
[Caml-list] LPAR submission deadline extended


15th International Conference on Logic for
Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning

November 23-27, 2008

Carnegie Mellon University
Doha, Qatar



The series of International Conferences on Logic for Programming, Artificial
Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR) is a forum where, year after year, some of
the most renowned researchers in the areas of automated reasoning,
computational logic, programming languages and their applications come to
present cutting-edge results, to discuss advances in these fields, and to
exchange ideas in a scientifically emerging part of the world. The 2008
edition will be held in Doha, Qatar, on the premises of the Qatar campus of
Carnegie Mellon University.

Logic is a fundamental organizing principle in nearly all areas in Computer
Science. It runs a multifaceted gamut from the foundational to the applied. At
one extreme, it underlies computability and complexity theory and the formal
semantics of programming languages. At the other, it drives billions of gates
every day in the digital circuits of processors of all kinds. Logic is in
itself a powerful programming paradigm but it is also the quintessential
specification language for anything ranging from real-time critical systems to
networked infrastructures. It is logical techniques that link implementation
and specification through formal methods such as automated theorem proving and
model checking. Logic is also the stuff of knowledge representation and
artificial intelligence. Because of its ubiquity, logic has acquired a central
role in Computer Science education.

New results in the fields of computational logic and applications are
welcome. Also welcome are more exploratory presentations, which may examine
open questions and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories and
practices. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Automated reasoning * Logic of distributed systems
* Computional interpretations of logic * Logic programming
* Constraint programming * Modal and temporal logics
* Constructive logic and type theory * Model checking
* Decision procedures * Non-monotonic reasoning
* Description logics * Ontologies
* Foundations of security * Program and system verification
* Implementations of logic * Proof assistants
* Interactive theorem proving * Proof-carrying code
* Knowledge representation and reasoning * Proof planning
* Lambda calculus * Proof theory
* Logic and automata * Propositional satisfiability
* Logic and computational complexity * Reasoning about actions
* Logic and databases * Rewriting and unification
* Logic and games * Satisfiability modulo theories
* Logic for the semantic web * Static analysis of programs
* Logical aspects of concurrency * Specification using logics
* Logical foundations of programming * Translation validation
* Logic in artificial intelligence

Invited Speakers

It has been a tradition of LPAR to invite some of the most influential
researchers in the focus areas to discuss their work and their vision for
their fields. We are honored that the following members of the community have
accepted this invitation.

* Edmund Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
* Amir Pnueli, New York University (USA)
* Michael Backes, Saarland University and MPI-SWS (Germany)
* Thomas Eiter, Technical University of Vienna (Austria)

Submission Instructions

Submissions must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with
proceedings. Papers should be submitted in Postscript or Portable Document
Format (PDF); papers submitted in a proprietary word processor format such as
Microsoft Word cannot be considered. Submissions can be of two types:

* Regular papers are meant to describe solid new research results. They
can be up to 15 pages long in LNCS style, including figures and
references but excluding appendices (that reviewers are not required to
* Experimental and tool papers are intended to describe implementations of
systems, to report experiments with implemented systems, or to compare
implemented systems. They can be at most 8 pages long in the LNCS style.

Both types of papers can be electronically submitted by visiting

Prospective authors are
required to register a title and an abstract a week before the paper
submission deadline (see below).

As with the previous editions, the proceedings of LPAR'08 will be published in
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. They will be
available at the conference.

In keeping with the tradition of LPAR, researchers and practioners are
encouraged to report on interesting work in progress by submitting abstracts
of up to 5 LNCS pages, to be selected for a short-paper session. These
abstracts will not be printed in the proceedings of LPAR'08 and they have a
separate submission deadline (see below).


Authors of accepted papers are required to ensure that at least one of them
will be present at the conference. Papers that do not adhere to this policy
will be removed from the proceedings.

Important Dates (updated)

Abstract submission deadline: 06 June 2008 - STRICT!
Paper submission deadline: 16 June 2008 - STRICT!
Notification of acceptance: 29 August 2008
Camera-ready papers: 19 September 2008
Short paper submission deadline: 26 September 2008
LPAR'08 Workshops: 22 November 2008
LPAR 2008: 23-27 November 2008

