7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on
Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design
Call for Papers, Demos, and Performance
Virtual, 27th August 2021
May 15 (Papers & Demos)
June 13 (Performances
Key Dates
Papers and Demos:
Paper submission deadline May 15
Author notification June 5
Camera ready June 26
Workshop August 27
Performance submission deadline June 13
Performance notification June 26
Call for Papers
After an 2020 online edition restricted to the performance session,
the ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music,
Modelling and Design (FARM) will also be held online in 2021 but open
to all tracks (paper, demo and performance). Pursuing its mission,
this 9th workshop aims to bring together people who are harnessing
functional techniques in the pursuit of creativity and artistic
FARM encourages submissions from across art, craft, and design,
including textiles, visual art, music, 3D sculpture, animation, GUIs,
video games, 3D printing and architectural models, choreography,
poetry, and even VLSI layouts, GPU configurations, or mechanical
engineering designs. Theoretical foundations, language design,
implementation issues, and applications in industry or the arts are
all within the scope of the workshop.
In addition to the main workshop, FARM hosts a traditional evening of
performances. Thus, this call encompasses both papers/demos for the
workshop (and its published proceedings) as well as performance
proposals for the evening's event. Authors are invited to make a
single submission for each. Authors may submit both a paper/demo and
performance proposal, but the submissions will be considered
We welcome submissions from academic, professional, and independent
programmers and artists. Submissions are accepted via the Submission
page on Easychair:
Paper proposals
Paper submissions are invited in three categories:
- Original research
- Overview / state of the art
- Technology tutorial (especially tools and environments for distributed artistic workflow)
All submissions must propose an original contribution to the FARM
theme. FARM is an interdisciplinary conference, so a wide range of
approaches are encouraged. An original paper should have 5 to 12
pages, be in portable document format (PDF), and use the ACM SIGPLAN
style guides and ACM SIGPLAN template (using the SIGPLAN
sub-format). Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital
Library as part of the FARM 2021 proceedings.
Authors are encouraged to submit auxiliary material for publication
along with their paper (source code, data, videos, images, etc.);
authors retain all rights to the auxiliary material.
Demo proposals
Demo proposals should describe a demonstration to be given at the FARM
workshop and its context, connecting it with the themes of FARM. A
demo could be in the form of a short (1020 minute) tutorial,
presentation of work-in-progress, an exhibition of some work, or even
a performance. Demo proposals should be in the form of an extended
abstract (500 to 2000 words). A demo proposal should be clearly marked
as such, by prepending "Demo Proposal:" to the title and proposed to
the 'paper' track. Demo proposals will be published on the FARM
Performance proposals
FARM seeks proposals for performances which employ functional
programming techniques, in whole or in part. We invite a diverse range
of functionally-themed submissions including music, video, dance, and
performance art. Both live performances and fixed-media submissions
are welcome. We encourage both risk-taking proposals that push forward
the state of the art and refined presentations of highly developed
practice. Performances will be held online.
Performance proposals should be emailed to
performance@functional-art.org, and must include: a description of the
performance (please be as specific as possible), an explanation of the
use of functional programming in the work, and a list of technical
requirements. All proposals should be supported by a link to an audio
or video example (YouTube, Vimeo, Bandcamp, etc.).
Important dates/deadlines
Submission Deadline: May, 15th
Author Notification: June, 5th
Performance Submission Deadlione: June 13th
Camera Ready: June 26th
Performance Notification: June 26
Workshop: August 27th
Authors take note
For original papers and demos, the official publication date is the
date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital
Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of
the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for
any patent filings related to published work.
All presentations at FARM 2021 will be recorded. Permission to publish
the resulting video (in all probability on YouTube, along with the
videos of ICFP itself and the other ICFP-colocated events) will be
requested on-site.
If you would have financial difficulty attending, you can apply for
conference "PAC" funds. Please get in touch for more information.
If you have any questions about what type of contributions that might
be suitable, or anything else regarding submission or the workshop
itself, please contact the organizers at: farm2021@functional-art.org.
Workshop organization
General chair: Daniel Winograd-Cort (Luminous Computing)
Program chair: Jean-Louis Giavitto (IRCAM Paris)
Publicity chair: Mike Sperber (Active Group GmbH)
Performance Chair: John MacCallum (HfMT Hamburg)
[Caml-list] 21st Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science: Call for Participation
21st Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science
MGS 21
12-16 April 2021, virtually
The annual Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing
Science (MGS) offers an intensive programme of lectures on the
mathematical foundations of computing. It addresses first of all PhD
students in their first or second year, but is open to anyone
interested in its topics, from academia to industry and around the
world. The MGS has been run since 1999 and is hosted alternately by
the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield.
MGS 21 is its 21st incarnation. Information about previous events can
be found at the MGS web site
MGS 21 consists of eight courses, each with four or five hours of
lectures and a similar number of exercise sessions. Three courses are
introductory; one is given by an invited lecturer. These should be
attended by all participants. The remaining more advanced courses
should be selected based on interest. MGS 21 aims at a mix of
livestreamed and prerecorded lectures and livestreamed exercise
sessions, with additional social online events.
Invited lectures:
Monads and Interactions
Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik
Introductory courses:
Category Theory
Jacopo Emmenegger, Birmingham
Type Theory
Thorsten Altenkirch, Nottingham
Proof Theory
Anupam Das, Birmingham
Advanced courses:
Homotopy Type Theory
Nicolai Kraus, Nottingham
Inductive and Coinductive Reasoning with Isabelle/HOL
Andrei Popescu, Sheffield
Effects and Call-by-Push-Value
Paul Levy, Birmingham
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems
Mohammad Mousavi, Leicester
In addition we are organising a session where participants can briefly
present and discuss their own research. A call will be made in March.
