
[Caml-list] Call for Paper for HotSWUp 2011: Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades

The following call for paper may be of interest to some members of the function community.

Fabien Dagnat


HotSWUp 2011: Third Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Upgrades

(co-located with ICDE 2011)
Hannover, Germany
April 16, 2011


Submission deadline: 15 November 2010


Actively-used software systems are upgraded regularly to incorporate
bug fixes and security patches or to keep up with the evolving
requirements. Whether upgrades are applied offline or online, they
significantly impact the system's performance and reliability.
Recently-introduced commercial products aim to address various aspects
of this problem; however, recent studies and a large body of anecdotal
evidence suggest that upgrades remain failure-prone, tedious, and

The goal of the HotSWUp Workshop is to identify cutting-edge research
for supporting software system upgrades that are flexible, efficient,
robust, and easy to specify and apply. Many diverse research areas
are concerned with building large, evolving, highly-available systems.
As such, HotSWUp seeks contributions from all these areas, ranging
from databases to distributed systems, and from programming languages
to software engineering, and separately reflected in conferences such
contributions from both academic researchers and industry
practitioners, HotSWUp aims to combine novel ideas with experience
from upgrading real systems. The present workshop aims to build on
the successes of HotSWUp'08 and HotSWUp'09 where the paper
presentations and lively discussions attracted a diverse audience of

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Upgrading Information Systems under Schema Evolution.
- Programming language / operating system / database support for
software upgrades.
- Improving the reliability of upgrades (e.g., support for upgrade
validation and for rollback after failures).
- Support for system or data restructuring (e.g., evolving APIs,
changes to database schemas).
- Identifying dependencies between components and guaranteeing safe
interactions among mixed versions.
- Coordinating and disseminating upgrades in large-scale distributed
- Software upgrades and the Cloud Computing Infrastructure.
- Tools for preparing, testing, and applying software upgrades.
- Human factors in software upgrades (e.g., usability of upgrading
tools, common operator mistakes).


We are interested in papers that address practical as well as
theoretical aspects of software upgrades from large scale to embedded
applications. Particularly welcome this year are submissions
concerning software upgrade issues in database systems. Preferably,
submissions should fall into one of the following categories:

- Suggest how a successful approach can be applied in a different context
(e.g., static dependency analysis applied to distributed-system upgrades).
- Refute an old assumption about software upgrades (e.g., by presenting
negative results).
- Describe a new problem or propose a novel solution to an old problem.
- Present empirical evidence related to the practical implementation of
software upgrades.

Papers must not exceed 5 pages, in IEEE camera-ready format (templates
Papers must be submitted electronically at http://www.hotswup.org.


Submission deadline 15 November 2010
Acceptance notification 15 December 2010
Camera-ready deadline 3 January 2011
Workshop date 16 April 2011


Rida Bazzi, Arizona State University, USA (co-organizer)
Carlo Aldo Curino, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Fabien Dagnat, Telecom Bretagne, France
Johann Eder, University of Vienna, Austria
Michael Hicks, University of Maryland, College park, USA (co-organizer)
Manuel Oriol, University of York, UK
George Papastefanatos, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Paolo Papotti, Università Roma Tre, Italy
Jason Nieh, Columbia University, USA
Xin Qi, Facebook, USA
Mark Segal, Laboratory for Telecommunications Sciences, USA
Liuba Shrira, Brandeis University, USA
Carlo Zaniolo, University of California, Los Angeles, USA (co-organizer)


Visit the workshop's homepage at:

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[Caml-list] TLDI 2011: 2nd Call For Papers

TLDI 2011


The Sixth ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Types in Language Design and Implementation

Austin, Texas, USA
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
(Co-located with POPL 2011)


Submission Deadline: October 11, 2010

The role of types and proofs in all aspects of language design,
compiler construction, and software development has expanded greatly
in recent years. Type systems, type-based analyses and type-theoretic
deductive systems have been central to advances in compilation
techniques for modern programming languages, verification of safety
and security properties of programs, program transformation and
optimization, and many other areas. The ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Types
in Language Design and Implementation brings researchers together to
share new ideas and results concerning all aspects of types and
programming, and is now an annual event. TLDI 2011 is the sixth
workshop in the series and will be co-located with POPL in Austin,
Texas in January 2011.

