
[Caml-list] LOPSTR 2018: First Call for Papers

LOPSTR 2018: First Call for Papers

28th International Symposium on
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation


Frankfurt, Germany, September 4-6, 2018
(co-located with PPDP 2018 and WFLP 2018)

The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international
research and collaboration on logic-based program development. LOPSTR
is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any
language paradigm. LOPSTR has a reputation for being a lively,
friendly forum for presenting and discussing work in progress. Formal
proceedings are produced only after the symposium so that authors can
incorporate this feedback in the published papers.

The 28th International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and
Transformation (LOPSTR 2018) will be held at the Goethe-University
Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Previous symposia were held in Siena,
Canterbury, Madrid, Leuven, Odense, Hagenberg, Coimbra, Valencia,
Lyngby, Venice, London, Verona, Uppsala, Madrid, Paphos, London,
Venice, Manchester, Leuven, Stockholm, Arnhem, Pisa, Louvain-la-Neuve,
Manchester, Edinburgh, and Namur. LOPSTR 2018 will be co-located
with PPDP 2018 (International Symposium on Principles and Practice
of Declarative Programming) and WFLP 2018 (International Workshop on
Functional and Logic Programming).

Topics of interest cover all aspects of logic-based program
development, all stages of the software life cycle, and issues of both
programming-in-the-small and programming-in-the-large. Both full
papers and extended abstracts describing applications in these areas
are especially welcome. Contributions are welcome on all aspects of
logic-based program development, including, but not limited to:

* synthesis
* transformation
* specialization
* composition
* optimization
* inversion
* specification
* analysis and verification
* testing and certification
* program and model manipulation
* transformational techniques in SE
* applications and tools

Survey papers that present some aspects of the above topics from a new
perspective, and application papers that describe experience with
industrial applications are also welcome.

Papers must describe original work, be written and presented in
English, and must not substantially overlap with papers that have been
published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal,
conference, or workshop with refereed proceedings. Work that already
appeared in unpublished or informally published workshop proceedings
may be submitted (please contact the PC chairs in case of questions).

Important Dates

Abstract submission: March 25, 2018
Paper/Extended abstract submission: April 1, 2018
Notification: June 1, 2018
Camera-ready (for electronic pre-proceedings): June 17, 2018
Symposium: September 4-6, 2018

Submission Guidelines

Authors should submit an electronic copy of the paper (written in
English) in PDF, formatted in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
style. Each submission must include on its first page the paper title;
authors and their affiliations; contact author's email; abstract; and
three to four keywords which will be used to assist the PC in
selecting appropriate reviewers for the paper. Page numbers (and, if
possible, line numbers) should appear on the manuscript to help the
reviewers in writing their report. Submissions cannot exceed 15 pages
including references but excluding well-marked appendices not intended
for publication. Reviewers are not required to read the appendices,
and thus papers should be intelligible without them. Papers should be
submitted via the Easychair submission website for LOPSTR 2018.

Best Paper Award and Prize

A best paper award will be granted, which will include a 500 EUR prize
provided by Springer. This award will be given to the best paper
submitted to the conference, based on the relevance, originality, and
technical quality. The program committee may split the award among two
or more papers, also considering authorship (e.g., student paper).


The formal post-conference proceedings will be published by Springer
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Full papers can be
directly accepted for publication in the formal proceedings, or
accepted only for presentation at the symposium and inclusion in
informal proceedings. After the symposium, all authors of extended
abstracts and full papers accepted only for presentation will be
invited to revise and/or extend their submissions in the light of the
feedback solicited at the symposium. Then, after another round of
reviewing, these revised papers may also be published in the formal

Program Committee


Program Chairs

Fred Mesnard, University of Reunion Island, France
Peter Stuckey, University of Melbourne, Australia

Organizing Committee

David Sabel (General Chair), Computer Science Institute
Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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[Caml-list] Call for Papers: PACMPL issue ICFP 2018

PACMPL issue ICFP 2018
Call for Papers

accepted papers to be invited for presentation at
The 23rd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming
St. Louis, Missouri, USA

### Important dates

Submissions due: 16 March 2018 (Friday) Anywhere on Earth
Author response: 2 May (Wednesday) - 4 May (Friday) 14:00 UTC
Notification: 18 May (Friday)
Final copy due: 22 June (Friday)
Conference: 24 September (Monday) - 26 September (Wednesday)

### About PACMPL

Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL <https://pacmpl.acm.org/>) is a Gold Open Access journal publishing research on all aspects of programming languages, from design to implementation and from mathematical formalisms to empirical studies. Each issue of the journal is devoted to a particular subject area within programming languages and will be announced through publicized Calls for Papers, like this one.

### Scope

PACMPL issue ICFP 2018 seeks original papers on the art and science of functional programming. Submissions are invited on all topics from principles to practice, from foundations to features, and from abstraction to application. The scope includes all languages that encourage functional programming, including both purely applicative and imperative languages, as well as languages with objects, concurrency, or parallelism. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

* *Language Design*: concurrency, parallelism, and distribution; modules; components and composition; metaprogramming; type systems; interoperability; domain-specific languages; and relations to imperative, object-oriented, or logic programming.

* *Implementation*: abstract machines; virtual machines; interpretation; compilation; compile-time and run-time optimization; garbage collection and memory management; multi-threading; exploiting parallel hardware; interfaces to foreign functions, services, components, or low-level machine resources.

* *Software-Development Techniques*: algorithms and data structures; design patterns; specification; verification; validation; proof assistants; debugging; testing; tracing; profiling.

* *Foundations*: formal semantics; lambda calculus; rewriting; type theory; monads; continuations; control; state; effects; program verification; dependent types.

* *Analysis and Transformation*: control-flow; data-flow; abstract interpretation; partial evaluation; program calculation.

* *Applications*: symbolic computing; formal-methods tools; artificial intelligence; systems programming; distributed-systems and web programming; hardware design; databases; XML processing; scientific and numerical computing; graphical user interfaces; multimedia and 3D graphics programming; scripting; system administration; security.

* *Education*: teaching introductory programming; parallel programming; mathematical proof; algebra.

Submissions will be evaluated according to their relevance, correctness, significance, originality, and clarity. Each submission should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms, clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is significant, and comparing it with previous work. The technical content should be accessible to a broad audience.

PACMPL issue ICFP 2018 also welcomes submissions in two separate categories &mdash; Functional Pearls and Experience Reports &mdash; that must be marked as such at the time of submission and that need not report original research results. Detailed guidelines on both categories are given at the end of this call.

