
[Caml-list] —Call for papers: 16th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2019).

—Call for papers: 16th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2019).

(Apologies if you have received multiple copies of this call for papers)

We are pleased to invite you to submit papers for the 16th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC 2019), which will be held from 30th October to 4th November 2019, in Hammamet, Tunisia. 
The aim of the colloquium is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to present research results, and exchange experience, ideas, and solutions for their problems in theoretical aspects of computing. 
ICTAC also aims to promote research cooperation between developing and industrial countries. 

The important dates are:
Abstracts           5 May 2019
Papers 12 May 2019
Notification 21 July 2019
Final version 11 August 2019
Conference 30 October to 4 November 2019

The proceedings will be published as a volume of Springer's LNCS series.
Special issue:
Authors of the best contributions will be invited to submit a revised and extended version to a special issue, to be published in Elsevier's Theoretical Computer Science.

Invited Speakers:
Thomas A. Henzinger, Institute of Science and Technology, Austria
Patrick Cousot, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA
Dominique MÈry, University of Lorraine, France

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
    Languages and automata
    Semantics of programming languages
    Logic in computer science
    Lambda calculus, type theory and category theory
    Domain-specific languages
    Theories of concurrency and mobility
    Theories of distributed, grid and cloud computing
    Models of objects and components
    Coordination models
    Models of software architectures
    Autonomous systems
    Timed, hybrid, embedded and cyber-physical systems
    Static analysis
    Software verification
    Software testing
    Program generation and transformation
    Model checking and automated theorem proving
    Interactive theorem proving
    Verified software, formalized programming theory

We solicit the following types of papers:
- Regular papers, with original research contributions;
- Short papers, with original work in progress or with proposals of new ideas and emerging challenges; 
- Tool papers, on tools that support formal techniques for software modeling, system design, and verification. 

Submissions must adhere to the LNCS format. Regular papers should not exceed 18 pages (excluding bibliography of maximum 2 pages). 
Short and tool papers should not exceed 10 pages.

Submissions must not have been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. 
All submissions will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference.

Each paper submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Programme Committee. 
All contributions to ICTAC 2019 have to be submitted electronically in PDF format via Easy Chair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ictac2019)and have to follow the Springer LNCS paper format. 
One author of each accepted paper must attend the conference to present it, having paid the regular registration fee.

The ICTAC committee will evaluate and select the best paper award winner. The winner will receive an award. 

Steering Committee:
    Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK) (chair)
    Martin Leucker (Universit‰t zu L¸beck, DE)
    Zhiming Liu (Southwest University, CN)
    Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
    Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR)
    Natarajan Shankar (SRI International, US)

General chairs:
Mohamed Jmaiel, University of Sfax, Tunisia 
Walid Gaaloul, Paris-Saclay University, France

Programme chairs:
Robert M. Hierons, University of Sheffield, UK
Mohamed Mosbah, LaBRI, Bordeaux INP, FR

Programme Committee (provisional/draft)
    Eric Badouel (IRISA, FR)
    Kamel Barkaoui (CEDRIC - CNAM, FR)
    FrÈdÈric Blanqui (INRIA, FR)
    Eduardo Bonelli (Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, AR)
    Ana Cavalcanti (University of York, UK)
    Uli Fahrenberg (LIX, FR)
    Adrian Francalanza (University of Malta, MT) 
    Ahmed Hadj Kacem (University of Sfax, TN)
    Edward Hermann Haeusler (PontifÌcia Universidade CatÛlica do Rio de Janeiro, BR)
    Ross Horne (Nanyang Technological University, SG) 
    David Janin (University of Bordeaux, FR)
    Jan Kretinsky (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
    Martin Leucker (Universit‰t zu L¸beck, DE) 
    Radu Mardare (Aalborg Universitet, DK) 
    Dominique MÈry (LORIA, FR)
    Mohammadreza Mousavi (University of Leicester, UK)
    Tobias Nipkow (Technische Universit‰t M¸nchen, DE)
    Maciej PirÛg (Wroclaw University, PL) 
    Sanjiva Prasad (IIT Delhi, IN)
    Riadh Robbana (University of Carthage, TN)
    Augusto Sampaio (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, BR) 
    Georg Struth (University of Sheffield, UK)
    Cong Tian (Xidian University, CN)
    Tarmo Uustalu (Reykjavik University, IS / Tallinn University of Technology, EE)


[Caml-list] Verification Mentoring Workshop 2019: Scholarships

Verification Mentoring Workshop 2019: Call for scholarship applications

Verification Mentoring Workshop (VMW 2019)

co-located with CAV 2019
13 July 2019
New York City, USA


We warmly invite eligible students to apply for travel scholarships to attend
the Verification Mentoring Workshop and CAV. The deadline for applications is
April 30. Applications are received via the form at



The purpose of the Verification Mentoring Workshop is to provide mentoring and
career advice to early-stage graduate students, to attract them to pursue
research careers in the area of computer-aided verification. The workshop will
particularly encourage participation of women and underrepresented minorities.

