
[Caml-list] Second and Final Call for Submissions: Programming Languages and the Law (ProLaLa)


   ProLaLa 2022 -- 1st Workshop on Programming Languages and the Law

                       Sunday Jan 16th, 2022
                         Philadelphia, PA
                     co-located with POPL 2022


                    (please forward to anyone who might be interested!)

We are pleased to announce ProLaLa'22, a new workshop concerned with the
intersection of PL (Programming Languages) techniques and the law. We
are particularly concerned with the following topics:

- language design for legal matters;
- static analysis of legal texts;
- program synthesis and repair for legal software components;
- formal modeling of legal semantics;
- non-standard logics in support of legal reasoning;
- program verification for legal expert systems.

If you have explored any of these areas, we encourage you to submit a
short abstract. We are hoping to solidify around this workshop what we
believe is a nascent community. As such, the workshop will be informal,
and we strongly encourage you to submit ongoing or already-published
work in the form of a brief 3-page submission for a long talk, or a
1-page submission for a short talk.

Full details:

### Venue

ProLaLa will be colocated with POPL'22. If POPL'22 goes virtual, we will
be virtual too. If POPL'22 happens in-person, we will support hybrid
(in-person and remote) participation.

### Submission details

We accept two kinds of submissions.
- Long talks: 3 pages excluding references
- Short talks: 1 page excluding references

No formatting requirements. We recommend using SIGPLAN's two-column
LaTeX format if possible.

Submission site: https://prolala22.hotcrp.com/

### Important dates

- Thu 28 Oct 2021: Submission deadline
- Thu 11 Nov 2021: Notification of acceptance
- Sun 16 Jan 2022: Workshop

## Program committee

- Timos Antonopoulos, Yale University
- Joaquin Arias, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and IMDEA Software
Institute, Spain
- Shrutarshi Basu, Cornell University, USA
- Nate Foster, Cornell University, USA
- James Grimmelmann, Cornell University, USA
- Sarah Lawsky (Co-Chair), Northwestern University, USA
- Denis Merigoux, INRIA, France
- Ruzica Piskac, Yale University, USA
- Jonathan Protzenko (Co-Chair), Microsoft Research, USA
- Giovanni Sartor, University of Bologna, Italy
- Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Kanae Tsushima, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Meng Weng Wong, Singapore Management University, Singapore