Please contact the principal editor if you have questions or are concerned about the appropriateness of a topic.

### Preparation of submissions

**Deadline**: The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 16, 2018, Anywhere on Earth (<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anywhere_on_Earth>). This deadline will be strictly enforced.

**Formatting**: Submissions must be in PDF format, printable in black and white on US Letter sized paper, and interpretable by common PDF tools. All submissions must adhere to the "ACM Small" template that is available (in both LaTeX and Word formats) from <https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/submissions>. For authors using LaTeX, a lighter-weight package, including only the essential files, is available from <http://sigplan.org/Resources/Author/#acmart-format>.

There is a limit of 27 pages for a full paper or 14 pages for an Experience Report; in either case, the bibliography will not be counted against these limits. These page limits have been chosen to allow essentially the same amount of content with the new single-column format as was possible with the two-column format used in past ICFP conferences. Submissions that exceed the page limits or, for other reasons, do not meet the requirements for formatting, will be summarily rejected.

See also PACMPL's Information and Guidelines for Authors at <https://pacmpl.acm.org/authors.cfm>.

**Submission**: Submissions will be accepted at <https://icfp18.hotcrp.com/>

Improved versions of a paper may be submitted at any point before the submission deadline using the same web interface.

**Author Response Period**: Authors will have a 72-hour period, starting at 14:00 UTC on Wednesday, May 2, 2018, to read reviews and respond to them.

**Supplementary Materials**: Authors have the option to attach supplementary material to a submission, on the understanding that reviewers may choose not to look at it. The material should be uploaded at submission time, as a single pdf or a tarball, not via a URL. This supplementary material may or may not be anonymized; if not anonymized, it will only be revealed to reviewers after they have submitted their review of the paper and learned the identity of the author(s).

**Authorship Policies**: All submissions are expected to comply with the ACM Policies for Authorship that are detailed at <https://www.acm.org/publications/authors/information-for-authors>.

**Republication Policies**: Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy, as explained on the web at <http://www.sigplan.org/Resources/Policies/Republication>.

**Resubmitted Papers**: Authors who submit a revised version of a paper that has previously been rejected by another conference have the option to attach an annotated copy of the reviews of their previous submission(s), explaining how they have addressed these previous reviews in the present submission. If a reviewer identifies him/herself as a reviewer of this previous submission and wishes to see how his/her comments have been addressed, the principal editor will communicate to this reviewer the annotated copy of his/her previous review. Otherwise, no reviewer will read the annotated copies of the previous reviews.

### Review Process

This section outlines the two-stage process with lightweight double-blind reviewing that will be used to select papers for PACMPL issue ICFP 2018. We anticipate that there will be a need to clarify and expand on this process, and we will maintain a list of frequently asked questions and answers on the conference website to address common concerns.

**PACMPL issue ICFP 2018 will employ a two-stage review process.** The first stage in the review process will assess submitted papers using the criteria stated above and will allow for feedback and input on initial reviews through the author response period mentioned previously. At the review meeting, a set of papers will be conditionally accepted and all other papers will be rejected. Authors will be notified of these decisions on May 18, 2018.

Authors of conditionally accepted papers will be provided with committee reviews (just as in previous conferences) along with a set of mandatory revisions. After five weeks (June 22, 2018), the authors will provide a second submission. The second and final reviewing phase assesses whether the mandatory revisions have been adequately addressed by the authors and thereby determines the final accept/reject status of the paper. The intent and expectation is that the mandatory revisions can be addressed within five weeks and hence that conditionally accepted papers will in general be accepted in the second phase.

The second submission should clearly identify how the mandatory revisions were addressed. To that end, the second submission must be accompanied by a cover letter mapping each mandatory revision request to specific parts of the paper. The cover letter will facilitate a quick second review, allowing for confirmation of final acceptance within two weeks. Conversely, the absence of a cover letter will be grounds for the paper's rejection.

**PACMPL issue ICFP 2018 will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process.** To facilitate this, submitted papers must adhere to two rules:

1. **author names and institutions must be omitted**, and
2. **references to authors' own related work should be in the third person** (e.g., not "We build on our previous work ..." but rather "We build on the work of ...").

The purpose of this process is to help the reviewers come to an initial judgement about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult (e.g., important background references should not be omitted or anonymized). In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For instance, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web or give talks on their research ideas.

### Information for Authors of Accepted Papers

* As a condition of acceptance, final versions of all papers must adhere to the new ACM Small format. The page limits for final versions of papers will be increased to ensure that authors have space to respond to reviewer comments and mandatory revisions.

* Authors of accepted submissions will be required to agree to one of the three ACM licensing options: copyright transfer to ACM; retaining copyright but granting ACM exclusive publication rights; or open access on payment of a fee. Further information about ACM author rights is available from <http://authors.acm.org>.

* At least one author of each accepted submissions will be expected to attend and present their paper at the conference. The schedule for presentations will be determined and shared with authors after the full program has been selected. Presentations will be videotaped and released online if the presenter consents.

* We intend that the proceedings will be freely available for download from the ACM Digital Library in perpetuity via the OpenTOC mechanism.

* ACM Author-Izer is a unique service that enables ACM authors to generate and post links on either their home page or institutional repository for visitors to download the definitive version of their articles from the ACM Digital Library at no charge. Downloads through Author-Izer links are captured in official ACM statistics, improving the accuracy of usage and impact measurements. Consistently linking to the definitive version of an ACM article should reduce user confusion over article versioning. After an article has been published and assigned to the appropriate ACM Author Profile pages, authors should visit <http://www.acm.org/publications/acm-author-izer-service> to learn how to create links for free downloads from the ACM DL.

* The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to *two weeks prior* to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.

### Artifact Evaluation

Authors of papers that are conditionally accepted in the first phase of the review process will be encouraged (but not required) to submit supporting materials for Artifact Evaluation. These items will then be reviewed by a committee, separate from the program committee, whose task is to assess how the artifacts support the work described in the associated paper. Papers that go through the Artifact Evaluation process successfully will receive a seal of approval printed on the papers themselves. Authors of accepted papers will be encouraged to make the supporting materials publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, for example, by including them as "source materials" in the ACM Digital Library. An additional seal will mark papers whose artifacts are made available, as outlined in the ACM guidelines for artifact badging.

Participation in Artifact Evaluation is voluntary and will not influence the final decision regarding paper acceptance.

Further information about the motivations and expectations for Artifact Evaluation can be found at <https://icfp18.sigplan.org/track/icfp-2018-Artifacts>.

