
[Caml-list] ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design - 2nd Call for Papers, Demos, and Performances

7th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on
Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design
Call for Papers, Demos, and Performance
Virtual, 27th August 2021
May 15 (Papers & Demos)
June 13 (Performances

Key Dates

Papers and Demos:
Paper submission deadline May 15
Author notification June 5
Camera ready June 26
Workshop August 27

Performance submission deadline June 13
Performance notification June 26

Call for Papers

After an 2020 online edition restricted to the performance session,
the ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music,
Modelling and Design (FARM) will also be held online in 2021 but open
to all tracks (paper, demo and performance). Pursuing its mission,
this 9th workshop aims to bring together people who are harnessing
functional techniques in the pursuit of creativity and artistic

FARM encourages submissions from across art, craft, and design,
including textiles, visual art, music, 3D sculpture, animation, GUIs,
video games, 3D printing and architectural models, choreography,
poetry, and even VLSI layouts, GPU configurations, or mechanical
engineering designs. Theoretical foundations, language design,
implementation issues, and applications in industry or the arts are
all within the scope of the workshop.

In addition to the main workshop, FARM hosts a traditional evening of
performances. Thus, this call encompasses both papers/demos for the
workshop (and its published proceedings) as well as performance
proposals for the evening's event. Authors are invited to make a
single submission for each. Authors may submit both a paper/demo and
performance proposal, but the submissions will be considered

Note on Finances

Paid registration to the FARM workshop is usually required for paper
and demo submitters, but will be waived for performers.

If you would have financial difficulty attending, you can apply for
conference "PAC" funds. Please get in touch for more information.


We welcome submissions from academic, professional, and independent
programmers and artists. Submissions are accepted via the Submission
page on Easychair:


Paper proposals

Paper submissions are invited in three categories:

- Original research
- Overview / state of the art
- Technology tutorial (especially tools and environments for distributed artistic workflow)

All submissions must propose an original contribution to the FARM
theme. FARM is an interdisciplinary conference, so a wide range of
approaches are encouraged. An original paper should have 5 to 12
pages, be in portable document format (PDF), and use the ACM SIGPLAN
style guides and ACM SIGPLAN template (using the SIGPLAN
sub-format). Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital
Library as part of the FARM 2021 proceedings.

Authors are encouraged to submit auxiliary material for publication
along with their paper (source code, data, videos, images, etc.);
authors retain all rights to the auxiliary material.

Demo proposals

Demo proposals should describe a demonstration to be given at the FARM
workshop and its context, connecting it with the themes of FARM. A
demo could be in the form of a short (1020 minute) tutorial,
presentation of work-in-progress, an exhibition of some work, or even
a performance. Demo proposals should be in the form of an extended
abstract (500 to 2000 words). A demo proposal should be clearly marked
as such, by prepending "Demo Proposal:" to the title and proposed to
the 'paper' track. Demo proposals will be published on the FARM

Performance proposals

FARM seeks proposals for performances which employ functional
programming techniques, in whole or in part. We invite a diverse range
of functionally-themed submissions including music, video, dance, and
performance art. Both live performances and fixed-media submissions
are welcome. We encourage both risk-taking proposals that push forward
the state of the art and refined presentations of highly developed
practice. Performances will be held online.

Performance proposals should be emailed to
performance@functional-art.org, and must include: a description of the
performance (please be as specific as possible), an explanation of the
use of functional programming in the work, and a list of technical
requirements. All proposals should be supported by a link to an audio
or video example (YouTube, Vimeo, Bandcamp, etc.).

Important dates/deadlines

Submission Deadline: May, 15th
Author Notification: June, 5th
Performance Submission Deadlione: June 13th
Camera Ready: June 26th
Performance Notification: June 26
Workshop: August 27th

Authors take note

For original papers and demos, the official publication date is the
date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital
Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of
the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for
any patent filings related to published work.

All presentations at FARM 2021 will be recorded. Permission to publish
the resulting video (in all probability on YouTube, along with the
videos of ICFP itself and the other ICFP-colocated events) will be
requested on-site.


If you have any questions about what type of contributions that might
be suitable, or anything else regarding submission or the workshop
itself, please contact the organizers at: farm2021@functional-art.org.

