
[Caml-list] ETAPS 2020 1st joint call for papers



23rd European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software
ETAPS 2020

Dublin, Ireland, 25-30 April 2020




ETAPS is the primary European forum for academic and industrial
researchers working on topics relating to software science. ETAPS,
established in 1998, is a confederation of four annual conferences,
accompanied by satellite workshops. ETAPS 2020 is the twenty-third
event in the series.

-- MAIN CONFERENCES (27-30 April) --

* ESOP: European Symposium on Programming
(PC chair: Peter Müller, ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
* FASE: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(PC chairs: Heike Wehrheim, Universität Paderborn, Germany,
and Jordi Cabot, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain)
* FoSSaCS: Foundations of Software Science
and Computation Structures
(PC chairs: Barbara König, Univ Duisburg-Essen, Germany,
and Jean Goubault-Larrecq, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, France)
* TACAS: Tools and Algorithms for
the Construction and Analysis of Systems
(PC chairs: Armin Biere, Johannes-Kepler-Univ Linz, Austria,
and David Parker, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)

TACAS '20 will host the 9th Competition on Software Verification

POST, which was an ETAPS conference 2012-2019, has been discontinued.


* Unifying speakers:
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus Universitet, Denmark)
Jane Hillston (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
* ESOP invited speaker:
Isil Dillig (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
* FASE invited speaker:
Willem Visser (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)


* Papers due: 24 October 2019 23:59 AoE (=GMT-12)
* Rebuttal (ESOP, FoSSaCS and, for selected papers, TACAS):
9 December 00:01 AoE - 10 December 23:59 AoE
* Notification: 23 December 2019
* Camera-ready versions due: 22 February 2020


The four main conferences of ETAPS 2020 solicit contributions of the
following types:

* ESOP: regular research papers of max 25 pp (excl bibl)
* FASE: regular research papers and empirical evaluation papers of
max 18 pp (excl bibl),
tool demonstration papers of 6+6 pp
* FoSSaCS: regular research papers of max 18 pp (excl bibl)
* TACAS: regular research papers, case study papers and regular tool
papers of max 16 pp (excl bibl),
tool demonstration papers of 6 pp

For definitions of the different paper types and specific
instructions, where they are present, see the webpages of the
individual conferences.

All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and have
presentations during the conference. A condition of submission is
that, if the submission is accepted, one of the authors attends the
conference to give the presentation.

Submitted papers must be in English presenting original research. They
must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. In
particular, simultaneous submission of the same contribution to
multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden.

Submissions must follow the formatting guidelines of Springer's LNCS
and be submitted electronically in pdf through the Easychair author
interface of the respective conference. Submissions not adhering to
the specified format and length may be rejected immediately.

FASE will use double-blind reviewing. Authors are asked to omit their
names and institutions; refer to own prior work in the third person;
not to include acknowledgements that might identify them.

Regular tool paper and tool demonstration paper submissions to TACAS
must be accompanied by an artifact. The artifact will be evaluated and
the outcome will be taken into account in the acceptance decision of
the paper.

ESOP and FoSSaCS will use an author rebuttal phase. TACAS will have
rebuttal for selected papers.


The proceedings will be published in the Advanced Research in
Computing and Software Science (ARCoSS) subline of Springer's LNCS
series. The proceedings volumes will appear in gold open access, so
the published versions of all papers will be available for everyone to
download from the publisher's website freely, from the date of online
publication, perpetually. The copyright of the papers wiil remain with
the authors.

-- SATELLITE EVENTS (25-26 April) --

A number of satellite workshops will take place before the main

* 25-26 April (two days):

* 25 April:

* 26 April:


Dublin (Baile Átha Cliath) is the capital and largest city of the
Republic of Ireland. It is situated on the East coast of Ireland, at
the mouth of the River Liffey, at the centre of the Greater Dublin
area with 1.9 million inhabitants. Dublin is a historical and
contemporary centre for education, the arts, administration and
industry. As of 2018 the city was listed by the Globalization and
World Cities Research Network (GaWC) as a global city, with a ranking
of Alpha-, which places it among the top thirty cities in the world.

ETAPS 2020 is organised by the University of Limerick in cooperation
with Lero, the Irish Software Research Centre spanning 9 Universities
and ITs in the Republic of Ireland.