Participation at MGS 21 is free of charge, but selective. Requests
must be submitted online via
Registration deadline is April 1.
Please direct all queries about MGS 21 to Georg Struth.
The Sheffield organisers are
Harsh Beohar (H.Beohar@sheffield.ac.uk)
Andrei Popescu (A.Popescu@sheffield.ac.uk)
Georg Struth (G.Struth@sheffield.ac.uk)
21st Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing Science
MGS 21
12-16 April 2021, virtually
The annual Midlands Graduate School in the Foundations of Computing
Science (MGS) offers an intensive programme of lectures on the
mathematical foundations of computing. It addresses first of all PhD
students in their first or second year, but is open to anyone
interested in its topics, from academia to industry and around the
world. The MGS has been run since 1999 and is hosted alternately by
the Universities of Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham and Sheffield.
MGS 21 is its 21st incarnation. Information about previous events can
be found at the MGS web site
MGS 21 consists of eight courses, each with four or five hours of
lectures and a similar number of exercise sessions. Three courses are
introductory; one is given by an invited lecturer. These should be
attended by all participants. The remaining more advanced courses
should be selected based on interest. MGS 21 aims at a mix of
livestreamed and prerecorded lectures and livestreamed exercise
sessions, with additional social online events.
Invited lectures:
Monads and Interactions
Tarmo Uustalu, Reykjavik
Introductory courses:
Category Theory
Jacopo Emmenegger, Birmingham
Type Theory
Thorsten Altenkirch, Nottingham
Proof Theory
Anupam Das, Birmingham
Advanced courses:
Homotopy Type Theory
Nicolai Kraus, Nottingham
Inductive and Coinductive Reasoning with Isabelle/HOL
Andrei Popescu, Sheffield
Effects and Call-by-Push-Value
Paul Levy, Birmingham
Formal Modelling and Analysis of Concurrent Systems
Mohammad Mousavi, Leicester
In addition we are organising a session where participants can briefly
present and discuss their own research. A call will be made in March.
Participation at MGS 21 is free of charge, but selective. Requests
must be submitted online via
Registration deadline is April 1.
Please direct all queries about MGS 21 to Georg Struth.
The Sheffield organisers are
Harsh Beohar (H.Beohar@sheffield.ac.uk)
Andrei Popescu (A.Popescu@sheffield.ac.uk)
Georg Struth (G.Struth@sheffield.ac.uk)
[Caml-list] Final Call for Participation: BOB 2021 (February 26, online)
BOB 2021
"What happens if we simply use what's best?"
February 26, 2021, online
Program: http://bobkonf.de/2021/program.html
Registration: http://bobkonf.de/2021/registration.html
BOB conference is a place for developers, architects and decision-makers
to explore technologies beyond the mainstream in software development,
and to find the best tools available to software developers today. Our
goal is for all participants of BOB to return home with new insights
that enable them to improve their own software development
The program features 14 talks and 8 tutorials on current topics:
The subject range includes functional programming, logic programming,
revision control, formal methods, mindfulness, event sourcing,
front-end development, and more.
Jeremy Gibbons will give the keynote talk.
BOB 2021 will take place online. We are working towards fostering
lively exchange of exciting ideas and enable meaningful social
Registration is open online:
Registration is €30 for a regular ticket, €15 for a student ticket.
(If you need financial aid, let us know.) We intend to make this the
most diverse, colorful, fun BOB ever!
BOB 2021
"What happens if we simply use what's best?"
February 26, 2021, online
Program: http://bobkonf.de/2021/program.html
Registration: http://bobkonf.de/2021/registration.html
BOB conference is a place for developers, architects and decision-makers
to explore technologies beyond the mainstream in software development,
and to find the best tools available to software developers today. Our
goal is for all participants of BOB to return home with new insights
that enable them to improve their own software development
The program features 14 talks and 8 tutorials on current topics:
The subject range includes functional programming, logic programming,
revision control, formal methods, mindfulness, event sourcing,
front-end development, and more.
Jeremy Gibbons will give the keynote talk.
BOB 2021 will take place online. We are working towards fostering
lively exchange of exciting ideas and enable meaningful social
Registration is open online:
Registration is €30 for a regular ticket, €15 for a student ticket.
(If you need financial aid, let us know.) We intend to make this the
most diverse, colorful, fun BOB ever!
[Caml-list] Call for Papers: PACMPL issue ICFP 2021
PACMPL Volume 5, Issue ICFP 2021
Call for Papers
Accepted papers to be invited for presentation at
The 26th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
To Be Held Virtualy
### Important dates
Submissions due: 2 March 2021 (Tuesday) Anywhere on Earth
Author response: 20 April (Tuesday) - 23 April (Friday) 17:00 UTC
Notification: 7 May (Friday)
Final copy due: 30 June (Wednesday)
Conference: 22 August (Sunday) - 27 August (Friday)
### About PACMPL
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL
<https://pacmpl.acm.org/>) is a Gold Open Access journal publishing
research on all aspects of programming languages, from design to
implementation and from mathematical formalisms to empirical
studies. Each issue of the journal is devoted to a particular subject
area within programming languages and will be announced through
publicized Calls for Papers, like this one.
