
[Caml-list] ICECCS 2015 (Gold Coast): 2nd call for papers

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Call for Papers

(The 20th International Conference on Engineering of
Complex Computer Systems)

December 9-12, 2015

Gold Coast, Australia


* Abstract submission: June 7th, 2015
* Paper submission deadline: June 21st, 2015
* Notification of acceptance: September 6th, 2015
* Camera-ready material for publication: September 20th, 2015
* Checking for Production: September 30th, 2015

* Workshop proposal submission: July 5th, 2015

* Conference date: December 9th-12th, 2015

The twentieth International Conference on Engineering of Complex
Computer Systems (ICECCS 2015) will be held in the Gold Coast,
Australia, 9-12 December, 2015.

Complex computer systems are present in every aspect of human
activities, ranging from construction, communications, defense, finance,
health care, manufacturing and transportation. Complexity arises from
many factors, including the dynamic environments and scenarios these
systems operate in; demanding and sometimes conflicting requirements in
functionality, efficiency, scalability, security, dependability and
adaptability; as well as the large variation in development methodology,
programming languages and implementation details.

This twentieth edition of the ICECCS conference series aims to bring
together industrial, academic, and government experts, from a variety of
application domains and software disciplines, to discuss how the
disciplines' problems and solution techniques interact within the whole
system. Researchers, practitioners, tool developers and users, and
technology transfer experts are all welcome. The scope of interest
includes long-term research issues; near-term requirements and
challenges; established complex systems; emerging promising tools; and
retrospective and prospective reflections of research and development
into complex systems.

* Colin Fidge Queensland University of Technology, Australia
* Mounir Mokhtari, CNRS & Institut Mines-Telecom, France
* Jun Sun, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished
research results, case studies and tools. Papers are solicited in all
areas related to complex computer-based systems, including causes of
complexity and means of measuring, avoiding, controlling, or coping with
complexity. Topic areas include, but are not limited to:

* Requirement specification and analysis
* Verification and validation
* Security and privacy of complex systems
* Model-driven development
* Reverse engineering and refactoring
* Software architecture
* Big data management
* Ambient intelligence, pervasive computing
* Ubiquitous computing, context awareness, sensor networks
* Design by contract
* Agile methods
* Safety-critical & fault-tolerant architectures
* Adaptive, self-managing and multi-agent systems
* Real-time, hybrid and embedded systems
* Systems of systems
* Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
* Tools and tool integration
* Past reflections and future outlooks
* Industrial case studies

Different types of contributions are sought, including novel research,
lessons learned, experience reports, and discussions of practical
problems faced by industry and user domains. The ultimate goal of the
conference is to build a rich and comprehensive conference program that
can fit the interests and needs of its attendees: practitioners,
researchers, managers, and students. A program goal is to organize
several sessions that include both academic and industrial papers on a
given topic and culminate panels to discuss relationships between
industrial and academic research.


Full papers are divided into two categories:
* Technical Papers and
* Experience Reports.
The papers submitted to both categories will be reviewed by program
committee members, and papers accepted in either category will be
published in the conference proceedings. Technical papers should
describe original research. Experience reports should describe practical
projects carried out in industry, and reflect on the lessons learned
from them.


Short paper submissions should specify in their abstract whether they
describe ongoing or PhD research. Both types of short papers will be
reviewed by program committee members, and accepted short papers will be
published in the conference proceedings.


Submitted manuscripts should be in English and formatted in the style of
the 2-column IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS) Proceedings
Format. Papers should not exceed 10 pages for full papers and 4 pages
for short papers, including figures, references, and appendices. All
submissions should be in PDF format. Submissions not adhering to the
specified format and length may be rejected immediately, without review.

Detailed instructions on paper formatting and submission can be found on
the Submission page.

All submissions should be made through the Easychair Website:


A special issue for selected papers of ICECCS'15 is planned in the
journal "Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering"

General Chair
* Yang Liu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Program Committee Chair
* Yuan-Fang Li, Monash University, Australia

Workshop Chair
* Ralf Huuck, NICTA , Australia

Doctoral Symposium Chairs
* Alwen Fernanto Tiu, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
* Jun Pang, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Registration Chair
* Yan Liu, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Publicity Chair
* Etienne Andre, Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France

* Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore, Singapore
* Mike Hinchey, University of Limerick, Ireland
* Xiaohong Li, Tianjin University, China
* Shaoying Liu, Hosei University, Japan
* Andrew Martin, University of Oxford
* Jing Sun, University of Auckland, New Zealand

* Marc Aiguier (Ecole Centrale Paris)
* Yamine Ait Ameur (IRIT/INPT-ENSEEIHT)
* Aldeida Aleti (Monash University)
* Etienne Andre (Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France)
* Cyrille Valentin Artho (AIST)
* Luciano Baresi (DEIB - Politecnico di Milano)
* Phil Brooke (Teesside University)
* Radu Calinescu (University of York)
* Christine Choppy (Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France)
* Kerstin Eder (University of Bristol, Department of Computer Science)
* Carlo A. Furia (ETH Zurich)
* Sebastien Gerard (CEA, LIST)
* Lindsay Groves (Victoria University of Wellington)
* John Grundy (Swinburne University of Technology)
* Esther Guerra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
* Fei He (School of Software, Tsinghua University)
* Xu Jing (Institute of Machine Intelligence, Nankai University)
* Timo Kehrer (University of Siegen)
* Joseph Kiniry (Galois, Inc.)
* Daniel Kroening (Computer Science Department, University of Oxford)
* Ralf Lammel (Universitat Koblenz-Landau)
* Kung-Kiu Lau (The University of Manchester)
* Xiaohong Li (TianJin University)
* Yuan-Fang Li (Monash University)
* Didier Lime (Ecole Centrale de Nantes -- IRCCyN, France)
* Yang Liu (Nanyang Technology University, Singapore)
* David Lo (Singapore Management University)
* Gerald Luettgen (University of Bamberg)
* Tiziana Margaria (Lero)
* Alistair Mcewan (University of Leicester)
* Dominique Mery (Universite de Lorraine, LORIA)
* Paolo Nesi (University of Florence, DSI)
* Jun Pang (University of Luxembourg)
* Robert Pettit (The Aerospace Corporation)
* Christian Prehofer (LMU Munchen)
* Cesar Rodriguez (Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France)
* Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen University)
* Cristina Seceleanu (Malardalen University, Vasteras, SWEDEN)
* Volker Stolz (University of Oslo)
* Jun Sun (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
* Jing Sun (The University of Auckland)
* Kenji Taguchi (AIST)
* Dalila Tamzalit (LINA Laboratory, University of Nantes, France)
* Tian Huat Tan (National University of Singapore)
* Andre van Hoorn (University of Stuttgart)
* Tullio Vardanega (University of Padua)
* Hai H. Wang (University of Aston)
* Chao Wang (Virginia Tech)
* Heike Wehrheim (University of Paderborn)
* Yinxing Xin (Nanyang Technological University)
* Ling Yuan (Huzhong University of Science and Technology)
* Bechir Zalila (ReDCAD Laboratory, University of Sfax)
* Naijun Zhan (Lab. of Computer Science, Institute of Software, Chinese
Academy of Sciences)
* Steffen Zschaler (King's College London)


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