Workshop organization

General chair: Daniel Winograd-Cort (Luminous Computing)
Program chair: Jean-Louis Giavitto (IRCAM Paris)
Publicity chair: Mike Sperber (Active Group GmbH)
Performance Chair: John MacCallum (HfMT Hamburg)


[Caml-list] FMBC 2021 - 2nd Call for Papers

[ Please distribute, apologies for multiple postings. ]


3rd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains (FMBC) - Second Call


July 18 or 19 (TBA), 2021

Co-located with the 33nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV 2021)


Abstract submission: April 22, 2021
Full paper submission: April 29, 2021
Notification: June 10, 2021
Camera-ready: July 8, 2021
Workshop: July 18 or 19 (TBA), 2021

Deadlines are Anywhere on Earth:


Blockchains are decentralized transactional ledgers that rely on
cryptographic hash functions for guaranteeing the integrity of the
stored data. Participants on the network reach agreement on what valid
transactions are through consensus algorithms.

Blockchains may also provide support for Smart Contracts. Smart
Contracts are scripts of an ad-hoc programming language that are
stored in the Blockchain and that run on the network. They can
interact with the ledger's data and update its state. These scripts
can express the logic of possibly complex contracts between users of
the Blockchain. Thus, Smart Contracts can facilitate the economic
activity of Blockchain participants.

With the emergence and increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies such
as Bitcoin and Ethereum, it is now of utmost importance to have strong
guarantees of the behavior of Blockchain software.
These guarantees can be brought by using Formal Methods. Indeed,
Blockchain software encompasses many topics of computer science where
using Formal Methods techniques and tools are relevant: consensus
algorithms to ensure the liveness and the security of the data on the
chain, programming languages specifically designed to write Smart
Contracts, cryptographic protocols, such as zero-knowledge proofs,
used to ensure privacy, etc.

This workshop is a forum to identify theoretical and practical
approaches of formal methods for Blockchain technology. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
* Formal models of Blockchain applications or concepts
* Formal methods for consensus protocols
* Formal methods for Blockchain-specific cryptographic primitives or protocols
* Design and implementation of Smart Contract languages
* Verification of Smart Contracts


Submit original manuscripts (not published or considered elsewhere)
with a page limit of 12 pages for full papers and 6 pages for short
papers (excluding bibliography and short appendix of up to 5
additional pages).

Alternatively you may also submit an extended abstract of up to 3
pages (including bibliography) summarizing your ongoing work in the
area of formal methods and blockchain. Authors of selected
extended-abstracts are invited to give a short lightning talk.

Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fmbc2021

Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX and prepare their submissions
according to the instructions and styling guides for OASIcs provided
by Dagstuhl.

Instructions for authors: https://submission.dagstuhl.de/documentation/authors#oasics

At least one author of an accepted paper is expected to present the
paper at the workshop as a registered participant.


All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee for quality and relevance. Accepted regular papers
(full and short papers) will be included in the workshop proceedings,
published as a volume of the OpenAccess Series in Informatics (OASIcs)
by Dagstuhl.


David Dill, Lead Researcher, Blockchain, Novi/Facebook, USA


* Bruno Bernardo (Nomadic Labs, France) (bruno@nomadic-labs.com)
* Diego Marmsoler (University of Exeter, UK) (D.Marmsoler@exeter.ac.uk)

* Wolfgang Ahrendt (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
* Lacramioara Astefanoei (Nomadic Labs, France)
* Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, Italy)
* Joachim Breitner (Dfinity Foundation, Germany)
* Achim Brucker (University of Exeter, UK)
* Zaynah Dargaye (Nomadic Labs, France)
* Jérémie Decouchant (TU Delft, Netherlands)
* Dana Drachsler Cohen (Technion, Israel)
* Ansgar Fehnker (University of Twente, Netherlands)
* Maurice Herlihy (Brown University, USA)
* Lars Hupel (INNOQ, Germany)
* Florian Kammueller (Middlesex University London, UK)
* Igor Konnov (Informal Systems, Austria)
* Andreas Lochbihler (Digital Asset, Switzerland)
* Simão Melo de Sousa (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)
* Karl Palmskog (KTH, Sweden)
* Maria Potop-Butucaru (Sorbonne Université, France)
* Andreas Rossberg (Dfinity Foundation, Germany)
* César Sanchez (Imdea, Spain)
* Clara Schneidewind (TU Wien, Austria)
* Ilya Sergey (Yale-NUS College/NUS, Singapore)
* Mark Staples (CSIRO Data61, Australia)
* Meng Sun (Peking University, China)
* Simon Thompson (University of Kent, UK)
* Josef Widder (Informal Systems, Austria)