Final Call for Papers
7th International Symposium on
Trento, Italy, September 16-18th, 2009
In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation,
program development and verification, artificial intelligence, knowledge
representation, and automated reasoning, there is an obvious need for
using specialized formalisms and inference mechanisms for special
tasks. In order to be usable in practice, these specialized systems
must be combined with each other, and they must be integrated into
general purpose systems. The development of general techniques and
methods for the combination and integration of special formally defined
systems, as well as for the analysis and modularization of complex
systems has been initiated in many areas. The International Symposium
on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FROCOS) traditionally focuses on
this type of research questions and activities and aims at promoting
progress in the field.
Like its predecessors, FROCOS'09 wants to offer a common forum for
research activities in the general area of combination, modularization
and integration of systems (with emphasis on logic-based ones), and of
their practical use.
Typical topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* combinations of logics such as combined predicate, temporal, modal,
or epistemic logics;
* combinations and modularity in ontologies;
* combination of decision procedures, of satisfiability procedures,
and of CS techniques;
* combinations and modularity in term rewriting;
* integration of equational and other theories into deductive systems;
* combination of deduction systems and computer algebra;
* integration of data structures into CLP formalisms and deduction processes;
* hybrid methods for deduction, resolution and constraint propagation;
* hybrid systems in knowledge representation and natural language semantics;
* combined logics for distributed and multi-agent systems;
* logical aspects of combining and modularizing programs and specifications.
* Alessandro Armando, University of Genoa, Italy
* Thomas Eiter, TU Wien, Austria
* Boris Motik, Oxford University, UK
* Ashish Tiwari, SRI International, USA
Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with refereed proceedings. Selection criteria include
accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of
results, and quality of presentation. All submissions will be subject
to academic peer review by at least three members of the program
committee. For each accepted paper, at least one author is required to
attend the conference to present the paper.
Papers must be edited in LATEX using the llncs style and be submitted
electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair system:
The page limit in Springer LNCS style is 16 pages.
Prospective authors are required to register a title and an abstract a
week before the paper submission deadline (see below).
Further information about paper submission is available at FROCOS'09 web page.
The proceedings of FroCoS'09 will be published by Springer-Verlag in
the LNAI/LNCS series.
Abstract submission deadline: April 26th, 2009
Full paper submission deadline: May 3rd, 2009
Notification of acceptance: June 8th, 2009
Camera Ready Copy: June 22th, 2009
Conference: September 16-18th 2009
- Silvio Ghilardi, University of Milano, Italy
- Roberto Sebastiani, University of Trento, Italy
- Franz Baader, T.U. Dresden, Germany
- Peter Baumgartner, NICTA, Camberra, Australia
- Torben Brauner, Roskilde University, DK
- Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research, USA
- Bernhard Gramlich, T.U. Wien, Austria
- Sava Krstic, Intel Corporation, USA
- Viktor Kuncak, E.P.F. Lausanne, Switzerland
- Albert Oliveras, T.U. of Catalonia, Spain
- Silvio Ranise, University of Verona, Italy
- Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA, Nancy, France
- Ulrike Sattler, Univ. of Manchester, UK
- Renate Schmidt, Univ. of Manchester, UK
- Luciano Serafini, FBK-Irst, Italy
- Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, MPI, Saarbruken, Germany
- Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa, USA
- Frank Wolter, University of Liverpool, UK
- Michael Zakharyaschev, London Knowledge Lab, UK
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