
[Caml-list] FSFMA 2013: call for participation

Call for participation

FSFMA 2013
1st French Singaporean Workshop in Formal Methods and Applications

15-16 July 2013, Singapore


The 1st French Singaporean Workshop in Formal Methods and Applications (FSFMA)
aims at sharing research interests and launching collaborations in the area of
formal methods and their applications.

The scientific subject of the workshop covers (but does not limit to) areas
such as formal specification, model checking, verification, program analysis
and transformation, software engineering, and applications in major areas of
computer science, including aeronautics and aerospace.

The workshop will bring together researchers and industry R&D experts from all
countries together to exchange their knowledge, discuss their research
and explore potential collaborations.

A PhD session will allow Master and PhD students to present their work.
Thanks to the support from the Merlion program, the workshop is happy
to offer a
travel grant to 2 PhD students.

Round tables will focus on French-Singaporean funding and cooperation

The workshop will take place on July 15th and 16th, 2013, in Singapore as a
satellite of ICECCS 2013.

Thanks to the support by the Merlion program of the French Institute
in Singapore,
there are no registration fees for FSFMA 2013.

However, registration is compulsory: if you plan to attend FSFMA,
please register here:

- Chin Wei Ngan (School of Computing, National University of Singapore)
- Laurent Fribourg (LSV, CNRS & ENS de Cachan, France)

- Christine Choppy (Universite Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cite, France)
- Jun Sun (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)

FSFMA 2013 will be located in the National University of Singapore, in Temasek
Laboratories, level 8.

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[Caml-list] Call for Papers IFL 2013


Please, find below the second call for papers for IFL 2013.
Please forward these to anyone you think may be interested.
Apologies for any duplicates you may receive.

best regards,
Jurriaan Hage
Publicity Chair of IFL



ACM In-Cooperation / ACM SIGPLAN

AUGUST 28 - 30 2013

"Landgoed Holthurnsche Hof"


We are proud to announce that the 25th edition of the IFL series returns to its roots at
the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands. The symposium is held from 28th
to 30th of August 2013.

The goal of the IFL symposia is to bring together researchers actively engaged in the
implementation and application of functional and function-based programming languages.
IFL 2013 will be a venue for researchers to present and discuss new ideas and concepts,
work in progress, and publication-ripe results related to the implementation and
application of functional languages and function-based programming.

Following the IFL tradition, IFL 2013 will use a post-symposium review process to
produce the formal proceedings which will be published in the ACM Digital Library. All
participants of IFL 2013 are invited to submit either a draft paper or an extended
abstract describing work to be presented at the symposium. At no time may work submitted
to IFL be simultaneously submitted to other venues; submissions must adhere to
ACM SIGPLAN's republication policy:


The submissions will be screened by the program committee chair to make sure they are
within the scope of IFL, and will appear in the draft proceedings distributed at the
symposium. Submissions appearing in the draft proceedings are not peer-reviewed
publications. Hence, publications that appear only in the draft proceedings do not
count as publication for the ACM SIGPLAN republication policy. After the symposium,
authors will be given the opportunity to incorporate the feedback from discussions at
the symposium and will be invited to submit a revised full article for the formal
review process. From the revised submissions, the program committee will select papers
for the formal proceedings considering their correctness, novelty, originality,
relevance, significance, and clarity.

Invited Speaker
Lennart Augustsson, currently employed by the Standard Chartered Bank, well-known for
his work on Haskell, parallel Haskell, Cayenne, and Bluespec, is the invited speaker of
IFL 2013. He will be talking about practical applications of functional programming.

Submission Details
Submission deadline draft papers: July 31
Notification of acceptance for presentation: August 2
Early registration deadline: August 7
Late registration deadline: August 14
Submission deadline for pre-symposium proceedings: August 21
25th IFL Symposium: August 28-30
Submission deadline for post-symposium proceedings: November 11
Notification of acceptance for post-symposium proceedings: December 18
Camera-ready version for post-symposium proceedings: February 3 2014

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit papers or extended abstracts to be
published in the draft proceedings and to present them at the symposium. All
contributions must be written in English. Papers must adhere to the standard ACM two
columns conference format. For the pre-symposium proceedings we adopt a 'weak' page limit
of 12 pages. For the post-symposium proceedings the page limit of 12 pages is firm. A
suitable document template for LaTeX can be found at:


