
[Caml-list] CMS Winter 2007 Meeting: Computer Algebra Session

C A L L for P A R T I C I P A T I O N

Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra

CMS Winter Meeting, London Ontario

December 8-10, 2007

The Canadian Mathematical Society Winter 2007 Meeting will be held Dec 8-10
in London, Ontario. This is a scientifically rich meeting with seven plenary
speakers, seventeen scientific sessions and student workshops.

Within the meeting is a computer algebra stream, comprising a conference
plenary talk

E. Kaltofen: "Expressing a Fraction of Two Determinants as a Determinant"

and a scientific session with 15 speakers:

"Algorithmic Challenges in Polynomial and Linear Algebra"

For more information about the CMS meeting, please see the CMS Meeting website


The abstracts of the computer algebra session may be found at:


Sunday December 9

Part 1.

8:30 W. Eberly,
"On the Reliability of Block Wiedemann and Lanczos Algorithms --
Another Piece of the Puzzle"

9:00 G. Labahn,
"Conditioning of the Generalized Hankel Eigenvalue Problem"

9:30 A. Storjohann,
"Faster algorithms for the Frobenius canonical form"

Part 2.

10:30 J. Carette,
"Algorithm families, or how to write less code that does more"

11:00 W. Farmer,
"Formalizing the Context in Computational Mathematics"

Part 3.

16:00 M. Jacobson,
"Computing the Regulator of a Real Quadratic Field"

16:30 J. Borwein,
"Computationally discovered and proved generating functions"

Monday December 10

Part 4.

8:30 I. Kotsireas,
"Systems of Polynomial Equations in Combinatorial Design Theory"

9:00 Songxin Liang,
"A New Maple Package for Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems"

9:30 E. Schost,
"Conversion algorithms for orthogonal polynomials"

Part 5.

10:30 M. Moreno Maza,
"Triangular decomposition of polynomial systems:
from practice to high performance"

11:00 Yuzhen Xie,
"Solving Polynomial Systems Symbolically and in Parallel"

Plenary Talk.

15:00 E. Kaltofen,
"Expressing a Fraction of Two Determinants as a Determinant"

Part 6.

16:00 Carlos Beltran,
"On the complexity of approximating solutions of
systems of polynomial equations"

16:30 Mark Giesbrecht,
"New Algorithms for Lacunary Polynomials"

17:00 John May,
"A Symbolic-Numeric Approach to Computing Inertia
of Products of Matrices of Rational Numbers"

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