General chair: Tiziana Margaria (University of Limerick and Lero,

Workshop chairs: Falk Howar (Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany)
and Peter Höfner (Data61, Australia)

Practical organization: Easy Conferences


Please do not hesitate to contact the general chair at


[Caml-list] Final call for draft papers for IFL 2019 (Implementation and Application of Functional Languages)


Please, find below the final call for draft papers for IFL 2019.
Please forward these to anyone you think may be interested.
Apologies for any duplicates you may receive.

best regards,
Jurriaan Hage
Publicity Chair of IFL


                                    IFL 2019

    31st Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages

                        National University of Singapore
                            September 25th-27th, 2019



### Scope

The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged
in the implementation and application of functional and function-based
programming languages. IFL 2019 will be a venue for researchers to present and
discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe results
related to the implementation and application of functional languages and
function-based programming.

Topics of interest to IFL include, but are not limited to:

- language concepts
- type systems, type checking, type inferencing
- compilation techniques
- staged compilation
- run-time function specialization
- run-time code generation
- partial evaluation
- (abstract) interpretation
- metaprogramming
- generic programming
- automatic program generation
- array processing
- concurrent/parallel programming
- concurrent/parallel program execution
- embedded systems
- web applications
- (embedded) domain specific languages
- security
- novel memory management techniques
- run-time profiling performance measurements
- debugging and tracing
- virtual/abstract machine architectures
- validation, verification of functional programs
- tools and programming techniques
- (industrial) applications

### Keynote Speaker

* Olivier Danvy, Yale-NUS College

### Submissions and peer-review

Differently from previous editions of IFL, IFL 2019 solicits two kinds of

* Regular papers (12 pages including references)
* Draft papers for presentations ('weak' limit between 8 and 15 pages)

Regular papers will undergo a rigorous review by the program committee, and will
be evaluated according to their correctness, novelty, originality, relevance,
significance, and clarity. A set of regular papers will be conditionally
accepted for publication. Authors of conditionally accepted papers will be
provided with committee reviews along with a set of mandatory revisions.
Regular papers not accepted for publication will be considered as draft
papers, at the request of the author.

Draft papers will be screened to make sure that they are within the scope of
IFL, and will be accepted for presentation or rejected accordingly.

Prior to the symposium:
  Authors of conditionally accepted papers and accepted presentations will
  submit a pre-proceedings version of their work that will appear in the draft
  proceedings distributed at the symposium. The draft proceedings does not
  constitute a formal publication.

  We require that at least one of the authors present the work at IFL 2019.

After the symposium:

  Authors of conditionally accepted papers will submit a revised versions of
  their paper for the formal post-proceedings.
  The program committee will assess whether the mandatory revisions have been
  adequately addressed by the authors and thereby determines the final
  accept/reject status of the paper.
  Our interest is to ultimately accept all conditionally accepted papers. If you
  are an author of a conditionally accepted paper, please make sure that you
  address all the concerns of the reviewers.

  Authors of accepted presentations will be given the opportunity to incorporate
  the feedback from discussions at the symposium and will be invited to submit a
  revised full article for the formal post-proceedings.
  The program committee will evaluate these submissions according to their
  correctness, novelty, originality, relevance, significance, and clarity, and
  will thereby determine whether the paper is accepted or rejected.

### Publication

The formal proceedings will appear in the International Conference
Proceedings Series of the ACM Digital Library.

At no time may work submitted to IFL be simultaneously submitted to other
venues; submissions must adhere to ACM SIGPLAN's republication policy:


### Important dates

Submission of regular papers:                       June         15, 2019
Submission of draft papers:                         August        1, 2019
Regular papers notification:                        August        1, 2019
Regular draft papers notification:                  August        7, 2019
Deadline for early registration:                    August       15, 2019
Submission of pre-proceedings version:              September    15, 2019
IFL Symposium:                                      September 25-27, 2019
Submission of papers for post-proceedings:          November     30, 2019
Notification of acceptance:                         January      31, 2020
Camera-ready version:                               February     29, 2020

### Submission details

All contributions must be written in English. Papers must use the ACM two
columns conference format, which can be found at:


Authors submit through EasyChair:


### Peter Landin Prize

The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the
symposium every year. The honored article is selected by the program committee
based on the submissions received for the formal review process. The prize
carries a cash award equivalent to 150 Euros.

