
[Caml-list] [ANN] Final Call for Papers: Erlang Workshop 2016 -- Submission deadline (3 June) approaching

Apologies for any duplicates you may receive.


Fifteenth ACM SIGPLAN Erlang Workshop

Nara, Japan, September 23, 2016
Satellite event of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2016)
September 18-24, 2016

The Erlang Workshop aims to bring together the open source, academic,
and industrial communities of Erlang, to discuss technologies and
languages related to Erlang. The Erlang model of concurrent programming
has been widely emulated, for example by Akka in Scala, and even new
programming languages were designed atop of the Erlang VM, such as
Elixir. Therefore we would like to broaden the scope of the workshop to
include systems like those mentioned above.

The workshop will enable participants to familiarize themselves with
recent developments on new techniques and tools, novel applications,
draw lessons from users' experiences and identify research problems and
common areas relevant to the practice of Erlang, Erlang-like languages,
functional programming, distribution, concurrency etc.

We invite three types of submissions.

1. Technical papers describing interesting contributions either in
theoretical work or real world applications. Submission related to
Erlang, Elixir, Akka, CloudHaskell, Occam, and functional programming
are welcome and encouraged. Topics of interest include (but are not
limited to):

  - virtual machine extensions and compilation techniques
  - implementations and interfaces of Erlang in/with other languages
  - new tools (profilers, tracers, debuggers, testing frameworks etc.)
  - language extensions
  - formal semantics, correctness and verification
  - testing Erlang programs
  - program analysis and transformation
  - Erlang-like languages and technologies
  - functional languages and multi-processing
  - concurrency in functional languages
  - functional languages and distributed computing
  - parallel programming
  - pattern based programming
  - Erlang in education

The maximum length for technical papers is restricted to 12 pages.

2. Experience reports describing uses of Erlang in the "real-world",
Erlang libraries for specific tasks, experiences from using Erlang
in specific application domains, reusable programming idioms and
elegant new ways of using Erlang to approach or solve a particular
problem. The maximum length for the experience report is restricted
to 2 pages.

3. Poster presentations describing topics related to the workshop goals.
Each includes a maximum of 2 pages of the abstract and summary.
Presentations in this category will be given an hour of shared
simultaneous demonstration time.

Workshop Co-Chairs
Melinda Tóth, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Scott Lystig Fritchie, Basho Japan KK

Program Committee
(Note: the Workshop Co-Chairs are also committee members)

   Jamie Allen, Typesafe
   Laura M. Castro, University of  A Coruña, Spain
   Natalia Chechina, University of Glasgow
   Viktoria Fördős, Erlang Solutions
   Yosuke Hara, Rakuten, Inc.
   Kenji Rikitake, KRPEO
   Bruce Tate, iCanMakeItBetter
   Simon Thompson, University of Kent, UK

Important Dates
Submissions due: Friday, 3 June, 2016
Author notification: Friday, 8 July, 2016
Final copy due: Sunday, 31 July, 2016
Workshop date: September 23, 2016

Instructions to authors
Papers must be submitted online via EasyChair (via the "Erlang2016"
event). The submission page is

Submitted papers should be in portable document format (PDF),
formatted using the ACM SIGPLAN style guidelines.

Each submission must adhere to SIGPLAN's republication policy.
Violation risks summary rejection of the offending submission.
Accepted papers will be published by the ACM and will appear in the
ACM Digital Library.

Paper submissions will be considered for poster submission in the case
they are not accepted as full papers.

Venue & Registration Details
For registration, please see the ICFP 2016 web site at:

Related Links
CFP: http://conf.researchr.org/track/icfp-2016/erlang-2016-papers
ICFP 2016 web site: http://conf.researchr.org/home/icfp-2016
Past ACM SIGPLAN Erlang workshops: http://www.erlang.org/workshop/
Open Source Erlang: http://www.erlang.org/
EasyChair submission site:
Author Information for SIGPLAN Conferences:
Atendee Information for SIGPLAN Events:


[Caml-list] CRV 2016 - The 3rd International Competition on Runtime Verification

CRV 2016
The 3rd International Competition on Runtime Verification
In Association with COST Action "Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring"
held with RV 2016, September 23-30 2016, Madrid, Spain

CRV 2016 is the 3rd International Competition on Runtime Verification and will be held as part of the 16th International Conference on Runtime Verification. The event will be held in September 2016, in Madrid, Spain. CRV-2016 will draw attention to the invaluable effort of software developers and researchers who contribute in this field by providing the community with new or updated tools, libraries and frameworks for the instrumentation and runtime verification of software. The competition is a product of COST Action "Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring", see https://www.cost-arvi.eu/ for more information.

Runtime Verification is a verification technique for the analysis of software at execution-time based on extracting information from a running system and checking if the observed behaviors satisfy or violate the properties of interest. During the last decade, many important tools and techniques have been developed and successfully employed. However, there is a pressing need to compare such tools and techniques, since we currently lack a common benchmark suite as well as scientific evaluation methods to validate and test new prototype runtime verification tools. 

The main aims of CRV 2016 are to:

• Stimulate the development of new efficient and practical runtime verification tools and the maintenance and improvement of the already developed ones.
• Produce a benchmark suite for runtime verification tools, by sharing case studies and programs that researchers and developers can use in the future to test and to validate their prototypes.
• Discuss the metrics employed for comparing the tools.
• Provide a comparison of the tools on different benchmarks and evaluate them using different criteria.
• Enhance the visibility of presented tools among the different communities (verification, software engineering, cloud computing and security) involved in software monitoring.

Please direct any enquiries to the competition co-organizers (crv2016@crv.liflab.ca):

• Yliès Falcone (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France),
• Sylvain Hallé (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada),
• Giles Reger (University of Manchester, Manchester, UK).

CRV 2016 Jury

The CSRV Jury will include a representative for each participating team and the competition chairs. The Jury will be consulted at each stage of the competition to ensure that the rules set by the competition chairs are fair and reasonable.

Call for Participation

The main goal of CRV 2016 is to compare tools for runtime verification. We invite and encourage the participation with benchmarks and tools for the competition. The competition will consist of three main tracks based on what is being monitored:

• Track on monitoring Java programs (online monitoring)
• Track on monitoring C programs (online monitoring)
• Subtrack on Generic Specifications (e.g. in LTL)
• Subtrack on Implicit Specifications (e.g. memory safety)
• Track on monitoring of traces (offline monitoring)

The general organisation of the competition is described in the rules document found at

To register please fill in the form at

Expected Important Dates

May 9th Registration Opens
May 29th Benchmark Submission Deadline
June 5th Registration Closes
June 5-12th Clarifications Phase
June 19th Benchmarks Announced
July 10th Monitor Submission Deadline
August 1st Notifications
At RV 2016 Presentation of Results


[Caml-list] Last Call for Papers: Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2016 @ IJCAR), Coimbra, Portugal, Deadline May 17th *NEW* (was May 9th, 2016)

Last Call for Papers

UITP 2016
12th International Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers
in connection with IJCAR 2016
July 2nd, 2016, Coimbra, Portugal

* NEW Submission deadline: May 17th, 2016 *

- Invited Speaker: Sylvain Conchon (LRI, France) giving a talk about
"AltGr-Ergo, a graphical user interface for the SMT solver Alt-Ergo"
- Submission deadline postponed by one week to May, 17th, 2016

The User Interfaces for Theorem Provers workshop series brings
together researchers interested in designing, developing and
evaluating interfaces for interactive proof systems, such as theorem
provers, formal method tools, and other tools manipulating and
presenting mathematical formulas.

While the reasoning capabilities of interactive proof systems have
increased dramatically over the last years, the system interfaces have
often not enjoyed the same attention as the proof engines
themselves. In many cases, interfaces remain relatively basic and

The User Interfaces for Theorem Provers workshop series provides a
forum for researchers interested in improving human interaction with
proof systems. We welcome participation and contributions from the
theorem proving, formal methods and tools, and HCI communities, both
to report on experience with existing systems, and to discuss new
directions. Topics covered include, but are not limited to:

- Application-specific interaction mechanisms or designs for prover
interfaces Experiments and evaluation of prover interfaces
- Languages and tools for authoring, exchanging and presenting proof
- Implementation techniques (e.g. web services, custom middleware,
- Integration of interfaces and tools to explore and construct proof
- Representation and manipulation of mathematical knowledge or objects
- Visualisation of mathematical objects and proof
- System descriptions

UITP 2016 is a one-day workshop to be held on Saturday, July 2nd, 2016
in Coimbra, Portugal, as a IJCAR 2016 workshop.

** Submissions **

Submitted papers should describe previously unpublished work
(completed or in progress), and be at least 4 pages and at most 12
pages. We encourage concise and relevant papers. Submissions should be
in PDF format, and typeset with the EPTCS LaTeX document class (which
can be downloaded from http://style.eptcs.org/). Submission should be
done via EasyChair at


All papers will be peer reviewed by members of the programme committee
and selected by the organizers in accordance with the referee

At least one author/presenter of accepted papers must attend the
workshop and present their work.

** Proceedings **

Authors will have the opportunity to incorporate feedback and insights
gathered during the workshop to improve their accepted papers before
publication in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer
Science (EPTCS - http://www.eptcs.org/).

** Important dates **

Submission deadline: May 17th, 2016
Acceptance notification: June 6th, 2016
Camera-ready copy: June 20th, 2016
Workshop: July 2nd, 2016

** Programme Committee **

Serge Autexier, DFKI Bremen, Germany (Co-Chair)
Pedro Quaresma, U Coimbra, Portugal (Co-Chair)
David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Chris Benzmüller, FU Berlin, Germany & Stanford, USA
Yves Bertot, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Gudmund Grov, Heriott-Watt University, Scotland
Zoltán Kovács, RISC, Austria
Christoph Lüth, University of Bremen and DFKI Bremen, Germany
Alexander Lyaletski, Kiev National Taras Shevchenko Univ., Ukraine
Michael Norrish, NICTA, Australia
Andrei Paskevich, LRI, France
Christian Sternagel, University Innsbruck, Austria
Enrico Tassi, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Laurent Théry, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Makarius Wenzel, Sketis, Germany
Wolfgang Windsteiger, RISC Linz, Austria
Bruno Woltzenlogel Paleo, TU Vienna, Austria

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[Caml-list] Call for Papers - Special Issue on the "Impact of 5G and Advanced Wireless Technologies on the eHealth Care Services and Applications"

[Apologies for multiple copies of this CFP]

Call for Papers

Special Issue on the "Impact of 5G and Advanced Wireless Technologies on the eHealth Care Services and Applications"
International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications (Indexed in Web of Science)

URL: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/ijta/si/597269/cfp/

In the recent years, we have seen an explosive growth of research works that question, analyze, and suggest solutions to the future growth of mobile telecommunications. 5G (5th Generation Mobile Networks or 5th Generation Wireless Systems) is understood as the next major phase of mobile telecommunications standards beyond 4G and currently available other standards. Today, some eHealth (eH) care services use the mobile and wireless technologies to some extent but our question is what will be the real impact of 5G and other advanced wireless technologies on the eHealthcare services and applications? It is said that some of the core goals of 5G are to allow smooth functioning of applications that require high speed, better coverage, reduced latency, better spectral efficiency, and supporting bandwidth-intensive and time-sensitive multimedia. While all these advancements that are expected to be beneficial for improvement of the eHealthcare sector, some researchers opine that the direct impact of 5G in eH would be more focused on how to handle disconnections, maintaining security of communications, reliable communications over the Internet of Things (IoT), integration and smooth functioning with other parallel technologies, and so on. This is because, to offer dependable eHealthcare services, for instance, to perform a remote surgery or to diagnose a disease correctly, real-time human interaction would be needed in most of the cases and just increasing speed of communication or spectral efficiency or latency would not solve the dependability issue. In essence, no greater data speed or coverage or improved latency in the mobile telecommunication would be needed than what is required as the minimum and sufficient configuration for any such scenario; however, flawless and secured service would be essential. Considering these issues, in this special issue, we would like to invite papers on the innovative services and technologies for eHealthcare field which are based on 5G and other advanced wireless technologies. We believe that this is a timely question to raise as we have seen lots of recent works on the related areas: 5G, wireless technologies and standards, and eHealthcare. It could indeed attract a good number of researchers and practitioners. The target audience would be quite large.

Any topic related to 5G technologies and advanced wireless technologies in eHealthcare services and applications will be considered. Both original research and review papers on the issues are welcome.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

- High confidence mobile telecommunications for eHealth (eH) care
- Medical data protection in the 5G era
- Multimedia streaming in the context of 5GeH
- Reliability and dependability issues of 5GeH
- eHealthcare services in extreme and dynamic environments
- Convergence of services with 5GeH
- 5G based eH services for sports events
- eHealthcare coverage in the sea for sailors and in the deep sea
- Advanced wireless sensor technologies in eH
- Anytime, anywhere services via advanced wireless technologies
- Body area sensor networks in eH
- Security and privacy in 5G-based telehealth-care applications
- Medical service handoff/switching among heterogeneous 5G networks (such as cellular/milliwave)
- Real-time medical data transmission in 5G networks
- 5G spectrum allocation and management for medical data QoS support
- Remote medical diagnosis and surgery via 5G networks

Authors can submit their manuscripts via the Manuscript Tracking System at http://mts.hindawi.com/submit/journals/ijta/iawt/.

Manuscript Due Friday, 19 August 2016
First Round of Reviews Friday, 11 November 2016
Publication Date Friday, 6 January 2017

Lead Guest Editor

Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Southeast University, Bangladesh and Islamic University in Madinah, Saudi Arabia

Guest Editors

Kashif Saleem, CoEIA, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Zubair M. Fadlullah, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan


Best Regards,
Kashif Saleem, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA)
King Saud University
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Workshop Chair - IEEE Healthcom2016


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[Caml-list] [TFP'16] call for participation


======== TFP 2016 ===========

17th Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming
June 8-10, 2016
University of Maryland, College Park
Near Washington, DC

The symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP) is an
international forum for researchers with interests in all aspects of
functional programming, taking a broad view of current and future
trends in the area. It aspires to be a lively environment for
presenting the latest research results, and other contributions (see
below). Authors of draft papers will be invited to submit revised
papers based on the feedback receive at the symposium. A
post-symposium refereeing process will then select a subset of these
articles for formal publication.

TFP 2016 will be the main event of a pair of functional programming
events. TFP 2016 will be accompanied by the International Workshop on
Trends in Functional Programming in Education (TFPIE), which will take
place on June 7nd.


TFP 2016 is pleased to announce keynote talks by the following two
invited speakers:

* Ronald Garcia, University of British Columbia: "Static and Dynamic
Type Checking: A Synopsis"

* Steve Zdancewic, University of Pennsylvania: "Type- and
Example-Driven Program Synthesis"


The TFP symposium is the heir of the successful series of Scottish
Functional Programming Workshops. Previous TFP symposia were held in
* Edinburgh (Scotland) in 2003;
* Munich (Germany) in 2004;
* Tallinn (Estonia) in 2005;
* Nottingham (UK) in 2006;
* New York (USA) in 2007;
* Nijmegen (The Netherlands) in 2008;
* Komarno (Slovakia) in 2009;
* Oklahoma (USA) in 2010;
* Madrid (Spain) in 2011;
* St. Andrews (UK) in 2012;
* Provo (Utah, USA) in 2013;
* Soesterberg (The Netherlands) in 2014;
* and Inria Sophia-Antipolis (France) in 2015.
For further general information about TFP please see the TFP homepage.

== SCOPE ==

The symposium recognizes that new trends may arise through various
routes. As part of the Symposium's focus on trends we therefore
identify the following five article categories. High-quality articles
are solicited in any of these categories:

Research Articles: leading-edge, previously unpublished research work
Position Articles: on what new trends should or should not be
Project Articles: descriptions of recently started new projects
Evaluation Articles: what lessons can be drawn from a finished project
Overview Articles: summarizing work with respect to a trendy subject

Articles must be original and not simultaneously submitted for
publication to any other forum. They may consider any aspect of
functional programming: theoretical, implementation-oriented, or
experience-oriented. Applications of functional programming
techniques to other languages are also within the scope of the

Topics suitable for the symposium include, but are not limited to:

Functional programming and multicore/manycore computing
Functional programming in the cloud
High performance functional computing
Extra-functional (behavioural) properties of functional programs
Dependently typed functional programming
Validation and verification of functional programs
Debugging and profiling for functional languages
Functional programming in different application areas:
security, mobility, telecommunications applications, embedded
systems, global computing, grids, etc.
Interoperability with imperative programming languages
Novel memory management techniques
Program analysis and transformation techniques
Empirical performance studies
Abstract/virtual machines and compilers for functional languages
(Embedded) domain specific languages
New implementation strategies
Any new emerging trend in the functional programming area

If you are in doubt on whether your article is within the scope of
TFP, please contact the TFP 2016 program chair, David Van Horn.


To reward excellent contributions, TFP awards a prize for the best paper
accepted for the formal proceedings.

TFP traditionally pays special attention to research students,
acknowledging that students are almost by definition part of new
subject trends. A student paper is one for which the authors state
that the paper is mainly the work of students, the students are listed
as first authors, and a student would present the paper. A prize for
the best student paper is awarded each year.

In both cases, it is the PC of TFP that awards the prize. In case the
best paper happens to be a student paper, that paper will then receive
both prizes.


TFP is financially supported by CyberPoint, Galois, Trail of Bits, and
the University of Maryland Computer Science Department.


Acceptance of articles for presentation at the symposium is based on a
lightweight peer review process of extended abstracts (4 to 10 pages
in length) or full papers (20 pages). The submission must clearly
indicate which category it belongs to: research, position, project,
evaluation, or overview paper. It should also indicate which authors
are research students, and whether the main author(s) are students. A
draft paper for which ALL authors are students will receive additional
feedback by one of the PC members shortly after the symposium has
taken place.

We use EasyChair for the refereeing process. Papers must be submitted at:


Papers must be written in English, and written using the LNCS
style. For more information about formatting please consult the
Springer LNCS web site:



Submission of draft papers: April 25, 2016
Notification: May 2, 2016
Registration: May 13, 2016
TFP Symposium: June 8-10, 2016
Student papers feedback: June 14, 2016
Submission for formal review: July 14, 2016
Notification of acceptance: September 14, 2016
Camera ready paper: October 14, 2016


Amal Ahmed Northeastern University (US)
Nada Amin École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
Kenichi Asai Ochanomizu University (JP)
Małgorzata Biernacka University of Wroclaw (PL)
Laura Castro University of A Coruña (ES)
Ravi Chugh University of Chicago (US)
Silvia Ghilezan University of Novi Sad (SR)
Clemens Grelck University of Amsterdam (NL)
John Hughes Chalmers University of Technology (SE)
Suresh Jagannathan Purdue University (US)
Pieter Koopman Radboud University Nijmegen (NL)
Geoffrey Mainland Drexel University (US)
Chris Martens University of California, Santa Cruz (US)
Jay McCarthy University of Massachusetts, Lowell (US)
Heather Miller École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (CH)
Manuel Serrano INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis (FR)
Scott Smith Johns Hopkins University (US)
Éric Tanter University of Chile (CL)
David Van Horn (Chair) University of Maryland (US)
Niki Vazou University of California, San Diego (US)
Stephanie Weirich University of Pennsylvania (US)

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