### Scope
[PACMPL](https://pacmpl.acm.org/) issue ICFP 2021 seeks original
papers on the art and science of functional programming. Submissions
are invited on all topics from principles to practice, from
foundations to features, and from abstraction to application. The
scope includes all languages that encourage functional programming,
including both purely applicative and imperative languages, as well as
languages with objects, concurrency, or parallelism. Topics of
interest include (but are not limited to):
* Language Design: concurrency, parallelism, and distribution;
modules; components and composition; metaprogramming; macros;
pattern matching; type systems; type inference; dependent types;
session types; gradual typing; refinement types; interoperability;
domain-specific languages; imperative programming; object-oriented
programming; logic programming; probabilistic programming;
reactive programming; generic programming; bidirectional
* Implementation: abstract machines; virtual machines;
interpretation; compilation; compile-time and run-time
optimization; garbage collection and memory management; runtime
systems; multi-threading; exploiting parallel hardware; interfaces
to foreign functions, services, components, or low-level machine
* Software-Development Techniques: algorithms and data structures;
design patterns; specification; verification; validation; proof
assistants; debugging; testing; tracing; profiling; build systems;
program synthesis.
* Foundations: formal semantics; lambda calculus; program
equivalence; rewriting; type theory; logic; category theory;
monads; continuations; control; state; effects; names and binding;
program verification.
* Analysis and Transformation: control flow; data flow; abstract
interpretation; partial evaluation; program calculation.
* Applications: symbolic computing; formal-methods tools; artificial
intelligence; systems programming; distributed systems and web
programming; hardware design; databases; XML processing;
scientific and numerical computing; graphical user interfaces;
graphics and multimedia; GPU programming; scripting; system
administration; security.
* Education: teaching introductory programming; parallel
programming; mathematical proof; algebra.
Submissions will be evaluated according to their relevance,
correctness, significance, originality, and clarity. Each submission
should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms,
clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is
significant, and comparing it with previous work. The technical
content should be accessible to a broad audience.
PACMPL issue ICFP 2021 also welcomes submissions in two separate
categories — Functional Pearls and Experience Reports — that must be
marked as such when submitted and that need not report original
research results. Detailed guidelines on both categories are given at
the end of this call.
Please contact the associate editor if you have questions or are
concerned about the appropriateness of a topic.
### Preparation of submissions
**Deadline**: The deadline for submissions is **Tuesday, March 2, 2021**,
Anywhere on Earth (<https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/aoe>).
This deadline will be strictly enforced.
**Formatting**: Submissions must be in PDF format, printable in black
and white on US Letter sized paper, and interpretable by common PDF
tools. All submissions must adhere to the "ACM Small" template that is
available (in both LaTeX and Word formats) from
There is a limit of **25 pages for a full paper or Functional Pearl**
and **12 pages for an Experience Report**; in either case, the
bibliography will not be counted against these limits. Submissions
that exceed the page limits or, for other reasons, do not meet the
requirements for formatting, will be summarily rejected. Supplementary
material can and should be **separately** submitted (see below).
See also PACMPL's Information and Guidelines for Authors at
**Submission**: Submissions will be accepted at <https://icfp21.hotcrp.com/>
Improved versions of a paper may be submitted at any point before the
submission deadline using the same web interface.
**Author Response Period**: Authors will have a 72-hour period,
starting at 17:00 UTC on **Tuesday, April 20, 2021**, to read reviews
and respond to them.
**Supplementary Material**: Authors have the option to attach
supplementary material to a submission, on the understanding that
reviewers may choose not to look at it. This supplementary material
should **not** be submitted as part of the main document; instead, it
should be uploaded as a **separate** PDF document or tarball.
Supplementary material should be uploaded **at submission time**, not
by providing a URL in the paper that points to an external repository.
Authors are free to upload both anonymized and non-anonymized
supplementary material. Anonymized supplementary material will be
visible to reviewers immediately; non-anonymized supplementary
material will be revealed to reviewers only after they have submitted
their review of the paper and learned the identity of the author(s).
**Authorship Policies**: All submissions are expected to comply with
the ACM Policies for Authorship that are detailed at
**Republication Policies**: Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's
republication policy, as explained on the web at
### Review Process
This section outlines the two-stage process with lightweight
double-blind reviewing that will be used to select papers for PACMPL
issue ICFP 2021. We anticipate that there will be a need to clarify
and expand on this process, and we will maintain a list of frequently
asked questions and answers on the PACMPL issue website to address
common concerns.
**PACMPL issue ICFP 2021 will employ a two-stage review process.** The
first stage in the review process will assess submitted papers using
the criteria stated above and will allow for feedback and input on
initial reviews through the author response period mentioned
previously. As a result of the review process, a set of papers will be
conditionally accepted and all other papers will be rejected.
Authors will be notified of these decisions on **May 7, 2021**.
Authors of conditionally accepted papers will be provided with
committee reviews along with a set of mandatory revisions. After four
weeks (June 4, 2021), the authors will provide a second
submission. The second and final reviewing phase assesses whether the
mandatory revisions have been adequately addressed by the authors and
thereby determines the final accept/reject status of the paper. The
intent and expectation is that the mandatory revisions can be
addressed within four weeks and hence that conditionally accepted
papers will in general be accepted in the second phase.
The second submission should clearly identify how the mandatory
revisions were addressed. To that end, the second submission must be
accompanied by a cover letter mapping each mandatory revision request
to specific parts of the paper. The cover letter will facilitate a
quick second review, allowing for confirmation of final acceptance
within two weeks. Conversely, the absence of a cover letter will be
grounds for the paper's rejection.