The workshop program will include a number of talks and interactive sessions.
The talks will give an overview of the field along with brief introductions to
the varied topics highlighted at CAV 2019. Other talks will provide mentoring
and career advice, from academia and industry. More information can be found at


Aws Albarghouthi, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Azadeh Farzan, University of Toronto
Vijay Ganesh, University of Waterloo
Ranjit Jhala, University of California, San Diego
Ruzica Piskac, Yale University
Manu Sridharan, University of California, Riverside

In case of questions, please contact the organizers

Loris D'Antoni (chair) <loris@cs.wisc.edu>
Rayna Dimitrova <rd307@leicester.ac.uk>
Cezara Dragoi <cezara.dragoi@inria.fr>
Anthony W. Lin <anthony.w.to@gmail.com>


[Caml-list] 3RD CALL FOR PAPERS: Erlang Workshop 2019

Technical, practice, and application papers related to Erlang, BEAM,
Elixir, Scala/Akka, CloudHaskell, Lisp Flavoured Erlang, OCaml, and
functional programming are welcome and encouraged.


Eighteenth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop

Berlin, Germany, 18 August 2019
Satellite event of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on 
Functional Programming (ICFP 2019)
18 - 23 August, 2019

The Erlang Workshop aims to bring together the open source, academic,
and industrial communities of Erlang, to discuss technologies and
languages related to Erlang. The Erlang model of concurrent programming
has been widely emulated, for example by Akka in Scala, and even new
programming languages were designed atop of the Erlang VM, such as
Elixir. Therefore we would like to broaden the scope of the workshop
to include systems like those mentioned above.

The workshop will enable participants to familiarize themselves with
recent developments on new techniques and tools, novel applications,
draw lessons from users' experiences and identify research problems
and common areas relevant to the practice of Erlang, Erlang-like
languages, functional programming, distribution, concurrency etc.

We invite two types of submissions.

1. Technical papers describing language extensions, critical
discussions of the status quo, formal semantics of language
constructs, program analysis and transformation, virtual machine
extensions and compilation techniques, implementations and interfaces
of Erlang in/with other languages, and new tools (profilers, tracers,
debuggers, testing frameworks, etc.). Submission related to Erlang,
Elixir, Scala/Akka, CloudHaskell, Lisp Flavoured Erlang, OCaml, and
functional programming are welcome and encouraged. The maximum length
for technical papers is restricted to 12 pages, but short papers 
(max. 6 pages) are welcomed as well.

2. Practice and application papers describing uses of Erlang in the
"real-world", Erlang libraries for specific tasks, experiences from
using Erlang in specific application domains, reusable programming
idioms and elegant new ways of using Erlang to approach or solve a
particular problem. The maximum length for the practice and
application papers is restricted to 12 pages, but short papers 
(max. 6 pages) are welcomed as well.

Workshop Co-Chairs

Adrian Francalanza, University of Malta, Malta
Viktória Fördős, Cisco Systems, Sweden

Program Committee

(Note: the Workshop Co-Chairs are also committee members)

Annette Bieniusa, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Christopher S. Meiklejohn, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Clara Benac Earle, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Claudio Antares Mezzina, IMT Lucca, Italy
Emilio Tuosto, University of Leicester, UK
Felix Mulder, Klarna AB, Sweden
Francesco Cesarini, Erlang Solutions Ltd, UK
Julien Lange, University of Kent, UK
Kenji Rikitake, KRPEO, Japan
Melinda Tóth, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Natalia Chechina, Bournemouth University, UK
Rumyana Neykova, Brunel University, UK
Scott Lystig Fritchie, Wallaroo, USA
Thomas Arts, Quviq AB, Sweden
Torben Hoffmann, Alert Logic, Denmark

Important Dates

Submission deadline: Fri May 10, 2019
Author notification: Fri June 7, 2019
Final submission for the publisher: Sun June 30, 2019
Workshop date: Sun August 18, 2019

Instructions to authors

Papers must be submitted online via HotCRP (via the "Erlang2019"
event). The submission page is

Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF),
formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines.

Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy.
Violation risks summary rejection of the offending submission.
Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
ACM Digital Library.

The proceedings will be freely available for download from the ACM Digital
Library from one week before the start of the conference until two weeks
after the conference.

Paper submissions will be considered for poster submission in the case
they are not accepted as full papers.

Venue & Registration Details

For registration, please see the ICFP 2019 web site at:

Related Links

ICFP 2019 web site: http://icfp19.sigplan.org/
Past ACM SIGPLAN Erlang workshops: http://www.erlang.org/workshop/
Open Source Erlang: http://www.erlang.org/
HotCRP submission site:
Author Information for SIGPLAN Conferences:
Attendee Information for SIGPLAN Events:


[Caml-list] TABLEAUX 2019 (London): DEADLINE EXTENSION and final call for papers

The 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods
London, UK, September 3-5, 2019
Contact: chair@tableaux2019.org 

Due to requests from potential authors and from current authors wishing to polish their papers, we have extended the submission deadlines. The new deadlines are: 

1 May 2019 (abstract), 8 May 2019 (paper)  

Authors who have a good paper and are in doubt whether to send it to TABLEAUX may note some highlights of this year's edition: two affiliated workshops, two affiliated tutorials, a financially supported best paper award for young researchers, five outstanding invited speakers (to be announced soon) and some support for young researchers traveling to the conference (including widely available cheap accommodation). We hope to see many of you this September in London -- in the beautiful campus of the Middlesex University, located 40 minutes from the city center and 20 minutes from Camden Town's iconic music venues! 

The 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2019) will take place in London. It will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the Middlesex University London, on 3-5 September 2019.  
TABLEAUX is the main international conference at which research on all aspects -- theoretical foundations, implementation techniques, systems development and applications -- of the mechanization of tableaux-based reasoning and related methods is presented. The first TABLEAUX conference was held in Lautenbach near Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1992. Since then it has been organized on an annual basis; in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 as a constituent of IJCAR.  
TABLEAUX 2019 will be co-located with the 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2019). The conferences will provide a rich programme of workshops, tutorials, invited talks, paper presentations and system descriptions. 