Submissions for TLDI 2011 are invited on all interactions of types
with language design, implementation, and programming methodology.
This includes both practical applications and theoretical aspects.
TLDI 2011 specifically encourages papers from a broad field of
programming language and compiler researchers, including those working
on object-oriented or dynamic languages, systems programming,
mobile-code or security, as well as traditional fully-static type
systems. Topics of interest include:

* Typed intermediate languages and type-directed compilation
* Type-based language support for safety and security
* Types for interoperability
* Type systems for system programming languages
* Type-based program analysis, transformation, and optimization
* Dependent types and type-based proof assistants
* Types for security protocols, concurrency, and distributed
* Type inference and type reconstruction
* Type-based specifications of data structures and program
* Type-based memory management
* Proof-carrying code and certifying compilation
* Types and objects

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list; papers on novel
utilizations of type information are welcome. Authors concerned about
the suitability of a topic are encouraged to inquire via electronic
mail to the program chair prior to submission.

Submission Guidelines:

Authors should submit a full paper of no more than 12 pages (including
bibliography and appendices) by Monday, October 11, 2010. The
submission deadline and length limitations are firm. Submissions that
do not meet these guidelines will not be considered.

All submissions should be in standard ACM SIGPLAN conference format:
two columns, nine-point font on a ten-point baseline. Detailed
formatting guidelines are available on the SIGPLAN Author Information
page, along with a LaTeX class file and template.

Papers must be submitted electronically via the workshop website
(http://www.mpi-sws.org/~dreyer/tldi2011/) in Adobe Portable Document
Format (PDF) and must be formatted for US Letter size (8.5"x11")
paper. Authors for whom this is a hardship should contact the program
chair before the deadline.

Submitted papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN Republication Policy.
Submissions should contain original research not published or
submitted for publication elsewhere.


As in previous years, accepted papers will be published by the ACM and
appear in the ACM digital library. A printed proceedings will be
available at the workshop.

Important Dates:

- Submission deadline: October 11, 2010 (Monday), 21:00 Samoa-Apia Time
- Notification: November 8, 2010 (Monday)
- Final versions due: November 22, 2010 (Monday)
- Workshop: January 25, 2011 (Tuesday)

General Chair:

Stephanie Weirich
University of Pennsylvania
sweirich at cis dot upenn dot edu

Program Chair:

Derek Dreyer
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS)
dreyer at mpi-sws dot org

Program Committee:

Thorsten Altenkirch (University of Nottingham)
Fritz Henglein (University of Copenhagen)
Michael Hicks (University of Maryland, College Park)
Limin Jia (Carnegie Mellon University)
Mark Jones (Portland State University)
Neel Krishnaswami (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
Paul-André Melliès (CNRS & Université Paris Diderot)
Aleks Nanevski (IMDEA Software, Madrid)
Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
Tachio Terauchi (Tohoku University)
Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (Northeastern University)

Steering Committee:

Amal Ahmed (Indiana University)
Nick Benton (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
Derek Dreyer (MPI-SWS)
Robert Harper (Carnegie Mellon University, chair)
Andrew Kennedy (Microsoft Research, Cambridge)
Francois Pottier (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Zhong Shao (Yale University)
Stephanie Weirich (University of Pennsylvania)
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[Caml-list] Types'10 - Call for Participation

Call for Participation

Types Meeting 2010
Warsaw, 13 -- 16 October 2010

This is a reminder that the early registration deadline for Types'10 is

Monday, September 13

Note also that your talk should be submitted no later than September 20.
Do not hesitate to contact types10@mimuw.edu.pl if you have any
See you in Warsaw at Types 2010!

The Organizing Committee

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Archives: http://caml.inria.fr
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