### Special categories of papers

In addition to research papers, PACMPL issue ICFP solicits two kinds of papers that do not require original research contributions: Functional Pearls, which are full papers, and Experience Reports, which are limited to half the length of a full paper. Authors submitting such papers should consider the following guidelines.

#### Functional Pearls

A Functional Pearl is an elegant essay about something related to functional programming. Examples include, but are not limited to:

* a new and thought-provoking way of looking at an old idea

* an instructive example of program calculation or proof

* a nifty presentation of an old or new data structure

* an interesting application of functional programming techniques

* a novel use or exposition of functional programming in the classroom

While pearls often demonstrate an idea through the development of a short program, there is no requirement or expectation that they do so. Thus, they encompass the notions of theoretical and educational pearls.

Functional Pearls are valued as highly and judged as rigorously as ordinary papers, but using somewhat different criteria. In particular, a pearl is not required to report original research, but, it should be concise, instructive, and entertaining. A pearl is likely to be rejected if its readers get bored, if the material gets too complicated, if too much specialized knowledge is needed, or if the writing is inelegant. The key to writing a good pearl is polishing.

A submission that is intended to be treated as a pearl must be marked as such on the submission web page, and should contain the words "Functional Pearl" somewhere in its title or subtitle. These steps will alert reviewers to use the appropriate evaluation criteria. Pearls will be combined with ordinary papers, however, for the purpose of computing the conference's acceptance rate.

#### Experience Reports

The purpose of an Experience Report is to help create a body of published, refereed, citable evidence that functional programming really works &mdash; or to describe what obstacles prevent it from working.

Possible topics for an Experience Report include, but are not limited to:

* insights gained from real-world projects using functional programming

* comparison of functional programming with conventional programming in the context of an industrial project or a university curriculum

* project-management, business, or legal issues encountered when using functional programming in a real-world project

* curricular issues encountered when using functional programming in education

* real-world constraints that created special challenges for an implementation of a functional language or for functional programming in general

An Experience Report is distinguished from a normal PACMPL issue ICFP paper by its title, by its length, and by the criteria used to evaluate it.

* Both in the proceedings and in any citations, the title of each accepted Experience Report must begin with the words "Experience Report" followed by a colon. The acceptance rate for Experience Reports will be computed and reported separately from the rate for ordinary papers.

* Experience Report submissions can be at most 12 pages long, excluding bibliography.

* Each accepted Experience Report will be presented at the conference, but depending on the number of Experience Reports and regular papers accepted, authors of Experience reports may be asked to give shorter talks.

* Because the purpose of Experience Reports is to enable our community to accumulate a body of evidence about the efficacy of functional programming, an acceptable Experience Report need not add to the body of knowledge of the functional-programming community by presenting novel results or conclusions. It is sufficient if the Report states a clear thesis and provides supporting evidence. The thesis must be relevant to ICFP, but it need not be novel.

The program committee will accept or reject Experience Reports based on whether they judge the evidence to be convincing. Anecdotal evidence will be acceptable provided it is well argued and the author explains what efforts were made to gather as much evidence as possible. Typically, more convincing evidence is obtained from papers which show how functional programming was used than from papers which only say that functional programming was used. The most convincing evidence often includes comparisons of situations before and after the introduction or discontinuation of functional programming. Evidence drawn from a single person's experience may be sufficient, but more weight will be given to evidence drawn from the experience of groups of people.

An Experience Report should be short and to the point: it should make a claim about how well functional programming worked on a particular project and why, and produce evidence to substantiate this claim. If functional programming worked in this case in the same ways it has worked for others, the paper need only summarize the results &mdash; the main part of the paper should discuss how well it worked and in what context. Most readers will not want to know all the details of the project and its implementation, but the paper should characterize the project and its context well enough so that readers can judge to what degree this experience is relevant to their own projects. The paper should take care to highlight any unusual aspects of the project. Specifics about the project are more valuable than generalities about functional programming; for example, it is more valuable to say that the team delivered its software a month ahead of schedule than it is to say that functional programming made the team more productive.

If the paper not only describes experience but also presents new technical results, or if the experience refutes cherished beliefs of the functional-programming community, it may be better off submitted it as a full paper, which will be judged by the usual criteria of novelty, originality, and relevance. The principal editor will be happy to advise on any concerns about which category to submit to.

### ICFP Organizers

General Chair: Robby Findler (Northwestern University, USA)

Artifact Evaluation Co-Chairs: Simon Marlow (Facebook, UK)
Ryan R. Newton (Indiana University, USA)
Industrial Relations Chair: Alan Jeffrey (Mozilla Research, USA)
Programming Contest Organiser: Matthew Fluet (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Publicity and Web Chair: Lindsey Kuper (Intel Labs, USA)
Student Research Competition Chair: Ilya Sergey (University College London, UK)
Video Co-Chairs: Jose Calderon (Galois, Inc., USA)
Nicolas Wu (University of Bristol, UK)
Workshops Co-Chair: David Christiansen (Indiana University, USA)
Christophe Scholliers (Universiteit Gent, Belgium)

### PACMPL issue ICFP 2018

Principal Editor: Matthew Flatt (Univesity of Utah, USA)

Review Committee:

Sandrine Blazy (IRISA, University of Rennes 1, France)
David Christiansen (Indiana University, USA)
Martin Elsman (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Marco Gaboardi (University at Buffalo, CUNY, USA)
Sam Lindley (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Heather Miller (Northweastern University, USA / EPFL, Switzerland)
J. Garrett Morris (University of Kansas, USA)
Henrik Nilsson (University of Nottingham, UK)
François Pottier (Inria, France)
Alejandro Russo (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Ilya Sergey (University College London, UK)
Michael Sperber (Active Group GmbH, Germany)
Wouter Swierstra (Utrecht University, UK)
Éric Tanter (University of Chile, Chile)
Katsuhiro Ueno (Tohoku University, Japan)
Niki Vazou (University of Maryland, USA)
Jeremy Yallop (University of Cambridge, UK)

External Review Committee:

Michael D. Adams (University of Utah, USA)
Amal Ahmed (Northeastern University, USA)
Nada Amin (University of Cambridge, USA)
Zena Ariola (University of Oregon)
Lars Bergstrom (Mozilla Research)
Lars Birkedal (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Edwin Brady ( University of St. Andrews, UK)
William Byrd (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Giuseppe Castagna (CRNS / University of Paris Diderot, France)
Sheng Chen (University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA)
Koen Claessen (Chalmers University ot Technology, Sweden)
Ugo Dal Lago (University of Bologna, Italy / Inria, France)
David Darais (University of Vermont, USA)
Joshua Dunfield (Queen's University, Canada)
Richard Eisenberg (Bryn Mawr College, USA)
Matthew Fluet (Rochester Institute of Technology, USA)
Nate Foster (Cornell University, USA)
Jurriaan Hage (Utrecht University, Netherlands)
David Van Horn (University of Maryland, USA)
Zhenjiang Hu (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
Suresh Jagannathan (Purdue University, USA)
Simon Peyton Jones (Microsoft Research, UK)
Naoki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Neelakantan Krishnaswami (University of Cambridge, UK)
Kazutaka Matsuda (Tohoku University, Japan)
Trevor McDonell (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Hernan Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Akimasa Morihata (University of Tokyo, Japan)
Aleksandar Nanevski (IMDEA Software Institute, Spain)
Kim Nguyễn (University of Paris-Sud, France)
Cosmin Oancea (DIKU, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (University of Hong Kong, China)
Tomas Petricek (University of Cambridge, UK)
Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Christine Rizkallah (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Tom Schrijvers (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Manuel Serrano (Inria, France)
Jeremy Siek (Indiana University, USA)
Josef Svenningsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Nicolas Tabareau (Inria, France)
Dimitrios Vytiniotis (Microsoft Research, UK)
Philip Wadler (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Meng Wang (University of Kent, UK)

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[Caml-list] RuleML+RR 2018 - Call for Papers



RuleML+RR 2018: International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning


Part of Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI, https://luxlogai.uni.lu)


The International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR), the
leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning,
calls for high-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel
technologies, and innovative applications concerning knowledge representation
and reasoning with rules. Stemming from the synergy between the well-known
RuleML and RR events, one of the main goals of this conference is to build
bridges between academia and industry.

RuleML+RR 2018 aims to bring together rigorous researchers and inventive
practitioners, interested in the foundations and applications of rules and
reasoning in academia, industry, engineering, business, finance, healthcare
and other application areas. It will provide a forum for stimulating
cooperation and cross-fertilization between the many different communities
focused on the research, development and applications of rule-based systems.

RuleML+RR 2018 will take place in Luxembourg on September 18th-21th 2018
and will be part of the Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI) "Methods
and Tools for Responsible AI", bringing together RuleML+RR 2018,
DecisionCAMP 2018, the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2018), and
the Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2018).

== TOPICS ==

RuleML+RR welcomes original research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning.

Topics of particular interest include:

* Rule-based languages for intelligent information access and for the semantic web
* Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules
* Ontology-based data access
* Data management, and data interoperability for web data
* Distributed agent-based systems for the web
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for the semantic web
* Reasoning with incomplete, inconsistent and uncertain data
* Non-monotonic, common-sense, and closed-world reasoning for web data
* Non-classical logics and the Web
* Constraint programming
* Logic programming
* Production & business rules systems
* Streaming data and complex event processing
* Rules for machine learning, knowledge extraction and information retrieval
* Rule-based approaches to natural language processing
* Rule discovery, extraction and transformation
* Rules and ontology learning
* Deep Learning for rules and ontologies
* Neural Networks and logic rules
* Neural Networks and ontologies
* Rule-based approaches to agents
* Higher-order and modal rules
* Rules for knowledge graphs
* Pragmatic web reasoning and distributed rule inference / rule execution
* Big data reasoning with rules
* Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats
* Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust
* Scalability and expressive power of logics for rules
* System descriptions, applications and experiences
* Rules and human language technology
* Rules in online market research and online marketing
* Applications of rule technologies in healthcare and life sciences
* Applications of rule technologies in law, regulation and finance
* Industrial applications of rules
* Rules and social media
* Rules of ethics, laws, policies, and regulations

Particularly encouraged are submissions that combine one or several of the
above topics with the overall focus theme of the LuxLogAI Summit: Methods
and Tools for Responsible AI


We accept the following submission formats for papers:

* Full papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style)
* Technical Communications (up to 8 pages in LNCS style)

Submitted full papers should present original and significant research results.
They must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or
that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with
formal proceedings. Double submission to a workshop with informal proceedings
is allowed.

Technical communications are intended for promising but possibly preliminary
work, position papers, system descriptions, and applications descriptions
(which may be accompanied by a demo).

Submissions: via EasyChair

The RuleML+RR 2018 best papers will be invited for rapid publication in the
Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).

In addition to regular submissions, RuleML+RR 2018 will host an Industry Track,
a Doctoral Consortium, the 12th International Rule Challenge.


The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science series (LNCS). All submissions must be prepared in
Springer's LaTeX style llncs (http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html).


Title and Abstract submission: 20 Apr 2018
Full papers submission: 27 Apr 2018
Notification of acceptance: 1 June 2018
Camera-ready submission: 15 June 2018
Conference: 18-21 Sept 2018

For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE (anywhere on earth)


Summit Chairs (LuxLogAI):
Leon van der Torre, Martin Theobald (U Luxembourg)
General Chair (RuleML+RR):
Xavier Parent (U Luxembourg)
Program Chairs:
Christoph Benzmueller (U Luxembourg & FU Berlin)
Francesco Ricca (U Calabria)
Proceedings Chair:
Dumitru Roman (SINTEF/U Oslo)
Industry Track Chair:
Silvie Spreeuwenberg (LibRT Amsterdam)
Int'l Rule Challenge Chairs:
Giovanni De Gasperis (U L'Aquila)
Adrian Giurca (BTU Cottbus- Senftenberg)
Reasoning Web (RW) Summer School
to be announced
Publicity Chairs:
Frank Olken, Frank Olken Consulting


Full list available at: http://2018.ruleml-rr.org

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] iFM 2018 Call For Paper


                     CALL FOR PAPERS

                         iFM 2018    


14th International Conference on integrated Formal Methods

           September 5-7, 2018, Maynooth, Irland





=== Important dates ===


Abstract submission: Monday, 16 April 2018

Paper submission: Friday, 20 April 2018

Notification: Thursday, 14 June 2018

Camera-ready copy: Tuesday, 1 July 2018

Conference: 5-7 September 2018


Deadlines expire at 23:59 anywhere on earth on the dates displayed



=== Objectives and scope ===


Applying formal methods may involve the usage of different formalisms

and different analysis techniques to validate a system, either because

individual components are most amenable to one formalism or technique,

because one is interested in different properties of the system, or

simply to cope with the sheer complexity of the system. The iFM

conference series seeks to further research into hybrid approaches to

formal modeling and analysis: the combination of (formal and

semi-formal) methods for system development, regarding both modeling

and analysis. The conference covers all aspects from language design

through verification and analysis techniques to tools and their

integration into software engineering practice.


Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

- Formal and semi-formal modelling notations

- Combining formal methods

- Integration of formal methods into software engineering practice

- Program verification, model checking, and static analysis

- Theorem proving, decision procedures, SAT/SMT solving

- Runtime analysis, monitoring, and testing

- Program synthesis

- Analysis and synthesis of hybrid, embedded, probabilistic, distributed,

  or concurrent systems

- Abstraction and refinement

- Model learning and inference


=== Submission guidelines ===


iFM 2018 solicits high quality papers reporting research results

and/or experience reports related to the overall theme of formal

method integration.


We accept papers in the following categories:


- Regular papers (limit 15 pages) on

     -  original scientific research results

     -  tools, their foundation and evaluations

     -  applications of formal methods, including rigourous evaluations


- Short papers (limit 8 pages) on

     -  any subject of interest in the area of formal methods that can be

                     described with sufficient detail within the page limit


Page limits include bibliography and any appendices. All submissions

must be original, unpublished, and not submitted for publication

elsewhere.  Each paper will undergo a thorough review process.

Submissions will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance,

correctness, originality, and clarity.


Submissions should be made using the iFM 2018 Easychair site:




Submissions must be in PDF format, using the Springer LNCS style



The conference proceedings will be published in Springer's

Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.


All accepted papers must be presented at the conference. Their authors

must be prepared to sign a copyright transfer statement. At least one

author of each accepted paper must register to the conference by the

early registration date, to be indicated by the organizers, and

present the paper.


=== Organization ===


= General chair =

Rosemary Monahan, Maynooth University, Ireland


= PC chairs =

Carlo A. Furia, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Kirsten Winter, University of Queensland, Australia


= Program committee =

Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Bernhard Aichernig, University of Graz, Austria

Elvira Albert, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

Domenico Bianculli, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Eeke Boiten, University of Kent, UK

Einar Broch Johnsen, University of Oslo, Norway

Maria Christakis, MPI-SWS, Germany

David Cok, GrammaTech, USA

Robert Colvin, University of Queensland, Australia

Ferruccio Damiani, University of Turin, Italy

Eva Darulova, MPI SWS, Germany

Frank de Boer, CWI Amsterdam, Netherlands

John Derrick, University of Sheffield, UK

Brijesh Dongol, Brunel University, UK

Catherine Dubois, ENSIEE, France

Diego Garbervetsky, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Peter Hoefner, Data61, Australia

Marieke Huisman, University of Twente, Netherlands

Rajeev Joshi, NASA JPL, USA

Nikolai Kosmatov, CEA LIST, France

Laura Kovács, Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Rustan Leino, Amazon, USA

Larissa Meinicke, University of Queensland, Australia

Dominique Mery, LORIA Nancy, France

Toby Murray, University of Melbourne, Australia

Luigia Petre, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Ruzica Piskac, Yale University, USA

Chris Poskitt, SUTD, Singapore

Kostis Sagonas, Uppsala University, Sweden

Gerhard Schellhorn, Universitaet Augsburg, Germany

Steve Schneider, University of Surrey, UK

Gerardo Schneider, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Emil Sekerinski, McMaster University, Canada

Martin Steffen, University of Oslo, Norway

Helen Treharne, University of Surrey, UK

Caterina Urban, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Mark Utting, University of Sunshine Coast, Australia

Heike Wehrheim, University of Paderborn, Germany

Mitsuharu Yamamoto, Chiba University, Japan

Chenyi Zhang, Jinan University, China


= Publicity chair =

Hao Wu, Maynooth University, Ireland


=== Conference location ===


iFM 2018 is organized by Maynooth University and will take place in

Maynooth, Ireland.


[Caml-list] CSL 2018 — First Call for Papers

First Call for Papers
Computer Science Logic 2018
Birmingham, United Kingdom
4–7 September


# Important Dates
* Abstract Submission: 7 April 2018 (AoE)
* Paper Submission: 14 April 2018 (AoE)
* Notification: 14 June 2018

# The Conference
Computer Science Logic (CSL) is the annual conference of the European
Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL). It is an
interdisciplinary conference, spanning across both basic and application
oriented research in mathematical logic and computer science. CSL 2018
will be the 27th edition in the series. It will be organised by the
School of Computer Science of the University of Birmingham.

# Submission
Submissions will be through EasyChair. For further details please see

Proceedings will be published in the Leibniz International Proceedings
in Informatics. After the conference, selected papers will be invited to
a special issue of the online open access journal Logical Methods in
Computer Science.

# Invited Speakers
* To be Announced *

# Programme Committee
* Christel Baier, TU Dresden
* Martin Berger, University of Sussex
* Lars Birkedal, Aarhus University
* Veronique Bruyere, University of Mons
* Agata Ciabattoni, TU Wien
* Ugo Dal Lago, University of Bologna
* Ross Duncan, University of Strathclyde
* Jamie Gabbay, Heriot-Watt University
* Marco Gaboardi, University at Buffalo, SUNY
* Dan R. Ghica, University of Birmingham (Co-chair)
* Russ Harmer, CNRS & ENS Lyon
* Achim Jung, University of Birmingham (Co-chair)
* Juha Kontinen, University of Helsinki
* Jean Krivine, Université Paris Diderot & IRIF
* Slawek Lasota, University of Warsaw
* Marina Lenisa, University of Udine
* Anca Muscholl, University of Bordeaux
* Wied Pakusa, RWTH Aachen University
* Daniela Petrisan, Université Paris Diderot
* Sebastian Siebertz, Univerity of Warsaw
* Alexandra Silva, University College London

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Correction: BOB is on Feb 23 [WAS: Call for Participation: BOB 2018 (February 28, Berlin)]

Sorry about that ...


Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] FSCD 2018 Third Call for Papers

(Apologies for multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate.)
Updated information on: Invited speakers

Third International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD'18)
         Oxford, UK, July 9 - 12th, 2018.

Part of The Federated Logic Conference, FLoC 2018,
          Oxford, UK, July 6 - 19th, 2018.  

TOPICS:  FSCD covers all aspects of formal structures for computation and deduction from theoretical foundations to applications.  
Building on two communities, RTA (Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications),
FSCD embraces their core topics and broadens their scope to closely related areas in logics, proof theory and new emerging models of
computation such as quantum computing or homotopy type theory.