Tableau methods offer a convenient and flexible set of tools for automated reasoning in classical logic, extensions of classical logic, and a large number of non-classical logics. For many logics, tableau methods can be generated automatically. Areas of application include verification of software and computer systems, deductive databases, knowledge representation and its required inference engines, teaching, and system diagnosis.   
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:     
   * tableau methods for classical and non-classical logics (including first-order, higher-order, modal, temporal, description, hybrid, intuitionistic, substructural, fuzzy, relevance and non-monotonic logics) and their proof-theoretic foundations;  
   * sequent calculi and natural deduction calculi for classical and non-classical logics, as tools for proof search and proof representation; 
   * related methods (SMT, model elimination, model checking, connection methods, resolution, BDDs, translation approaches); 
   * flexible, easily extendable, light-weight methods for theorem proving; novel types of calculi for theorem proving and verification in classical and non-classical logics; 
   * systems, tools, implementations, empirical evaluations and applications (provers, proof assistants, logical frameworks, model checkers, etc.); 
   * implementation techniques (data structures, efficient algorithms, performance measurement, extensibility, etc.); 
   * extensions of tableau procedures with conflict-driven learning; 
   * techniques for proof generation and compact (or humanly readable) proof representation;  
   * theoretical and practical aspects of decision procedures; 
   * applications of automated deduction to mathematics, software development, verification, deductive and temporal databases, knowledge representation, ontologies, fault diagnosis or teaching.  
We also welcome papers describing applications of tableau procedures to real-world examples. Such papers should be tailored to the tableau community and should focus on the role of reasoning and on logical aspects of the solution.

Submissions are invited in three categories:  
(A) research papers reporting original theoretical research or applications, with length up to 15 pages excluding references;    
(B) system descriptions, with length up to 9 pages excluding references; 
(C) position papers and brief reports on work in progress, with length up to 9 pages excluding references.   
Submissions will be reviewed by the PC, possibly with the help of external reviewers, taking into account readability, relevance and originality. Any additional material (going beyond the page limit) can be included in a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the committee and must be removed for the camera-ready version.  
For category A submissions, the reported results must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere. For category B submissions, a working implementation must be accessible via the internet. Authors are encouraged to publish the implementation under an open source license. The aim of a system description is to make the system available in such a way that people can use it, understand it, and build on it. Accepted papers in categories A and B will be published in the conference proceedings. Accepted papers in category C will be published as a Technical Report of the Middlesex University London.  
Papers must be edited in LaTeX using the llncs style and must be submitted electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair system: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tableaux2019  
For all accepted papers at least one author is required to attend the conference and present the paper. A title and a short abstract of about 100 words must be submitted before the paper submission deadline. Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be obtained at http://www.springer.com/br/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines

Abstract submission: 1 May 2019
Paper submission: 8 May 2019
Notification of paper decisions: 6 Jun 2019
Camera-ready papers due: 1 Jul 2019
TABLEAUX conference: 3-5 Sep 2019

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS).

The program committee will select (1) the TABLEAUX 2019 Best Paper and (2) the TABLEAUX 2019 Best Paper by a Junior Researcher, of which the latter will be supported by 500 Euros. Researchers will be considered junior if either they are students or their PhD degree date is less than two years from the first day of the meeting. "Paper by a Junior Researcher" means that the paper's main author(s) is/are junior; this information should be indicated by adding a star (*) at the submission's title and at the submission's junior author(s) name(s). The two awards will be presented at the conference. 

We have some limited funding for supporting students and young researchers traveling to the conference -- courtesy of direct sponsorship from Amazon and Springer and indirect sponsorship from the Association for Symbolic Logic. In addition, some funding will be available through the EUTypes COST action website. In all cases, authors of accepted papers will be given precedence. Please see the conference website for more details. 
In addition, the Middlesex University is offering accommodation at a £30 daily rate in some excellently maintained shared flats located close to the conference venue (https://www.mdx.ac.uk/student-life/accommodation/platt-hall).  
 * The 25th Workshop on Automated Reasoning (ARW 2019, http://arw.csc.liv.ac.uk) 
Organizers: Florian Kammueller (Middlesex University) and Alexander Bolotov (University of Westminster) 
 * Journeys in Computational Logic: Tributes to Roy Dyckhoff 
Organizers: Stéphane Graham-Lengrand (SRI International), Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Heriot-Watt University) and Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Queen Mary University of London) 
 * Formalising concurrent computation: CLF, Celf, and applications (joint FroCoS/TABLEAUX tutorial).
Presenters: Sonia Marin (IT-University of Copenhagen), Giselle Reis (Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar) and Iliano Cervesato (Carnegie Mellon University) 
 * How to Build an Automated Theorem Prover - An Introductory Tutorial (invited TABLEAUX tutorial). Presenter: Jens Otten (University of Oslo)