Papers are to be submitted via the conference's EasyChair submission page:


IFL welcomes submissions describing practical and theoretical work as well as submissions
describing applications and tools in the context of functional programming. If you are
not sure whether your work is appropriate for IFL 2013, please contact the PC chair at
rinus@cs.ru.nl. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• language concepts
• type systems, type checking, type inferencing
• compilation techniques
• staged compilation
• run-time function specialization
• run-time code generation
• partial evaluation
• (abstract) interpretation
• metaprogramming
• generic programming
• automatic program generation
• array processing
• concurrent/parallel programming
• concurrent/parallel program execution
• embedded systems
• web applications
• (embedded) domain specific languages
• security
• novel memory management techniques
• run-time profiling performance measurements
• debugging and tracing
• virtual/abstract machine architectures
• validation, verification of functional programs
• tools and programming techniques
• (industrial) applications

Peter Landin Prize
The Peter Landin Prize is awarded to the best paper presented at the symposium every
year. The honoured article is selected by the program committee based on the submissions
received for the formal review process. The prize carries a cash award equivalent to
150 Euros.

Programme committee

• Thomas Arts, Quviq, Gothenburg, Sweden
• Andrew Butterfield, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
• Edwin Brady, University of St. Andrews, UK
• Clemens Grelck, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory, Budapest, Hungary
• Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford, UK
• Fritz Henglein, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
• Stephan Herhut, Intel Labs, Santa Clara, US
• Ralf Hinze (co-chair), University of Oxford, UK
• Zoltán Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
• Zhenjiang Hu, University of Tokyo, Japan
• Mauro Jaskelioff, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
• Johan Jeuring, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
• Rita Loogen, University of Marburg, Germany
• Marco T. Morazán, Seton Hall University, New Jersey, US
• Dominic Orchard, University of Cambridge, UK
• Rinus Plasmeijer (chair), Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
• Tim Sheard, Portland State University, US
• Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Northeastern University / Indiana University, US
• Peter Thiemann, University of Freiburg, Germany
• Simon Thompson, University of Kent, UK

The 25th IFL is organized by the Radboud University Nijmegen, Model Based Software
Development Department at the Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences.
The event is held in the Landgoed "Holthurnsche Hof", a rural estate in the woodlands
surrounding Nijmegen. It can be reached quickly and easily by public transport.

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[Caml-list] SCSS 2013 - Call for Participation

[Please post - apologies for multiple copies.]

Call for Participation
SCSS 2013
Symbolic Computation in Software Science
5th International Symposium

Castle of Hagenberg, Austria, July 5-6, 2013
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC)
Johannes Kepler University Linz


Early registration deadline: June 28

Invited Speakers
Bruno Buchberger (RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria)
Wei Li (Beihang University, China)
Joel Ouaknine (Oxford University, UK)

Accepted Papers

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[Caml-list] Call for Participation CICM 2013 8-12 July 2013, Registration deadline 23rd June 2013

CICM 2013 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
July 8-12, 2013 at University of Bath, Bath, UK


Call for participation

Registration deadline: 23 June 2013
Invited talks will be given by:

- Patrick Ion, Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical Society, USA
- Assia Mahboubi, École Polytechnique and INRIA/Microsoft Research
Joint Centre, France
- Ursula Martin, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

Co-Located Workshops:
- MathUI'13: Mathematical User Interfaces
- OpenMath Workshop 2013
- PLMMS'13: Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics Systems
- THedu'13: TP Components for Educational Software

The global programme of the conference, tracks, and workshops are
available via:


Accepted Papers:

- Pedro Quaresma, Vanda Santos and Seifeddine Bouallegue. The Web
Geometry Laboratory Project
- Russell Bradford, James H. Davenport, Matthew England and David
Wilson. Optimising Problem Formulation for Cylindrical Algebraic
- Matthew England, Russell Bradford, James H. Davenport and David
Wilson. Understanding branch cuts of expressions
- Christoph Lange, Colin Rowat and Manfred Kerber. The ForMaRE Project
- Formal Mathematical Reasoning in Economics
- Cezary Kaliszyk and Josef Urban. Automated Reasoning Service for HOL
Light Corpora
- Jónathan Heras and Ekaterina Komendantskaya. ML4PG: proof-mining in
- Jónathan Heras, Gadea Mata, Ana Romero, Julio Rubio and Rubén
Sáenz. Verifying a platform for digital imaging: a multi-tool
- Dmitry Chebukov, Alexandr Izaak, Olga Misurina, Yury Pupyrev and
Alexey Zhizhchenko. Math-Net.Ru as a Digital Archive of the Russian
Mathematical Knowledge
- Chau Do and Eric Pauwels. Using MathML to Represent Units of
Measurement for Improved Ontology Alignment
- Miguel A. Abanades and Francisco Botana. A dynamic symbolic geometry
environment for the computation of geometric loci and envelopes
- Shahab Kamali and Frank Tompa. Structural Similarity Search For
Mathematics Retrieval
- Rui Hu and Stephen Watt. Determining Points on Handwritten
Mathematical Symbols
- Rein Prank. Software for evaluating relevance of steps in algebraic
- Eno Tonisson. When Students Compare Their Own Answers with the
Answers of a Computer Algebra System
- Carst Tankink, Cezary Kaliszyk, Josef Urban and Herman
Geuvers. Formal Mathematics on Display: A Wiki for Flyspeck
- Michael Kohlhase, Felix Mance and Florian Rabe. A Universal Machine
for Biform Theory Graphs
- Florian Rabe. The MMT API: A Generic MKM System
- William Farmer. The Formalization of Syntax-Based Mathematical
Algorithms Using Quotation and Evaluation
- Paul Libbrecht. Escaping the Trap of too Precise Topic Queries
- Bruno Barras, Hugo Herbelin, Lourdes Del Carmen González Huesca,
Yann Régis-Gianas, Enrico Tassi, Makarius Wenzel and Burkhart
Wolff. Pervasive Parallelism in Highly-Trustable Interactive Theorem
Proving Systems
- Christoph Lange, Marco Caminati, Manfred Kerber, Till Mossakowski,
Colin Rowat, Makarius Wenzel and Wolfgang Windsteiger. A Qualitative
Comparison of the Suitability of Four Theorem Provers for Basic
Auction Theory
- Deyan Ginev and Bruce Miller. LaTeXML 2012 - A Year of LaTeXML
- Xavier Allamigeon, Stéphane Gaubert, Victor Magron and Benjamin
Werner. Certification of Bounds of Non-linear Functions: the
Templates Method
- Bruce Miller. 3 Years of DLMF on the Web; Math & Search
- Minh-Quoc Nghiem, Giovanni Yoko Kristianto, Goran Topic and Akiko
Aizawa. A hybrid approach for semantic enrichment of MathML
mathematical expressions
- Steven Obua, Mark Adams and David Aspinall. Capturing Hiproofs in
HOL Light
- Ulf Schöneberg and Wolfram Sperber. Text analysis in mathematics -
the DeLiVerMATH project
- Sebastian Bönisch, Michael Brickenstein, Hagen Chrapary, Gert-Martin
Greuel and Wolfram Sperber. swMATH - a new service for mathematics
- Christoph Lüth and Martin Ring. A Web Interface for Isabelle: The
Next Generation
- Michal Růžička, Petr Sojka and Vlastimil Krejčíř. Towards
Machine-Actionable Modules of a Digital Mathematics Library

Registration is online via


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Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs


[Caml-list] CICM 2013: Final Call for Work in Progress Papers, Deadline June 7th, 2013

CICM 2013 - Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
July 8-12, 2013 at University of Bath, Bath, UK


Final Call for Work-in-Progress Papers

* Final call for Work-In-Progress Papers on any CICM topic
* Submissions 5-10 pages, for poster/talk presentations
* Deadline 7th June, notification 20th June

* Invited Talks by
Patrick Ion (Mathematical Reviews, American Mathematical
Society, USA)
Assia Mahboubi (École Polytechnique and INRIA/Microsoft
Research Joint Centre, France)
Ursula Martin (Queen Mary, University of London, UK)
* Accepted regular papers are online on the website
* Co-Located Workshops:
- MathUI'13: Mathematical User Interfaces
- OpenMath Workshop 2013
- PLMMS'13: Programming Languages for Mechanized Mathematics Systems
- THedu'13: TP Components for Educational Software

As computers and communications technology advance, greater
opportunities arise for intelligent mathematical computation. While
computer algebra, automated deduction, mathematical publishing and
novel user interfaces individually have long and successful histories,
we are now seeing increasing opportunities for synergy among these
areas. The Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics offers a
venue for discussing these areas and their synergy.