Suggested, but not exclusive, list of topics for submission are:
1. Calculi:  Lambda calculus - Concurrent calculi - Logics -  Rewriting systems -  Proof theory - Type theory and logical frameworks
2. Methods in Computation and Deduction: Type systems - Induction and coinduction - Matching, unification, completion, and orderings - Strategies - Tree automata - Model checking - Proof search and theorem proving - Constraint solving and decision procedures 
3. Semantics: Operational semantics  - Abstract machines - Game Semantics - Domain theory and categorical models - Quantitative models 
4. Algorithmic Analysis and Transformations of Formal Systems: Type Inference and type checking - Abstract Interpretation - Complexity analysis and implicit computational complexity - Checking termination, confluence, derivational complexity and related properties - Symbolic computation 
5. Tools and Applications: Programming and proof environments - Verification tools - Libraries for proof assistants and interactive theorem provers - Case studies in proof assistants and interactive theorem provers - Certification - Applications to security, planning, data bases,…

- Stephanie Delaune (CNRS/IRISA, France)
Grigori Rosu (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
Peter Selinger (Dalhousie U., Canada)
Valeria Vignudelli (ENS, Lyon, France)

Check the profiles of the invited speakers at http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/invited.html.

BEST PAPER AWARD BY JUNIOR RESEARCHERS: The program committee will consider declaring this award to a paper in which at least one author is a junior researcher, i.e. either a student or whose PhD award date is less than three years from the first day of the meeting. Other authors should declare to the PC Chair that at least 50% of contribution is made by the junior researcher(s).

PUBLICATION : The proceedings will be published as an electronic volume in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs)  of Schloss Dagstuhl. 
All LIPIcs proceedings are open access.

SPECIAL ISSUE: Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science.

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submissions can be made in two categories.

- Regular research papers are limited to 15 pages and must present original research which is unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. 
System descriptions are limited to 6 pages (excluding references) and must present new software tools in which FSCD topics play an important role, or significantly new versions of such tools. Please check http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/cfp.html#guidelines, for more details on what should a system description contain.
Submissions must be formatted using the LIPIcs style files (http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/publications/lipics/instructions-for-authors/) and submitted via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fscd18).

IMPORTANT DATES: All deadlines are midnight anywhere-on-earth (AoE); late submissions will not be considered. 

Abstract Deadline:  January  15th, 2018 
Submission Deadline: January  22nd, 2018
Rebuttal:  March  22 - 25th, 2018
Notification: April 2nd, 2018 
Camera-Ready: May  2nd, 2018 
FSCD Conference: July 9 - 12th, 2018 
FLoC Conference: July 6 - 19th, 2018 

PROGRAM COMMITTEE CHAIR: Hélène Kirchner, Inria 

S. Akshay, IIT Bombay
T. Aoto, Niigata U.
P. Arrighi, Marseille U.
L. Birkedal, Aarhus U.
E. Bonelli, Quilmes U. 
A. Bouhoula, Carthage U.
C. Castro, F. Santa Maria Tech. U.
U. Dal Lago, Bologna U. 
S. Escobar, U.P. Valencia 
M. Fernández, King's College London 
V. Ganesh, Waterloo U. 
H. Geuvers, Nijmegen U. 
M. Hasegawa, Kyoto U.
P.B. Levy, U. of Birmingham
C. Loeding, Aachen U.
A. Miquel, UdelaR, Montevideo
G. Moser, Innsbruck U. 
C. Nalon, Brasilia U. 
V. Nigam, Paraiba U. & fortiss
P.C. Ölveczky, Oslo U.
G. Rosu, Illinois U.
P. Severi, Leicester U.
V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, Koblenz-Landau U.
N. Tabareau, Inria 
R. Thiemann, Innsbruck U.
A. Tiu, NTU Singapore 
F. van Raamsdonk, VU Amsterdam 
L. Zhi, CAS Beijing 

CONFERENCE & WORKSHOP CHAIR: Paula Severi, Leicester U. 
PUBLICITY CHAIR: Sandra Alves, Porto U.

T. Altenkirch (Nottingham U.),
S. Alves (Porto U.),
M. Fernández (King's College London),
C. Fuhs (Birkbeck, London U.),
D. Kesner (Paris U.), 
N. Kobayashi (Tokyo U.),
D. Miller (Inria),
L. Ong (Chair, Oxford U.), 
B. Pientka (McGill U.),
S. Staton (Oxford U.),
R. Thiemann  (Innsbruck U.).


[Caml-list] PEPM 2018 Final Call for Poster/Demo Abstracts and Participation

PEPM 2018 Final Call for Poster/Demo Abstracts and Participation

A tentative programme is available, with two invited talks decided.

Poster/demo abstracts are due this Friday (8th December, AoE).
See below for the submission guideline.


* Web page : https://popl18.sigplan.org/attending/Registration
* Early registration deadline : 10th December 2017


* https://popl18.sigplan.org/track/PEPM-2018#program

Monday, 8th January 2018

10:30 - 11:30
Developments in Property-Based Testing (Invited Talk)
Jan Midtgaard

11:30 - 12:00
Selective CPS Transformation for Shift and Reset
Kenichi Asai, Chihiro Uehara


14:00 - 14:30
A Guess-and-Assume Approach to Loop Fusion for Program Verification
Akifumi Imanishi, Kohei Suenaga, Atsushi Igarashi

14:30 - 15:00
Gradually Typed Symbolic Expressions
David Broman, Jeremy G. Siek

15:00 - 15:30
On the Cost of Type-Tag Soundness
Ben Greenman, Zeina Migeed


16:00 - 17:00
TBA (Invited Talk)
Conal Elliott

Tuesday, 9th January 2018

10:30 - 11:30
Challenges in the Design and Compilation of Programming Languages for
Exascale Machines (Invited Talk)
Alex Aiken

11:30 - 12:00
Checking Cryptographic API Usage with Composable Annotations (Short Paper)
Duncan Mitchell, L. Thomas van Binsbergen, Blake Loring, Johannes Kinder


14:00 - 14:30
Partially Static Data as Free Extension of Algebras (Short Paper)
Jeremy Yallop, Tamara von Glehn, Ohad Kammar

14:30 - 15:00
Program Generation for ML Modules (Short Paper)
Takahisa Watanabe, Yukiyoshi Kameyama

15:00 - 15:30
Recursive Programs in Normal Form (Short Paper)
Barry Jay


16:00 - 17:30
Posters/demos (TBA)

Poster/demo abstract submission guideline

* https://popl18.sigplan.org/track/PEPM-2018#Call-for-Poster-Demo-Abstracts

To maintain PEPM's dynamic and interactive nature, PEPM 2018 will continue to
have special sessions for poster/demo presentations. In addition to the main
interactive poster/demo session, there will also be a scheduled short-talk
session where each poster/demo can be advertised to the audience in, say, 5–10

Poster/demo abstracts should describe work relevant to PEPM (whose scope is
detailed below), typeset as a one-page PDF using the two-column 'sigplan'
sub-format of the new 'acmart' format available at:


and sent by email to the programme co-chairs, Fritz Henglein and Josh Ko, at:

henglein@diku.dk, hsiang-shang@nii.ac.jp

Please also include in the email:

* a short summary of the abstract (in plain text),
* the type(s) of proposed presentation (poster and/or demo), and
* whether you would like to give a scheduled short talk (in addition to the
poster/demo presentation).

