2st Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE'09)
Structured Interactions
Satellite workshop of CONCUR 2009
31th of August 2009
Bologna, Italy
Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is intended as a series
of international scientific meetings oriented to researchers in
various fields of theoretical computer science. The timeliness and
novelty of these events relies both on the variety of the topics that
will be treated on each event and on the adopted paper selection
Every experience will focus on a different specific topic which
affects several areas of computer science. A thorough scientific
debate among PC and authors of submitted papers will parallel the
reviewing process. After the paper selection phase, papers will be
published on the web and the discussion will be extended to
perspective participants.
-- Scope of ICE'09 --
The general scope is to include theoretical and applied aspects of
interactions and the synchronization mechanisms used among actors of
concurrent/distributed systems. The workshop intends to attract
researchers interested in models, verification, tools, and programming
primitives concerning such structured interactions.
The theme of ICE09 will be structured interactions by which we mean
the class of synchronisations that go beyond the "simple"
point-to-point synchronisations. A few examples of such structured
interactions are: multicast or broadcast synchronisations,
even-notification based interactions, time dependent interactions,
distributed transactions, stateless/statefull interactions.
Not only structured interactions have been studied "in isolation", but
researchers have also considered mutual relations and theoretical
frameworks featuring uniform representations and/or co-existence of
different structured interactions.
As a matter of fact, different structured interactions are typically
required when specifying views of a distributed system or when
considering it at different levels of abstraction. For instance,
multicast or broadcast interactions (desirable at a high level of
abstraction) have to be mapped on more basic kind of interactions like
point-to-point asynchronous synchronisations.
The interest in such interactions is growing due to the recent trend
in providing abstractions that allow one to master the complexity of
distributed systems. Remarkable research lines in this area are the
use of types or behavioural equivalences to guarantee properties of
concurrent/distributed systems (eg., progress properties) or the use
of model-driven approaches in order to achieve correctness "by
construction" (eg., graceful termination), or else the relations among
interactions, mobility and spatial aspects (eg., bigraphs).
-- Topics --
Topics of interest include, but shall not be limited to:
- models, logic and types for structured interactions;
- expressiveness results;
- timed and hybrid interactions;
- verification, analysis and tools;
- programming primitives for structured interactions;
- structured interactions as coordination mechanisms;
- structured interactions inspired by emerging computational models (systems
biology, quantum computing, etc.).
-- Selection Procedure --
The workshop proposes an innovative paper selection mechanism based on
an interactive discussion amongst authors and PC members. As shown by
the past edition of ICE, this considerably improves the quality of the
papers, the reviews and the discussion during the workshop. We
continue by detailing the selection procedure.
After the submission deadline expires, each PC member selects a number
of suitable papers to review before the start of the discussion
phase. At the beginning of the discussion, each submitted paper is
published on a Wiki and associated with a discussion forum whose
access will be restricted to the authors and to all the PC
members. The latter will be able to post comments/questions which the
authors will reply to (authors will obviously have access only to
forums associated with their own papers). Thus, the discussion on
forums (and hence the reviewing process of papers) may be enhanced by
the additional comments of interested PC members.
-- The Public Wiki --
After the notification, the accepted papers will be published on a
public forum, the rationale being to initiate public discussions that
will trigger and stimulate the scientific debate of the workshop. We
argue that this will drive the workshop discussions and let
perspective participants to interact with each other well in advance
with respect to the modus operandi of more traditional events.
-- Submission Guidelines --
Papers must report previously unpublished work and not be submitted to
another conference/workshops with refereed proceedings. Programme
Committee members, barring the co-chairs, may (and indeed are
encouraged) to contribute. Accepted papers must be presented at the
workshop by one of the authors.
There is no specific page limit, but authors should strive for
brevity. Details of the submission mechanism will follow in due
-- Dissemination --
The ICE09 post-proceeding will be published in a novel series:
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science.
-- Important Dates --
- Abstract submission: 29 May 2009
- Submission deadline: 5 June 2009
- Reviews due: 26 June 2009
- Discussion: from 29 June to 11 July 2009
- Notification to authors: 13 July 2009
- Workshop: 31 August 2009
-- Program Committee --
* Simon Bliudze (CEA LIST, France)
* Eduardo Bonelli (LIFIA, University of LaPlata, Argentina)
* Andrea Bracciali (University of Pisa, Italy)
* Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, Italy)
* Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Bob Coecke (Oxford University, UK)
* Vincent Danos (University of Edinburgh, UK)
* Erik de Vink (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
* Georgios Fainekos (NEC Laboratories, USA)
* Goran Frehse (Universite Joseph Fourier Grenoble 1 - Verimag,France)
* Carlo A. Furia (ETH Zuerich, Switzerland)
* Fabio Gadducci (University of Pisa, Italy)
* Ichiro Hasuo (Kyoto University, Japan)
* Thomas Hildebrandt (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
* Daniel Hirschkoff (ENS, Lyon, France)
* Barbara Koenig (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)
* Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna, Italy)
* Hernan Melgratti (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
* Dimitris Mostrous (Imperial College, London, UK)
* Madhavan Mukund (Chennai mathematical Institute, India)
* Dejan Nickovic (EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland)
* Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, Austria)
* Hugo Torres Vieira (New University of Lisbon, Portugal)
* Angelo Troina (University of Torino, Italy)
* Herbert Wiklicky (Imperial College, London, UK)
* Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College, London, UK)
-- Invited Speakers --
- Farhad Arbab (CWI)
- Doron Peled (Bar Ilan University)
-- ICEcreamers --
- Filippo Bonchi (CWI)
- Davide Grohmann (Universita' di Udine)
- Paola Spoletini (Politecnico di Milano)
- Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester)
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