
[Caml-list] GPCE 2022 Call for Papers

GPCE 2022:
21st International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences

December 5-10, 2022 (co-located with SPLASH)
Auckland, New Zealand, or hybrid



The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts &
Experiences (GPCE) is a programming languages conference focusing on techniques
and tools for code generation, language implementation, and product-line

GPCE seeks conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and technical contributions to
its topics of interest, which include but are not limited to:

- program transformation, staging, macro systems, preprocessors, program
  synthesis, and code-recommendation systems,
- domain-specific languages, language embedding, language design, and language
- feature-oriented programming, domain engineering, and feature interactions,
- applications and properties of code generation, language implementation, and
  product-line development.

GPCE promotes cross-fertilization between programming languages and software
development and among different styles of generative programming in its broadest

Authors are welcome to check with the PC chair whether their planned papers are
in scope.


GPCE solicits three kinds of submissions:

- **Full Papers** reporting original and unpublished results of research that
  contribute to scientific knowledge for any GPCE topics. Full paper
  submissions must not exceed 12 pages excluding the bibliography.

- **Short Papers** presenting unconventional ideas or new visions in any GPCE
  topics. Short papers do not always contain complete results as in the case
  of full papers, but can introduce new ideas to the community and get early
  feedback. Note that short papers are not intended to be position statements.
  Accepted short papers are included in the proceedings and will be presented
  at the conference. Short paper submissions must not exceed 6 pages excluding
  the bibliography, and must have the text "(Short Paper)" appended to their

- **Tool Demonstrations** presenting tools for any GPCE topics. Tools must
  be available for use and must not be purely commercial. Submissions must
  provide a tool description not exceeding 6 pages excluding bibliography
  and a separate demonstration outline including screenshots also not
  exceeding 6 pages. Tool demonstration submissions must have the text
  "(Tool Demonstration)" appended to their titles. If they are accepted, tool
  descriptions will be included in the proceedings. The demonstration
  outline will only be used for evaluating the submission.


The GPCE program committee will evaluate each submission according to the
following selection criteria:

- Novelty. Papers must present new ideas or evidence and place them
  appropriately within the context established by previous research in the
- Significance. The results in the paper must have the potential to add to
  the state of the art or practice in significant ways.
- Evidence. The paper must present evidence supporting its claims. Examples
  of evidence include formalizations and proofs, implemented systems,
  experimental results, statistical analyses, and case studies.
- Clarity. The paper must present its contributions and results clearly.


Following the tradition, the GPCE 2022 program committee will select the
best paper among accepted papers.  The authors of the best paper will be
given the best paper award at the conference.


- Abstract submission     8 August (Mon)
- Paper submission    12 August (Fri)
- Review notification    28 September (Wed)
- Author response period  28 September (Wed) - 30 September (Fri)
- Final notification    10 October (Mon)
- Camera-ready            24 October (Mon)
- Conference              two days in 5 December (Mon) - 10 December (Sat)

All times are in AoE (Anywhere on Earth).


Papers must be submitted using HotCRP: https://gpce2022.hotcrp.com/

All submissions must use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Format "acmart". Be
sure to use the latest LaTeX templates and class files, the SIGPLAN
sub-format, and 10-point font. Consult the sample-sigplan.tex template and
use the document-class \documentclass[sigplan,anonymous,review]{acmart}.

To increase fairness in reviewing, GPCE 2022 uses the double-blind review
process which has become standard across SIGPLAN conferences:

- Author names, institutions, and acknowledgments should be omitted from
  submitted papers, and
- references to the authors' own work should be in the third person.

No other changes are necessary, and authors will not be penalized if
reviewers are able to infer authors' identities in implicit ways.

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions,
contact the program chair.

The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available
in the ACM Digital Library. Papers must describe work not currently
submitted for publication elsewhere as described by the SIGPLAN
Republication Policy (http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication/).


- General Chair:   Bernhard Scholz (University of Sydney)
- Program Chair:   Yukiyoshi Kameyama (University of Tsukuba)
- Publicity Chair: Youyou Cong (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

- Steering Committee Chair: Sebastian Erdweg (JGU Mainz)

For additional information, clarification, or answers to questions,
contact the program chair: kameyama at acm.org


Baris Aktemur - Intel
Walter Binder - Università della Svizzera italiana
Nicolas Biri - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Elisa Gonzalez Boix - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Sheng Chen - UL Lafayette
Shigeru Chiba - The University of Tokyo
Youyou Cong - Tokyo Institute of Technology
Coen De Roover - Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Robert Glück - University of Copenhagen
Jeff Gray - University of Alabama
Atsushi Igarashi - Kyoto University
Yukiyoshi Kameyama - University of Tsukuba, Chair
Raffi Khatchadourian - City University of New York (CUNY) Hunter College
Julia Lawall - Inria
Geoffrey Mainland - Drexel University
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira - The University of Hong Kong
Klaus Ostermann - University of Tübingen
Max Schaefer - GitHub
Ulrik Pagh Schultz - University of Southern Denmark
Sibylle Schupp - Hamburg University of Technology
Amir Shaikhha - University of Edinburgh
Artjoms Sinkarovs - Heriot-Watt University
Daniel Strüber - Chalmers University of Gothenburg, Radboud University Nijmegen
Nicolas Stucki - EPFL
Eli Tilevich - Virginia Tech
Tijs van der Storm - CWI & University of Groningen
Jeremy Yallop - University of Cambridge


[Caml-list] ACM Workshop on Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design - Call for Papers, Demos, and Performances

10th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on
Functional Art, Music, Modelling and Design
Call for Papers, Demos, and Performance
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16th September 2022
Deadline: June 1

Key Dates

Submission deadline June 1
Author notification July 1
Workshop September 16

Call for Papers

The ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Functional Art, Music,
Modelling and Design (FARM) encourages submissions from across art,
craft, and design, including textiles, visual art, music, 3D
sculpture, animation, GUIs, video games, 3D printing and architectural
models, choreography, poetry, and even VLSI layouts, GPU
configurations, or mechanical engineering designs. Theoretical
foundations, language design, implementation issues, and applications
in industry or the arts are all within the scope of the workshop.

