
[Caml-list] PLMW@ICFP'24: Call for Participation (travel funding application by June 21)

ACM SIGPLAN Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop (PLMW) at ICFP 24, Milan, Italy

Workshop: Monday, September 2, 2024
Website: https://icfp24.sigplan.org/home/PLMW-ICFP-2024

PLMW is a workshop co-located with ICFP 2024 (the International Conference on Functional Programming) in Milan, Italy, from September 2-7.

The purpose of this mentoring workshop is to encourage graduate students and senior undergraduate students to pursue careers in programming language research. This workshop will bring together world leaders in programming languages research and teaching from academia and industry to help students imagine how they might contribute to our research community. Topics will range from the abstract (e.g., what is PL research and how does one become involved in it) to the concrete (e.g., how to navigate an academic conference, how to pick a research area) as well as technical talks on cutting-edge topics.

We especially encourage women and underrepresented minority students, and people with disabilities to attend PLMW.

This workshop is part of the activities surrounding ICFP, and takes place the day before the main conference. One goal of the workshop is to make the ICFP conference more accessible to newcomers. We hope that participants will stay through the entire conference.

Note that ICFP and PLMW are planned to be largely in-person events. While we recognize that travel to conferences is not easy for everyone, we do hope you will be able to join us in person to get the most out of the conference and its community-building aspects.

A number of sponsors have generously donated scholarship funds for qualified students to attend PLMW. These scholarships can cover expenses (airfare, hotel, and registration fees) for attendance at both the workshop and the ICFP conference.

Students attending this year will get one year free student membership of SIGPLAN, unless they prefer to opt out during their application.

The workshop registration is open to all. Students with alternative sources of funding are welcome as well.



For full consideration for scholarship funding, please apply at the link below by June 21, AoE. We will notify accepted attendees in a rolling fashion until all funding is committed.

The application can be accessed at the following URL  (Apply by June 21, 2024 AOE for full consideration!):


[Caml-list] POPL 2025: First Call for Papers (deadline: July 11 AOE)

Dear all,

Please find below the Call for Papers for the POPL 2025 conference. We would be grateful if you could help distribute this call among your networks.

Many thanks!

Ningning Xie
POPL 2025 Publicity Chair

PACMPL Issue POPL 2025 seeks contributions on all aspects of programming languages and programming systems, both theoretical and practical. Authors of papers published in PACMPL Issue POPL 2025 will be invited to present their work in the POPL conference in January 2025, which is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and ACM SIGLOG.

POPL 2025 Website: https://conf.researchr.org/home/POPL-2025

Call for Papers: https://conf.researchr.org/track/POPL-2025/POPL-2025-popl-research-papers#POPL-2025-Call-for-Papers

Double-Blind Review FAQ: https://conf.researchr.org/track/POPL-2025/POPL-2025-popl-research-papers#FAQ-on-Double-Blind-Reviewing

### Organization

Conference Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Conference Dates: January 19-25, 2025

General Chair: Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania

Program Chair: Armando Solar-Lezama, MIT

Program Committee: https://conf.researchr.org/committee/POPL-2025/POPL-2025-popl-research-papers-program-committee

### Important Dates

All the times/deadlines below are Anywhere on Earth (AoE) in 2024.

Submission deadline: July 11

### Scope

Principles of Programming Languages (POPL) is a forum for the discussion of all aspects of programming languages and programming systems. Both theoretical and experimental papers are welcome, on topics ranging from formal frameworks to experience reports. We seek submissions that make principled, enduring contributions to the theory, design, understanding, implementation, or application of programming languages.

### Evaluation Criteria

The Review Committee will evaluate the technical contribution of each submission as well as its accessibility to both experts and the general POPL audience. All papers will be judged on significance, originality, relevance, correctness, and clarity. Each paper must explain its scientific contribution in both general and technical terms, identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work. Advice on writing technical papers can be found on the SIGPLAN author information page: https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/.

Deadlines and formatting requirements, detailed below, will be strictly enforced.

### Double-Blind Reviewing Process

POPL 2025 will use a full double-blind reviewing process (similar to the one used for POPL 2023 and 2024 but different from the lightweight double-blind process used in previous years). This means that identities of authors will not be made visible to reviewers until after conditional-acceptance decisions have been made, and then only for the conditionally-accepted papers. The use of full double-blind reviewing has several consequences for authors.