Peter Baumgartner, Data61/CSIRO, Australia
Maria Paola Bonacina, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy
James Brotherston, University College London, UK
Serenella Cerrito, IBISC, Univ. Evry, Paris Saclay University, France
Agata Ciabattoni, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Anupam Das, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK
Camillo Fiorentini, University of Milano, Italy
Pascal Fontaine, LORIA, INRIA, University of Lorraine, France
Didier Galmiche, LORIA, University of Lorraine, France
Martin Giese, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway
Laura Giordano, DISIT, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Rajeev Goré, The Australian National University, Australia
Stéphane Graham-Lengrand, SRI International, USA
Reiner Hähnle, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Ori Lahav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Tomer Libal, American University of Paris, France
George Metcalfe, Universität Bern, Switzerland
Dale Miller, INRIA and LIX/Ecole Polytechnique, France
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research, USA
Neil Murray, SUNY at Albany, USA
Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasília, Brazil
Sara Negri, University of Helsinki, Finland
Hans de Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Nicola Olivetti, LSIS, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Jens Otten, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway
Valeria De Paiva, Nuance Communications, USA
Nicolas Peltier, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France
Elaine Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Francesca Poggiolesi, CNRS, IHST Paris, France
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Gian Luca Pozzato, University of Turin, Italy 
Giles Reger, University of Manchester, UK
Giselle Reis, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Alwen Tiu, Australian National University, Australia
Sophie Tourret, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany
Dmitriy Traytel, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Josef Urban, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Republic
Luca Viganò, King's College, London, UK
Uwe Waldmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany
Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Serenella Cerrito, IBISC, Univ. Evry, Paris Saclay University, France
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK 

Kelly Androutsopoulos, Middlesex University London, UK
Jaap Boender, Middlesex University London, UK
Michele Bottone, Middlesex University London, UK
Florian Kammueller, Middlesex University London, UK
Rajagopal Nagarajan, Middlesex University London, UK
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University London, UK

Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK 

[Caml-list] FroCoS 2019 (London): DEADLINE EXTENSION and final call for papers

FroCoS 2019

The 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems

London, UK, September 4-6, 2019

Website: https://www.frocos2019.org 

Contact: chair@frocos2019.org 

Due to requests from potential authors and from current authors wishing to polish their papers, we have extended the submission deadlines. The new deadlines are: 

1 May 2019 (abstract), 8 May 2019 (paper) 

Authors who have a good paper and are in doubt whether to send it to FroCoS may note some highlights of this year's edition: two affiliated workshops, two affiliated tutorials, a financially supported best paper award, five outstanding invited speakers (to be announced soon) and some support for young researchers traveling to the conference (including widely available cheap accommodation). We hope to see many of you this September in London -- in the beautiful campus of the Middlesex University, located 40 minutes from the city center and 20 minutes from Camden Town's iconic music venues! 


The 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2019) will take place in London. It will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the Middlesex University London, from 4 to 6 September 2019.

FroCoS is the main international event for research on the development of techniques and methods for the combination and integration of formal systems, their modularization and analysis. The first FroCoS symposium was held in Munich, Germany, in 1996. Initially held every two years, since 2004 it has been organized annually with alternate years forming part of IJCAR. If we also count the IJCAR editions, this year FroCoS celebrates its 20th edition.

FroCoS 2019 will be co-located with the 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2019). The two conferences will provide a rich programme of workshops, tutorials, invited talks, paper presentations and system descriptions.


In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation, program development and verification, artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and automated reasoning, there is an obvious need for using specialized formalisms and inference systems for selected tasks. To be usable in practice, these specialized systems must be combined with each other and integrated into general purpose systems. This has led to the development of techniques and methods for the combination and integration of dedicated formal systems, as well as for their modularization and analysis.

FroCoS traditionally focuses on these types of research questions and activities. Like its predecessors, FroCoS 2019 seeks to offer a common forum for research in the general area of combination, modularization, and integration of systems, with emphasis on logic-based methods and their practical use.

Topics of interest for FroCoS 2019 include (but are not restricted to): 

   * combinations of logics (such as higher-order, first-order, temporal, modal, description or other non-classical logics)  

   * combination and integration methods in SAT and SMT solving    

   * combination of decision procedures, satisfiability procedures, constraint solving techniques, or logical frameworks

   * combination of logics with probability and/or fuzzy measures   

   * combinations and modularity in ontologies

   * integration of equational and other theories into deductive systems

   * hybrid methods for deduction, resolution and constraint propagation

   * hybrid systems in knowledge representation and natural language semantics

   * combined logics for distributed and multi-agent systems

   * logical aspects of combining and modularizing programs and specifications

   * integration of data structures into constraint logic programming and deduction

   * combinations and modularity in term rewriting

   * methods and techniques for the verification and analysis of information systems

   * methods and techniques for combining logical reasoning with machine learning


The program committee seeks high-quality submissions describing original work, written in English, not overlapping with published or simultaneously submitted work to a journal or conference with archival proceedings. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results, and quality of presentation. The page limit in Springer LNCS style is 16 pages in total, including references and figures.

Any additional material (going beyond the page limit) can be included in a clearly marked appendix. This appendix will be read at the discretion of the committee, and must be removed for the camera-ready version. 

Papers must be edited in LaTeX using the llncs style and must be submitted electronically as PDF files via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=frocos2019 

For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors is required to attend the conference and present the work. Prospective authors must register a title and an abstract three days before the paper submission deadline. 

Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be obtained at http://www.springer.com/br/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines 


Abstract submission: 1 May 2019

Paper submission: 8 May 2019

Notification of paper decisions: 6 Jun 2019

Camera-ready papers due: 1 Jul 2019

FroCoS conference: 4-6 Sep 2019


The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS). 


The program committee will select the FroCoS 2019 Best Paper, which will be awarded 500 Euros. The award will be presented at the conference.  


