
[Caml-list] JFLA 2022: Call for papers (in French)

[ This message is intentionally written in French.
It is a call for papers for the "Francophone Days on Functional
Languages" to be held in February next year. Article and tutorial
submissions in English are possible, but the presentation must be in
French. ]

- Merci de faire circuler : premier appel à communications -



Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs

2 février au 5 février 2022

Domaine d'Essendiéras (Périgord)

Les 33-ièmes Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA) se
tiendront dans le Périgord, à Saint Médard d'Excideuil, au coeur du
Domaine d'Essendiéras, du mercredi 2 février 2022 au samedi 5 février

Les JFLA réunissent concepteurs, utilisateurs et théoriciens ; elles
ont pour ambition de couvrir les domaines des langages applicatifs, de
la preuve formelle, de la vérification de programmes, et des objets
mathématiques qui sous-tendent ces outils. Ces domaines doivent être
pris au sens large : nous souhaitons promouvoir les ponts entre les
différentes thématiques.

- Langages fonctionnels et applicatifs : sémantique, compilation,
optimisation, typage, mesures, extensions par d'autres paradigmes.

- Assistants de preuve : implémentation, nouvelles tactiques,
développements présentant un intérêt technique ou méthodologique.

- Logique, correspondance de Curry-Howard, réalisabilité, extraction
de programmes, modèles.

- Spécification, prototypage, développements formels d'algorithmes.

- Vérification de programmes ou de modèles, méthode déductive,
interprétation abstraite, raffinement.

- Utilisation industrielle des langages fonctionnels et applicatifs,
ou des méthodes issues des preuves formelles, outils pour le web.

Les articles soumis aux JFLA sont relus par au moins deux personnes
s'ils sont acceptés, trois personnes s'ils sont rejetés. Les critiques
des relecteurs sont toujours bienveillantes et la plupart du temps
encourageantes et constructives, même en cas de rejet.

Il n'y a donc pas de raison de ne pas soumettre aux JFLA !

* Dates importantes

Soumission des résumés 1er octobre 2021
Soumission des articles 8 octobre 2021
Notification aux auteurs 9 novembre 2021
Version finale 7 décembre 2021
Clôture des inscriptions 7 janvier 2022

* Soumissions

Nous acceptons quatre types de soumissions :

- Article de recherche de seize pages au plus (bibliographie incluse),
portant sur des travaux originaux. Nous acceptons des travaux en
cours, pour lesquels l'aspect recherche n'est pas entièrement
finalisé. Nous encourageons aussi la soumission de "perles", ces
articles présentant avec élégance un résultat connu sous un angle

- Article court de huit pages au plus (bibliographie incluse) pour
rechercher de l'aide pour résoudre un problème particulier ou pour
reparler d'un papier déjà publié.

- Proposition de tutoriel d'une page exposant son intérêt et ses
objectifs ainsi que l'environnement informatique nécessaire à sa

- Proposition de démonstration d'un outil ou d'un prototype de deux
pages décrivant pourquoi ce logiciel est intéressant ainsi que ses

Dans tous les cas, la forme de l'article devra être soignée. Les
articles sélectionnés seront publiés dans les actes de la conférence,
et les auteurs seront invités à faire une présentation lors des
journées, de vingt-cinq minutes pour les articles longs et de quinze
minutes pour les courts. Les tutoriels auront un créneau de vingt-cinq
minutes et les démonstrations d'outils ou de prototypes se verront
allouer quinze minutes.

L'article peut être rédigé en anglais, auquel cas la présentation
devra être effectuée en français. Néanmoins, dans le cas où il s'agit
d'une republication au format court d'un article déjà publié, la
publication doit être en français et la publication originale en

Le style LaTeX Easychair doit être respecté :

Les soumissions se font sur la page Easychair des JFLA :

Chantal Keller et Timothy Bourke


[Caml-list] FMBC 2021 - Call for Participation

[ Please distribute, apologies for multiple postings. ]


3rd International Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains (FMBC) 2021 - Call for Participation


July 18 and 19, 2021, Online, 8AM-10AM PDT

Co-located with the 33rd International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV 2021)



The FMBC workshop is a forum to identify theoretical and practical
approaches of formal methods for Blockchain technology. Topics
include, but are not limited to:
* Formal models of Blockchain applications or concepts
* Formal methods for consensus protocols
* Formal methods for Blockchain-specific cryptographic primitives or protocols
* Design and implementation of Smart Contract languages
* Verification of Smart Contracts

The list of lightning talks and conditionally accepted papers is available on the FMBC 2021 website:

There will be one keynote by David Dill, Lead Researcher on Blockchain at Novi/Facebook and professor emeritus at Stanford University, USA.