### Organization and Program committee

Chairs: Jurrien Stutterheim (Standard Chartered Bank Singapore), Wei Ngan Chin (National University of Singapore)

Program Committee:

- Olaf Chitil, University of Kent
- Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam
- Daisuke Kimura, Toho University
- Pieter Koopman, Radboud University
- Tamás Kozsik, Eötvös Loránd University
- Roman Leschinskiy, Facebook
- Ben Lippmeier, The University of New South Wales
- Marco T. Morazan, Seton Hall University
- Sven-Bodo Scholz, Heriot-Watt University
- Tom Schrijvers, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
- Alejandro Serrano, Utrecht University
- Tony Sloane, Macquarie University
- Simon Thompson, University of Kent
- Marcos Viera, Universidad de la República
- Wei Ngan Chin, NUS
- Jurriën Stutterheim, Standard Chartered Bank

### Venue

The 31st IFL is organized by the National University of Singapore.
Singapore is located in the heart of South-East Asia, and the city itself is extremely well connected by trains and taxis.
See the website for more information on the venue.

### Acknowledgments

This call-for-papers is an adaptation and evolution of content from previous
instances of IFL. We are grateful to prior organizers for their work, which
is reused here.

A part of IFL 2019 format and CFP language that describes conditionally
accepted papers has been adapted from call-for-papers of OOPSLA conferences.


[Caml-list] FroCoS 2019 and TABLEAUX 2019 (London, September 2-6): call for participation

The 2019 editions of FroCoS (the 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems) and TABLEAUX (the 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods), as well as their affiliated workshops and tutorials will take place in London, at Middlesex University, on the week of September 2-6.

This year we have an exciting program of contributed and invited talks, and affiliated events. Please see


for detailed program information. Moreover, information on traveling and accommodation (including affordable accommodation for budget-constrained participants), and on the sites and activities that can be enjoyed in the Middlesex University's beautiful campus, is available from the conferences' websites:

https://frocos2019.org  and  https://tableaux2019.org 

Information on registration and fees is also available from these websites. The deadline for early registration is August 21st, 2019.


* Jeremy Avigad. Automated Reasoning for the Working Mathematician

* Maria Paola Bonacina. Conflict-Driven Reasoning in Unions of Theories

* Stephane Graham-Lengrand. Recent and Ongoing Developments of Model-Constructing Satisfiability

* Stephane Graham-Lengrand and Sara Negri. Remembering Roy Dyckhoff

* Uli Sattler. Modularity and Automated Reasoning in Description Logics


* The 25th Workshop on Automated Reasoning (ARW 2019), organized by Alexander Bolotov and Florian Kammueller

* Journeys in Computational Logic: Tributes to Roy Dyckhoff, organized by Stephane Graham-Lengrand, Ekaterina Komendantskaya and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh


* Formalising Concurrent Computation: CLF, Celf, and Applications by Sonia Marin, Giselle Reis and Iliano Cervesato

* How to Build an Automated Theorem Prover---An Introductory Tutorial (invited TABLEAUX tutorial) by Jens Otten.

For any questions, please contact the organizers at chair@tableaux2019.org or chair@frocos2019.org. We hope to see many of you this September in London.

Best wishes,

Serenella Cerrito, Andreas Herzig, Andrei Popescu and Franco Raimondi

(program chairs and local organizers)


[Caml-list] Call for Papers: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)

** Apologies for cross-postings **

24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020)
Santiago de Compostela, June 8-12 2020


The biennial European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) is
Europe's premier venue for presenting scientific results in AI. Under
the general theme "Paving the way towards Human-Centric AI", the 24th
edition of ECAI will be held in Santiago de Compostela, a UNESCO's World
Heritage City which is the destination of unique Routes that cross all
Europe since the Middle Ages. The conference dates are 10-12 June 2020,
with the workshops taking place on 8-9 June. Save these dates!

The Program Committee of the 24th European Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (ECAI 2020) invites the submission of papers for the
technical program of the Conference. High-quality original submissions
are welcome from research results and applications of all areas of AI.
The following list of topics is indicative; other topics are welcome.

- Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems (MAS)
- Computational Intelligence (CI)
- Constraints and Satisfiability (CS)
- Games and Virtual Environments (GAME)
- Heuristic Search (HEU)
- Human Aspects in AI (HAI)
- Information Retrieval and Filtering (IRF)
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR)
- Machine Learning (ML)
- Multidisciplinary Topics and Applications (MULT)
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Planning and Scheduling (PLAN)
- Robotics (ROB)
- Safe, Explainable, and Trustworthy AI (XAI)
- Semantic Technologies (SEM)
- Uncertainty in AI (UAI)
- Vision (VIS)

The Call for Papers is available at


In addition to its full program of technical papers, ECAI2020 will
feature many AI-related events for researchers, students and all
attendants who are interested on contemporary AI. Separate calls have
been issued for:

- Workshop proposals, CFP available at
- Tutorial proposals, CFP available at
- PAIS 2020, the Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems
conference, CFP available at http://ecai2020.eu/call-for-papers/pais/
- STAIRS 2020, the Starting AI Researcher Symposium, CFP available at

In addition, other AI-related events will be announced, specially
addressing the role of AI in Europe (and vice-versa) with special focus
on the Conference general theme. Among these, The Frontiers in AI track
sessions, the Lab To Market event, the Women in AI Breakfast and the EU
Challenges forum.

Futhermore, ECAI2020 will have a special focus on Starting Researchers,
who will be able to participate in an specific program including the
Doctoral Consortium, the Three Minutes Thesis Competition, the Lunch
with an EurAI Fellow and the Job Fair.


ECAI2020 Abstract submission: November 15, 2019
ECAI2020 Paper submission: November 19, 2019
ECAI2020 Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 15, 2020

WORKSHOP Proposal submission: October 30, 2019
WORKSHOP Proposal notification: November 28, 2019

TUTORIAL Proposal Submission: February 20, 2020
TUTORIAL Acceptance Notification: March 20, 2020

PAIS Abstract submission: November 21, 2019
PAIS Paper submission: November 26, 2019
PAIS Notification of acceptance/rejection: January 20, 2020


The Conference is hosted by the European Association for Artificial
Intelligence (EurAI) and the Spanish AI Society (AEPIA).
ECAI 2020 is organized by the Intelligent Systems Group (GSI) and the
Research Centre in Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS), University of
Santiago de Compostela.


ECAI 2020 is coordinating with AAMAS 2020 and ICAPS 2020 to exploit
synergies. Details will be announced very soon at the Website.


Updates will be regularly published at the Conference Website:
Follow us in Twitter @ECAI2020

**It would be highly appreciated if you could disseminate this CFP among
your colleagues**

Luis Magdalena
ECAI2020 Publicity Chair


[Caml-list] Second Call for Participation: ICFP 2019

** The Early Registration deadline is tomorrow! **


Call for Participation

ICFP 2019
24th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
and affiliated events

August 18 - August 23, 2019
Berlin, Germany

Early Registration until July 18!


ICFP provides a forum for researchers and developers to hear
about the latest work on the design, implementations, principles, and
uses of functional programming. The conference covers the entire
spectrum of work, from practice to theory, including its peripheries.

This year, ICFP is co-located with BOBKonf!

* Overview and affiliated events:

* Program:

* Accepted papers:

* Registration is available via:
Early registration ends 18 July, 2019.

* Programming contest:

* Student Research Competition:

* Follow us on Twitter for the latest news:

In addition to BOBKonf (8/21), there are several events co-located with ICFP:

* Erlang Workshop (8/18)
* Functional Art, Music, Modeling and Design (8/23)
* Functional High-Performance and Numerical Computing (8/18)
* Haskell Implementors' Workshop (8/23)
* Haskell Symposium (8/22-8/23)
* miniKanren Workshop (8/22)
* ML Family Workshop (8/22)
* OCaml Workshop (8/23)
* Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (8/18)
* Scheme Workshop (8/18)
* Type-Driven Development (8/18)

### ICFP Organizers

General Chair: Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS, Germany)

Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs: Simon Marlow (Facebook, UK)
Industrial Relations Chair: Alan Jeffrey (Mozilla Research, USA)
Programming Contest Organiser: Ilya Sergey (Yale-NUS College, Singapore)
Publicity and Web Chair: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (Indiana University, USA)
Student Research Competition Chair: William J. Bowman (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Workshops Co-Chair: Christophe Scholliers (Universiteit Gent, Belgium)
Jennifer Hackett (University of Nottingham, UK)
Conference Manager: Annabel Satin (P.C.K.)