We have some limited funding for supporting students and young researchers traveling to the conference -- courtesy of direct sponsorship from Amazon and Springer and indirect sponsorship from the Association for Symbolic Logic. In addition, some funding will be available through the EUTypes COST action website. In all cases, authors of accepted papers will be given precedence. Please see the conference website for more details. 

In addition, the Middlesex University is offering accommodation at a £30 daily rate in some excellently maintained shared flats located close to the conference venue (https://www.mdx.ac.uk/student-life/accommodation/platt-hall).  




 * The 25th Workshop on Automated Reasoning (ARW 2019, http://arw.csc.liv.ac.uk) 

Organizers: Florian Kammueller (Middlesex University) and Alexander Bolotov (University of Westminster) 

 * Journeys in Computational Logic: Tributes to Roy Dyckhoff 

Organizers: Stephane Graham-Lengrand (SRI International), Ekaterina Komendantskaya (Heriot-Watt University) and 

Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Queen Mary University of London) 


 * Formalising concurrent computation: CLF, Celf, and applications (joint FroCoS/TABLEAUX tutorial).

Presenters: Sonia Marin (IT-University of Copenhagen), Giselle Reis (Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar) and Iliano Cervesato (Carnegie Mellon University) 

 * How to Build an Automated Theorem Prover - An Introductory Tutorial (invited TABLEAUX tutorial). Presenter: Jens Otten (University of Oslo)


Carlos Areces, FaMAF - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina

Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy

Franz Baader, TU Dresden, Germany

Christoph Benzmüller, Free University of Berlin, Germany

Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands 

Torben Braüner, Roskilde University, Denmark

Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK

Marcelo Finger, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Pascal Fontaine, LORIA, INRIA, University of Lorraine, France

Didier Galmiche, LORIA, University of Lorraine, France

Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Jürgen Giesl, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Andreas Herzig, CNRS, IRIT, France

Moa Johansson, Chalmers University, Sweden

Jean Christoph Jung, University of Bremen, Germany

Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University, UK

Roman Kontchakov, Birkbeck, University of London, UK

Alessio Lomuscio, Imperial College London, UK

Assia Mahboubi, INRIA, France

Stefan Mitsch, Carnegie Mellon University

Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasília, Brazil

Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK

Silvio Ranise, Fondazione Bruno Kessler-Irst, Italy

Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA-INRIA, France

Philipp Rümmer, Uppsala University, Sweden

Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK

Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University Koblenz-Landau, Germany

Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck, Austria

Andrzej Szalas, Linköping University, Sweden

Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa, US

Ashish Tiwari, SRI International, US

Christoph Weidenbach, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany


Andreas Herzig, CNRS, IRIT, France

Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK 


Kelly Androutsopoulos, Middlesex University London, UK

Jaap Boender, Middlesex University London, UK

Michele Bottone, Middlesex University London, UK

Florian Kammueller, Middlesex University London, UK

Rajagopal Nagarajan, Middlesex University London, UK

Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK

Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University London, UK


Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University London, UK 


[Caml-list] FroCoS 2019 (London): second call for papers

FroCoS 2019
The 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems
London, UK, September 4-6, 2019

Website: https://www.frocos2019.org 
Contact: chair@frocos2019.org 
Submission deadlines: 21 Apr 2019 (abstract), 24 Apr 2019 (paper) 

The 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2019) will take place in London. It will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the Middlesex University London, from 4 to 6 September 2019.
FroCoS is the main international event for research on the development of techniques and methods for the combination and integration of formal systems, their modularization and analysis. The first FroCoS symposium was held in Munich, Germany, in 1996. Initially held every two years, since 2004 it has been organized annually with alternate years forming part of IJCAR. If we also count the IJCAR editions, this year FroCoS celebrates its 20th edition.
FroCoS 2019 will be co-located with the 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2019). The two conferences will provide a rich programme of workshops, tutorials, invited talks, paper presentations and system descriptions.

In various areas of computer science, such as logic, computation, program development and verification, artificial intelligence, knowledge representation, and automated reasoning, there is an obvious need for using specialized formalisms and inference systems for selected tasks. To be usable in practice, these specialized systems must be combined with each other and integrated into general purpose systems. This has led to the development of techniques and methods for the combination and integration of dedicated formal systems, as well as for their modularization and analysis.
FroCoS traditionally focuses on these types of research questions and activities. Like its predecessors, FroCoS 2019 seeks to offer a common forum for research in the general area of combination, modularization, and integration of systems, with emphasis on logic-based methods and their practical use.
Topics of interest for FroCoS 2019 include (but are not restricted to): 
   * combinations of logics (such as higher-order, first-order, temporal, modal, description or other non-classical logics)  
   * combination and integration methods in SAT and SMT solving    
   * combination of decision procedures, satisfiability procedures, constraint solving techniques, or logical frameworks
   * combination of logics with probability and/or fuzzy measures   
   * combinations and modularity in ontologies
   * integration of equational and other theories into deductive systems
   * hybrid methods for deduction, resolution and constraint propagation
   * hybrid systems in knowledge representation and natural language semantics
   * combined logics for distributed and multi-agent systems
   * logical aspects of combining and modularizing programs and specifications
   * integration of data structures into constraint logic programming and deduction
   * combinations and modularity in term rewriting
   * methods and techniques for the verification and analysis of information systems
   * methods and techniques for combining logical reasoning with machine learning

The program committee seeks high-quality submissions describing original work, written in English, not overlapping with published or simultaneously submitted work to a journal or conference with archival proceedings. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results, and quality of presentation. The page limit in Springer LNCS style is 16 pages in total, including references and figures.
Any additional material (going beyond the page limit) can be included in a clearly marked appendix. This appendix will be read at the discretion of the committee, and must be removed for the camera-ready version. 
Papers must be edited in LaTeX using the llncs style and must be submitted electronically as PDF files via EasyChair at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=frocos2019 
For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors is required to attend the conference and present the work. Prospective authors must register a title and an abstract three days before the paper submission deadline. 
Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be obtained at http://www.springer.com/br/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines 

Abstract submission: 21 Apr 2019
Paper submission: 24 Apr 2019
Notification of paper decisions: 6 Jun 2019
Camera-ready papers due: 1 Jul 2019
FroCoS conference: 4-6 Sep 2019

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS). 

The program committee will select the FroCoS 2019 Best Paper, which will be awarded 500 Euros. The award will be presented at the conference.  

Some funding will be available to support students traveling to FroCoS 2019. More details will be given on the conference website in due time.    

Carlos Areces, FaMAF - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina
Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, Italy
Franz Baader, TU Dresden, Germany
Christoph Benzmüller, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands 
Torben Braüner, Roskilde University, Denmark
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK
Marcelo Finger, University of São Paulo, Brazil
Pascal Fontaine, LORIA, INRIA, University of Lorraine, France
Didier Galmiche, LORIA, University of Lorraine, France
Silvio Ghilardi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Jürgen Giesl, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Andreas Herzig, CNRS, IRIT, France
Moa Johansson, Chalmers University, Sweden
Jean Christoph Jung, University of Bremen, Germany
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Roman Kontchakov, Birkbeck, University of London, UK
Alessio Lomuscio, Imperial College London, UK
Assia Mahboubi, INRIA, France
Stefan Mitsch, Carnegie Mellon University
Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasília, Brazil
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Silvio Ranise, Fondazione Bruno Kessler-Irst, Italy
Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA-INRIA, France
Philipp Rümmer, Uppsala University, Sweden
Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Christian Sternagel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Andrzej Szalas, Linköping University, Sweden
Cesare Tinelli, University of Iowa, US
Ashish Tiwari, SRI International, US
Christoph Weidenbach, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany

Andreas Herzig, CNRS, IRIT, France
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK 

Kelly Androutsopoulos, Middlesex University London, UK
Jaap Boender, Middlesex University London, UK
Michele Bottone, Middlesex University London, UK
Florian Kammueller, Middlesex University London, UK
Rajagopal Nagarajan, Middlesex University London, UK
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University London, UK

Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University London, UK 


[Caml-list] TABLEAUX 2019 (London): second call for papers

The 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods
London, UK, September 3-5, 2019

Authors, please note a change compared to the first call: The references are not counted in the page limits. 

Website: https://www.tableaux2019.org 
Contact: chair@tableaux2019.org  
Submission deadlines: 21 Apr 2019 (abstract), 24 Apr 2019 (paper) 

The 28th International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods (TABLEAUX 2019) will take place in London. It will be hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the Middlesex University London, on 3-5 September 2019.  
TABLEAUX is the main international conference at which research on all aspects -- theoretical foundations, implementation techniques, systems development and applications -- of the mechanization of tableaux-based reasoning and related methods is presented. The first TABLEAUX conference was held in Lautenbach near Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1992. Since then it has been organized on an annual basis; in 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018 as a constituent of IJCAR.  
TABLEAUX 2019 will be co-located with the 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2019). The conferences will provide a rich programme of workshops, tutorials, invited talks, paper presentations and system descriptions. 

Tableau methods offer a convenient and flexible set of tools for automated reasoning in classical logic, extensions of classical logic, and a large number of non-classical logics. For many logics, tableau methods can be generated automatically. Areas of application include verification of software and computer systems, deductive databases, knowledge representation and its required inference engines, teaching, and system diagnosis.   
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:     
   * tableau methods for classical and non-classical logics (including first-order, higher-order, modal, temporal, description, hybrid, intuitionistic, substructural, fuzzy, relevance and non-monotonic logics) and their proof-theoretic foundations;  
   * sequent calculi and natural deduction calculi for classical and non-classical logics, as tools for proof search and proof representation; 
   * related methods (SMT, model elimination, model checking, connection methods, resolution, BDDs, translation approaches); 
   * flexible, easily extendable, light-weight methods for theorem proving; novel types of calculi for theorem proving and verification in classical and non-classical logics; 
   * systems, tools, implementations, empirical evaluations and applications (provers, proof assistants, logical frameworks, model checkers, etc.); 
   * implementation techniques (data structures, efficient algorithms, performance measurement, extensibility, etc.); 
   * extensions of tableau procedures with conflict-driven learning; 
   * techniques for proof generation and compact (or humanly readable) proof representation;  
   * theoretical and practical aspects of decision procedures; 
   * applications of automated deduction to mathematics, software development, verification, deductive and temporal databases, knowledge representation, ontologies, fault diagnosis or teaching.  
We also welcome papers describing applications of tableau procedures to real-world examples. Such papers should be tailored to the tableau community and should focus on the role of reasoning and on logical aspects of the solution.

Submissions are invited in three categories:  
(A) research papers reporting original theoretical research or applications, with length up to 15 pages excluding references;    
(B) system descriptions, with length up to 9 pages excluding references; 
(C) position papers and brief reports on work in progress, with length up to 9 pages excluding references.   
Submissions will be reviewed by the PC, possibly with the help of external reviewers, taking into account readability, relevance and originality. Any additional material (going beyond the page limit) can be included in a clearly marked appendix, which will be read at the discretion of the committee and must be removed for the camera-ready version.  
For category A submissions, the reported results must be original and not submitted for publication elsewhere. For category B submissions, a working implementation must be accessible via the internet. Authors are encouraged to publish the implementation under an open source license. The aim of a system description is to make the system available in such a way that people can use it, understand it, and build on it. Accepted papers in categories A and B will be published in the conference proceedings. Accepted papers in category C will be published as a Technical Report of the Middlesex University London.  
Papers must be edited in LaTeX using the llncs style and must be submitted electronically as PDF files via the EasyChair system: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tableaux2019  
For all accepted papers at least one author is required to attend the conference and present the paper. A title and a short abstract of about 100 words must be submitted before the paper submission deadline. Formatting instructions and the LNCS style files can be obtained at http://www.springer.com/br/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines

Abstract submission: 21 Apr 2019
Paper submission: 24 Apr 2019
Notification of paper decisions: 6 Jun 2019
Camera-ready papers due: 1 Jul 2019
TABLEAUX conference: 3-5 Sep 2019

The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI/LNCS).

The program committee will select (1) the TABLEAUX 2019 Best Paper and (2) the TABLEAUX 2019 Best Paper by a Junior Researcher, of which the latter will be supported by 500 Euros. Researchers will be considered "junior" if either they are students or their PhD degree date is less than two years from the first day of the meeting. The two awards will be presented at the conference. 

Some funding will be available to support students traveling to TABLEAUX 2019. More details will be given on the conference website in due time. 

Peter Baumgartner, Data61/CSIRO, Australia
Maria Paola Bonacina, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy
James Brotherston, University College London, UK
Serenella Cerrito, IBISC, Univ. Evry, Paris Saclay University, France
Agata Ciabattoni, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Anupam Das, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool, UK
Camillo Fiorentini, University of Milano, Italy
Pascal Fontaine, LORIA, INRIA, University of Lorraine, France
Didier Galmiche, LORIA, University of Lorraine, France
Martin Giese, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway
Laura Giordano, DISIT, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy
Rajeev Goré, The Australian National University, Australia
Stéphane Graham-Lengrand, SRI International, USA
Reiner Hähnle, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Ori Lahav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Tomer Libal, American University of Paris, France
George Metcalfe, Universität Bern, Switzerland
Dale Miller, INRIA and LIX/Ecole Polytechnique, France
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research, USA
Neil Murray, SUNY at Albany, USA
Cláudia Nalon, University of Brasília, Brazil
Sara Negri, University of Helsinki, Finland
Hans de Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan
Nicola Olivetti, LSIS, Aix-Marseille Université, France
Jens Otten, Universitetet i Oslo, Norway
Valeria De Paiva, Nuance Communications, USA
Nicolas Peltier, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France
Elaine Pimentel, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Francesca Poggiolesi, CNRS, IHST Paris, France
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Gian Luca Pozzato, University of Turin, Italy 
Giles Reger, University of Manchester, UK
Giselle Reis, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
Renate Schmidt, University of Manchester, UK
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, Universität Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Alwen Tiu, Australian National University, Australia
Sophie Tourret, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany
Dmitriy Traytel, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Josef Urban, Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, Czech Republic
Luca Viganò, King's College, London, UK
Uwe Waldmann, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken, Germany
Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Serenella Cerrito, IBISC, Univ. Evry, Paris Saclay University, France
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK 

Kelly Androutsopoulos, Middlesex University London, UK
Jaap Boender, Middlesex University London, UK
Michele Bottone, Middlesex University London, UK
Florian Kammueller, Middlesex University London, UK
Rajagopal Nagarajan, Middlesex University London, UK
Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK
Franco Raimondi, Middlesex University London, UK

Andrei Popescu, Middlesex University London, UK 


[Caml-list] FSCD 2019 - Call for Participation (early registration ends May 13th)

(Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate.)

                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION
                     Fourth International Conference on
        Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD 2019)
                    24 -- 30 June 2019, Dortmund, Germany

FSCD covers all aspects of formal structures for computation and
deduction from theoretical foundations to applications.  Building on
two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA
(Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), FSCD embraces their core
topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics,
models of computation (e.g. quantum computing, probabilistic
computing, homotopy type theory), semantics and verification in new
challenging areas (e.g. blockchain protocols or deep learning

The registration page is already open and linked from:

The early registration deadline is *** 13 May 2019 ***.
(for more details please visit the conference webpage).

Titles and abstracts available at

*  Beniamino Accattoli (INRIA, Paris, France)
*  Amy Felty (University of Ottawa, Canada)
*  Sarah Winkler (University of Innsbruck, Austria)
*  Hongseok Yang (KAIST,  Korea)

- UNIF: 33rd International Workshop on Unification 
- WPTE:  6th  International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation 
- IWC: 8th International Workshop on Confluence
- TLLA: 3rd Trends in Linear Logic and Applications
- SD: 5th International Workshop on Structures and Deduction
- HOR: 10th International Workshop on Higher-Order Rewriting
- IFIP: 22nd  IFIP Working Group 1.6: Rewriting