* **Submissions**: Authors must omit their names and institutions from their paper submissions. In addition, references to authors' own prior work should be in the third person (e.g., not "We build on our previous work …" but rather "We build on the work of …").

* **Supplementary material**: Authors are permitted to provide supplementary material (e.g., detailed proofs, proof scripts, system implementations, or experimental data) along with their submission, which reviewers may (but are not required to) examine. This material may take the form of a single file, such as a PDF or a tarball. Authors must fully anonymize any supplementary material.

* **Author response**: In responding to reviews, authors should not say anything that reveals their identity, since author identities will not be revealed to reviewers at that stage of the reviewing process.

* **Dissemination of work under submission**: Authors are welcome to disseminate their ideas and post draft versions of their paper(s) on their personal website, institutional repository, or arXiv (reviewers will be asked to turn off arXiv notifications during the review period). But authors should not take steps that would almost certainly reveal their identities to members of the Program Committee, e.g., directly contacting PC members or publicizing the work on widely-visible social media or major mailing lists used by the community.

The purpose of the above restrictions is to help the Program Committee and external reviewers come to a judgment about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors' identities if they were to try. In particular, nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the quality of the submission.

However, there are occasionally cases where adhering to the above restrictions is truly difficult or impossible for one reason or another. In such cases, the authors should contact the Program Chair to discuss the situation and how to handle it.

The FAQ on Double-Blind Reviewing addresses many common scenarios and answers many common questions about this topic. But there remain many grey areas and trade-offs. If you have any doubts about how to interpret the double-blind rules or you encounter a complex case that is not clearly covered by the FAQ, please contact the Program Chair for guidance.

### Evaluation Process

Like last year, POPL 2025 will use a double-blind reviewing process (instead of the lightweight double-blind process used in recent years). This means that identities of authors will not be visible to reviewers until after conditional-acceptance decisions have been made. For authors, the main change is that there is no option to upload non-anonymized supplementary material; only anonymized supplementary material may be submitted.

POPL 2025 will have five Associate Chairs who will help the PC Chair monitor reviews, solicit external expert reviews for submissions when there is not enough expertise on the committee, and facilitate reviewer discussions.

As in previous years, authors will have a multi-day period to respond to reviews, as indicated in the Important Dates table. Responses are optional. A response must be concise, addressing specific points raised in the reviews; in particular, it must not introduce new technical results. Reviewers will write a short reaction to these author responses.

The Review Committee (RC) will discuss papers electronically, and will use synchronous virtual meetings to discuss any papers for which there is disagreement among reviewers, in some cases soliciting additional input from other experts in the committee. There is no formal External Review Committee, though experts outside the committee may be consulted for some papers. Reviews will be accompanied by a short summary of the reasons behind the committee's decision with the goal of clarifying the reasons behind the decision.

To conform with ACM requirements for journal publication, all POPL papers will be conditionally accepted; authors will be required to submit a short description of the changes made to the final version of the paper, including how the changes address any requirements imposed by the Review Committee. That the changes are sufficient will be confirmed by the original reviewers prior to acceptance to POPL. Authors of conditionally accepted papers must submit a satisfactory revision to the Review Committee by the requested deadline or risk rejection.

For additional information about the reviewing process, see: [Principles of POPL](https://www.sigplan.org/Conferences/POPL/Principles/), a presentation of the underlying organizational and reviewing policies for POPL. For POPL 2025, policies specified in this Call for Papers supersede those in the Principles of POPL document.

### Submission Site Information

The submission site is https://popl25.hotcrp.com.

Authors can submit multiple times prior to the deadline. Only the last submission will be reviewed. There is no abstract deadline. The submission site requires entering author names and affiliations, relevant topics, and potential conflicts. Addition or removal of authors after the submission deadline will need to be approved by the Program Chair (as this kind of change potentially undermines the goal of eliminating conflicts during paper assignment).