Program Committee

* Franz Baader, TU Dresden (Germany)
* Matthias Baaz, TU Vienna (Austria)
* Peter Baumgartner, National ICT (Australia)
* Josh Berdine, MSR Cambridge (UK)
* Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University (Austria)
* Iliano Cervesato, Carnegie Mellon University (Qatar) - chair
* Sagar Chaki, Carnegie Mellon SEI (US)
* Hubert Comon-Lundh, ENS Cachan (France)
* Javier Esparza, TU Munich (Germany)
* Roberto Giacobazzi, University of Verona (Italy)
* Jürgen Giesl, RWTH Aachen (Germany)
* Orna Grumberg, Technion (Israel)
* Thomas Henzinger, EPFL (Switzerland)
* Joxan Jaffar, NUS (Singapore)
* Claude Kirchner, INRIA & LORIA (France)
* Stephan Kreutzer, Oxford University (UK)
* Orna Kupferman, Hebrew University (Israel)
* Alexander Leitsch, TU Vienna (Austria)
* Nicola Leone, University of Calabria (Italy)
* Heiko Mantel, TU Darmstadt (Germany)
* Cathy Meadows, Naval Research Laboratory (US)
* Aart Middeldorp, University of Innsbruck (Austria)
* John Mitchell, Stanford University (US)
* Andreas Podelski, University of Freiburg (Germany)
* Sanjiva Prasad, IIT Delhi (India)
* Alexander Razborov, Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
* Andrey Rybalchenko, MPI-SWS (Germany)
* Ulrike Sattler, University of Manchester (UK)
* Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam (Germany)
* Carsten Schürmann, IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark)
* Helmut Seidl, TU Munich (Germany)
* Henny Sipma, Stanford University (US)
* Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami (US)
* Ashish Tiwari, SRI (US)
* Helmut Veith, TU Darmstadt (Germany) - chair
* Andrei Voronkov, University of Manchester (UK) - chair

Contact Information

Email: lpar08@qatar.cmu.edu
Web page:


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[Caml-list] ML Workshop 2008: 2nd call for papers


News: The submission web site is now online.



The 2008 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on ML

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
To be held in conjunction with ICFP 2008



Submission deadline: Monday, June 23, 2008
Notification of acceptance: Friday, July 18, 2008
Final revision due: Monday, July 28, 2008
Workshop: Sunday, September 21, 2008


ML is a family of programming languages that includes dialects known
as Standard ML, Objective Caml, and F#. The development of these
languages has inspired a large amount of computer science research,
both practical and theoretical. This workshop aims to build on
previous occasions (recent instances are ML 2005 in Tallinn, Estonia,
2006 in Portland, Oregon, and 2007 in Freiburg, Germany), providing a
forum to encourage discussion and research on ML and related

The 2008 Workshop on ML will be held in conjunction with the 13th ACM
SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2008)
in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on Sunday, September 21, 2008.

This year we extend the scope of the workshop from ML itself to
technologies closely related to ML (higher-order, typed, or strict
languages) and invite high-quality papers in all areas of crucial
importance for the future of ML.


We seek papers on topics related to ML, including (but not limited

* applications

* extensions: objects, classes, concurrency, distribution and
mobility, semi-structured data handling, etc.

* type systems (static and dynamic): inference, effects, overloading,
error reporting, contracts, specifications and assertions, etc.

* implementation: compilers, interpreters, partial evaluators,
garbage collectors, etc.

* environments: libraries, tools, editors, debuggers, cross-language
interoperability, functional data structures, etc.

* semantics

Submitted papers should describe new ideas, experimental results,
ML-related projects, or informed positions regarding proposals for
next-generation ML languages. In order to encourage lively
discussion, submitted papers may describe work in progress. All
papers will be judged on a combination of correctness, significance,
novelty, clarity, and interest to the community.

All paper submissions must be at most 12 pages total length in the
standard ACM SIGPLAN two-column conference format (9pt):


Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
ACM Digital Library.

The submission web site is now online. Visit


and follow the instructions.


Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University)


Sylvain Conchon (Paris-Sud University / INRIA Saclay-Ile-de-France)
Karl Crary (Carnegie Mellon University)
Andrzej Filinski (DIKU)
Robby Findler (The University of Chicago)
Cormac Flanagan (University of California at Santa Cruz)
Alain Frisch (LexiFi)
Dan Grossman (University of Washington)
Didier Remy (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
Claudio Russo (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University)
Hongwei Xi (Boston University)

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] SAS 2008 - Call for participation

Call for Participation



Valencia, Spain
Early registration: June 10, 2008

SAS 2008, July 16-18
Static Analysis Symposium

LOPSTR 2008, July 17-18
Symposium on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation


PPDP 2008, July 15-17
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming

PLID 2008, July 15
Workshop on Programming Language Interference and Dependence


Please register online at http://www.dsic.upv.es/~slp2008/
The early registration deadline is June 10, 2008.


Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] ECOOP 2008 Call for Participation

[Apologies for multiple copies]


22nd European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Paphos, Cyprus
July 7th - 11th, 2008



ECOOP is the premier forum in Europe for bringing together
practitioners, researchers, and students to share their ideas and
experiences in a broad range of disciplines woven with the common thread
of object technology. It is a well-integrated collage of events,
including outstanding invited speakers, carefully refereed technical
papers, exciting tutorials, topic-focused workshops, and a summer school.

ECOOP 2008 has opened its doors for registration.

Early registration lasts until
June 1, 2008.


The program is taking shape and promises another exciting scientific event:

The Invited Speaker is Rachid Guerraoui:
"The Return of Transactions"

Technical Program (list of accepted papers follows):






Co-located Event:
Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS).


NEW FOR 2008!

ECOOP 2008 presents the inaugural ECOOP SUMMER SCHOOL.
The school begins with three half-day tutorials (Data Parallelism in Ct,
Context-Oriented Programming, and X10) during the first two days
of the conference. Then five summer school sessions will run in
parallel with the main conference (Newspeak, Multicore, SASyLF,
JastAdd, JavaCOP). You can book and pay for half-day tutorials
via the conference registration form. Summer school sessions cannot
be booked in advance, but are included in the "Main Conference
Registration" fee on a first-come, first-served basis.

Summer school sessions:


The accepted technical papers are:

A Model for Java with Wildcards
Nicholas Cameron, Sophia Drossopoulou, Erik Ernst.

On Validity of Program Transformations in the Java Memory Model
Jaroslav Sevcik, David Aspinall.

Safe Cross-language Inheritance
Kathryn E Gray.

Liquid Metal: Object-Oriented Programming Across the Hardware/Software
Shan Shan Huang, Amir Hormati, David Bacon, Rodric Rabbah.

Kilim: Isolation-Typed Actors for Java
Sriram Srinivasan, Alan Mycroft.

A Uniform Transactional Execution Environment for Java
Lukasz Ziarek, Adam Welc, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Vijay S Menon,
Tatiana Shpeisman, Suresh Jagannathan.

Ptolemy: A Language with Quantified, Typed Events
Hridesh Rajan, Gary T. Leavens.

Prototyping and Composing Aspect Languages - using an Aspect
Interpreter Framework
Wilke Havinga, Lodewijk Bergmans, Mehmet Aksit.

Assessing the Impact of Aspects on Exception Flows: An Exploratory Study
Roberta de Souza Coelho, Awais Rashid, Alessandro Fabricio Garcia,
Fabiano Cutigi Ferrari, Nelio Cacho, Uira Kulesza, Arndt von Staa,
Carlos Lucena

UpgradeJ: Incremental Typechecking for Class Upgrades
Gavin Bierman, Matthew Parkinson, James Noble

Integrating Nominal and Structural Subtyping
Donna Malayeri, Jonathan Aldrich

Flow Analysis of Code Customizations
Anders Hessellund, Peter Sestoft

Online Phase-Adaptive Data Layout Selection
Chengliang Zhang, Martin Hirzel

MTM2: Scalable Memory Management for Multi-Tasking Managed Runtime
Sunil Soman, Chandra Krintz, Laurent Daynes.

Externalizing Java Server Concurrency with CAL
Charles Zhang, Hans-Arno Jacobsen

Regional Logic for Local Reasoning about Global Invariants
Anindya Banerjee, David Naumann, Stan Rosenberg

A Unified Framework for Verification Techniques for Object Invariants
Sophia Drossopoulou, Adrian Francalanza, Peter Mueller, Alexander J. Summers

Extensible Universes for Object-oriented Data Models
Achim Brucker, Burkhart Wolff.

Programming with Live Distributed Objects
Krzysztof Ostrowski, Ken Birman, Danny Dolev, Jong Hoon Ahnn.

Bristlecone: A Language for Robust Software Systems
Brian Demsky, Alokika Dash.

Session-Based Distributed Programming in Java
Raymond Hu, Nobuko Yoshida, Kohei Honda.

ReCrash: Making Software Failures Reproducible by Preserving Object
Shay Artzi, Sunghun Kim, Michael D. Ernst.

An Extensible State Machine Pattern for Interactive Applications
Brian Chin, Todd Millstein.

Practical Object-Oriented Back-in-Time Debugging
Adrian Lienhard, Tudor Girba, Oscar Nierstrasz.

Inference of Reference Immutability
Jaime Quinonez, Matthew Tschantz, Michael Ernst.