Herman  Geuvers, Radboud U. Nijmegen 

Jakob Rehof, TU Dortmund

Boris Düdder, U. of Copenhagen

H. Geuvers, Radboud U. Nijmegen 
Z. Ariola, U. of Oregon
M. Ayala Rincón, U. of Brasilia
A. Bauer, U. of Ljubljana
F. Bonchi, U. of Pisa
S. Broda, U. of Porto
U. Dal Lago, U. of Bologna & Inria
U. De'Liguoro, U. of Torino
D. Kapur, U. of New Mexico
P. Dybjer, Chalmers U. of Technology
M. Fernandez, King's College London
J. Giesl, RWTH Aachen
N. Hirokawa, JAIST
S. Lucas, U. Politecnica de Valencia
A. Middeldorp, U. of Innsbruck
F. Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon U.
B. Pientka, McGill U.
J. van de Pol, Aarhus U. & U. of Twente
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam 
C. Schürmann, ITU Copenhagen
P. Severi, U. of Leicester
A. Silva, U. College London
S. Staton, Oxford U.
T. Streicher, TU Darmstadt
A. Stump, U. of Iowa
N. Tabareau, Inria
S. Tison, U. of Lille
A. Tiu, Australian National U.
T. Tsukada, U. of Tokyo
J. Urban, CTU Prague
P. Urzyczyn, U. of Warsaw
J. Waldmann, Leipzig U. of Applied Sciences

Jamie Vicary, Oxford U.

Sandra Alves , Porto U.

S. Alves (Porto U.),
M. Ayala-Rincón (Brasilia U.)
C. Fuhs (Birkbeck, London U.)
D. Kesner (Chair, Paris U.) 
H. Kirchner (Inria)
N. Kobayashi (U. Tokyo)
C. Kop (Radboud U. Nijmegen)
D. Miller (Inria)
L. Ong (Chair, Oxford U.) 
B. Pientka (McGill U.)
S. Staton (Oxford U.)

Looking forward to seeing you in Dortmund!

[Caml-list] [Call for Papers] Formal Techniques for Dependable Autonomous Systems (FT4DAS-2019)

                            FT4DAS 2019
1st International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Dependable Autonomous Systems
Co-located with SAFECOMP 2019 
                    September 10, 2019, Turku, Finland. 


Autonomous systems have been increasingly deployed in safety and mission-critical application. For example, future autonomous cars are ready to hit the public roads in a few years. Due to a direct impact on human-lives, their functional safety, security, and dependability are important for both general public and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). Formal Methods techniques have the potential to address some of the most important verification and dependability challenges associated with such autonomous systems. Indeed,  industrial standards, such as ISO 26262, ISO 61508, IEC 62304, EN 50128  explicitly recommend the use of formal methods in the design and development of autonomous systems. The main purpose of this workshop is to bring together people from both industry and academia and serve as a forum to discuss practical applications of formal methods. Moreover, we believe this workshop will help to discuss the readiness of formal methods in industrial applications by discussing the needs of autonomous systems industry and challenges faced by formal methods researchers. 

The focus of the workshop will be on formal verification techniques for the modeling, analysis, and verification of safety and security critical autonomous systems. We encourage submissions on interdisciplinary approaches that bring together various formal methods and techniques such as model checking, runtime verification and theorem proving. 

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)

- Formal modeling, requirement specification & validation for autonomous systems
- Formal verification of AI and ML algorithm for autonomous systems
- Runtime verification of safety and security properties
- Combination of formal, semi-formal and informal approaches
- Formalization of probability, reliability and statistical metrics
- Formal Verification of security & privacy aspects of autonomous systems
- Hybrid systems
- Reliability, maintainability, and security issues in autonomous systems
- Formal modeling of ethical issues in autonomous systems
- Benchmarks for autonomous Cyber-physical systems
- Formal verification & international standards(e.g., ISO26262, IEC61508, DO178)
- Formal verification for safety and security assurance cases
- Formal verification and safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF)

Application domains include:

- Autonomous aerospace and avionics systems
- Autonomous/semi-autonomous automotive systems
- Autonomous robotics
- Human factors in autonomous systems


Umair Siddique, Blackberry QNX Software Systems, Canada (PC Chair)
Khaza Anuarul Hoque, University of Missouri, USA (PC Chair)

Program Committee

Alessandro Abate, University of Oxford, UK
Vincent Aravantinos, Autonomous Intelligent Driving (AID) GmbH, Germany
Rohit Chadha, University of Missouri, USA
Jelena Frtunikj, BMW, Germany
Alwyn E. Goodloe, NASA Langley Research Center, USA
Christopher Hobbs, Blackberry QNX Software Systems, Canada
Taylor T. Johnson, Vanderbilt University, USA
Jeff Joyce, Critical Systems Labs, Inc., Canada
Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Wenchao Li, Boston University, USA
Magnus Myreen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Gethin Norman, University of Glasgow, UK
Luan V. Nguyen, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Peter Csaba Ölveczky, University of Oslo, Norway
David Parker, University of Birmingham, UK
Guo Zhou, Prover Technology AB, Sweden

Submission Details

There are three categories of submissions: 

Regular papers (including case studies) describing developed work with theoretical or experimental results (up to 12 pages)
Short papers on experience reports, tools or work in progress with preliminary results (up to 6 pages)
New idea papers with innovative and thought-provoking research plans (up to 4 pages)

Accepted papers will be published by Springer in Lecture Notes in Computer  Science volume and will be provided as a complementary book to the SafeComp 2019  proceedings. Please keep your paper format according to Springer LNCS style guideline.  Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ft4das2019 

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission: May 13, 2019
Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2019
Camera-ready submission: June 10, 2019
Workshop: September 10, 2019