The submission deadline is 11:59PM July 11, 2024 anywhere on earth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anywhere_on_Earth

### Conflicts of Interest

For each submission, the authors must make sure that they properly declare all potential conflicts of interest for all of the authors of that submission. This includes marking PC conflicts as well as "Other Conflicts (external)". A conflict caught late in the reviewing process leads to a voided review which may be infeasible to replace.

Conflicts should be declared between an adviser and an advisee (e.g., Ph.D., post-doc; forever), between an author and a co-author (papers and proposals; for two years), between people at the same institution (branches of large companies or different locations of research institutes are considered to be the same institution; for two years after leaving an institution), between people with financial conflicts of interest, and between friends or relatives.

Please do not declare spurious conflicts: such incorrect conflicts are especially harmful if the aim is to exclude potential reviewers, so spurious conflicts can be grounds for rejection. If you are unsure about a conflict, please consult the Program Chair.

### Submission Guidelines

Prior to the paper submission deadline, authors should upload their full anonymized paper. Here are some key requirements concerning paper submissions:

* Each paper should have no more than **25 pages of text, excluding bibliography**, using the PACMPL format (specifically, the `acmart` LaTeX class with `acmsmall` option). It is a single-column page layout with a 10 pt font, 12 pt line spacing, and wider margins than recent POPL page layouts. In this format, the main text block is 5.478 in (13.91 cm) wide and 7.884 in (20.03 cm) tall. Use of a different format (e.g., smaller fonts or a larger text block) is grounds for summary rejection. The PACMPL template for LaTeX can be found at the [SIGPLAN author information page](https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/), and further information about PACMPL submissions can be found on the [PACMPL author guidelines page](https://dl.acm.org/journal/pacmpl/author-guidelines). PACMPL does not support submissions in Microsoft Word.

* We strongly encourage use of the `review` and `screen` options in order to make submissions easier to review.

* (**NEW this year**) Authors may choose which citation format they wish to use, which can be either author-year (the mandate for final versions in previous years) or numeric.

* Submissions should be in PDF and printable on both US Letter and A4 paper. Papers may be resubmitted to the submission site multiple times up until the deadline, but the last version submitted before the deadline will be the version reviewed.

* Submitted papers must adhere to the [SIGPLAN Republication Policy](https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication/) and the [ACM Policy on Plagiarism](https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/plagiarism-overview). Concurrent paper submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals, or similar forums of publication are not allowed.

* Authors are free to submit supplementary material along with their submissions, but it must be fully anonymized.

* Authors must list all their conflicts of interest (both PC conflicts and external conflicts) in the HotCRP submission form.

* Authors may include additional information in a field of the HotCRP submission form labeled "Confidential Comments for the Program Chair". This information need not be anonymized. It can be used to inform the Program Chair, for example, about sensitive issues concerning a conflict with a PC member or about supplementary material that cannot be anonymized. It is left to the discretion of the Program Chair what to do with this information.

* If for some reason an author feels uncomfortable discussing a sensitive issue with the Program Chair (or communicating via the "Confidential Comments" field in HotCRP), they should feel free to get in touch instead with any of the Associate Chairs, with whom they can discuss the issue in confidence.

* Submissions from PC members (except the Program Chair) are permitted and will not be handled any differently than other submissions. This is in accordance with a recent change in policy approved by the SIGPLAN Executive Committee: SIGPLAN conferences that use full double-blind review and whose PCs have at least 50 members need not hold PC submissions to a higher standard.

### Artifact Evaluation for Accepted Papers

Authors of conditionally accepted papers will be invited to formally submit supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process. Artifact Evaluation is run by a separate committee whose task is to assess how the artifacts support the work described in the papers. Artifact submission is strongly encouraged but voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding the papers. Papers that go through the Artifact Evaluation process successfully will receive a seal of approval printed on the papers themselves. Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to make these materials publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, by including them as "source materials" in the ACM Digital Library.

### Copyright, Publication, and Presentation

As a Gold Open Access journal, PACMPL is committed to making peer-reviewed scientific research free of restrictions on both access and (re-)use. Authors are strongly encouraged to support libre open access by licensing their work with the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which grants readers liberal (re-)use rights.

