
[Caml-list] IFL 2009: Second Call for Papers

Call for Papers
IFL 2009
Seton Hall University

** NEW **

Accomodations information available: http://tltc.shu.edu/blogs/projects/IFL2009/accommodations.html

Jane Street Capital has joined IFL 2009 as a sponsor


The 21st International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages, IFL 2009, will be held
for the first time in the USA. The hosting institution is Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ, USA and the
symposium dates are September 23-25, 2009. It is our goal to make IFL a regular event held in the USA and in
Europe. The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the implementation and
application of functional and function-based programming languages. IFL 2009 will be a venue for researchers to
present and discuss new ideas and concepts, work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the
implementation and application of functional languages and function-based programming.

Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2009 will use a post-symposium review process to produce a formal proceedings which
will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. All participants in IFL 2009 are
invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium.
These submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are within the scope of IFL and will
appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not
peer-reviewed publications. After the symposium, authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from
discussions at the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full arcticle for the formal review process. These
revised submissions will be reviewed by the program committee using prevailing academic standards to select the best
articles that will appear in the formal proceedings.


IFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions describing applications and tools.
If you are not sure if your work is appropriate for IFL 2009, please contact the PC chair at ifl2009@shu.edu. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

 language concepts
 type checking
 compilation techniques
 staged compilation
 runtime function specialization
 runtime code generation
 partial evaluation  
 (abstract) interpretation
 generic programming techniques
 automatic program generation
 array processing
 concurrent/parallel programming
 concurrent/parallel program execution
 functional programming and embedded systems
 functional programming and web applications
 functional programming and security
 novel memory management techniques
 runtime profiling and performance measurements
 debugging and tracing
 virtual/abstract machine architectures
 validation and verification of functional programs  
 tools and programming techniques
 FP in Education


Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be published in the draft proceedings and to
present them at the symposium. All contributions must be written in English, conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS series
format and not exceed 16 pages. The draft proceedings will appear as a technical report of the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science of Seton Hall University.


Registration deadline                   August 15, 2009
Presentation submission deadline        August 15, 2009
IFL 2009 Symposium                      September 23-25, 2009
Submission for review process deadline  November 1, 2009
Notification Accept/Reject              December 22, 2009
Camera ready version                    February 1, 2010


Peter Achten                       University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jost Berthold                       Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany
Andrew Butterfield             University of Dublin, Ireland
Robby Findler                     Northwestern University, USA
Kathleen Fisher                   AT&T Research, USA
Cormac Flanagan              University of California at Santa Cruz, USA
Matthew Flatt                        University of Utah, USA
Matthew Fluet                       Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, USA
Daniel Friedman                 Indiana University, USA
Andy Gill                                University of Kansas, USA
Clemens Grelck                  University of Amsterdam/Hertfordshire, The Netherlands/UK
Jurriaan Hage                      Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ralf Hinze                              Oxford University, UK
Paul Hudak                           Yale University, USA
John Hughes                        Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Patricia Johann                    University of Strathclyde, UK
Yukiyoshi Kameyama        University of Tsukuba, Japan
Marco T. Morazán (Chair)  Seton Hall University, USA
Rex Page                                University of Oklahoma, USA
Fernando Rubio                    Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
Sven-Bodo Scholz               University of Hertfordshire, UK
Manuel Serrano                     INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Chung-chieh Shan                Rutgers University, USA
David Walker                         Princeton University, USA
Viktória Zsók                          Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary


The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the symposium every year. The honored article is selected
by the program committee based on the submissions received for the formal review process. The prize carries a cash award
equivalent to 150 euros.


[Caml-list] CICM 2009 (Calculemus and MKM) - Call for Participation

Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM 2009
6 July -- 12 July 2009, Grand Bend Ontario Canada

Call for Participation

*** Early Registration Rate until June 5 ***

The 2009 Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics are a cluster
of related meetings on various aspects of the intelligent treatment of
mathematical information by computers.

The event incorporates the Calculemus and Mathematical Knowledge
Management conferences and a selection of workshops:

* Compact Computer Algebra
* Towards a Digital Mathematics Library
* Mathematical User Interfaces
* OpenMath
* Pen-Based Mathematical Computation
* W3C Workshop on Using Ink in Multimodal Applications

On the conference pages, you will also see the preliminary program and
the abstracts of the plenary talks:

"Computational Logic and Continuous Mathematics, Pure and Applied,"
Rob Arthan (Lemma 1 & Queen Mary, University of London, UK)

"Math-Literate Computers," Dorothea Blostein (Queen's University,

"Abstraction-Based Information Technology: A Framework for Open
Mechanized Reasoning," Jacques Calmet (Universitaet Karlsruhe,

"CAMAL 40 Years On -- Is Small Still Beautiful?"
John Fitch (University of Bath, UK)

"Software Engineering for Mathematics,"
Georges Gonthier (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK)

"Some Traditional Mathematical Knowledge Management,"
Patrick Ion (Math Reviews, USA)

"Math Handwriting Recognition in Windows 7 and Its Benefits,"
Marko Panic (Microsoft Development, Serbia)

"Assembling the Digital Mathematics Library,"
David Ruddy (Cornell University, USA)

The Fields Institute for the Mathematical Sciences is the principal
sponsor of CICM 2009. Support of the following is also gratefully

McMaster University, University of Waterloo, Research Western,
University of Western Ontario Faculty of Science, Wilfrid Laurier
University, Maplesoft, ACM Sigsam and the Ontario Research Centre for
Computer Algebra.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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[Caml-list] First Call for Papers: DAMP 2010

DAMP 2010: Workshop on
Declarative Aspects of Multicore Programming
Madrid, SPAIN
(colocated with POPL 2010)
January, 2010

The advent of multicore architectures has profoundly increased the
importance of research in parallel computing. Modern platforms are
becoming more complex and heterogenous and novel solutions are needed
to account for their peculiarities.
Multicore architectures will differ in significant ways from their
multisocket predecessors. For example, the communication to compute
bandwidth ratio is likely to be higher, which will positively impact
performance. More generally, multicore architectures introduce several
new dimensions of variability in both performance guarantees and
architectural contracts, such as the memory model, that may not
stabilize for several generations of product.

Programs written in functional or (constraint-)logic programming
languages, or in other highly declarative languages with a controlled
use of side effects, can greatly simplify parallel programming. Such
declarative programming allows for a deterministic semantics even
when the underlying implementation might be highly non-deterministic.
In addition to simplifying programming this can simplify debugging and
analyzing correctness.

DAMP 2010 is the fifth in a series of one-day workshops seeking to
explore ideas in declarative programming language design that will
greatly simplify programming for multicore architectures, and more
generally for tightly coupled parallel architectures. The emphasis
will be on (constraint-)logic and functional programming, but any
declarative programming language ideas that aim to raise the level of
abstraction are welcome. DAMP seeks to gather together researchers in
declarative approaches to parallel programming and to foster cross
fertilization across different approaches.

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

* investigation of applications of logic, constraint logic, and
functional programing to multicore programing
* run-time issues of exploitation of parallelism using declarative
programming approaches (e.g., garbage collection, scheduling)
* architectural impact on exploitation of parallelism from
declarative languages
* type systems and analysis for accurately detecting dependencies,
aliasing, side effects, and impure features
* language level declarative constructs for expressing parallelism
* declarative language specification for the description of data
placement and distribution
* compilation and static analysis techniques to support
exploitation of parallelism from declarative languages (e.g.,
granularity control)
* practical experiences and challenges arising from parallel
declarative programming
* technology for debugging parallel programs
* design and implementation of domain-specific declarative
languages for multicore programming


Submitted papers papers should not exceed 10 pages in ACM
SIGPLAN conference format. Submission is electronic via:


Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library and
in a physical proceedings. Papers must adhere to the SIGPLAN
Republication Policy:


Concurrent submissions to other conferences, workshops, journals,
or similar forums of publication are not allowed. However, DAMP
is intended to be a venue for discussion and exploration of
works-in-progress, and so publication of a paper at DAMP 2010 is
not intended to preclude later publication as appropriate.

Additional information about the submission process can be found
at the conference web site.

Important dates:

Abstract submission: Sept. 21
Paper submission: Sept. 25
Notification to authors: Oct. 26
Camera ready: Nov. 9

Program Chair:

Enrico Pontelli
New Mexico State University

General Chairs:

Leaf Petersen
Intel Corporation
Santa Clara, CA, USA

Program Committee:

Manuel Carro Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Clemens Grelck University of Hertfordshire
Haifeng Guo University of Nebraska at Omaha
Gabriele Keller University of New South Wales
Hans-Wolfgang Loidl Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen
Leaf Petersen Intel Corporation
John Reppy University of Chicago
Ricardo Rocha University of Porto
Kostis Sagonas National Technical University of Athens
Vitor Santos Costa University of Porto
Satnam Singh Microsoft Research
Philip Trinder Heriot-Watt University
Pascal Van Hentenryck Brown University



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[Caml-list] FLOPS 2010: Preliminary Call for Papers

  Tenth International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming
    (FLOPS 2010)
 April 19-21, 2010
   Sendai, Japan

Submission deadline: October 16, 2009
  FLOPS is a forum for research on all issues concerning declarative
  programming, including functional programming and logic programming,
  and aims to promote cross-fertilization and integration between the
  two paradigms.  Previous FLOPS meetings were held in Fuji Susono
  (1995), Shonan Village (1996), Kyoto (1998), Tsukuba (1999), Tokyo
  (2001), Aizu (2002), Nara (2004), Fuji Susono (2006), and Ise


  FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of functional and logic
  programming, including (but not limited to):

    Declarative Pearls: new and excellent declarative programs with
    illustrative applications.

    Language issues: language design and constructs, programming
    methodology, integration of paradigms, interfacing with other
    languages, type systems, constraints, concurrency and distributed

    Foundations: logic and semantics, rewrite systems and narrowing,
    type theory, proof systems.

    Implementation issues: compilation techniques, memory management,
    program analysis and transformation, partial evaluation,

    Applications: case studies, real-world applications, graphical
    user interfaces, Internet applications, XML, databases, formal
    methods and model checking.

  The proceedings are expected to be published as an LNCS volume.  The
  proceedings of the previous meeting (FLOPS 2008) were published as
  LNCS 4989.




  Matthias Blume (TTI, Chicago, USA)
  German Vidal (Technical University of Valencia, Spain) 


  Naoki Kobayashi (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)


  Nick Benton (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)
  Manuel Chakravarty (University of New South Wales, Australia)
  Michael Codish (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)
  Bart Demoen (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
  Agostino Dovier (University of Udine, Italy)
  John P. Gallagher (Roskilde University, Denmark)
  Maria Garcia de la Banda (Monash University, Australia)
  Michael Hanus (University of Kiel, Germany)
  Atsushi Igarashi (Kyoto University, Japan)
  Patricia Johann (Rutgers University, USA)
  Shin-ya Katsumata (Kyoto University, Japan)
  Michael Leuschel (University of Dusseldorf, Germany)
  Francisco Lopez-Fraguas (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain)
  Paqui Lucio (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
  Yasuhiko Minamide (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
  Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
  Francois Pottier (INRIA, France)
  Tom Schrijvers (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
  Chung-chieh "Ken" Shan (Rutgers University, USA)
  Zhong Shao (Yale University, USA)
  Jan-Georg Smaus (University of Freiburg, Germany)
  Nobuko Yoshida (Imperial College London, UK)

  Eijiro Sumii (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)


  Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
  elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
  published workshops proceedings may be submitted. Submissions should
  fall into one of the following categories:

    Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
    be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.

    System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working
    system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.

  All submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15
  proceedings pages long. Authors are strongly encouraged to use
  LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class file, available at

  Regular research papers should be supported by proofs and/or
  experimental results.  In case of lack of space, this supporting
  information should be made accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a
  web page, or an appendix). Papers should be submitted electronically 


  Submission deadlines: 
    - Abstract: October 16, 2009
    - Paper:    October 23, 2009
  Author notification: December 21, 2009
  Camera-ready copy: January 24, 2010
  Conference: April 19-21, 2010


  Sendai, Japan

Some previous FLOPS:

  FLOPS 2006, Fuji Susono: http://hagi.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/FLOPS2006/
  FLOPS 2004, Nara







[Caml-list] Call for Participation: Distributed Computing Techniques: DisCoTec 2009 (DAIS + FMOODS/FORTE + COORDINATION), Lisbon, 9-12 June 2009, student grants available

Call for Participation:

Federated Conferences on

Distributed Computing Techniques


Lisbon, Portugal 9 - 12 June 2009

The event is organised by the Instituto de Telecomunicacoes.

o Main federated events:

Coordination'09: 11th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages

DAIS'09: 9th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and
Interoperable Systems

FMOODS/FORTE'09: 11th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems &
29th Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems

o Registration:

- Early registration deadline: May 17, 2009.
- Register via http://discotec09.di.fc.ul.pt/

o Grants: - Grants are offered for student participants of DisCoTec &
the affiliated tutorial (see below)

- See the web-page for conditions and for the application forms

- Deadline May 11, 2009

o Invited speakers:

- Jayadev Misra, University of Texas at Austin, USA,

- Manuel Serrano, INRIA, France

- Raghu Ramakrishnan, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA


Besides the main federated 3 international conferences, DisCoTec'09 offers
a varied and rich co-located program of workshops and scientific meetings
on related topics plus a tutorial. See the website for different reduced
registration prices when registering for combinations of events:

o Workshops (12 June):

- CAMPUS 2009: 2nd Workshop on Context-aware Adaptation Mechanisms
for Pervasive and Ubiquitous Services

- MAI 2009: 3rd Workshop on Middleware-Application Interaction

o Tutorial: Global Computing Tutorial Series (9-11 June,
promoted by the Sensoria and Mobius European projects)

- Gilles Barthe, "Verification Methods for Software Security and Correctness" (Mobius)
- Sophia Drossopoulou, "Types for Alias Control and Verification" (Mobius)
- Jose Luiz Fiadeiro, "A Formal Approach to Service-Oriented Modelling" (Sensoria)
- Flemming Nielson, "Static Security Analysis of Service-Oriented Systems" (Sensoria)

o Co-located events

- 10th International Conference on Feature Interactions in
Telecommunications and Software Systems (ICFI'09) (11-12 June)

- Sensoria meeting: (7-9 June, Software Engineering for
Service-Oriented Computers http://www.sensoria-ist.eu/)

- COST Action IC0701 meeting (11-13 June, Formal Verification of
Object-Oriented Software,

List of accepted papers of the main events:

- Farhad Arbab, Tom Chothia, Rob van der Mei, Meng Sun,
Young-JoXo Moon and Chretien Verhoef:
From Coordination to Stochastic Models of QoS

- Christel Baier, Tobias Blechmann, Joachim Klein and
Sascha Klüppelholz:

A Uniform Framework for Modeling and Verifying Components
and Connectors

- Marcello Bonsangue, Dave Clarke and Alexandra Silva:
Automata for Context-dependent Connectors

- Tayeb Bouhadiba and Florence Maraninchi:
Contract-Based Coordination of Hardware Components for
the Development of Embedded Software

- Liliana D'Errico and Michele Loreti:
Assume-Guarantee Verification of Concurrent Systems

- Susan Eisenbach and Alexis Petrounias:
Fairness for Chorded Languages

- Bjørn Haagensen and Hans Hüttel:
Parametrised Constants and Replication for Spatial Mobility

- Abdessamad Imine:
Coordination Model for Real-time Collaborative Editors

- Chien-Liang Fok, Gruia-Catalin Roman and Chenyang Lu:
Enhanced Coordination in Sensor Networks through
Flexible Service Provisioning

- Jens Chr. Godskesen and Sebastian Nanz:
Mobility Models and Behavioural Equivalence for Wireless Networks

- Armand Navabi and Suresh Jagannathan:
Exceptionally Safe Futures

- Carl Ritson, Adam Sampson and Frederick Barnes:
Multicore Scheduling for Lightweight Communicating Processes

- Jesper Honig Spring, Jean Privat, Rachid Guerraoui, Jan Vitek
and Antonio Cunei:
High-Performance Transactional Event Processing

- Mirko Viroli and Matteo Casadei:
Biochemical Tuple Spaces for Self-Organising Coordination

o DAIS 09

- Diana Comes, Steffen Bleul, Kurt Geihs and Thomas Weise:
A Flexible Approach for Business Processes Monitoring

- Mate J. Csorba, Hein Meling, Poul E. Heegaard and Peter Herrmann:
Foraging for better deployment of replicated service components

- Paulo Jesus, Carlos Baquero and Paulo Sérgio Almeida:
Fault-Tolerant Aggregation by Flow Updating

- Shen Lin, Francois Taiani and Gordon Blair:
Exploiting Synergies Between Coexisting Overlays

- Raimundo Macêdo and Allan Freitas:
A Generic Group Communication Approach for Hybrid Distributed Systems

- Alix Mougenot, Xavier Blanc and Marie-Pierre Gervais:
D-Praxis: A peer-to-peer collaborative model edition framework

- Romain Pellerin, Nicolas Bouillot, Tatiana Pietkiewicz, Mike Wozniewski,
Zack Settel, Eric Gressier-Soudan and Jeremy R. Cooperstock:
Toward Highly Collaborative Game Support in an
Ubiquitous Computing Architecture

- Vasanth Rajamani, Christine Julien and Jamie Payton:
Inquiry and Introspection for Non-Deterministic Queries in Mobile Networks

- Daniel Retkowitz and Sven Kulle:
Dependency Management in Smart Homes

- Josef Spillner, Matthias Winkler, Sandro Reichert, Jorge Cardoso
and Alexander Schill:
Distributed Contracting and Monitoring in the Internet of Services

- Amirhosein Taherkordi, Quan Le-Trung, Romain Rouvoy and Frank Eliassen:
WiSeKit: A Distributed Middleware to Support Application-level
Adaptation in Sensor Network

- Gareth Tyson, Paul Grace, Andreas Mauthe, Gordon Blair and Sebastian Kaune:
A Reflective Middleware to Support Peer-to-Peer Overlay Adaptation


- Parosh Abdulla, Giorgio Delzanno and Ahmed Rezine:
Approximated Context-sensitive Analysis for Parameterized Verification

- Luciano Baresi, Domenico Bianculli, Sam Guinea and Paola Spoletini:
Keep It Small, Keep It Real: Efficient Run-Time Verification
of Web Service Compositions

- Hanifa Boucheneb and Abdessamad Imine:
On Model-Checking Optimistic Replication Algorithms

- Rohit Chadha, Stephanie Delaune and Steve Kremer:
Epistemic Logic for the Applied Pi Calculus

- Gabriel Ciobanu and Calin Juravle:
Software Framework for Mobility and Timed Interaction

- Naghmeh Ghafari, Arie Gurfinkel and Richard Trefler:
Verification of Parameterized Systems with Combinations
of Abstract Domains

- Maxim Gromov, Khaled El-Fakih, Natalia Shabaldina and Nina Yevtushenko:
Distinguing non-deterministic Timed Finite State Machines

- Hans Grönniger, Jan Oliver Ringert and Bernhard Rumpe:
System Model-based Definition of Modeling Language Semantics

- Iksoon Hwang, Mounir Lallali, Ana Cavalli and Dominique Verchere:
Modeling, validation, and test generation of PCEP using formal method

- Morten Kühnrich and Uwe Nestmann:
On Process-Algebraic Proof Methods for Fault Tolerant Distributed Systems

- Michael Lienhardt, Claudio Antares Mezzina, Alan Schmitt and
Jean-Bernard Stefani:
Typing Component-Based Communication

- Lin Liu and Jonathan Billington:

Recursive Parametric Automata and epsilon-Removal

Short papers

- João Abreu, Franco Mazzanti, José Luiz Fiadeiro and Stefania Gnesi:
A Model-Checking Approach for Service Component Architectures

- Gregor Bochmann:
Using First-Order Logic to Reason about Submodule Construction

- Tsong Yueh Chen, Fei-Ching Kuo, Huai Liu and Shengqiong Wang:
Conformance Testing of Network Simulators based on Metamorphic Testing Technique

- Gregorio Díaz and Ismael Rodriguez:
Checking the conformance of orchestrations with respect to choreographies
in web services: A formal approach

- Andreas Griesmayer, Bernhard K. Aichernig, Einar Broch Johnsen and Rudolf Schlatte:
Dynamic Symbolic Execution of Distributed Concurrent Objects

- Arend Rensink and Eduardo Zambon:
A Type Graph Model for Java Programs

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