**PACMPL issue ICFP 2021 will employ a lightweight double-blind
reviewing process.** To facilitate this, submitted papers must
adhere to two rules:
1. **author names and institutions must be omitted**, and
2. **references to authors' own related work should be in the third
person** (e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather
"We build on the work of ...").
The purpose of this process is to help the reviewers come to an
initial judgement about the paper without bias, not to make it
impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to
try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the
submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult
(e.g., important background references should not be omitted or
anonymized). In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate
their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally
would. For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the
web or give talks on their research ideas.
### Information for Authors of Accepted Papers
* As a condition of acceptance, final versions of all papers must
adhere to the new ACM Small format. The page limit for the final
versions of papers will be increased by two pages to help authors
respond to reviewer comments and mandatory revisions: **27 pages
plus bibliography for a regular paper or Functional Pearl, 14 pages
plus bibliography for an Experience Report**.
* Authors of accepted submissions will be required to agree to one of
the three ACM licensing options: open access on payment of a fee
(**recommended**, and SIGPLAN can cover the cost as described next);
copyright transfer to ACM; or retaining copyright but granting ACM
exclusive publication rights. Further information about ACM author
rights is available from <http://authors.acm.org>.
* PACMPL is a Gold Open Access journal, and authors are encouraged to
publish their work under a CC-BY license. Gold Open Access
guarantees permanent free online access to the definitive version in
the ACM Digital Library, and the recommended CC-BY option also
allows anyone to copy and distribute the work with attribution.
Gold Open Access has been made possible by generous funding through
ACM SIGPLAN, which will cover all open access costs in the event
authors cannot. Authors who can cover the costs may do so by paying
an Article Processing Charge (APC). PACMPL, SIGPLAN, and ACM
Headquarters are committed to exploring routes to making Gold Open
Access publication both affordable and sustainable.
* ACM offers authors a range of copyright options, one of which is
Creative Commons CC-BY publication; this is the option recommended
by the PACMPL editorial board. A reasoned argument in favour of this
option can be found in the article [Why
CC-BY?](https://oaspa.org/why-cc-by/) published by OASPA, the Open
Access Scholarly Publishers Association.
* ACM Author-Izer is a unique service that enables ACM authors to
generate and post links on either their home page or institutional
repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their
articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge. Downloads
through Author-Izer links are captured in official ACM statistics,
improving the accuracy of usage and impact
measurements. Consistently linking to the definitive version of an
ACM article should reduce user confusion over article
versioning. After an article has been published and assigned to the
appropriate ACM Author Profile pages, authors should visit
<http://www.acm.org/publications/acm-author-izer-service> to learn
how to create links for free downloads from the ACM DL.
* The official publication date is the date the papers are made
available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to *two
weeks prior* to the first day of the conference. The official
publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related
to published work.
* Authors of each accepted submission are invited to attend and be
available for the presentation of that paper at the conference. The
schedule for presentations will be determined and shared with authors
after the full program has been selected.
### Artifact Evaluation
Authors of papers that are conditionally accepted in the first phase
of the review process will be encouraged (but not required) to submit
supporting materials for Artifact Evaluation. These items will then be
reviewed by an Artifact Evaluation Committee, separate from the paper
Review Committee, whose task is to assess how the artifacts support
the work described in the associated paper. Papers that go through the
Artifact Evaluation process successfully will receive a seal of
approval printed on the papers themselves. Authors of accepted papers
will be encouraged to make the supporting materials publicly available
upon publication of the papers, for example, by including them as
"source materials" in the ACM Digital Library. An additional seal
will mark papers whose artifacts are made available, as outlined in
the ACM guidelines for artifact badging.
Participation in Artifact Evaluation is voluntary and will not
influence the final decision regarding paper acceptance.
### Special categories of papers
In addition to research papers, PACMPL issue ICFP solicits two kinds
of papers that do not require original research contributions:
Functional Pearls, which are full papers, and Experience Reports,
which are limited to half the length of a full paper. Authors
submitting such papers should consider the following guidelines.
#### Functional Pearls
A Functional Pearl is an elegant essay about something related to
functional programming. Examples include, but are not limited to:
* a new and thought-provoking way of looking at an old idea
* an instructive example of program calculation or proof
* a nifty presentation of an old or new data structure
* an interesting application of functional programming techniques
* a novel use or exposition of functional programming in the classroom
While pearls often demonstrate an idea through the development of a
short program, there is no requirement or expectation that they do
so. Thus, they encompass the notions of theoretical and educational
Functional Pearls are valued as highly and judged as rigorously as
ordinary papers, but using somewhat different criteria. In particular,
a pearl is not required to report original research, but, it should be
concise, instructive, and entertaining. A pearl is likely to be
rejected if its readers get bored, if the material gets too
complicated, if too much specialized knowledge is needed, or if the
writing is inelegant. The key to writing a good pearl is polishing.
A submission that is intended to be treated as a pearl must be marked
as such on the submission web page, and should contain the words
"Functional Pearl" somewhere in its title or subtitle. These steps
will alert reviewers to use the appropriate evaluation
criteria. Pearls will be combined with ordinary papers, however, for
the purpose of computing the conference's acceptance rate.
#### Experience Reports
The purpose of an Experience Report is to help create a body of
published, refereed, citable evidence that functional programming
really works -- or to describe what obstacles prevent it from
Possible topics for an Experience Report include, but are not limited to:
* insights gained from real-world projects using functional programming
* comparison of functional programming with conventional programming
in the context of an industrial project or a university curriculum
* project-management, business, or legal issues encountered when
using functional programming in a real-world project
* curricular issues encountered when using functional programming in
* real-world constraints that created special challenges for an
implementation of a functional language or for functional
programming in general
An Experience Report is distinguished from a normal PACMPL issue ICFP
paper by its title, by its length, and by the criteria used to
evaluate it.