Authors of accepted papers will be required to choose one of the following publication rights:

* Author licenses the work with a [Creative Commons license](https://creativecommons.org/), retains copyright, and (implicitly) grants ACM non-exclusive permission to publish (suggested choice).
* Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM a non-exclusive permission to publish license.
* Author retains copyright of the work and grants ACM an exclusive permission to publish license.
* Author transfers copyright of the work to ACM.

These choices follow from ACM Copyright Policy and ACM Author Rights, corresponding to ACM's "author pays" option. While PACMPL may ask authors who have funding for open-access fees to voluntarily cover the article processing charge (currently, US$400), payment is not required for publication. PACMPL and SIGPLAN continue to explore the best models for funding open access, focusing on approaches that are sustainable in the long-term while reducing short-term risk.

All papers will be archived by the ACM Digital Library. Authors will have the option of including supplementary material with their paper. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

Authors of accepted papers are required to give a short talk (roughly 25 minutes long) at the conference, according to the conference schedule. However, authors who cannot attend in person will be provided with some option for remote presentation, as well as some mechanism for remote interaction with conference participants.

### Distinguished Paper Awards

At most 10% of the accepted papers of POPL 2025 will be designated as Distinguished Papers. This award highlights papers that the Review Committee thinks should be read by a broad audience due to their relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. The selection of the distinguished papers will be made based on the final version of the paper and through an additional review process.


[Caml-list] Attn: Development Editor, Latest OCaml Weekly News

OCaml Weekly News

Previous Week Up Next Week


Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of May 07 to 14, 2024.

Some code for Molecular Mechanics in OCaml

UnixJunkie announced

Recently, I released a bunch of code for some Molecular Mechanics calculations in OCaml.

This is pretty much at the beta stage for the moment.


Maybe in the future I will create a proper library to encapsulate the Mol and Mol2 modules in there; they allow to perform some operations on small molecules.

For those interested, there is a partial implementation of the Universal Force Field (UFF) in there; only the part concerning non-bonded interactions.

OCaml.org Newsletter: April 2024

Sabine Schmaltz announced

Welcome to the April 2024 edition of the OCaml.org newsletter! This update has been compiled by the OCaml.org team. You can find previous updates on Discuss.

Our goal is to make OCaml.org the best resource for anyone who wants to get started and be productive in OCaml. The OCaml.org newsletter provides an update on our progress towards that goal and an overview of the changes we are working on.

We couldn't do it without all the amazing people who help us review, revise, and create better OCaml documentation and work on issues. Your participation enables us to so much more than we could just by ourselves. Thank you!

This newsletter covers:

  • OCaml Cookbook: We shipped a new, community-driven section in the Learn area. Help us make it really useful by contributing and reviewing recipes for common tasks!
  • Community & Marketing Pages Rework: We have UI designs for the reworked and new pages of the community section and are starting work to implement these.
  • General Improvements: As usual, we also worked on general maintenance and improvements, so we're highlighting some of the work that happened below.

Open Issues for Contributors

You can find open issues for contributors here!

Here's some new (and as of time of writing this newsletter still open) issues that were opened this month:

The OCaml Cookbook

We shipped a new, community-driven section in the Learn area: the OCaml Cookbook!

The OCaml Cookbook is a place where OCaml developers share how to solve common tasks using packages from the ecosystem.

A task is something that needs to be done inside a project. A recipe is a code sample and explanations on how to perform a task using a combination of open source libraries.

The Cookbook now live at ocaml.org/cookbook, but there are not a lot of recipes published yet.

Here's how we need your help:

  1. Help review open pull requests for cookbook recipes!
  2. Contribute new recipes and tasks for the cookbook!
  3. Suggest improvements to existing recipes and the UI.

Relevant PRs and Activities:

Community & Marketing Pages Rework

We have UI designs for the reworked and new pages of the community section and are starting work to implement these. We are opening small issues for contributors to help. :orange_heart:

Relevant PRs and Activities:

General Improvements and Data Additions

Relevant PRs and Activities:

Example of using LSP server in Emacs

Tim McGilchrist announced

I wrote a blog post about my setup https://lambdafoo.com/posts/2022-09-07-ocaml-with-emacs-2022.html The only change I've made is to use envrc-mode rather than direnv-mode.