The conference will take place at the University of Bath
(www.bath.ac.uk), with James Davenport as the local organiser. It
consists of four tracks:

Chair: Wolfgang Windsteiger
Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML)
Chair: Petr Sojka
Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM)
Chair: David Aspinall
Systems and Projects
Chair: Christoph Lange

As in previous years, there will be a Doctoral Programme for
presentations by Doctoral students.

The overall programme is organised by the General Program Chair
Jacques Carette.

Important dates

WiP paper submission deadline : 7 June 2013
WiP paper Notification of acceptance : 20 June 2013
WiP Camera ready copies due : 5 July 2013
Conference : 8-12 July 2013



Calculemus 2013 invites the submission of original research
contributions to be considered for publication and presentation at the
conference. Calculemus is a series of conferences dedicated to the
integration of computer algebra systems (CAS) and systems for
mechanised reasoning like interactive proof assistants (PA) or
automated theorem provers (ATP). Currently, symbolic computation is
divided into several (more or less) independent branches: traditional
ones (e.g., computer algebra and mechanised reasoning) as well as
newly emerging ones (on user interfaces, knowledge management, theory
exploration, etc.) The main concern of the Calculemus community is to
bring these developments together in order to facilitate the theory,
design, and implementation of integrated mathematical assistant
systems that will be used routinely by mathematicians, computer
scientists and all others who need computer-supported mathematics in
their every day business.

All topics in the intersection of computer algebra systems and
automated reasoning systems are of interest for Calculemus. These
include but are not limited to:

* Automated theorem proving in computer algebra systems.
* Computer algebra in theorem proving systems.
* Adding reasoning capabilities to computer algebra systems.
* Adding computational capabilities to theorem proving systems.
* Theory, design and implementation of interdisciplinary systems for
computer mathematics.
* Case studies and applications that involve a mix of computation and
* Case studies in formalization of mathematical theories.
* Representation of mathematics in computer algebra systems.
* Theory exploration techniques.
* Combining methods of symbolic computation and formal deduction.
* Input languages, programming languages, types and constraint languages,
and modeling languages for mathematical assistant systems.
* Homotopy type theory.
* Infrastructure for mathematical services.


Mathematicians dream of a digital archive containing all peer-reviewed
mathematical literature ever published, properly linked, validated and
verified. It is estimated that the entire corpus of mathematical
knowledge published over the centuries does not exceed 100,000,000
pages, an amount easily manageable by current information

Track objective is to provide a forum for development of math-aware
technologies, standards, algorithms and formats towards fulfillment of
the dream of global digital mathematical library (DML). Computer
scientists (D) and librarians of digital age (L) are especially
welcome to join mathematicians (M) and discuss many aspects of DML

Track topics are all topics of mathematical knowledge management and
digital libraries applicable in the context of DML building --
processing of math knowledge expressed in scientific papers in natural
languages, namely:

* Math-aware text mining (math mining) and MSC classification
* Math-aware representations of mathematical knowledge
* Math-aware computational linguistics and corpora
* Math-aware tools for [meta]data and fulltext processing
* Math-aware OCR and document analysis
* Math-aware information retrieval
* Math-aware indexing and search
* Authoring languages and tools
* MathML, OpenMath, TeX and other mathematical content standards
* Web interfaces for DML content
* Mathematics on the web, math crawling and indexing
* Math-aware document processing workflows
* Archives of written mathematics
* DML management, business models
* DML rights handling, funding, sustainability
* DML content acquisition, validation and curation


Mathematical Knowledge Management is an interdisciplinary field of
research in the intersection of mathematics, computer science, library
science, and scientific publishing. The objective of MKM is to develop
new and better ways of managing sophisticated mathematical knowledge,
based on innovative technology of computer science, the Internet, and
intelligent knowledge processing. MKM is expected to serve
mathematicians, scientists, and engineers who produce and use
mathematical knowledge; educators and students who teach and learn
mathematics; publishers who offer mathematical textbooks and
disseminate new mathematical results; and librarians and
mathematicians who catalog and organize mathematical knowledge.

The conference is concerned with all aspects of mathematical knowledge
management. A non-exclusive list of important topics includes:

* Representations of mathematical knowledge
* Authoring languages and tools
* Repositories of formalized mathematics
* Deduction systems
* Mathematical digital libraries
* Diagrammatic representations
* Mathematical OCR
* Mathematical search and retrieval
* Math assistants, tutoring and assessment systems
* MathML, OpenMath, and other mathematical content standards
* Web presentation of mathematics
* Data mining, discovery, theory exploration
* Computer algebra systems
* Collaboration tools for mathematics
* Challenges and solutions for mathematical workflows

Systems and Projects

The Systems and Projects track of the Conferences on Intelligent
Computer Mathematics is a forum for presenting available systems and
new and ongoing projects in all areas and topics related to the CICM

* Deduction and Computer Algebra (Calculemus)
* Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML)
* Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM)
* Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (AISC)

The track aims to provide an overview of the latest developments and
trends within the CICM community as well as to exchange ideas between
developers and introduce systems to an audience of potential users.

Submission Instructions

Work-in-progress submissions are intended to provide a forum for the
presentation of original work that is not (yet) in a suitable form for
submission as a full or system description paper. This includes work
in progress and emerging trends. Their size is not limited, but we
recommend 5-10 pages.

Accepted work-in-progress papers will be presented at the conference
as short teaser talks and as posters. The work-in-progress
proceedings will be published online with CEUR-WS.org.

WiP papers should be prepared in LaTeX and formatted according to the
requirements of Springer's LNCS series (the corresponding style files
can be downloaded from
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). By submitting a paper
the authors agree that if it is accepted at least one of the authors
will attend the conference to present it.

Electronic submission is done through easychair

Programme Committee

Akiko Aizawa, NII, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Jesse Alama, CENTRIA, FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Rob Arthan, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Andrea Asperti, University of Bologna, Italy
David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh, UK
Jeremy Avigad, Carnegie Mellon University, US
Thierry Bouche, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), France
Jacques Carette, McMaster University, Canada
John Charnley, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
Janka Chlebíková, School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, UK
Simon Colton, Department of Computing, Imperial College, London, UK
Leo Freitas, Newcastle University, UK
Deyan Ginev, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Gudmund Grov, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Thomas Hales, University of Pittsburgh, US
Yannis Haralambous, Télécom Bretagne, France
Jónathan Heras, University of Dundee, UK
Hoon Hong, North Carolina State University, US
Predrag Janičić, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Manfred Kerber, University of Birmingham, UK
Adam Kilgarriff, Lexical Computing Ltd, UK
Andrea Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Michael Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Temur Kutsia, RISC Institute, JKU Linz, Austria
Christoph Lange, University of Birmingham, UK
Paul Libbrecht, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Christoph Lüth, DFKI Bremen, Germany
Till Mossakowski, DFKI Bremen, Germany
Magnus O. Myreen, University of Cambridge, UK
Florian Rabe, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
Jiří Rákosník, Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Carsten Schuermann, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Petr Sojka, Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Czech Republic
Hendrik Tews, TU Dresden, Germany
Frank Tompa, University of Waterloo, Canada
Josef Urban, Radboud University, Netherlands
Stephen Watt, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Makarius Wenzel, Université Paris-Sud 11, France
Wolfgang Windsteiger, RISC Institute, JKU Linz, Austria
Richard Zanibbi, Rochester Institute of Technology, US


Dr. Serge Autexier, serge.autexier@dfki.de, http://www.dfki.de/~serge/
Research Department Cyber-Physical Systems
MZH, Room 3120 Phone: +49 421 218 59834
Bibliothekstr.1, D-28359 Bremen Fax: +49 421 218 98 59834
Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz GmbH
principal office, *not* the address for mail etc.!!!:
Trippstadter Str. 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern
management board: Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster (chair), Dr. Walter Olthoff
supervisory board: Prof. Hans A. Aukes (chair)
Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management and archives:
Beginner's list: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ocaml_beginners
Bug reports: http://caml.inria.fr/bin/caml-bugs

[Caml-list] APLAS 2013 second call for papers

APLAS 2013
11th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems

9-11 December 2013
Melbourne, Australia (colocated with CPP 2013)



APLAS aims to stimulate programming language research by providing a
forum for the presentation of latest results and the exchange of ideas
in programming languages and systems. APLAS is based in Asia, but is
an international forum that serves the worldwide programming language

APLAS is sponsored by the Asian Association for Foundation of Software
(AAFS) founded by Asian researchers in cooperation with many researchers
from Europe and the USA. Past APLAS symposiums were successfully held
in Kyoto ('12), Kenting ('11), Shanghai ('10), Seoul ('09), Bangalore
('08), Singapore ('07), Sydney ('06), Tsukuba ('05), Taipei ('04) and
Beijing ('03) after three informal workshops. Proceedings of the past
symposiums were published in Springer's LNCS.


The symposium is devoted to foundational and practical issues in
programming languages and systems. Papers are solicited on topics such
* semantics, logics, foundational theory;
* design of languages, type systems and foundational calculi;
* domain-specific languages;
* compilers, interpreters, abstract machines;
* program derivation, synthesis and transformation;
* program analysis, verification, model-checking;
* logic, constraint, probabilistic and quantum programming;
* software security;
* concurrency and parallelism;
* tools and environments for programming and implementation.

Topics are not limited to those discussed in previous symposiums.
Papers identifying future directions of programming and those
addressing the rapid changes of the underlying computing platforms
are especially welcome. Demonstration of systems and tools in the
scope of APLAS are welcome to the System and Tool presentations
category. Authors concerned about the appropriateness of a topic
are welcome to consult with program chair prior to submission.


We solicit submissions in two categories:

*Regular research papers* describing original scientific research
results, including tool development and case studies. Regular
research papers should not exceed 16 pages in the Springer LNCS
format, including bibliography and figures. They should clearly
identify what has been accomplished and why it is significant.
Submissions will be judged on the basis of significance, relevance,
correctness, originality, and clarity. In case of lack of space,
proofs, experimental results, or any information supporting the
technical results of the paper could be provided as an appendix or a
link to a web page, but reviewers are not obliged to read them.

*System and Tool presentations* describing systems or tools that support
theory, program construction, reasoning, or program execution in the
scope of APLAS. System and Tool presentations are expected to be
centered around a demonstration. The paper and the demonstration
should identify the novelties of the tools and use motivating
examples. System and Tool papers should not exceed 8 pages in the
Springer LNCS format, including bibliography and figures. Submissions
will be judged based on both the papers and the described systems or
tools. It is highly desirable that the tools are available on the

Papers should be submitted electronically via the submission web page:

Acceptable formats are PostScript or PDF. Submitted papers must be
unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must
be written in English. The proceedings will be published as a volume
in Springer's LNCS series. Accepted papers must be presented at the
conference. (While the general chair and the program chair cannot
submit papers, other members of the program committee can.)


Abstract due: 10 June 2013 (Monday), 23:59 UTC
Submission due: 14 June 2013 (Friday), 23:59 UTC
Notification: 26 August 2013 (Monday)
Final paper due: 19 September 2013 (Thursday)
Conference: 9-11 December 2013 (Monday-Wednesday)


General chair:
Peter Schachte (University of Melbourne)
Program chair:
Chung-chieh Shan (Indiana University)
Program committee:
Filippo Bonchi (CNRS, ENS-Lyon, France)
Yu-Fang Chen (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
Shigeru Chiba (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Jacques Garrigue (Nagoya University, Japan)
Robert Glück (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
R. Govindarajan (Indian Institute of Science, India)
Kazuhiro Inaba (Google, Inc., Japan)
Jie-Hong Roland Jiang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Shin-ya Katsumata (Kyoto University, Japan)
Gabriele Keller (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Ana Milanova (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Keisuke Nakano (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Hakjoo Oh (Seoul National University, Korea)
Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
Kaushik Rajan (Microsoft Research, India)
Max Schäfer (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Ulrich Schöpp (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany)
Paula Severi (University of Leicester, UK)
Gang Tan (Lehigh University, USA)
Hiroshi Unno (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Meng Wang (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Jingling Xue (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Mingsheng Ying (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
Kenny Q. Zhu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)


http://aplas2013.soic.indiana.edu/ aplas2013@easychair.org