In addition to the main workshop, FARM hosts a traditional evening of
performances. Thus, this call encompasses both papers/demos for the
workshop (and its published proceedings) as well as performance
proposals for the evening's event. Authors are invited to make a
single submission for each. Authors may submit both a paper/demo and
performance proposal, but the submissions will be considered

Note on Finances

Paid registration to the FARM workshop is usually required for paper
and demo submitters, but will be waived for performers.

If you would have financial difficulty attending, you can apply for
conference "PAC" funds. Please get in touch for more information.


Paper submissions are invited in three categories:

- Original research
- Overview / state of the art
- Technology tutorial (especially tools and environments for distributed artistic workflow)

Papers must be submitted via HotCRP (https://farm22.hotcrp.com/), and
meet the following requirements:

- 5 to 12 pages
- PDF format
- Adhere to the ACM SIGPLAN template

Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part
of the FARM 2022 proceedings.

Authors are encouraged to submit auxiliary material for publication
along with their paper (source code, data, videos, images,
etc.). Authors retain all rights to the auxiliary material.


Demo submissions should describe a demonstration and its context,
connecting it with the themes of FARM. A demo could be in the form of
a short (10 to 20 minute) tutorial, a presentation of work in
progress, an exhibition of some work, or even a performance.

Demos must be submitted via HotCRP (https://farm22.hotcrp.com/), and
meet the following requirements:

- 500 to 2000 words
- Have a title starting with "Demo: "
- PDF format
- Adhere to the ACM SIGPLAN template (https://www.sigplan.org/Resources/ProceedingsFormat/)

Accepted demos will be published in the ACM Digital Library as part of
the FARM 2022 proceedings.


FARM seeks proposals for performances which employ functional
programming techniques, in whole or in part. We invite a diverse range
of functionally-themed submissions including music, video, dance, and
performance art. Both live performances and fixed-media submissions
are welcome. We encourage risk-taking proposals that push forward the
state of the art as well as refined presentations of highly developed
practice. In either case, please support your submission with a clear
description of your performance, including how your performance
employs functional programming and a discussion of influences and
prior art as appropriate.

Performance proposals should be emailed to
performance@functional-art.org, and must include:

- A description of the performance (please be as specific as possible)
- An explanation of the use of functional programming in the work
- A list of technical requirements
- A link to an audio or video example (YouTube, Vimeo, Bandcamp, etc.)

Accepted performances will be presented at the performance evening.


For any questions, issues or comments, email

[Caml-list] [Call for participation] TFPiE and TFP online events March 16-18

              C A L L  F O R  P A R T I C I P A T I O N

 11th International Workshop on Trends in Functional Programming in
           23rd Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming

                         16 - 18 March 2022


The programmes for TFPIE and TFP are online (all times are UTC+0):
- TFPIE: https://wiki.tfpie.science.ru.nl/TFPIE2022
- TFP:   https://trendsfp.github.io/schedule.html

Registration is free. Prior to the events you receive a mail with the
links to
the Zoom meetings.

The Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an international
forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of functional
taking a broad view of current and future trends in the area. We aspire
to be
a lively environment for presenting the latest research results, and other

The Trends in Functional Programming in Education workshops are an
informal meeting
intended for researchers, professors, teachers, and all professionals
that use or
are interested in the use of functional programming in education. TFPIE
aims to be
a venue where novel ideas, classroom-tested ideas, and work in progress
on the use
of functional programming in education are discussed. We foster a spirit
of open
discussion by having a review process for publication after the workshop.

The program has a lot of interesting talks, possibilities for
interaction, and
keynote presentations:

Trends in Functional Programming in Education keynote speaker:
Peter Achten: The Perfect Functional Programming Course

Trends in Functional Programming keynote speaker:
Christiaan Baaij: Building a Haskell-to-Hardware compiler: Theory & Practice


[Caml-list] 22nd Midlands Graduate School, 10-14 April 2022: Call for Participation


22nd Midlands Graduate School (MGS'22)
in the
Foundations of Computing Science
10-14 April 2022, Nottingham (UK)



MGS is an annual spring school that offers an intensive programme of
lectures on the mathematical foundations of computing. While the
school addresses especially PhD students in their first or second
year, it is also open to UG and MSc students, postdocs, participants
from the industry, and generally everyone interested in its topics.
MGS'22 is the school's 22nd incarnation.


MGS'22 offers eight courses:
- our invited course by Andrej Bauer
- three basic courses on category theory, proof theory, and HoTT/UF
with agda, which require no previous experience
- four advanced courses on topos theory, string diagrams, coalgebra,
and graph transformations.


Participation at MGS'22 costs GBP 320. Please see the website
for details, point "Registration".

The fee covers participation in all lectures and exercise classes,
refreshments in coffee breaks, and a conference dinner. Please note
that you have to book accommodation yourselves but there are rooms
available on campus. Places are limited and will be allocated on a
first-come-first-served basis. If you would like to participate,
please register early to secure a place. The registration period
closes as soon as all places are filled or on March 20, whichever is


Please direct all queries about MGS'22 to Thorsten Altenkirch and Nicolai Kraus,