### PACMPL Volume 3, Issue ICFP 2019

Principal Editor: François Pottier (Inria, France)

Review Committee:

Lennart Beringer (Princeton University, United States)
Joachim Breitner (DFINITY Foundation, Germany)
Laura M. Castro (University of A Coruña, Spain)
Ezgi Çiçek (Facebook London, United Kingdom)
Pierre-Evariste Dagand (LIP6/CNRS, France)
Christos Dimoulas (Northwestern University, United States)
Jacques-Henri Jourdan (CNRS, LRI, Université Paris-Sud, France)
Andrew Kennedy (Facebook London, United Kingdom)
Daan Leijen (Microsoft Research, United States)
Kazutaka Matsuda (Tohoku University, Japan)
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (University of Hong Kong, China)
Klaus Ostermann (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Jennifer Paykin (Galois, United States)
Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Mike Rainey (Indiana University, USA)
Chung-chieh Shan (Indiana University, USA)
Sam Staton (University of Oxford, UK)
Pierre-Yves Strub (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
German Vidal (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain)

External Review Committee:

Michael D. Adams (University of Utah, USA)
Robert Atkey (University of Strathclyde, IK)
Sheng Chen (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)
James Cheney (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Adam Chlipala (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Evelyne Contejean (LRI, Université Paris-Sud, France)
Germán Andrés Delbianco (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot, France)
Dominique Devriese (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Richard A. Eisenberg (Bryn Mawr College, USA)
Conal Elliott (Target, USA)
Sebastian Erdweg (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
Michael Greenberg (Pomona College, USA)
Adrien Guatto (IRIF, Université Paris Diderot, France)
Jennifer Hackett (University of Nottingham, UK)
Troels Henriksen (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Chung-Kil Hur (Seoul National University, Republic of Korea)
Roberto Ierusalimschy (PUC-Rio, Brazil)
Ranjit Jhala (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Ralf Jung (MPI-SWS, Germany)
Ohad Kammar (University of Oxford, UK)
Oleg Kiselyov (Tohoku University, Japan)
Hsiang-Shang 'Josh' Ko (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Ondřej Lhoták (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Dan Licata (Wesleyan University, USA)
Geoffrey Mainland (Drexel University, USA)
Simon Marlow (Facebook, UK)
Akimasa Morihata (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni (Inria, France)
Kim Nguyễn (University of Paris-Sud, France)
Ulf Norell (Gothenburg University, Sweden)
Atsushi Ohori (Tohoku University, Japan)
Rex Page (University of Oklahoma, USA)
Zoe Paraskevopoulou (Princeton University, USA)
Nadia Polikarpova (University of California, San Diego, USA)
Jonathan Protzenko (Microsoft Research, USA)
Tiark Rompf (Purdue University, USA)
Andreas Rossberg (Dfinity, Germany)
KC Sivaramakrishnan (University of Cambridge, UI)
Nicholas Smallbone (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Matthieu Sozeau (Inria, France)
Sandro Stucki (Chalmers | University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Don Syme (Microsoft, UK)
Zachary Tatlock (University of Washington, USA)
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (Indiana University, USA)
Takeshi Tsukada (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Tarmo Uustalu (Reykjavik University, Iceland)
Benoit Valiron (LRI, CentraleSupelec, Univ. Paris Saclay, France)
Daniel Winograd-Cort (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Nicolas Wu (University of Bristol, UK)


[Caml-list] OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2019: Call for participation

It is my pleasure to invite participation in the OCaml Users and Developers
Workshop 2019, which is again co-located with ICFP and will be held on
Friday 23rd August, 2019 in Berlin, Germany.


Early bird registration deadline: July 18th, 2019

The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop brings together the OCaml community,
including users of OCaml in industry, academia, hobbyists and the free
software community. Previous editions have been co-located with ICFP since
2012 in Copenhagen, Boston, Gothenburg, Nara, Oxford and last year in St
Louis, following OCaml Meetings in Paris in 2010 and 2011.


Registration for the workshop day is required, but *not for the entire
conference*. There are several talks with an OCaml flavour in the ML
Workshop, which is the previous day (August 22nd). Note that although the
precise talk schedule is not yet finalised (it should be by the end of this
week), once registered for the day, it is possible to move between


We have accepted 10 talks (full details of which are both on the SIGPLAN
website and also shortly on ocaml.org) and there is an additional talk on
recent developments and plans for the compiler from Xavier Leroy. The
programme covers recent developments and plans in tooling, several
interesting experience reports and other applications of OCaml.