Abstracts should be sent no later than:

Friday, 8th December 2017, anywhere on earth

and will be considered for acceptance on a rolling basis. Accepted abstracts,
along with their short summary, will be posted on PEPM 2018's website.

At least one author of each accepted abstract must attend the workshop and
present the work during the poster/demo session.

Student participants with accepted posters/demos can apply for a SIGPLAN PAC
grant to help cover travel expenses and other support. PAC also offers other
support, such as for child-care expenses during the meeting or for travel costs
for companions of SIGPLAN members with physical disabilities, as well as for
travel from locations outside of North America and Europe. For details on the
PAC programme, see its web page.


In addition to the traditional PEPM topics (see below), PEPM 2018 welcomes
submissions in new domains, in particular:

* Semantics based and machine-learning based program synthesis and program

* Modelling, analysis, and transformation techniques for distributed and
concurrent protocols and programs, such as session types, linear types, and
contract specifications.

More generally, topics of interest for PEPM 2018 include, but are not limited

* Program and model manipulation techniques such as: supercompilation,
partial evaluation, fusion, on-the-fly program adaptation, active
libraries, program inversion, slicing, symbolic execution, refactoring,
decompilation, and obfuscation.

* Techniques that treat programs/models as data objects including
metaprogramming, generative programming, embedded domain-specific
languages, program synthesis by sketching and inductive programming, staged
computation, and model-driven program generation and transformation.

* Program analysis techniques that are used to drive program/model
manipulation such as: abstract interpretation, termination checking,
binding-time analysis, constraint solving, type systems, automated testing
and test case generation.

* Application of the above techniques including case studies of program
manipulation in real-world (industrial, open-source) projects and software
development processes, descriptions of robust tools capable of effectively
handling realistic applications, benchmarking. Examples of application
domains include legacy program understanding and transformation, DSL
implementations, visual languages and end-user programming, scientific
computing, middleware frameworks and infrastructure needed for distributed
and web-based applications, embedded and resource-limited computation, and

This list of categories is not exhaustive, and we encourage submissions
describing new theories and applications related to semantics-based program
manipulation in general. If you have a question as to whether a potential
submission is within the scope of the workshop, please contact the programme
co-chairs, Fritz Henglein and Josh Ko (henglein@diku.dk,

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] Call for Participation: BOB 2018 (February 28, Berlin)


BOB 2018
"What happens if we simply use what's best?"
February 23, 2018, Berlin


BOB is the conference for developers, architects and decision-makers
to explore technologies beyond the mainstream in software development,
and to find the best tools available to software developers today. Our
goal is for all participants of BOB to return home with new insights
that enable them to improve their own software development

The program features 14 talks and 8 tutorials on current topics:


The subject range of talks includes functional programming,
verticalization, formal methods, and data analytics.

The tutorials feature introductions to Haskell, Clojure, Livecoding,
terminal programming, Liquid Haskell, functional reactive programming,
and domain-driven design.

Leif Andersen will give the keynote talk.

Registration is open online:


NOTE: The early-bird rates expire on January 22, 2018!

BOB cooperates with the :clojured conference on the following
day. There is a registration discount available for participants of
both events.


Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] FLoC 2018 - Second Joint Call for Papers

FLoC 2018 — The 2018 Federated Logic Conference
6-19 July 2018
Oxford, England UK

In 1996, as part of its Special Year on Logic and Algorithms, DIMACS
hosted the first Federated Logic Conference (FLoC). It was modelled
after the successful Federated Computer Research Conference (FCRC),
and synergetically brought together conferences that apply logic to
computer science.

The seventh Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'18) will be held in
Oxford, UK, in July 2018, at the Mathematical Institute and the
Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. FLoC 2018
brings together nine major international conferences related to
mathematical logic and computer science:

International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV)

IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)

International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM)

International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and
Deduction (FSCD)

International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP)

International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR)

International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP)

Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS)

International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability
Testing (SAT)

Please refer to the individual websites for conference-specific Calls
for Papers, deadlines and information on how to submit.

In addition to conferences, FLoC 2018 will also feature 79 workshops
(7-8 July, 13 July, and 18-19 July) and the School on Foundations of
Programming and Software Systems (FoPSS, 30 June – 6 July).

The list of workshops can be found at http://www.floc2018.org/workshops.
A separate call for workshop papers will follow in February 2018.


Conference papers due: see individual conference webpages
Conference papers notification: 31st March 2018
Workshop papers due: 15th April 2018
Workshop papers notification: 15th May 2018
Camera-ready versions: 31st May 2018

FLoC'18 Steering Committee

General Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi
Conference Co-chairs: Daniel Kroening, Marta Kwiatkowska
CAV Representative: Orna Grumberg
CSF Representative: Stephen Chong
FM Representative: Ana Cavalcanti
FSCD Representative: Luke Ong
ICLP Representative: Torsten Schaub
IJCAR Representative: Franz Baader
ITP Representative: Larry Paulson
LICS Representative: Martin Grohe
SAT Representative: Armin Biere
SIGLOG Representative: Prakash Panangaden

Programme Committee Chairs

General Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi
Co-chairs: Daniel Kroening, Marta Kwiatkowska
CAV: Hana Chockler, Georg Weissenbacher
CSF: Stephen Chong, Stéphanie Delaune
FM: Jan Peleska, Bill Roscoe
FSCD: Hélène Kirchner
ICLP: Alessandro dal Palù, Paul Tarau
IJCAR: Didier Galmiche, Stephan Schulz, Roberto Sebastiani
ITP: Jeremy Avigad, Assia Mahboubi
LICS: Martin Hofmann
SAT: Olaf Beyersdorff, Christoph Wintersteiger

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] IJCAR 2018 - Call for Papers


The 9th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, IJCAR 2018
Oxford, UK, July 14-17, 2018. http://www.ijcar2018.org

Part of The Federated Logic Conference, FLoC 2018,
Oxford, UK, July 6-19, 2018. http://www.floc2018.org

IJCAR is the premier international joint conference on all topics in automated
reasoning. The IJCAR technical program will consist of presentations of
high-quality original research papers, system descriptions, and invited talks.