Dune Developer Experience Feedback Form

ostera announced

The Dune team at Tarides is looking to get inputs from all of you to improve the Dune DX (developer experience), so we've opened a small, anonymous, unstructured feedback form to hear your ideas on how Dune could be improved :camel:

We're looking forward to your ideas! :sparkles:

DkML 2.1.1

jbeckford announced

Use https://ocaml.org/install if you are a first-time user (the install steps haven't changed).

The upgrade steps and release notes are available at https://gitlab.com/dkml/distributions/dkml/-/releases/2.1.1. For those who are on 2.1.0, the upgrade is the following in PowerShell:

  1..6 | % {  @("bash","sh","with-dkml","ocamllsp","git","opam","dune","ocamlrun") | % { taskkill /F /IM "$_.exe" }; Start-Sleep 1 }  winget upgrade dkml  

Major Changes

  • The opam repository is fixed to commit 6c3f73f42890cc19f81eb1dec8023c2cd7b8b5cd for stability. If you need a new version of a package and can't wait for the next version of DkML, you can pin that package's url (recommended) or float the opam repository with opam repository set-url default git+https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository.git#main.
  • Windows SDK 10.0.22621.0 and VC 17.8 (14.38) added to allowed list. This supports Visual Studio 2022, especially for GitLab CI.
  • New supported package: tiny_httpd


Package What Issue
base_bigstring.v16.0 Implement memmem for Windows https://github.com/janestreet/base_bigstring/issues/6
core_kernel.v0.16.0 MSVC fix didn't make it to 0.16.0 https://github.com/janestreet/core_kernel/pull/107

Upgraded Packages

Package From To
dune (et al) 3.12.1 3.15.0
ocaml 4.14.0 4.14.2
ocamlformat (et al) 0.25.1 0.26.1
odoc 2.2.0 2.4.1
odoc-parser 2.0.0 2.4.1
lsp (et al) 1.16.2 1.17.0
mdx 2.3.0 2.4.1
ctypes (et al) 0.19.2-windowssupport-r7 0.19.2-windowssupport-r8
tiny_httpd   0.16

Thanks to OCaml Software Foundation for sponsoring DkML!

A May update on wasm_of_ocaml

Jan Midtgaard announced

Spring is over us and several months have passed since we last shared an update on WebAssembly compilation.


wasm_of_ocaml is a compiler from OCaml bytecode to WebAssembly, similar to js_of_ocaml from which it was forked. wasm_of_ocaml offers a functional, almost drop-in replacement for js_of_ocaml - with better performance.

For now, the compiler targets a JavaScript-hosted WebAssembly engine. The produced code furthermore requires the following Wasm extensions to run:

Platform support

wasm_of_ocaml news

Since the last update in December

  • Jérôme gave a talk about wasm_of_ocaml at the INRIA Cambium seminar - slides available here
  • Olivier Nicole joined the wasm_of_ocaml effort
  • Jérôme and Olivier visited Jane Street to help them adopt wasm_of_ocaml

Notable features

  • Sourcemap support was added ocaml-wasm/wasm_of_ocaml#27
  • A first implementation of separate compilation was completed ocaml-wasm/wasm_of_ocaml#36
    • One can compile cmo and cma files, producing intermediate archive files
    • Then the files can be linked together: relevant Wasm modules are put in a directory, and JavaScript code is generated to load them and link them together
  • Store long-lived toplevel values into globals ocaml-wasm/wasm_of_ocaml#30
    • The initialization code produced by wasm_of_ocaml can be large and contain a large number of variables. This is challenging to both binaryen tools and the Wasm engines. The problem can be alleviated by storing long-lived toplevel values into global variables. As an side benefit, many closures can be statically allocated (since their free variables are now stored in globals), which again can provide performance improvements in the remaining parts of the code.
  • Tuple syntax changes ocaml-wasm/wasm_of_ocaml#31
    • Prepared the switch to the new version of binaryen, which has small syntax changes
  • Use the JS String Builtins proposal for string conversions when available ocaml-wasm/wasm_of_ocaml#33
  • Improve the WAT (Wasm text format) output to be more readable ocaml-wasm/wasm_of_ocaml#34
    • Name local variables (they were just numbered) and use shorter names (the names used to be systematically suffixed to ensure they were unique).