* Both in the papers and in any citations, the title of each
accepted Experience Report must end with the words "(Experience
Report)" in parentheses. The acceptance rate for Experience
Reports will be computed and reported separately from the rate for
ordinary papers.
* Experience Report submissions can be at most 12 pages long,
excluding bibliography.
* Each Experience Report accepted to the PACMPL issue will be
presented at the conference, but depending on the number of
Experience Reports and regular papers accepted, authors of
Experience reports may be asked to give shorter talks.
* Because the purpose of Experience Reports is to enable our
community to accumulate a body of evidence about the efficacy of
functional programming, an acceptable Experience Report need not
add to the body of knowledge of the functional-programming
community by presenting novel results or conclusions. It is
sufficient if the Report states a clear thesis and provides
supporting evidence. The thesis must be relevant to the PACMPL
issue, but it need not be novel.
The review committee will accept or reject Experience Reports based on
whether they judge the evidence to be convincing. Anecdotal evidence
will be acceptable provided it is well argued and the author explains
what efforts were made to gather as much evidence as
possible. Typically, more convincing evidence is obtained from papers
which show how functional programming was used than from papers which
only say that functional programming was used. The most convincing
evidence often includes comparisons of situations before and after the
introduction or discontinuation of functional programming. Evidence
drawn from a single person's experience may be sufficient, but more
weight will be given to evidence drawn from the experience of groups
of people.
An Experience Report should be short and to the point: it should make
a claim about how well functional programming worked on a particular
project and why, and produce evidence to substantiate this claim. If
functional programming worked in this case in the same ways it has
worked for others, the paper need only summarize the results;
the main part of the paper should discuss how well it worked and in
what context. Most readers will not want to know all the details of
the project and its implementation, but the paper should characterize
the project and its context well enough so that readers can judge to
what degree this experience is relevant to their own projects. The
paper should take care to highlight any unusual aspects of the
project. Specifics about the project are more valuable than
generalities about functional programming; for example, it is more
valuable to say that the team delivered its software a month ahead of
schedule than it is to say that functional programming made the team
more productive.
If the paper not only describes experience but also presents new
technical results, or if the experience refutes cherished beliefs of
the functional-programming community, it may be better to submit it as
a full paper, which will be judged by the usual criteria of novelty,
originality, and relevance. The associate editor will be happy to
advise on any concerns about which category to submit to.
### ICFP Organizers
General Chair: Sukyoung Ryu (KAIST, South Korea)
Accessibility Co-Chairs: Lindsey Kuper (UC Santa Cruz, USA), Kathrin
Stark (Princeton University, USA)
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs: Gabriel Scherer (INRIA Saclay, France),
Brent Yorgey (Hendrix College, USA)
Industrial Relations Co-Chairs: Alan Jeffrey (Roblox, USA),
Simon Marlow (Facebook, England)
Programming Contest Co-Organisers: Alex Lang, Jasper Van der Jeugt
(Fugue, Switzerland)
Publicity and Web Chair: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (Indiana University, USA)
Student Research Competition Chair: Anders Miltner (University of
Texas, USA)
Student Volunteer Co-Chairs: Lily Bryant (University of British
Columbia, Canada), Jaemin Hong (KAIST, South Korea), Hanneli Tavante
(McGill University, Canada)
Video Co-Chairs: Leif Andersen (Northeastern University, USA),
Benjamin Chung (Northeastern University, USA)
Workshops Co-Chairs: Leonidas Lampropoulos (University of Maryland, USA),
Zoe Paraskevopoulou (Princeton University, USA)
### PACMPL Volume 5, Issue ICFP 2021
Associate Editor: Ronald Garcia, (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Review Committee:
Zena Ariola (University of Oregon, USA)
Stephanie Balzer (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Matteo Cimini (UMass Lowell, USA)
Youyou Cong (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Harley Eades (University of Augusta, USA)
Andrew Gordon (Microsoft Research & University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Benjamin Greenman (Brown University, USA)
Arjun Guha (Northeastern University, USA)
Jurriaan Hage (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Favonia (University of Minnesota, USA)
Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue University, USA)
Patricia Johann (Appalachian State University, USA)
Ralf Jung (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Heriot-Watt, Scotland)
Leonidas Lampropoulos (University of Maryland, USA)
Kazutaka Matsuda (Tohoku University, Japan)
Akimasa Morihata (Univeristy of Tokyo, Japan)
Stefan Muller (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Max New (Wesleyan University, USA)
Rishiyur Nikhil (Bluespec , USA)
Cyrus Omar (University of Michigan, USA)
Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
Norman Ramsey (Tufts University, USA)
Christine Rizkallah (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Taro Sekiyama (National Institute for Informatics, Japan)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Japan)
Amin Timany (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University, USA)
Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Call for Papers
Accepted papers to be invited for presentation at
The 26th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
To Be Held Virtualy
### Important dates
Submissions due: 2 March 2021 (Tuesday) Anywhere on Earth
Author response: 20 April (Tuesday) - 23 April (Friday) 17:00 UTC
Notification: 7 May (Friday)
Final copy due: 30 June (Wednesday)
Conference: 22 August (Sunday) - 27 August (Friday)
### About PACMPL
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL
<https://pacmpl.acm.org/>) is a Gold Open Access journal publishing
research on all aspects of programming languages, from design to
implementation and from mathematical formalisms to empirical
studies. Each issue of the journal is devoted to a particular subject
area within programming languages and will be announced through
publicized Calls for Papers, like this one.