Registration to FMBC 2021 is done through the CAV 2021 registration form:

(*Early bird deadline is July 9.*)


[Caml-list] REBLS 2021: Call for papers

8th Workshop on Reactive and Event-based Languages and Systems (REBLS 2021)
co-located with the SPLASH Conference
hybrid Virtual and in person in Chicago, Illinois, USA
Sun 17 - Fri 22 October 2021
Website: https://2021.splashcon.org/home/rebls-2021


Submission Deadline: 15 Aug 2021 (there will be no extension this year)
Author Notification: 6 Sep 2021
Camera Ready Deadline: 13 Sep 2021
SPLASH Conference: 17 - 22 Oct 2021


Reactive programming and event-based programming are two closely related programming styles that are becoming more important with the ever increasing requirement for applications to run on the web or on mobile devices, and the advent of advanced High-Performance Computing (HPC) technology.

A number of publications on middleware and language design -- so-called reactive and event-based languages and systems (REBLS) -- have already seen the light, but the field still raises several questions. For example, the interaction with mainstream language concepts is poorly understood, implementation technology is still lacking, and modularity mechanisms remain largely unexplored. Moreover, large applications are still to be developed, and, consequently, patterns and tools for developing large reactive applications are still in their infancy.

This workshop will gather researchers in reactive and event-based languages and systems. The goal of the workshop is to exchange new technical research results and to better define the field by developing taxonomies and discussing overviews of the existing work.

We welcome all submissions on reactive programming, functional reactive programming, and event- and aspect- oriented systems, including but not limited to:

* Language design, implementation, runtime systems, program analysis, software metrics, patterns and benchmarks.

* Formal models for reactive and event-based programming.

* Study of the paradigm: interaction of reactive and event-based programming with existing language features such as object-oriented programming, pure functional programming, mutable state, concurrency.

* Modularity and abstraction mechanisms in large systems.

* Advanced event systems, event quantification, event composition, aspect-oriented programming for reactive applications.

* Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), self-adjusting computation and incremental computing.

* Synchronous languages, modeling and verification of real-time systems, safety-critical reactive and embedded systems.

* Applications, case studies that show the efficacy of reactive programming.

* Empirical studies that motivate further research in the field.

* Patterns and best-practices.

* Related fields, such as complex event processing, reactive data structures, view maintenance, constraint-based languages, and their integration with reactive programming.

* Implementation technology, language runtimes, virtual machine support, compilers.

* IDEs, Tools.

The format of the workshop is that of a mini-conference where participants present their work. Because of the declarative nature of reactive programs, it is often hard to understand their semantics just by looking at the code. We therefore also encourage authors to use their slots for presenting their work based on live demos.


REBLS encourages submissions of two types of papers:

* Full papers: papers that describe complete research results. These papers will be published in the ACM digital library.

* In-progress papers: papers that have the potential of triggering an interesting discussion at the workshop or present new ideas that require further systematic investigation. These papers will not be published in the ACM digital library.


* Submissions should use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference acmart Format with the two-column, sigplan Subformat, 10 point font, using Biolinum as sans-serif font and Libertine as serif font. All submissions should be in PDF format. If you use LaTeX or Word, please use the ACM SIGPLAN acmart Templates.

The page http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Author/#acmart-format contains instructions for authors, and a package that includes an example file acmart-sigplan.tex.

* Authors are required to explicitly specify the type of paper in the submission (i.e., full paper, in-progress paper).

* Full papers can be up to 12 pages in length, excluding references. In-progress papers can be up to 6 pages, excluding references.

Instructions for the Authors:

* Papers should be submitted through: https://rebls21.hotcrp.com/

* For fairness reasons, all submitted papers should conform to the formatting instructions. Submissions that violate these instructions will be summarily rejected.

* Program Committee members are allowed to submit papers, but their papers will be held to a higher standard.

* All submissions are expected to comply with the ACM Policies for Authorship that are detailed at https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/information-for-authors.

* Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as explained on the web at http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication.


Louis Mandel (PC Chair; IBM Research)

Patrick Bahr, IT University of Copenhagen
Manuel Bärenz, sonnen eServices GmbH
Guillaume Baudart, Inria
Guerric Chupin, University of Nottingham
Stephen A. Edwards, Columbia University
Alan Jeffrey, Roblox
Tetsuo Kamina, Oita University
Yoshiki Ohshima, Croquet Studio
Jorge Pérez, University of Groningen
Marc Pouzet, École normale superieure
Noemi Rodrigues, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Partha Roop, University of Auckland
Mark Santoluzito, Barnard College
Jonathan Thaler, University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg
Reinhard von Hanxleden, Kiel University
Takuo Watanabe, Tokio Institute of Technology
Pascal Weisenburger, University of St. Gallen
Tian Zhao, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


Guido Salvaneschi, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Wolfgang De Meuter, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Patrick Eugster, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Francisco Sant'Anna, Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil
Lukasz Ziarek, SUNY Buffalo, United States