Other features and fixes

Binaryen fixes

  • PR: wasm-merge: check that the types of imports and exports match. WebAssembly/binaryen#6437
    • Improved binaryen's linker to check that the types of imports and exports match. Found a type mismatch in the wasm_of_ocaml runtime this way.
  • PR: Fixes regarding explicit names WebAssembly/binaryen#6466
    • The name of some module components were lost during module linking
  • PR: Fix writing of data segment names in name section WebAssembly/binaryen#6462
    • Binaryen could actually generate a malformed name section

OCaml 5.2.0 released

octachron announced

The OCaml team has the pleasure of celebrating the birthday of Inge Lehmann by announcing the release of OCaml version 5.2.0.

Some of the highlights in OCaml 5.2.0 are:

  • Re-introduced GC compaction
    GC compaction can now be manually triggered by calling Gc.compact () manually. This is expected to be particularly useful for programs that wish to release memory to the operating system after a temporary memory-intensive phase.
  • Restored native backend for POWER 64 bits
    With this restored backend, all 64 bits architecture supported in OCaml 4 are supported bin OCaml 5
  • Thread sanitizer support
    Thread sanitizer is a dynamic data race detector which instrument memory accesses to detect and explain data races at execution time. Since the instrumentation is costly (with a 2x to 7x slowdown), it must be enabled with the ocaml-option-tsan configuration flag. (The reference manual contains more information on how to use TSAN.)
  • New Dynarray module
    This new standard library module provides a standard implementation for resizeable array, which is guaranteed to be memory safe even in presence of data races.
  • New -H flag for hidden include directories
    This new flag makes it possible for build tools to split cleanly dependencies between direct (the dependencies explicitly added by the project) and indirect dependencies (the dependencies introduced by the direct dependencies) without the quirks of previous implementations.
  • Project-wide occurence metadata support for developer tools
    When compiling a module with the -bin-annot and -bin-annot-occurrences flags, the compiler stores in the .cmt file an index of all occurences of values, types, modules, …
  • Raw identifiers
    To improve OCaml upward-compatibility, there is a new syntax for lowercase identifiers, let \#if = 0, which works even if the identifier is a keyword in some OCaml versions. This change has been adopted in OCaml 5.2 in preparation of the introduction of the effect keyword in OCaml 5.3
  • Local open in type expressions
    Local open are now allowed in type expression: val (+): Int64.(t -> t -> t).

And a lot of incremental changes:

  • Around 20 new functions in the standard library besides the new Dynarray module (in the Array, Float, Format, Fun, In_channel, Out_channel, and Random modules )
  • Many fixes and improvements in the runtime
  • Many bug fixes

OCaml 5.2.0 is still a somewhat experimental release compared to the OCaml 4.14 branch. In particular

  • The Windows MSVC port is still unavailable.
  • Ephemeron performances need to be investigated.
  • statmemprof is being tested in the developer branch of OCaml.
  • There are a number of known runtime concurrency or GC performance bugs (that trigger under rare circumstances).

Since the Windows MSVC port and statmemprof are still missing, the maintenance support for OCaml 4.14 will be extended until at least the end of the year.

Please report any unexpected behaviours on the OCaml issue tracker and post any questions or comments you might have here on discuss.

The full list of changes can be found in the changelog below.

Installation Instructions

The base compiler can be installed as an opam switch with the following commands:

  opam update  opam switch create 5.2.0  

The source code for the release candidate is also directly available on:

Fine-Tuned Compiler Configuration

If you want to tweak the configuration of the compiler, you can switch to the option variant with:

  opam update  opam switch create <switch_name> ocaml-variants.5.1.0+options <option_list>  

where <option_list> is a space separated list of ocaml-option-* packages. For instance, for a flambda and no-flat-float-array switch:

  opam switch create 5.2.0+flambda+nffa ocaml-variants.5.2.0+options ocaml-option-flambda ocaml-option-no-flat-float-array  

OCaml 5.2.0 Changelog (13 May 2024)

(Changelog elided to reduce message size. Please follow the archive link above for the full message.)


If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe to the caml-list.


[Caml-list] Remainder: OCaml Workshop @ ICFP'24: submission deadline in 1 month

Dear OCaml users,

This is a small remainder that there is one month left until the
submission deadline for the OCaml Workshop colocated with ICFP'24!

We are looking forward to all kind of submissions, be it research-,
user- or community-oriented, and the submission format is quite flexible
(~2 pages long), so don't hesitate to send us your work!

The important dates:
Talk proposal submission deadline: May 30th (Thursday)
Author notification: July 4th (Thursday)
Workshop: September 7th (Saturday)

(See below for the original announcement with further details.)

Your OCaml workshop organizers,
Sonja and Armaël

> This year, ICFP (the International Conference on Functional Programming)
> is going to take place in beautiful Milan.
> Such as every year since 2012, on the last day of that conference, i.e.
> on September 7th (Saturday), we'll hold a workshop on OCaml. The
> workshop is intended to cover all different kinds of aspects of the
> OCaml programming language as well as the OCaml ecosystem and its
> community, such as scientific and/or research-oriented, engineering
> and/or user-oriented, as well as social and/or community-oriented.
> ## Call for talk proposals
> The call for talk proposals for the workshop is open:
> https://icfp24.sigplan.org/home/ocaml-2024#Call-for-Papers
> ### Dates
> Here are the important dates:
> Talk proposal submission deadline: May 30th (Thursday)
> Author notification: July 4th (Thursday)
> Workshop: September 7th (Saturday)
> ### Submissions
> Submissions are typically around 2 pages long (flexible), describing the
> motivations of the work and what the presentation would be about.
> We encourage everyone who might be interested in giving a talk to submit
> a proposal! We truly mean everyone, and also have strongly anyone in
> mind who belongs to a group that's traditionally underrepresented at
> OCaml workshops, e.g. due to your gender(s) or non-gender, where you're
> from or based or whatever other kinds of characteristics you might have.
> You should all be able to find all information you'll need to submit a
> proposal on the official call for talk proposals. However, if you have
> any question, don't hesitate to ask us.
> ### Quota on accepted talks per affiliation
> Even though none of us is a fan of quotas, last year's workshop
> experimented with a quota of a maximum of four talks given by speakers
> with the same company/university/institute affiliation. In order to
> guarantee a coverage of a diverse range of topics and perspectives,
> we'll experiment with the same affiliation quota again.
> Do not hesitate to submit your talk proposal in any case: quotas, if
> needed, will be taken into account by the PC after reviewing all
> submissions, so there's no reason to self-select upfront.
> ## About the workshop itself
> So far, we've only talked about talk proposals and formalities. The
> really exciting part will be the workshop itself! It's going to be a
> whole-day workshop and, similarly to previous years, it's likely going
> to have four sessions of about four talks each. It's a rather informal
> and interactive environment, where people engage in all kinds of
> conversations about OCaml during the breaks and after the workshop.
> ### Hybrid attendance and cost for speakers
> We're aiming to make the workshop hybrid with the same streaming
> modalities as last year, meaning that talks as well as participation can
> be either in-person or remote, and remote attendance will be free. To
> promote a good atmosphere, communication and engagement, we prefer to
> have most talks in-person, but remote talks will be most welcome as well.
> We know that giving the talk in-person comes with an economic cost.
> We're very happy to announce that thanks to the OCaml Software
> Foundation, registration fees will be covered for speakers in case they
> can't get them funded by other means (e.g. their employer).
> We will do our best to provide the best workshop experience possible for
> remote participants, within the constraints of the hybrid format. While
> attending in-person does come with advantages, it also comes with an
> environmental cost, and we strongly support transitioning to a less
> plane-intensive organization for conferences and community events.
> ### Related events
> The day before the OCaml workshop, i.e. Sep 6th (Friday), is the day of
> the ML workshop (https://icfp24.sigplan.org/home/mlworkshop-2024), with
> focus on more theoretical aspects of OCaml and the whole family of ML
> languages in general. The ML workshop has already been announced on the
> OCaml discuss
> (https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/call-for-presentations-ml-2024-acm-sigplan-ml-family-workshop/14284)
> and tends to be very interesting for OCaml lovers as well.
> We're looking forward to the the talk submissions and to the workshop!
> Let us know if you have any questions.
> Sonja Heinze and Armaël Guéneau