### Scope
[PACMPL](https://pacmpl.acm.org/) issue ICFP 2021 seeks original
papers on the art and science of functional programming. Submissions
are invited on all topics from principles to practice, from
foundations to features, and from abstraction to application. The
scope includes all languages that encourage functional programming,
including both purely applicative and imperative languages, as well as
languages with objects, concurrency, or parallelism. Topics of
interest include (but are not limited to):
* Language Design: concurrency, parallelism, and distribution;
modules; components and composition; metaprogramming; macros;
pattern matching; type systems; type inference; dependent types;
session types; gradual typing; refinement types; interoperability;
domain-specific languages; imperative programming; object-oriented
programming; logic programming; probabilistic programming;
reactive programming; generic programming; bidirectional
* Implementation: abstract machines; virtual machines;
interpretation; compilation; compile-time and run-time
optimization; garbage collection and memory management; runtime
systems; multi-threading; exploiting parallel hardware; interfaces
to foreign functions, services, components, or low-level machine
* Software-Development Techniques: algorithms and data structures;
design patterns; specification; verification; validation; proof
assistants; debugging; testing; tracing; profiling; build systems;
program synthesis.
* Foundations: formal semantics; lambda calculus; program
equivalence; rewriting; type theory; logic; category theory;
monads; continuations; control; state; effects; names and binding;
program verification.
* Analysis and Transformation: control flow; data flow; abstract
interpretation; partial evaluation; program calculation.
* Applications: symbolic computing; formal-methods tools; artificial
intelligence; systems programming; distributed systems and web
programming; hardware design; databases; XML processing;
scientific and numerical computing; graphical user interfaces;
graphics and multimedia; GPU programming; scripting; system
administration; security.
* Education: teaching introductory programming; parallel
programming; mathematical proof; algebra.
Submissions will be evaluated according to their relevance,
correctness, significance, originality, and clarity. Each submission
should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms,
clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is
significant, and comparing it with previous work. The technical
content should be accessible to a broad audience.
PACMPL issue ICFP 2021 also welcomes submissions in two separate
categories — Functional Pearls and Experience Reports — that must be
marked as such when submitted and that need not report original
research results. Detailed guidelines on both categories are given at
the end of this call.
Please contact the associate editor if you have questions or are
concerned about the appropriateness of a topic.
### Preparation of submissions
**Deadline**: The deadline for submissions is **Tuesday, March 2, 2021**,
Anywhere on Earth (<https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/aoe>).
This deadline will be strictly enforced.
**Formatting**: Submissions must be in PDF format, printable in black
and white on US Letter sized paper, and interpretable by common PDF
tools. All submissions must adhere to the "ACM Small" template that is
available (in both LaTeX and Word formats) from
There is a limit of **25 pages for a full paper or Functional Pearl**
and **12 pages for an Experience Report**; in either case, the
bibliography will not be counted against these limits. Submissions
that exceed the page limits or, for other reasons, do not meet the
requirements for formatting, will be summarily rejected. Supplementary
material can and should be **separately** submitted (see below).
See also PACMPL's Information and Guidelines for Authors at
**Submission**: Submissions will be accepted at <https://icfp21.hotcrp.com/>
Improved versions of a paper may be submitted at any point before the
submission deadline using the same web interface.
**Author Response Period**: Authors will have a 72-hour period,
starting at 17:00 UTC on **Tuesday, April 20, 2021**, to read reviews
and respond to them.
**Supplementary Material**: Authors have the option to attach
supplementary material to a submission, on the understanding that
reviewers may choose not to look at it. This supplementary material
should **not** be submitted as part of the main document; instead, it
should be uploaded as a **separate** PDF document or tarball.
Supplementary material should be uploaded **at submission time**, not
by providing a URL in the paper that points to an external repository.
Authors are free to upload both anonymized and non-anonymized
supplementary material. Anonymized supplementary material will be
visible to reviewers immediately; non-anonymized supplementary
material will be revealed to reviewers only after they have submitted
their review of the paper and learned the identity of the author(s).
**Authorship Policies**: All submissions are expected to comply with
the ACM Policies for Authorship that are detailed at
**Republication Policies**: Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's
republication policy, as explained on the web at
### Review Process
This section outlines the two-stage process with lightweight
double-blind reviewing that will be used to select papers for PACMPL
issue ICFP 2021. We anticipate that there will be a need to clarify
and expand on this process, and we will maintain a list of frequently
asked questions and answers on the PACMPL issue website to address
common concerns.
**PACMPL issue ICFP 2021 will employ a two-stage review process.** The
first stage in the review process will assess submitted papers using
the criteria stated above and will allow for feedback and input on
initial reviews through the author response period mentioned
previously. As a result of the review process, a set of papers will be
conditionally accepted and all other papers will be rejected.
Authors will be notified of these decisions on **May 7, 2021**.
Authors of conditionally accepted papers will be provided with
committee reviews along with a set of mandatory revisions. After four
weeks (June 4, 2021), the authors will provide a second
submission. The second and final reviewing phase assesses whether the
mandatory revisions have been adequately addressed by the authors and
thereby determines the final accept/reject status of the paper. The
intent and expectation is that the mandatory revisions can be
addressed within four weeks and hence that conditionally accepted
papers will in general be accepted in the second phase.
The second submission should clearly identify how the mandatory
revisions were addressed. To that end, the second submission must be
accompanied by a cover letter mapping each mandatory revision request
to specific parts of the paper. The cover letter will facilitate a
quick second review, allowing for confirmation of final acceptance
within two weeks. Conversely, the absence of a cover letter will be
grounds for the paper's rejection.
**PACMPL issue ICFP 2021 will employ a lightweight double-blind
reviewing process.** To facilitate this, submitted papers must
adhere to two rules:
1. **author names and institutions must be omitted**, and
2. **references to authors' own related work should be in the third
person** (e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather
"We build on the work of ...").
The purpose of this process is to help the reviewers come to an
initial judgement about the paper without bias, not to make it
impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to
try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the
submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult
(e.g., important background references should not be omitted or
anonymized). In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate
their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally
would. For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the
web or give talks on their research ideas.
### Information for Authors of Accepted Papers
* As a condition of acceptance, final versions of all papers must
adhere to the new ACM Small format. The page limit for the final
versions of papers will be increased by two pages to help authors
respond to reviewer comments and mandatory revisions: **27 pages
plus bibliography for a regular paper or Functional Pearl, 14 pages
plus bibliography for an Experience Report**.
* Authors of accepted submissions will be required to agree to one of
the three ACM licensing options: open access on payment of a fee
(**recommended**, and SIGPLAN can cover the cost as described next);
copyright transfer to ACM; or retaining copyright but granting ACM
exclusive publication rights. Further information about ACM author
rights is available from <http://authors.acm.org>.
* PACMPL is a Gold Open Access journal, and authors are encouraged to
publish their work under a CC-BY license. Gold Open Access
guarantees permanent free online access to the definitive version in
the ACM Digital Library, and the recommended CC-BY option also
allows anyone to copy and distribute the work with attribution.
Gold Open Access has been made possible by generous funding through
ACM SIGPLAN, which will cover all open access costs in the event
authors cannot. Authors who can cover the costs may do so by paying
an Article Processing Charge (APC). PACMPL, SIGPLAN, and ACM
Headquarters are committed to exploring routes to making Gold Open
Access publication both affordable and sustainable.
* ACM offers authors a range of copyright options, one of which is
Creative Commons CC-BY publication; this is the option recommended
by the PACMPL editorial board. A reasoned argument in favour of this
option can be found in the article [Why
CC-BY?](https://oaspa.org/why-cc-by/) published by OASPA, the Open
Access Scholarly Publishers Association.
* ACM Author-Izer is a unique service that enables ACM authors to
generate and post links on either their home page or institutional
repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their
articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge. Downloads
through Author-Izer links are captured in official ACM statistics,
improving the accuracy of usage and impact
measurements. Consistently linking to the definitive version of an
ACM article should reduce user confusion over article
versioning. After an article has been published and assigned to the
appropriate ACM Author Profile pages, authors should visit
<http://www.acm.org/publications/acm-author-izer-service> to learn
how to create links for free downloads from the ACM DL.
* The official publication date is the date the papers are made
available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to *two
weeks prior* to the first day of the conference. The official
publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related
to published work.
* Authors of each accepted submission are invited to attend and be
available for the presentation of that paper at the conference. The
schedule for presentations will be determined and shared with authors
after the full program has been selected.
### Artifact Evaluation
Authors of papers that are conditionally accepted in the first phase
of the review process will be encouraged (but not required) to submit
supporting materials for Artifact Evaluation. These items will then be
reviewed by an Artifact Evaluation Committee, separate from the paper
Review Committee, whose task is to assess how the artifacts support
the work described in the associated paper. Papers that go through the
Artifact Evaluation process successfully will receive a seal of
approval printed on the papers themselves. Authors of accepted papers
will be encouraged to make the supporting materials publicly available
upon publication of the papers, for example, by including them as
"source materials" in the ACM Digital Library. An additional seal
will mark papers whose artifacts are made available, as outlined in
the ACM guidelines for artifact badging.
Participation in Artifact Evaluation is voluntary and will not
influence the final decision regarding paper acceptance.
### Special categories of papers
In addition to research papers, PACMPL issue ICFP solicits two kinds
of papers that do not require original research contributions:
Functional Pearls, which are full papers, and Experience Reports,
which are limited to half the length of a full paper. Authors
submitting such papers should consider the following guidelines.
#### Functional Pearls
A Functional Pearl is an elegant essay about something related to
functional programming. Examples include, but are not limited to:
* a new and thought-provoking way of looking at an old idea
* an instructive example of program calculation or proof
* a nifty presentation of an old or new data structure
* an interesting application of functional programming techniques
* a novel use or exposition of functional programming in the classroom
While pearls often demonstrate an idea through the development of a
short program, there is no requirement or expectation that they do
so. Thus, they encompass the notions of theoretical and educational
Functional Pearls are valued as highly and judged as rigorously as
ordinary papers, but using somewhat different criteria. In particular,
a pearl is not required to report original research, but, it should be
concise, instructive, and entertaining. A pearl is likely to be
rejected if its readers get bored, if the material gets too
complicated, if too much specialized knowledge is needed, or if the
writing is inelegant. The key to writing a good pearl is polishing.
A submission that is intended to be treated as a pearl must be marked
as such on the submission web page, and should contain the words
"Functional Pearl" somewhere in its title or subtitle. These steps
will alert reviewers to use the appropriate evaluation
criteria. Pearls will be combined with ordinary papers, however, for
the purpose of computing the conference's acceptance rate.