IJCAR 2018 takes place as part of FLoC 2018 and is the merger of leading events
in automated reasoning:

CADE (Conference on Automated Deduction),
FroCoS (Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems) and
TABLEAUX (Conference on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods)

IJCAR 2018 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated reasoning,
including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research
papers and descriptions of working automated deduction systems are solicited.

IJCAR topics include the following ones:

- Logics of interest include: propositional, first-order, classical,
equational, higher-order, non-classical, constructive, modal, temporal,
many-valued, substructural, description, type theory, etc.
- Methods of interest include: tableaux, sequent calculi, resolution, model-
elimination, inverse method, paramodulation, term rewriting, induction,
unification, constraint solving, decision procedures, model generation,
model checking, semantic guidance, interactive theorem proving, logical
frameworks, AI-related methods for deductive systems, proof presentation,
automated theorem provers, combination of decision procedures, SAT and SMT
solving, etc.
- Applications of interest include: verification, formal methods, program
analysis and synthesis, computer mathematics, declarative programming,
deductive databases, knowledge representation, etc.

We welcome papers combining automated-reasoning formalisms & techniques and
with those from other areas of CS and mathematics, including, e.g., computer
algebra, machine learning, formal languages, formal verification, termination.
In particular, high-quality conference papers on the topics of the IJCAR 2018
affiliated workshops (http://ijcar2018.org/#assocev) are welcome.

The proceedings of IJCAR 2018 will be published by Springer in the LNAI/LNCS
series (www.springer.com/lncs).

Submission details:
Submission is electronic, through
Authors are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX and the Springer "llncs" format,
which can be obtained from
We solicit two categories of submissions:

REGULAR PAPERS. Submissions, not exceeding sixteen (16) pages including
bibliography, should contain original research, and sufficient detail to assess
the merits and relevance of the contribution. For papers reporting experimental
results, authors are strongly encouraged to make their data and software
available with their submission for reproducibility. The PC will take
availability of software and data into account when evaluating submissions.
Submissions reporting on case studies in an industrial context are strongly
invited, and should describe details, weaknesses and strength in sufficient
depth. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with proceedings or
submission of material that has already been published elsewhere is not

SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS. Submissions, not exceeding eight (8) pages including
bibliography, should describe the implemented tool and its novel features. One
author is expected to be able to perform a demonstration on demand to accompany
a tool presentation. Papers describing tools that have already been presented
in other conferences before will be accepted only if significant and clear
enhancements to the tool are reported and implemented.

Best paper award:
IJCAR 2018 will recognize the most outstanding submission with a best paper
award at the conference.

IJCAR'18 Special Issue of the Journal of Automated Reasoning:
The authors of a selection of the best IJCAR'18 papers will be invited
to produce an extended version of their paper for a special issue of
the Journal of Automated Reasoning.

Invited speakers:
Invited Speakers will be announced later on.

Important dates (provisional):
Abstract submission: January 22nd 2018
Paper submission: January 29th 2018
Notification: March 29th, 2018
Final version of papers due: April 23rd, 2018
IJCAR Conference: July 14-17th, 2018
FLoC Conference: July 6-19th, 2018

IMPORTANT NOTICE: due to very strict FLoC constraints, deadlines are SHARP!

Student travel awards:
Woody Bledsoe Travel Awards will be available to support selected students in
attending the conference.

Conference Chair:
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Program Chairs:
Didier Galmiche, LORIA, Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France
Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Roberto Sebastiani, DISI, University of Trento, Trento, Italy

Local Arrangements Chairs:
Daniel Kroening, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Workshop Chair:
Alberto Griggio, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy

Publicity Chair:
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami

Program Committee:
Carlos Areces, FaMA FUniversidad Nacional de Cordoba
Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen
Arnon Avron, Tel-Aviv University
Franz Baader, TU Dresden
Clark Barrett, Stanford University
Peter Baumgartner, Data 61 and CSIRO
Christoph Benzmueller, Freie Universitaet Berlin
Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Nikolaj Bjorner, Microsoft Research
Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Maria Paola Bonacina, Universita degli Studi di Verona
Torben Brauener, Roskilde University
Agata Ciabattoni, TU Wien
Leonardo de Moura, Microsoft Research
Hans De Nivelle, University of Wroclaw
Stephane Demri, CNRS, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay
Clare Dixon, University of Liverpool
Francois Fages, Inria Universite Paris-Saclay
Pascal Fontaine, Universite de Lorraine - LORIA
Didier Galmiche (Chair), Universite de Lorraine - LORIA
Vijay Ganesh, University of Waterloo
Silvio Ghilardi, Universite degli Studi di Milano
Juergen Giesl, RWTH Aachen
Laura Giordano, DISIT Universite del Piemonte Orientale
Valentin Goranko, Stockholm University
Rajeev Gore, The Australian National University
Alberto Griggio, FBK-IRST
John Harrison, Intel Corporation
Ian Horrocks, University of Oxford
Moa Johansson, Chalmers Tekniska Hogskola
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck
Deepak Kapur, University of New Mexico
Konstantin Korovin, The University of Manchester
Laura Kovacs Vienna, University of Technology
George Metcalfe, University of Bern
Dale Miller, INRIA and LIX/Ecole Polytechnique
Claudia Nalon, University of Brasilia
Albert Oliveras, - Technical University of Catalonia
Nicola Olivetti, LSIS Aix-Marseille University
Jens Otten, University of Oslo
Lawrence Paulson, University of Cambridge
Nicolas Peltier, CNRS, LIG
Frank Pfenning, Carnegie Mellon University
Silvio Ranise, FBK-Irst
Christophe Ringeissen, LORIA-INRIA
Philipp Ruemmer, Uppsala University
Katsuhiko Sano, Hokkaido University
Uli Sattler, The University of Manchester
Renate A. Schmidt, The University of Manchester
Stephan Schulz (Chair), DHBW Stuttgart
Roberto Sebastiani (Chair), DISI University of Trento
Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans, University Koblenz-Landau
Thomas Sturm, CNRS
Geoff Sutcliffe, University of Miami
Cesare Tinelli, The University of Iowa
Alwen Tiu, Nanyang Technological University
Ashish Tiwari, SRI International
Josef Urban, Czech Technical University in Prague
Luca Viganò, King's College London
Andrei Voronkov, The University of Manchester
Uwe Waldmann, Max Planck Institute for Informatics
Christoph Weidenbach, Max Planck Institute for Informatics

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs