ACSD 2009
9th International Conference on
Application of Concurrency to System Design
1-3 July 2009
University of Augsburg, Germany
*** Paper deadline: 4 January 2009 ***
Notification of acceptance: 10 March 2009
Final version due: 10 April 2009
The International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD) serves as a forum for disseminating theoretical results with application potential and advanced methods and tools for the design of complex concurrent systems. While there are already quite a few success stories in the field, there is still a strong need to bring theory and practice closer together. The conference aims at cross-fertilizing both theoretical and applied research on topics including, but not limited to, the following:
* Design methods, tools and techniques based on models of computation and concurrency (data-flow models, communicating automata, Petri nets, process algebras, state charts, MSCs, etc.), (performance) analysis, verification, testing and synthesis.
* Hardware / software co-design, platform-based design, component-based design, refinement techniques, hardware / software abstractions, co-simulation and verification.
* Synchronous and asynchronous design, asynchronous circuits, globally asynchronous locally synchronous systems, interface design, multi-clock systems, functional and timing verification.
* Concurrency issues in Systems on Chips, massively parallel architectures, networks on chip, task and communication scheduling, resource, memory and power management, fault-tolerance and Quality of Service issues.
* (Industrial) case studies of general interest, gaming applications, consumer electronics and multimedia, automotive systems, (bio-)medical applications, internet and grid computing, etc.
* Concurrency issues in ad-hoc, mobile and wireless networking, sensor networks, communication protocols, cross-layer optimization, resource and power management, fault-tolerance, concurrency-related security issues.
* Business process modelling, simulation and verification, (distributed) workflow execution, business process (de-)composition, interorganisational and heterogeneous workflow systems, computer-supported collaborative work systems, web services.
* Synthesis and control of concurrent systems, (compositional) modelling and design, (modular) synthesis and analysis, distributed simulation and implementation, (distributed) controller synthesis, adaptive systems, supervisory control.
Programme Committee Co-Chairs
Stephen Edwards (Columbia University, USA)
Walter Vogler (Augsburg University, Germany)
Organizing Chair
Robert Lorenz (Augsburg Unversity, Germany)
Steering Committee
Alex Yakovlev (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK), Chair
Benoit Caillaud (IRISA, France)
Jordi Cortadella (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
J�rg Desel (Katholische Universit�t Eichst�tt-Ingolstadt, Germany)
Alex Kondratyev (Cadence, USA)
Luciano Lavagno (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
Antti Valmari (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Programme Committee
Wil van der Aalst (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Twan Basten (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Marius Bozga (VERIMAG, France)
Manfred Broy (Technische Universit�t M�nchen, Germany)
Benoit Caillaud (IRISA, France)
Gianfranco Ciardo (University of California at Riverside, USA)
Zhenhua Duan (Xidian University, China)
Stephen Edwards (Columbia University, USA), co-chair
Marc Geilen (TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Keijo Heljanko (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Petr Jancar (Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)
Ryszard Janicki (McMaster University, Canada)
Mark Josephs (London South Bank University, UK)
Gabriel Juhas (Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia)
Victor Khomenko (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK)
Erwin de Kock (NXP Semiconductors, The Netherlands)
Fabrice Kordon (Universite Paris 6, France)
Maciej Koutny (Newcastle University, UK)
Antonin Kucera (Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic)
Charles Lakos (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Elizabeth Leonard (Naval Research Labs, Washington, DC, USA)
Johan Lilius (TUCS and Abo Akademi University, Finland)
Lin Liu (University of South Australia, Australia)
Robert Lorenz (Universit�t Augsburg, Germany), organizing chair
Ricardo Machado (Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Mohammad Mousavi (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Rocco De Nicola (Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Italy)
Jens Palsberg (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Doron Peled (University of Warwick, UK)
Elisabeth Pelz (Universite Paris 12, France)
Wojciech Penczek (Polish Acad of Science and Univ of Podlasie)
Laure Petrucci (Universite Paris 13, France)
S. Ramesh (GM Research Lab, India)
Jean-Francois Raskin (Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Anders Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Sandeep Shukla (Virginia Tech, USA)
Jean-Pierre Talpin (IRISA, France)
Irek Ulidowski (Leicester University, UK)
Antti Valmari (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Walter Vogler (Universit�t Augsburg, Germany), co-chair
Karsten Wolf (Universit�t Rostock, Germany)
Tomohiro Yoneda (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Wenhui Zhang (ISCAS, China)
Wlodek Zuberek (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada)
Regular Papers
Regular papers should be in IEEE Computer Society Press 2-column format (, see also the Formatting section from Information for Authors of the webpage, and should be submitted via Easychair. Both long papers (7 to 10 pages) and short papers (5 to 6 pages) can be submitted. Authors submitting long papers should indicate in their submission whether they would be prepared to reduce the length of their submissions to 6 pages on the recommendation of the programme committee.The cover page should include the corresponding author, physical and e-mail addresses, phone and FAX numbers, and an abstract of at most 60 words. The deadline for submission of regular papers is 4 January 2008. Papers will also be accepted up to 10 January 2008, so long as the cover page (including title and abstract) is submitted by 4 January 2008. Submitted papers should describe original work that has not been previously published and is not under review for publication elsewhere. More information can be obtained through the conference web-pages.
Tool Papers
Tool papers should be in IEEE Computer Society Press 2-column format (, see also the Formatting section from Information for Authors of the webpage, with no more than 5 pages, and should be submitted via Easychair.The cover page should include the corresponding author, physical and e-mail addresses, phone and FAX numbers, and an abstract of at most 60 words. The references should include a link to the tool-homepage, where it can be downloaded. The deadline for submission of tool papers is 4 January 2008. Papers will also be accepted up to 10 January 2008, so long as the cover page (including title and abstract) is submitted by 4 January 2008. Acceptance of a tool paper implies that a tool demonstration should be given at the conference. For facility arrangements and questions, please contact
Proceedings containing accepted regular papers, tool papers and invited papers are planned to be published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Best Paper Award
A best paper award will be given to the author(s) of the best regular paper presented at ACSD 2009.
Special Issue Fundamenta Informaticae
Best papers of ACSD will be considered for publication in extended and revised form in a special issue of the journal Fundamenta Informaticae.
Organizing Committee
Robert Lorenz (organizing chair)
Christian K�lbl (secretary, web pages)
Markus Huber (technical support, communication)
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