#### Experience Reports
The purpose of an Experience Report is to help create a body of
published, refereed, citable evidence that functional programming
really works -- or to describe what obstacles prevent it from
Possible topics for an Experience Report include, but are not limited to:
* insights gained from real-world projects using functional programming
* comparison of functional programming with conventional programming
in the context of an industrial project or a university curriculum
* project-management, business, or legal issues encountered when
using functional programming in a real-world project
* curricular issues encountered when using functional programming in
* real-world constraints that created special challenges for an
implementation of a functional language or for functional
programming in general
An Experience Report is distinguished from a normal PACMPL issue ICFP
paper by its title, by its length, and by the criteria used to
evaluate it.
* Both in the papers and in any citations, the title of each
accepted Experience Report must end with the words "(Experience
Report)" in parentheses. The acceptance rate for Experience
Reports will be computed and reported separately from the rate for
ordinary papers.
* Experience Report submissions can be at most 12 pages long,
excluding bibliography.
* Each Experience Report accepted to the PACMPL issue will be
presented at the conference, but depending on the number of
Experience Reports and regular papers accepted, authors of
Experience reports may be asked to give shorter talks.
* Because the purpose of Experience Reports is to enable our
community to accumulate a body of evidence about the efficacy of
functional programming, an acceptable Experience Report need not
add to the body of knowledge of the functional-programming
community by presenting novel results or conclusions. It is
sufficient if the Report states a clear thesis and provides
supporting evidence. The thesis must be relevant to the PACMPL
issue, but it need not be novel.
The review committee will accept or reject Experience Reports based on
whether they judge the evidence to be convincing. Anecdotal evidence
will be acceptable provided it is well argued and the author explains
what efforts were made to gather as much evidence as
possible. Typically, more convincing evidence is obtained from papers
which show how functional programming was used than from papers which
only say that functional programming was used. The most convincing
evidence often includes comparisons of situations before and after the
introduction or discontinuation of functional programming. Evidence
drawn from a single person's experience may be sufficient, but more
weight will be given to evidence drawn from the experience of groups
of people.
An Experience Report should be short and to the point: it should make
a claim about how well functional programming worked on a particular
project and why, and produce evidence to substantiate this claim. If
functional programming worked in this case in the same ways it has
worked for others, the paper need only summarize the results;
the main part of the paper should discuss how well it worked and in
what context. Most readers will not want to know all the details of
the project and its implementation, but the paper should characterize
the project and its context well enough so that readers can judge to
what degree this experience is relevant to their own projects. The
paper should take care to highlight any unusual aspects of the
project. Specifics about the project are more valuable than
generalities about functional programming; for example, it is more
valuable to say that the team delivered its software a month ahead of
schedule than it is to say that functional programming made the team
more productive.
If the paper not only describes experience but also presents new
technical results, or if the experience refutes cherished beliefs of
the functional-programming community, it may be better to submit it as
a full paper, which will be judged by the usual criteria of novelty,
originality, and relevance. The associate editor will be happy to
advise on any concerns about which category to submit to.
### ICFP Organizers
General Chair: Sukyoung Ryu (KAIST, South Korea)
Accessibility Co-Chairs: Lindsey Kuper (UC Santa Cruz, USA), Kathrin
Stark (Princeton University, USA)
Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs: Gabriel Scherer (INRIA Saclay, France),
Brent Yorgey (Hendrix College, USA)
Industrial Relations Co-Chairs: Alan Jeffrey (Roblox, USA),
Simon Marlow (Facebook, England)
Programming Contest Co-Organisers: Alex Lang, Jasper Van der Jeugt
(Fugue, Switzerland)
Publicity and Web Chair: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (Indiana University, USA)
Student Research Competition Chair: Anders Miltner (University of
Texas, USA)
Student Volunteer Co-Chairs: Lily Bryant (University of British
Columbia, Canada), Jaemin Hong (KAIST, South Korea), Hanneli Tavante
(McGill University, Canada)
Video Co-Chairs: Leif Andersen (Northeastern University, USA),
Benjamin Chung (Northeastern University, USA)
Workshops Co-Chairs: Leonidas Lampropoulos (University of Maryland, USA),
Zoe Paraskevopoulou (Princeton University, USA)
### PACMPL Volume 5, Issue ICFP 2021
Associate Editor: Ronald Garcia, (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Review Committee:
Zena Ariola (University of Oregon, USA)
Stephanie Balzer (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Matteo Cimini (UMass Lowell, USA)
Youyou Cong (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Harley Eades (University of Augusta, USA)
Andrew Gordon (Microsoft Research & University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Benjamin Greenman (Brown University, USA)
Arjun Guha (Northeastern University, USA)
Jurriaan Hage (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Favonia (University of Minnesota, USA)
Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue University, USA)
Patricia Johann (Appalachian State University, USA)
Ralf Jung (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Heriot-Watt, Scotland)
Leonidas Lampropoulos (University of Maryland, USA)
Kazutaka Matsuda (Tohoku University, Japan)
Akimasa Morihata (Univeristy of Tokyo, Japan)
Stefan Muller (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Max New (Wesleyan University, USA)
Rishiyur Nikhil (Bluespec , USA)
Cyrus Omar (University of Michigan, USA)
Brigitte Pientka (McGill University, Canada)
Norman Ramsey (Tufts University, USA)
Christine Rizkallah (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Taro Sekiyama (National Institute for Informatics, Japan)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Japan)
Amin Timany (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Mitchell Wand (Northeastern University, USA)
Steve Zdancewic (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
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