Computing Stack Maps with Interfaces
Frederic Besson, Thomas Jensen, Tiphaine Turpin.

How do Java Programs Use Inheritance? An Empirical Study of
Inheritance in Java Software
Ewan Tempero, James Noble, Hayden Melton.


Dave Clarke,
ECOOP 2008 Publicity Chair

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[Caml-list] Workshop on Generic Programming: Call for Papers (co-located w/ ICFP08)


Workshop on Generic Programming 2008

Victoria, Canada, 20th September 2008


The Workshop on Generic Programming is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN
and forms part of ICFP 2008. Previous Workshops on Generic
Programming have been held in Marstrand (affiliated with MPC),
Ponte de Lima (affiliated with MPC), Nottingham (informal
workshop), Dagstuhl (IFIP WG2.1 Working Conference), Oxford
(informal workshop), Utrecht (informal workshop), and Portland
(affiliated with ICFP).


Generic programming is about making programs more adaptable by making
them more general. Generic programs often embody non-traditional
kinds of polymorphism; ordinary programs are obtained from them by
suitably instantiating their parameters. In contrast with normal
programs, the parameters of a generic program are often quite rich in
structure; for example they may be other programs, types or type
constructors, class hierarchies, or even programming paradigms.

Generic programming techniques have always been of interest, both
to practitioners and to theoreticians, but only recently have generic
programming techniques become a specific focus of research in the
functional and object-oriented programming language communities. This
workshop will bring together leading researchers in generic
programming from around the world, and feature papers capturing the
state of the art in this important emerging area.

We welcome contributions on all aspects, theoretical as well as
practical, of

o adaptive object-oriented programming,
o aspect-oriented programming,
o component-based programming,
o generic programming,
o meta-programming,
o polytypic programming,
o programming with modules, and so on.

Submission details

Deadline for submission: 30th June 2008
Notification of acceptance: 14th July 2008
Final submission due: 28th July 2008
Workshop: 20th September 2008

Authors should submit papers, in PostScript or PDF format, formatted
for A4 paper, to Ralf Hinze (ralf.hinze@comlab.ox.ac.uk) or Don Syme
(Don.Syme@microsoft.com) by 30th June 2008. The length should be
restricted to 12 pages in standard (two-column, 9pt) ACM. Accepted
papers are published by the ACM and will additionally appear in the
ACM digital library.

Programme committee

Ralf Hinze (co-chair) University of Oxford
Patrik Jansson Chalmers University
Andrew Lumsdaine Indiana University
Conor McBride University of Nottingham
Adriaan Moors Universiteit Leuven
Fritz Ruehr Willamette University
Tim Sheard Portland State University
Don Syme (co-chair) Microsoft Research
Todd Veldhuizen University of Waterloo

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] AXMEDIS 2008 Call for Paper and/or workshops

Dear Caml List

You are cordially invited to pose your attention to
AXMEDIS 2008: the 4th International Conference on Automated solutions
for Cross Media Content and Multi-channel Distribution, 17-19th Nov. 2008,
Florence, Italy.
Deadline for the paper submission 15th of May.

Please feel free to forward and redistribute this email to everyone
who may be interested in this event and to all relevant mailing lists.
Please do not hesitate to inform us if this email has not been of your

Best regards,
Paolo Nesi

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CALL for papers, AXMEDIS2008
4th International Conference Automated solutions for Cross Media Content
and Multi-channel Distribution

Submission due: 15 May 2008
Conference date: 17th-19th Nov. 2008
Conference venue: Florence, Italy

AXMEDIS is a large conference and community with strong innovation and
research programme. You can see a part of the presentations already defined
on the AXMEDIS conference web site:


AXMEDIS 2008 will be a significant and exciting event on cross-media, content
production GRID, content protection, interoperable DRM (digital rights
management), multimedia terminals, multiple-play, multichannel, multi
devices, MPEG-21 terminal and tools, authoring tools, digital media,
P2P, OMA, multi-channel delivery, content modeling, business models,
security and distribution, digital signature, legal aspects, accessibility,
transaction models, social network, semantic modeling, multimedia music,
workflow, and much more.

The AXMEDIS2008 International Conference is a perfect occasion to get
the state of the art and beyond, on the above mentioned technologies
and developments and to meet the most relevant industrial leaders,
leading researchers, experts and practitioners from both industrial
and research institutes, including European digital content providers,
integrators, distributors, technology providers, market leaders and prestigious
research institutions, social networks.

AXMEDIS is supported by more than 45 sponsors: Universitat Politecnica de
Catalunya, University of Florence, ICSRiM, University of Leeds, EPFL,
Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, SEJER, University of Reading,
Pekin University, TEO (telecom Lithuania), KTU, ELION, VRS Grupe, ACIT,
Telecom Italia, Strategica, EXITECH, XIM, the MUSICNETWORK International
Association, the European Commission and many more.

AXMEDIS2008 aims to explore all subjects, latest developments, future trends,
of technologies and their applications.
With a particularly attention to new concepts, requirements, prototypes,
research ideas, and findings which could contribute to cross fertilization
and convergence of research and industrial communities. This is the 4th
conference of a series pressed by IEEE and FUP with high level papers and
large audience and distribution.

Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- formats and models for multi-channel content distribution and interoperability
- automated content production, collection, crawling, composition, formatting
- cultural heritage content and solutions
- solutions and tools for e-commerce, education entertainment
- content processing languages and tools
- GRID and distributed systems for content production
- collaborative/cooperative models and tools, CSCW
- social network and models
- content distribution: streaming and downloading
- digital libraries and distributed systems
- systems and approaches for content production/distribution on demand
- multimedia middleware
- multimedia software engineering
- mobiles technologies for content distribution and optimisation
- intelligent content, semantic content and models
- interactive multimedia models
- P2P solutions and architectures
- workflow management systems Web services and web portals for content
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) models, tools, and DRM interoperability
- multimedia standards: MPEG-7, MPEG-21, MXF, SMIL, HTML, News, etc.
- multimedia and packaging formats
- distributed games and serious games
- Quality of Service, QoS, control and planning
- user profiling, and behaviour
- agents and autonomous systems
- legal aspects related to digital content
- context awareness and solutions
- distribution of computer graphics and 3D content
- distributed information retrieval
- synchronisation technologies and solutions
- accessibility and multimodal user interfaces
- e-conference, e-medicine and e-lecture
- distributed virtual environment, virtual school, virtual university,
and virtual learning
- content monitoring technologies
- watermarking and fingerprinting techniques
- audio and video fingerprinting and recognition

and all related topics, do not hesitate to contact the chairs if you
have a proposal for the conference.

Applications and Industrial Presentations and Demos: Proposals for
presentations of applications and tools, including case studies and
reports on the application and/or utilization of tools, industrial
practices and models, or tool/system demonstrations:
Long papers up to 8 pages, Short papers up to 4 pages, Demo: up to 2 pages.

Workshops and Panels: The Conference will hold Workshops and Panels
consisting of research and industry position papers on specific topics.
Research and Development projects of EC or other organizations are invited
to propose workshops or panels. For these proposals please contact the
general chair: Paolo Nesi (University of Florence) at nesi@dsi.unifi.it
providing topics, speakers, and aims.

All submissions and proposals must be in English and submitted in PDF
or Microsoft Word format using the submission portal on the conference
web site no later than 15 May 2008.


Document style is available at the conference website.


The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Comp. Soc.

past conferences:


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Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] IJCAR Calls and Awards

IJCAR 2008 - The 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
Sydney, Australia, 10th - 15th August, 2008


Calls for Participation, Calls for Workshop Papers, Student Travel Awards
Call for Participation
Information about IJCAR's astounding program of invited speakers, technical
papers, workshops, tutorials, competitions, and social events, is available
from the IJCAR WWW pages - 2008.IJCAR.org. There are 101 reasons to attend
IJCAR, which are enumerated on the WWW site. Registration, accomodation, and
travel/visa information is there too. Book your flight to Sydney today!
Calls for Workshop Papers, Tutorial Participation
There will be six workshops and four tutorials before IJCAR, 10th and 11th
August. See their individual WWW pages, linked from the IJCAR WWW pages, for
submission and participation information.
+ Workshops
- The 5th International Verification Workshop (VERIFY'08)
- Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR-2008)
- Evaluation of Systems for Higher Order Logic (ESHOL)
- Complexity, Expressibility, & Decidability in Automated Reasoning (CEDAR'08)
- Constraints in Formal Verification
- Combining Systems for Efficient and Scalable Reasoning (CoSyScaRe 08)
+ Tutorials
- Introduction to Nominal Isabelle - Christian Urban
- Formal Methods in Use at Galois, Inc. - Joe Hurd
- SMT Solvers in Program Analysis and Verification - Nikolaj Bjorner and
Leonardo de Moura
- Coalgebraic Logics and Applications (COALA) - Dirk Pattinson
Student Travel Awards
Two award schemes that provide sponsorhips to support student attendance at
IJCAR are available. See the IJCAR WWW pages for details.

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs