochau, TU Darmstadt, DE
Michele Loreti, University of Camerino, IT
Gabriele Lenzini, University of Luxembourg, LU
Yang Liu, Nanyang Technical University, SG
Anastasia Mavridou, NASA Ames, US
Hernán Melgratti, University of Buenos Aires, AR
Sun Meng, Peking University, CN
Dominique Méry, LORIA and University of Lorraine, FR
Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, IE
Olfa Mosbahi, University of Carthage, TN
Mohammad Mousavi, University of Leicester, UK
César Muñoz, NASA Langley, US
Tim Nelson, Brown University, US
Gethin Norman, University of Glasgow, UK
Colin O'Halloran, D-RisQ Software Systems, UK
Federico Olmedo, University of Chile, CL
Gordon Pace, University of Malta, MT
Jan Peleska, University of Bremen, DE
Marielle Petit-Doche, Systerel, FR
Alexandre Petrenko, Computer Research Institute of Montréal, CA
Anna Philippou, University of Cyprus, CY
Jorge Sousa Pinto, University of Minho, PT
André Platzer, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Jaco van de Pol, Aarhus University, DK
Tahiry Rabehaja, Macquarie University, AU
Steve Reeves, University of Waikato, NZ
Matteo Rossi, Polytechnic University of Milan, IT
Augusto Sampaio, Federal University of Pernambuco, BR
Gerardo Schneider, Chalmers University of Gothenburg, SE
Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne, Amazon Web Services, US
Natasha Sharygina, University of Lugano, CH
Nikolay Shilov, Innopolis University, RU
Ana Sokolova, University of Salzburg, AT
Marielle Stoelinga, University of Twente, NL
Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design, SG
Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK
Elena Troubitsyna, Åbo Akademi University, FI
Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik University, IS
Andrea Vandin, TU Denmark, DK
R. Venkatesh, TCS Research, IN
Erik de Vink, TU Eindhoven and CWI, NL
Willem Visser, Stellenbosch University, ZA
Farn Wang, National Taiwan University, TW
Bruce Watson, Stellenbosch University, ZA
Tim Willemse, TU Eindhoven, NL
Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland, AU
Jim Woodcock, University of York, UK
Lijun Zhang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN
Publicity Chair
Luís Soares Barbosa, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Organizing Committee
José Creissac Campos, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
João Pascoal Faria, INESC TEC and University of Porto, PT
Sara Fernandes, University of Minho & INESC TEC, PT
Luís Neves, Critical Software, PT
Local Arrangements
Catarina Fernandes, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Paula Rodrigues, INESC TEC, PT
Web Team
Francisco Neves, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Rogério Pontes, INESC TEC & University of Minho, PT
Paula Rodrigues, INESC TEC, PT
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