Program Committee

David Allsopp, University of Cambridge, UK
Raja Boujbel, OCamlPro, France
Timothy Bourke, INRIA, France
Simon Cruanes, Aesthetic Integration, USA
Emilio Jésus Gallego Arias, MINES ParisTech, France
Thomas Gazagnaire, Tarides, France
Ivan Gotovchits, CMU, USA
Hannes Mehnert, robur.io, Germany
Igor Pikovets, Ahrefs, Singapore
Thomas Refis, Jane Street Europe, UK
KC Sivaramakrishan, IIT Madras, India

Questions and contact

Please send any questions to the chair:
David Allsopp <David.Allsopp@cl.cam.ac.uk>


[Caml-list] Summer BOB 2019 2nd Call for Participation (Aug 21, Berlin, early reg until Jul 18)

Among other great talks, Xavier Leroy!

Come for BOB, stay for the OCaml and ML workshops!

Summer BOB 2019
"What happens if we simply use what's best?"
August 21, 2019, Berlin
co-located with ICFP 2019
Program: http://bobkonf.de/2019-summer/program.html
Registration: http://bobkonf.de/2019-summer/registration.html

Are you interested in technologies beyond the mainstream, that are a
pleasure to use, and effective at getting the job done?

BOB is the forum for developers, architects and builders to explore
and discover the best tools available today for building software. Our
goal is for all participants to leave the conference with new ideas to
improve development back at the ranch.

Summer BOB is a one-time-only event, in the spirit of the spectacular
Winter BOB. The International Conference on Functional Programming is
coming to town, and Summer BOB will be right in the middle of it, on
the last day of ICFP proper, prior to all the workshops. Summer BOB
will feature two tracks: one from practitioners, and one from
researchers, and foster communication and cross-pollination between
these communities.

BOB features two tracks of seven talk each: One research track with
invited talks, and one track by practitioners, designed to
cross-pollinate and inspire.


Topics include distributed programming, testing, linear algebra,
functional design patterns, type systems, formal methods, and
interactive development.

We are committed to diversity: We aim at exploring a wide range of
tools in a welcoming and friendly crowd of diverse people. To that
end, a number of support options for participants from groups
under-represented in tech are available.


NOTE: The early-bird rates expire on July 18, 2019!


[Caml-list] [TAPAS 2019] 2nd Call for Papers (extended deadline): 10th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis

[apologies for crossposting]

online version: https://easychair.org/cfp/tapas2019


10th Workshop on Tools for Automatic Program Analysis (TAPAS 2019)

8 October 2019, Porto, Portugal.

A satellite workshop of SAS 2019. Part of the 3rd World Congress on Formal Methods.

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline: 4 July 18 July 2019 (extended)
  • Notification of acceptance: 2 August 15 August
  • Final version due: 31 August 8 September
  • Workshop: 8 October
  • Post-proceedings due: 15 November (tentative)


Revised versions of selected papers will be published after the workshop by Springer in a volume of its Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), which will collect contributions to some workshops and symposia co-located with FM 2019.

The workshop will also have informal proceedings, posted on its web page.


In recent years, a wide range of static analysis tools have emerged, some of which are currently in industrial use or are well beyond the advanced prototype level. Many impressive practical results have been obtained, which allow complex properties to be proven or checked in a fully or semi-automatic way, even in the context of complex software developments. In parallel, the techniques to design and implement static analysis tools have improved significantly, and much effort is being put into engineering the tools.

This workshop is intended to promote discussions and exchange experience between users of static analysis tools and specialists in all areas of program analysis design and implementation.


The technical program of TAPAS 2019 will consist of invited lectures, together with presentations based on submitted papers or abstracts.

Submissions can cover any aspect of program analysis tools including, but not limited to the following:

  • design and implementation of static analysis tools (including practical techniques used for obtaining precision and performance)
  • components of static analysis tools (front-ends, abstract domains, etc.)
  • integration of static analyzers (in proof assistants, test generation tools, IDEs, etc.)
  • reusable software infrastructure (analysis algorithms and frameworks)
  • experience reports on the use of static analyzers (both research prototypes and industrial tools)

This workshop welcomes work in progress, overviews of more extensive work, programmatic or position papers and tool presentations.

Submission Guidelines

TAPAS 2019 welcomes the following categories of submissions:

  • Regular papers (12-15+ pages)
  • Short papers (6-8+ pages)
  • Extended abstracts (2 pages)

Please use the LNCS style, and submit via the TAPAS 2019 author interface of EasyChair.

Program Committee